Kindness Challenge 💖

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Hey queens ! I hope you're all doing well

Spreading positivity and being kind towards one another is very important. Random acts of kindness  just take a few seconds of your time but can completely change someone's day. Little, simple, actions of can have a huge impact, that's why I decided on posting a 30 days kindness challenge for this week !

1) Compliment a friend or someone you don't often talk to

2) Do one small good deed (open the door for somebody, help someone carry their stuff, pick up something someone dropped and return it to them, tip generously, share your umbrella when it's raining...)

3) Leave a comment on a blog post/ a wattpad story/ etc. to encourage the writer !

4) Donate an item to someone in need or donate money to your favorite charity
(You can donate blood, hair, pieces of clothing, old books, school supplied, anything !)

5) Write thank you notes (to your teachers, friends, family members, colleagues...)

6) Do a favor without asking for anything in return (walk your neighbor's dog, babysit for a friend, do chores, etc.)

7) Call or write to someone special, and let them know what are things you admire about them

8) Forgive someone

9) Buy something for someone (water, coffee, a donut, anything you'd like!)

10) Bake something for an elderly neighbor or offer to help them clean their house for example

11) Talk to someone you have never talked to before (for example, the person that's new to the school/that's often alone, etc)

12) Leave motivating and inspiring notes on people's cars, bus seats, classrooms etc

13) Spend time with your grandparents/other members of your family

14) Give up your seat in the bus for another person

15) Lend a friend your favorite book or movie

16) Make a meal or a drink for someone

17) Write a letter or visit sick children, the elderly, at the hospital

18) Pick up a trash piece on the road or recycle something

19) Pay for another student's meal/ For the person after you at a drive-thru or supermarket/Leave money in the vending machine...

20) Make someone something of your own, it could be a drawing, a small blanket, a song, it really depends on your hobby

21) Teach someone something new or read to a child

22) Use your social media accounts to share inspiring posts and raise awareness

23) Apologize to someone you know you should

24) Bring snacks to work/school to share

25) Let someone rant to you, and listen to them

26) Be kind online and show someone you care

27) Buy extra food when you are out to feed the homeless

28) Wish 3 people to have a nice day, and mean it

29) Check up on someone you haven't talked to in a while, or childhood friends

30) Be kind to yourself too

I hope you liked this concept ! You don't have to do these 30 acts in order, or even do them all. You can just pick a few ideas you liked and try doing good in your own way ! Remember to be kind to everyone, you never know what someone is going through, so show the people around you you're here for them be and stand up for others. If you have other acts of kindness in mind, please feel free to share them in the comments ! 


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