✨anxiety challenge✨

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hello queens !

today's chapter is about a 21 day anxiety challenge.feel free to try it out even if you're not an anxious person, it's relaxing and stress relieving anyway but i thought it would be helpful those who are 

without further ado, let's start 

day 1 : fill in a coloring book 

you could also color online, using an app or a website if you don't have a coloring book 

day 2 : try breathing exercises (you can find many online, on Pinterest or YouTube, but i could also write a chapter about it. tell me if you're interested in the comments)

day 3 : listen to mood boosting music, calm music, any music you like, unless it makes you feel sad, demotivated, nostalgic, etc 

day 4 : meditate (you can also find meditating videos or tips online)

day 5 : eat healthy. food impacts your physical & mental health

day 6 : go for a walk/run

day 7 : say positive affirmations to yourself and repeat them until you're convinced 

side note : if you have low self confidence, i suggest you do this everyday, it's a simple but effective technique 

day 8 : let it all come out. rant to a friend/family member who's ready to listen to you and who you trust, and evacuate all your emotions and everything you've been bottling up . if you can't do this with someone or prefer not to, you could always record yourself and act as if you're talking to someone 

day 9 : write in a journal 

note : i know you've heard this a thousand times, and might not believe in it, but trust me, it's super important. i also used to think that journaling wasn't that great of a technique, that it was overrated, and that i didn't have time/patience for it. but one day i tried it, and it was really revolutionary. writing down your day, thoughts, emotions, such as fear, anger, frustrating removed such a weight off your shoulders and makes you feel calmer and serene. it also just takes a couple of minutes. so go on, and try it out !

day 10 : do a puzzle 

day 11 : reduce caffeine and drink a lot of water instead

day 12 : dance. dancing is a great what to evacuate stress. you could blast any energetic song that makes you feel like you want to do some moves, and dance like nobody is watching in your room 

day 13 : use a stress ball 

note : if you see that technique works with your, try carrying a small one around you, it could always be useful

day 14 : take a hot bath. you could also use bath bombs, essential oils, all types of things from that kind 

day 15 : laugh/smile. it really helps, and makes you feel happy. you could watch a funny video, look at memes, anything that makes you feel happy and joyful

day 16 : work on an art project. it could be anything, a drawing, a painting. you don't have to make art like Picasso. i personally don't describe myself as talented in art.but that does not mean that i cannot create art. each person has their own style, and what's important is to have fun and express yourself 

day 17 : try out yoga / or a different sport 

day 18 : focus on sleep, have a healthy bedtime and rest 

day 19 : spend 20 minutes listening to nature sounds 

day 20 : declutter your house/room

day 21 : take a social media detox 

that's all ! i hope this challenge will make a change in your life 

keep your head high 

~rasha ✨

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