𝖃𝕺(if Only You Say Yes)

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𝕬nd so I woke up the next morning feeling extremely well rested. Even if this room isn't my style yet and this bed with the weird roses craved into the wood is really anything but my style, it does its job. As I heard footsteps in front of my door I assumed that the others were also up already as my room neighbor was Jasper and the footsteps came from that direction. At least we all wake up early, I thought as I checked the time on my phone as always I woke up at five. I sigh and stood up taking my hair out of the braid I put it in the past night to not damage them even more. Then I made my way to the bathroom that was luckily on the same floor and took a quick shower. That all having been done I got back to my room to do my skin care and a little morning stretch just to get downstairs and making use of the coffee machine. "morning." I nearly got a heart attack as suddenly Jasper was sitting at the table in the kitchen, I seemingly hadn't noticed him sitting there. "Morning, how long have you been awake already? You look fairly well put together for it being six a clock." he shrugged and just responded "a little longer than you." as I sat down two seats beside him keeping a little distance not really in the mood to talk with the introverted boy. "Morning! No breakfast?" Emmett asked as he entered the kitchen too "I'm not much of a breakfast type and there is nothing in the fridge. Carlisle told me we would go grocery shopping and other stuff today." Emmett who was obviously an extrovert sat down right beside me as I drank my coffee started asking me stuff and Jasper just sat there looking at me, rather staring to be honest."so you're German and Chinese, but what are you really?" I looked at him confused "if you mean where I was before I came here, I was in Germany and grew up there." he nodded "how old are you aigan?" "I'm fifteen, my birthday is the first of May." he looked a little surprised "would've thought you'd be older, like seventeen or something." I shrugged "well I am not but thanks or whatever. I suppose it's not that bad of a thing considering I'll be in Jaspers year." Emmett looked confused and Jasper looked more interested "why that?" he asked breaking his silence. "well I went to a German school, the stuff you guys do in year 12 I the same I did in year 10, wouldn't make sense for me to do every single thing a second time." I got an understanding nodded from both and the nice silence enters aigan.

I love shopping, but I love it even more with that amount of money. Esme and I were currently in a nice decor shop and wanted to go shopping clothes after that as I couldn't bring all my stuff to America. "no I think you should get the baby blue one." she said to me as we looked at the desk organizers. "but white fits the desk so well." I replied but she didn't seem happy with that. "but all white is so boring." I sigh "well then let's get the white organizers and the pastel pink heart mirror. If you want some color it's going to be pink or nothing." she seems happy with that ad put the two things into the shopping cart. "I'd say we are done now." I said as I looked at the full shopping cart "after all I still got some of my own stuff." Esme nodded "yeah, I also wanted to be home before the clouds clear. It's going to be way too hot for a shopping tour." This confused me. Too hot? When I checked my weather app told me it would be 24 degrees and sunshine, not hot but a perfect weather for a little shopping trip. I just supposed that the people of forks aren't used to any sunshine or warm weather so I just drove back with Esme after finding absolutely no nice clothes in those old fashioned stores of this little town. So we just went back home after a short stop at the local supermarket. Esme told me that I was free to go and that she would stock up the fridge. I just wanted to go up to my room when Edward stopped me in my tracks."Yien, can you come here for a moment." he patted the spot beside him and I sat down on the couch "what do you want?" I asked and Jasper, Emmett and Alice where sitting there too. At least Alice and Emmett were, Jasper as always kept his distance and stood behind the couch. "so tomorrow is your first day in school, we will drive you there as we always usually get to school together. Rosalie isn't there anyway so we won't need to drive with two cars." Edward said, I raised an eyebrow. "where is Rosalie?" Alice smiled. "she needed a little time for herself, she is at some relatives for the next two weeks." I didn't think anything else of it and made my way back to my room instead.

The next morning was like any other to be honest. My bag was packed already and my outfit was already draped over my chair. After my usual morning routine consistent of skincare and a little Pilates I put on a back diesel crop top and some blue flared jeans paired with black YSL heels. A little classy and boring but who cares. I got my makeup done wich mostly took most of my time as douyin makeup was difficult and finally got downstairs to get something for breakfast. Natural yoghurt with strawberries and a few cochlate cornflakes. "are you sure that is enough?" Alice asked and I shrugged "I'm just not the breakfast type of person." I don't know why they keep asking, they don't eat breakfast or dinner themselves and I wasn't there yet to the time they usually eat lunch since I was shopping. Doesn't seem like much too. But my thoughts were cut off by Edward whose blonde hair was styled this time, it didn't look bad, not at all. Edward smiled suddenly, it was this half smile I haven't seen on him yet but it nearly looked like he got a compliment or something, his reactions surely did fit to my thoughts too much and I already noticed it the past two days. Maybe I should reconsider the theory of him being a mind reader "get your bags I'll be driving in ten minutes." he simply said and I walked to the living room that I had left my bag at when I walked downstairs. "much fun in school" Esme, who was sitting on the couch, told me and I walked to the garage to get into Edward Cullens silver Volvo. This will be an interesting day for sure.

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