valentine's week challenge for all my single kweens

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Hi, Sam here!

The Valentine's week is here. However, it's not all roses and sunshine for everyone. For those who are single and/or have recently broken up, it's tough to deal with the blues. Just because we do not have a partner right now, it doesn't mean we don't deserve to be loved or we don't have people to love already. Worry not, girls, because I am here to make you feel loved all the wayyyyy around!

Here are a couple of things YOU should totally try out.

1. Express your gratitude to your family/friends. We are so obsessed with the idea of having a boyfriend and doing mushy things all day long that we forget the gems around us. Show them that you love them, remind yourself that they are here for you always and that you must acknowledge and appreciate them.

2. Go on a solo date. Solo dates are the BEST! Go for your favourite movie, book an appointment at your local spa, go to your favourite spot in the city, bake yourself a cake, binge watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S. The list goes onnnnn.

3. Girls ONLY partyyy! This is the best time to call up your girlfriends and have a party. It could be full blown party with dance and drinks or it could be a quiet little sleepover with your best friends. Enjoy yourself and remind yourself that you are enough.

4. Journal, meditate, relax. We all hold onto bitterness after a failed relationship in some ways or the other. Let those toxic thoughts out. Talk to yourself, recognise the patterns, forgive yourself and be ready for a fresh start.

I hope this was useful! Wishing you lots of love and happiness!!

If you wanna ask anything or have anything to share with me, tag @smiling_soul and lemme know <3

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