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"Never lose someone who touches your soul more than your body."ย 

( - Via )

Amelia looked at the dress that was hung on a hanger in front of her. She examined its details for a few minutes, completely distracted by the storm of thoughts that rolled in her head. She convinced herself that the dream she had must have been a result of her restlessness and discomfort by the thought of her brother's absence and the plan that her siblings created, which could go wrong so easily.

She was frustrated that she can't and maybe will never be able to have peace for the long term, not as long as she's a Mikaelson. But after all, it's her family and she made a vow, and if there's something Amelia learned from her twin brother is to be a woman of her word.

"Nice dress." The two thick arms that wrapped around her waist made her jump and her breath caught in her throat. "I bet you'll look gorgeous in it."

A breathy, weak chuckle escaped from her mouth and she gulped heavily. When she remained silent and didn't move, he furrowed his brows and laid his chin on her shoulder. "What's going on?"

"Nothing. Why?" She hurried to force a smile and look to her side, at him.

"Don't lie to me. Something's wrong." He said and her face fell. "Spill it."

"I do not know what you're talking about." She shook her head and released herself from his hold as she walked to her vanity, avoiding eye contact.

He huffed. "Don't make me look stupid."

She looked up at him through the mirror and sighed. "I am just a little tired, that's all."

"Why? You didn't sleep well?" He furrowed his eyes and asked.

"Not really." She admitted and turned around, bringing a smile. "But I am fine."

He cocked a brow skeptical and she walked toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck. She examined at his mesmerizing ice-blue eyes, his flawless skin, and his appealing lips. He furrowed his eyes in question and she smiled playfully.

"What?" He asked in confusion.

"I am just really glad you are here with me." She bit her lips in an attempt to prevent her smile from widening. "I do not know how I would have gone through this without you."

"You did that a thousand times already. You would have handled it just fine." He returned with a soft smile, raising one hand to tuck a strand of hair from her face to behind her ear.

She shook her head before lifting herself on her tiptoes to place a lingering kiss upon his lips. His arms tightened their grip on her waist as they wrapped around it and pulled her closer to him, as she started to pull his hair gently.

They pulled away for a moment before diving into another kiss, way more passionate and intense this time. On the spur of the moment, Damon's hands moved to hold her thighs and raised her, causing her legs to wrap around his waist. He sat her on the vanity and kissed her jawline as the act made her giggle quietly.

His kisses moved from her jawline to her neck and then up again as he crashed his lips on hers lovingly. When she felt things starting to heat up too much, she pulled away slightly.

"We need to get ready." She stifled a laugh and cupped his face in her palm.

"Can't we skip it and, you know do something more.. Fun?" He asked as he breathed in and out rapidly with a devilish smirk.

"We cannot. You know it is an important event." She tilted her head and reminded with.

He rolled his eyes in annoyance and took a step backward. "Right. Your brother's master plan to distract Marcel from the locator spell that Louisa's gonna do to find Davina."

She hummed and nodded in confirmation and he furrowed his brows in question. "By the way, who is this Louisa?"

"She was one of my greatest friends back in the 18th century." Amelia started to tell as she jumped from the vanity to the floor and walked toward her dress, "When my family and myself arrived at New Orleans, I had a need for a witch and I heard of one mighty witch that was kind enough to assist people who need help with the power of magic. We had wonderful chemistry and she was one of the few people that didn't fear from me, or that I didn't wish to kill."

He chuckled and shook his head as he leaned himself on the dresser and looked at her taking the dress out of its hanger. "Such a healthy relationship."

"Trust me, it was one of my most nontoxic relationships back then." She sent him a smile and said.

He remained silent for a long moment before he spoke. "Tell me."

"Hmm?" She asked without looking up at him from her dress.

"Tell me about your past. Here, in New Orleans, and with your family."

Amelia's eyes shifted to look at him instantly as her body stiffened and her heart skipped a beat. Eventually, she managed to gulp heavily and shook her head. "You do not wish to hear of my past."

"Stop treating me like I'm a child, Amelia. I've heard, I've seen, and I've done bad things myself and there's nothing you'd tell me that could make me love you any less." He scolded offended.

"Damon.." She mumbled and sighed in defeat. "Fine. I promise I'll be open with you."

He grinned in satisfaction and she looked at him with a raised brow. She shook her head and laughed at his smile before she settled her dress on the bed and approached him, intending to kiss him again, only that he clicked his tongue and held his hand up to stop her.

"We need to get ready, aren't we?" He teased, and she pushed his hand away to get closer to him. Only that he took another step backward.

"Uh-uh. We'll be late." He shook his head and whispered as he started to make his way to the door.

"Fine! Your loss!" Amelia called after him and turned around, realizing he was already gone.

An uncontrollable smile formed on her lips as she sat down on the bed and listened to her rapid heartbeat. Who would have thought a person could be so in love?


Rebekah and Klaus entered the party arm in arm, just like Damon and Amelia, who followed close behind, taking in the dark, wild atmosphere. Klaus wore a black suit with a black dress shirt and tie while Damon wore a simple flattering black suit.

Rebekah was dressed in a black peplum cocktail dress and a hairpiece with black feathers and beads, as Amelia wore a similar outfit of a black glittered gown, a black diamonds of her neckless gracing her neckline and her hair tied up and curled just like Rebekah's.

Acrobats performed, dancers handled exotic animals, and confetti falls glittering upon the party guests.

"Well, this certainly is a fitting backdrop for tonight's events, I must say," Klaus smirked and said as the four of them stopped and examined the place.

Amelia's eyebrows furrowed as she pouted in discomfort, and Damon chuckled at her expression. "Can you at least try and pretend to be.. Less suffers?"

She turned her head to look at him and faked a wide smile. "I could, but then I'd be lying and I really am trying to be a better person lately."

He rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around her hips to try and ease her impatience. Amelia found this event too fancy to her liking, and just in general, ever since she found out Elijah's daggered and out there somewhere, she was anxious and angry and she couldn't think about anything else but that.

Well, almost anything, since last night's dream bothered her.

Rebekah and Klaus were the first to spot Cami as she entered the party, wearing white angel's wings and a vintage white beaded dress. Rebekah looked pleased, Klaus' smile fell, and both Damon and Amelia looked at them in confusion for who's this girl.

"What's she doing here?" Klaus muttered bitterly to his younger sister.

"Excuse me for interrupting but I was just wondering, who is this woman, precisely?" Amelia took a step closer to her siblings.

"Given your refusal to distract Marcel, I found another solution. It appears our dear Marcel has developed some sort of affection to a very human girl and what better way to distract Marcel than to put her in a room chock full of vampires?"

seems very unhappy with this decision on Rebekah's part, Klaus watched as his younger sister crossed the courtyard to greet the human girl.

The brunette girl looked at her brother's expression and at her sister's actions dissatisfied and impatient. She then shifted her gaze to her boyfriend, who furrowed his brows as Rebekah and the blonde human before he looked down at her.

She nodded slightly, as if reading his thoughts, and then at Klaus. "You should go."

The blue-eyed original sighed and listened to his sister's advice as he walked toward the two women.

After Klaus' leaving, Amelia turned to stand in front of Damon and faced him. He inhaled deeply before outstretching and offering his hand. "Ms. Mikaelson, may I have this dance?"

She looked at him and rolled her eyes with a sigh. "Damon, I am not sure I'm-"

"Oh, come on! It's just a dance!" He insisted. "Besides, we're already here and it seems like we are one step closer to get Elijah back so be patient and we'll get there soon. I promise."

She thought about his words for a long moment in hesitation and tried to arrange her thoughts inside her brain. His pleading eyes and extended hand squeezed her heart and made it difficult for her to refuse his proposal. So she shook her head slightly with a small smile. "One dance."

He smirked in satisfaction and as he took her hand in his, he led her to the dance floor where several pairs started to dance slowly to the sound of the quiet and romantic melody. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head in the crook of his neck, closing her eyes as she takes the scent of his perfume.

"Can I tell you something?" She whispered, knowing his ear is close enough to hear her voice even without using his supernatural ability.

"Of course." He replied quietly.

She remained silent for a long moment before taking a deep breath and confessing. "I don't feel like myself anymore."

He backed off a little to look at her sad expression with furrowed brows of question. "Why? What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure. I mean, who am I anymore? I've gone soft. Too soft, if you ask me." She sneered bitterly and avoided his eyes.

"It's not a bad thing. You don't have to put on a brave mask all the time. It's okay to feel." He shrugged in sympathy and she hurried to shook her head firmly.

"Not for me. It is not me. I-" She choked on her own words and her eyes brimmed with tears. "I.."

"Hey," He cupped her face and forced her to look at him, "I don't think you've gone soft. I think you found peace and that you don't have to be a badass and fight the enemy. At least you didn't have until now."

She bit her lips and inhaled deeply. "You think?"

"I'm sure. And I'm also sure that if we'll get to a point of a fight, you'll kick those assholes' asses." He grinned and told in humor, making her smile softly. "And if not, I'll do it for you."

She chuckled and shook her head with a bright smile before looking up at him in adoration, examing his perfect facial features. "I love you so, so much."

He smiled at her lovingly and caressed her cheek with his thumb before leaning forward and pressing his lips on hers for a lingering kiss. When they separated, he planted a gentle kiss on her forehead and placed his hand on her nape to pull her closer to him.

"Likewise, baby." He mumbled and stork her hair calmly.


While asking for the bartender to give her scotch, Rebekah hasn't noticed the way Marcel approached her from aside. Not until he stood next to her with an unimpressed smirk. "You trying to be cute, inviting her here?"

"I think she's darling," Rebekah replied with a fake smirk after thinking. "I can tell you fancy her pure heart. Especially after the rejection, you got from my sister, considering her new boyfriend."

"Now what makes you think I got a rejection from Amelia? Actually, what makes you think I even fancied her?" Marcel narrowed his eyes and asked, avoiding eye contact, which made Rebekah sneer.

"Please, I'm not blind. You always fancied her, and I don't blame you. It is hard not to, isn't it?" She faked a smirk, obviously annoyed.

"Hmm. Jealousy looks good on you, Bekah." He looked up and down and her with a smirk before inhaling deeply. "Anyway, I don't want Amelia. We slept together and that's it. And for what it's worth," He looked at the dance floor at the couple dancing, "I'm sure it wouldn't last long. He's too weak and.. Cute, for her."

Rebekah examined his bitter stare and turned to face him. "Oh, don't look so sad. Unlike me, who looks good in everything, jealousy does not look good on you."

She then turned serious again as he looked back at her. "And do rest assure you're wrong," She sent the pair a look, "Those two are endgame."

Across the courtyard, whilst dancing, whispers reached Amelia's ears. It wasn't English, that she knew for sure, but it also sounded nothing like a familiar language for her. It startled her and made her open her eyes instantly, looking around and up at Damon to see if maybe he said something and she was too out of focus to realize what he said.

He looked at her with furrowed brows in questioning. "What is it?"

Amelia realized he wasn't the source of the whispers, and she looked around in search of what she heard. "Did you not hear that?"

"Hear what?" He followed her eyes in concern and confusion.

Voices, she wanted to say, but she figured out how crazy it might sound. When the whispers grew louder she squeezed her eyes and raised her hand to her ear to block the noise, but the attempt failed.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asked and gripped her bicep softly to grab her attention, which helped her to get herself together and look up at him.

"I-" She started and gulped heavily to wet her suddenly-wet throat, "I'm sorry, I have to go."

"What? Wait, Amelia!" He called after her as she walked away quickly and disappeared among the crowd of people, leaving him confused and worry.


Soon after Amelia left, Klaus found Damon walking around the place with an unreadable expression. Their plan worked perfectly by now. Cami distracted Marcel until he faced Thierry and walked away. However, as Klaus watched Damon's weird behavior, he had a feeling in his gut that something's wrong.

He laid his palm over Damon's shoulder who instantly turned around and called Amelia's name in the hope it's her. When he saw it was her brother, he sighed nervously. "Oh. It's you."

"What is the matter? What happened to Amelia?" Klaus hurried to ask, terrified after hearing Amelia's name worried him.

"I- I don't know, we danced, and then she started to act really weird and left and I don't know where is she," Damon mumbled quickly, still scanning the place with his eyes.

"What do you mean 'left and you don't know where she is'?" Klaus clenched his jaw and raised his voice a little, "We have a plan and as far as I remember, it does not includes my sister's madness!"

"Hey! Don't talk about her like that!" Damon argued in annoyance, "And how can you put your plan at the top of your priorities over your sister?!"

"I do this for my sister! She's the one to keep insisting we need to get Elijah back and so we need to track this teenage foolish witch that captivated him!" Klaus reasoned and justified himself.

"You know what, it doesn't matter. What matters is finding her. Tell Rebekah she's in charge of the plan and she's staying to keep an eye on Marcel while we go look for Amelia." Damon rolled his eyes in frustration and spoke quietly. Surprisingly, Klaus agreed and nodded silently.


Meanwhile, before she could notice, Amelia got to the Lafayette cemetery. She followed the voices as if she was hypnotized. It drew her there without controlling it as if she's out of her senses.

'In here'

A single whisper that she finally could understand returned her to be a little more awaken. It sounded like it came from within the cemetery, behind the big gate that she had to cross for getting in. And so, she opened the creaking gate and got in with ease, not knowing that the cemetery is considered as a holy ground which a vampire cannot cross without an invitation from a witch.

The whispers were from a witch.

"Who are you?" Amelia tried to say but her voice was lower than she planned it to be, and cracked. There was no answer, just the incomprehensible whispers that sounded like nothing but gibberish. Amelia found those voices so alluring and fascinating that she couldn't be focused on anything else around her but following the commands of them. It interested her.

After walking a little further into the cemetery and walking in the direction where the voices got louder and louder, she was sure she's about to reach the source of it. But another voice stopped her.


As if waking up from a trance, Amelia turned around to find her friend standing behind through the shadows of the night, looking at her in confusion.

"What are you doing here?" She added to ask as the original remained silent.

Amelia cleared her throat and looked to her sides before improvising an excuse. "I came to check on you and Katie, to see how the spell's going and where is Elijah's location."

"So Marcel is distracted? Can we start?" Louisa asked with raised brows, surprised that neither Klaus nor Rebekah called or texted to tell them they can begin.

"I.." Amelia looked to her side for a moment, trying to gulp her heavy saliva again. "I think so."

"You think so? Didn't you were at the party?" Louisa questioned suspiciously. She didn't act like herself and it was obvious to see.

"I did but-" Amelia started but then turned impatient and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Just begin with the bloody spell, please."

Louisa nodded slowly and led Amelia to where she left s map, the black sand, and the pocket watch to cast the locator spell as she heard the noises of footsteps, Amelia's footsteps. And so, the two witches started to chant the spell while Amelia's observing and sinking in her thoughts.

After a few moments of chanting, the black sand stopped from moving and both Louisa and Amelia looked confused at the map, that didn't show the particular location since the spell hasn't finished.

"Something's wrong. Katie's magic stopped." Louisa told as she looked up at Amelia and took a deep breath. "I can keep going."

"You can't. She'll sense it." Amelia shook her head firmly confidently.

"No. I can find Davina. I just need another moment." Louisa insisted but the original rushed to grab the map and throw it away along with the sand to prevent her witch friend from risking herself. Stunned and upset, Louisa glared at her.

"You may be bold and brave enough to help me and return your witch back, but I am not going to let you die for it. Elijah will never forgive me if I'll let someone innocent die for him. It's over. We failed." Amelia mumbled in defeat.


Opening the door slowly and in despair, Amelia walked into the house, finding Damon pacing back and forth in concern while her brother sits in front of him anxiously. They both looked at the door immediately and then sped toward her.

"Damn it, Amelia, you scared us." Damon pulled her closer for a tight hug as he exhaled in relief. "Where have you been?!"

"I.. Uh.." She shook her head in uncertainty before gulping heavily and forcing a small smile. "I went to see Louisa in the cemetery." She then backed off and looked at her brother sadly. "Something went wrong. She couldn't finish the spell."

"On the contrary, sister. Tonight was a masterpiece." Klaus smirked as he turned around and walked toward the living room.

"What do you mean?" She furrowed her brows and asked before looking up at Damon who seemed unsurprised. "Katie died before Sophie could complete the spell."

"Oh, I'm well aware. I killed Katie." The hybrid told pridefully and grinned at her.

Appalled, Amelia sped over him and stood right in front of him. "You what?!"

"There's no way our little suicide witch wasn't gonna try and take out Marcel with her. I saved his life, and in doing so, I now have him exactly where I want him." Klaus poured a glass of bourbon for him and a one for Amelia as he handed it to her.

Amelia took the glass from his hand and threw it ragefully on the wall behind him, making the glass shatter and stunning both men. "We could have found the bitch witch and get Elijah back by now if you were only letting the plan go as we planned it to be but, of course, you had to be the hero and come up with your own ideas!"


"Now, tell me, why did you do that? Was it because of your heroism? Oh, wait, I know - Because you are so desperate for having me in your life that you try to stall our plan to get Elijah just so I would not leave the town?!" She snapped, raising her voice even more which Damon and Klaus couldn't believe it's possible.

"I would never-"

"I am done with your lunatic ideas, I am sick of your paranoia, and I've had enough of you! Go to hell." She clenched her jaw and looked at him hatefully as her eyes darkened and for the first time in his life, Klaus was truly scared of her. Damon was astonished as well.

"What is going on here?" Rebekah's low voice appeared from the entrance to the mansion and the three turned to look at her.

It was only then when Amelia came back to her senses and hurried to block her mouth with her palm. She turned to her brother, watching a tear sheds down from his eye on his cheek, and she gasped almost inaudibly. "I- I'm sorry."

With that, she turned around and hurried to get out of the salon, coming up the stairs to hide in her room regretfully.

The three that stayed in the room exchanged worried and confused glances.

It wasn't Amelia, and something was off.



Amelia's going mad??

Also, I'm sorry for not updating for a while. I've been recovering from the Corona (thankfully I'm better now so thanks for the comments and messages (: ) and I promise to update more often now!

Love you all, stay safe, and listen to the guideline, please. It's not a joke, it's people's life here.


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