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"Hiding your feelings from someone you love is like dying alive."

( - Shhh...frever)

A/N Here we go with a chapter full of flashbacks. There's going to be a lot of jumping between present scenes and the flashbacks, and between concurrent conversations, but you'll get it when you'll read it. Let's have fun :)

Stefan and Damon were talking in the corridor, Stefan questioning his elder brother in a panic if he saw Elena, whilst he kisses and begs from Andie to stay home and let him bite her. She refused and left.

Damon had zero emotion for her. She was his human blood bag and his night entertainment. A distraction from what truly bothered his mind. He knew he uses her, but it was his desperate attempt to push his thoughts about his former lover to the corner of his mind.

Three slow and loud knocks at the door surprised the two brothers. It was too loud and harsh from it to be Elena's knocking, and they knew Elena wouldn't knock.

Stefan walked to the front door and opened it, startled to see the female original leaning on the door frame with her arms crossed.

"Hello, friend." She smirked at his frown of confusion. Damon heard her voice and in out of thin air appeared next to his brother.

"Oh, hello old lover." Her grin grew wider and she tilted her head. "Mind if I come in?"

"What do you want?" Stefan asked directly.

She pouted. "Rude!"

"Amelia." Damon rolled his eyes and urged her to answer.

"I am here to catch up with the details. What happened at the dance last night? Have you seen Niklaus?" She asked with furrowed brows.

Damon and Stefan exchanged a glance of understanding and took a step backward to provide her a space to get inside the house. She walked towards the parlor and without asking for permission, she grabbed a glass and poured herself some bourbon.

"He possessed Alaric's body," Stefan told shortly and she choked on her drink.

"Are you serious?" She asked, faking a shock expression.

"Do we look like we're joking?" Damon coked a brow as he walked towards her and stood close beside her, snatched the bottle from her hand, and poured himself a drink as well. "But she's fine."

"Damon!" Stefan scolded at him. He still suspected Amelia's intentions.

"What do you mean 'she's fine'?" Amelia asked Damon with a concerned frown.

"I mean she's alive. We wanted Klaus to believe we have nothing against him, but we do." Damon told shortly.

The brunette's lips parted in astonishment. It was a clever idea and a great tactic, but it only got her into more troubles. Now she had to ruin their efforts and tell her younger brother about their plotting. She had to. She made a vow.

"Do you believe she can overcome Niklaus' witch?" She lifted an eyebrow and looked between the two brothers.

"We have no choice." Stefan shrugged desperately.

She smirked and crossed her arms pridefully. "Yes, you have. You have got me and Elijah to assist."

"Great." Damon smiled warmly before turning to his brother. "It's settled then."

"Hold on, how can we be sure you're with our side? You did almost kill Elena." Stefan asked in hesitation.

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "A - I did not plan nor tried to kill Elena. I was furious and I was anger issues. By the way, take it into consideration at the next time you plan something against us." She deadpanned and Damon chuckled.

"B - Let me know what can I do yo prove my loyalty, and I will do." She nodded confidently. She had to gain their trust again, and even just by declaring this statement, they saw she's willing to help and to prove them she's at their side. It was enough for believing her for now.

"Do you know where Elena is?" Stefan changed the subject and asked her as she sat down on the couch with crossed legs.

"I do, actually." She nodded and gulped the rest of her drink. "She is having a chat with my dear brother. The twin, of course."

Damon and Stefan stiffened in worry and the younger brother rushed to grab his phone again and to dial the number.

"Relax," Amelia mumbled in boredom as she raised her head to the ceiling, "He means no harm to her. As I said before, we are on your side."

"So what does Elijah want from Elena?" Damon asked, leaning on the alcoholic bottles' table.

"Oh, he wants nothing from her," Amelia shook her head with a smirk, "She was the one to call him."

"Why?" Stefan asked sharply.

"I do not know, she is your girlfriend, not mine." Amelia scoffed and rolled her eyes. "But if I understand correctly from my brother's telling, he mentioned Elena desires some explanations about Niklaus and our past."

"Where are they?" Stefan asked again quickly.

"Again, your girlfriend - not mine." She grumbled impatiently.

When the two brothers stayed silent, she furrowed her brows and spoke. "I have an idea. You said you want me to prove my devotion, and so I am willing to tell you of our past."

"Like Elijah does with Elena right now?" Damon asked with a frown.

She nodded and pointed with her finger on the sofa in front of her. "Please, take a seat."


"My father was a wealthy landowner in a village in Eastern Europe. Our mother bore eight children." Elijah started to tell as Elena drove the car and he sat at the passenger seat.

"So your parents were human?" The human asked him in surprise.

"Our whole family was. Our origin as vampires is a very long story, Elena." Elijah gave her a look and continued. "Just know...We're the oldest vampires in the world. We are the Original family, and from us, all vampires were created."

"Right, but Klaus is your brother and you and Amelia want him dead?" She asked in confusion.

"Let's get to our destination and speak about it, shall we?"


"Niklaus was born a couple of years after the birth of me and Elijah. In almost every memory I have of my childhood, I was alongside him. He was my best friend and my greatest confidant. It was the three of us - Elijah, Niklaus, and myself." Amelia started to tell the Salvatore brothers with a small soft smile.

Spring 1492, England

"Quite a birthday party you have here." The brunette mumbled with a cup of wine in her hand, her judgy eyes examining the presence in the large room.

"Mmm-Hmm," He replied as he gulped the alcoholic drink and turned to look at her, "Why the bitterness? It is my birthday party. I require you to cheer up and celebrate with me!"

She sent him a look from the corner of her eyes and giggled with a roll of her eyes. "I heard Elijah had encountered with Tatia's doppelgรคnger. Is it true?"

"Indeed. I have seen her myself." The sea-blue eyed man told and quickly made his sister stiffen and turn to him.

"How is she like?" She asked with a frown on curiosity.

"From the few words we exchanged, I would say she is a very smiling woman. Quite a beauty, if that isn't obvious." He shrugged.

The brunette sighed and searched for the girl in her eyes. "I would like to meet her myself."

"A protective sister now, I see." He teased with a smirk of satisfaction.

"I am trying my best to learn from my dear twin brother," She shrugged her shoulders and looked at him, "I myself am not very responsible and reasonable."

"Cannot argue with that." He humored and she laughed.

She turned to stand in front of him with a smile and raised her glass of wine. "Happy birthday, my beloved brother. May it be a year who will bring only joy and peace to your life."

He smiled brightly and purely, exposing his bright teeth. "Thank you, sister. Cheers!"

They clinked their glasses and drank from it with soft smiles of tranquillity.

"I just can't imagine Klaus so gentle and nice when all I heard about him is how dangerous and brutal he is." Elena shook her head in confusion as she walked next to Elijah and listened to his telling.

He let out a breathy smile while tucking a hand in his pocket and looking around the wide lawn. "Well, that is the charm of Amelia you should be thanking for. She was the only one to see through his sins, to his deep pain and fears. Despite her own savagery and impulsiveness, she spared the world a lot of deaths by restraining Niklaus, whether she meant it or not."

"You're trying to convince us you're on our side by telling us about your cute relationship with the person we're gonna kill?" Damon narrowed and asked Amelia in confusion.

"It is a thousand years' story, Damon. Patience, please." She pleaded with lifted brows and a small sweet smile.

"With all the love and admiration I had for Niklaus, I suffered from his paranoia as well. I have prevented things from myself for him, for the safety of the things I love." She told with a sad smile, looking deep into her former lover's ice-blue eyes.

And the realization hit him.

"You were speaking about Klaus." He whispered and she slowly nodded.

Summer 1820, New Orleans

The blonde and Brunette walked into the room and draw the eyes of all the presence instantly with their unbelievable beauty. They looked completely different, and yet so elegant;

The one was blonde, pale, and with shimmering blue eyes. Her hair was curled and lifted up by a hairpin, and her dress was turquoise blue colored.

The other one brunette, warm autumn tone skin, her hair wavey and fell naturally on her back which was absolutely uncommon in those days, her dress was in the color of violet purple, her eyes in the shade of dark brown and her lips colored with crimson red lipstick. Her look was unusual, and some would even say disrespectful.

They walked with linked arms into the room that was full of men and women who chatted, ate, and drank their wines, and their eyes searched for anyone they know.

In the corner of the room, they spotted their brother who was entertaining himself with two average human women. His eyes found them too, and he started to walk with a playful smirk towards the corridor they came from with the two ladies. His younger sister rolled her eyes at him, and the elder sent him a glare.

Rebekah's eyes found the eyes of the man she was looking for, and she turned to face her sister with a wide smile. "Sister. May I go to speak to my mate?"

The brunette's eyes wandered to behind her sister's shoulder to look at the man who waited for her patiently, and she smiled softly at her. "Of course. Enjoy your time, dear."

She smiled happily and turned around to her lover, the governor's son. The older sister linked her fingers and smiled warmly at the sight of her little sister happy and peaceful. She knew that Rebekah deserved it.

She started her way out of the room to another corridor, facing her twin brother enjoying the touch of his own lover. She leaned at the same wall at them and cleared her throat with her arms crossed and a small smile. "Hello, Sabine."

They immediately turned to look at the short brunette - Elijah rolling his eyes and the witch smiles politely. "Hello, Amelia."

Sabine wasn't fond of Amelia. She knew she was an everlasting ripper and that some of her actions in the past were more brutal and ruthless than any other member of the Mikaelson family. Nevertheless, she was her lover's twin brother, and she couldn't do anything to hurt her.

Amelia's eyes darted to her younger brother that she saw just a few minutes ago, and she sighed in frustration. "Niklaus is exaggerating again."

Elijah and Sabine's eyes turned to their other side to look at Klaus, who sat on a lounge chair next to the two women he was walking with before, only that now one of them was dead and the other was almost entirely empty from blood as his fangs pierced the skin of her wrist.

"When does he not?" Elijah mumbled to himself with a sigh and Amelia chuckled lightly.

"Niklaus, there is no hope for you, is there?" Elijah raised his voice and grabbed his brother's attention. As a response, he deepened his teeth in her veins.

"Are we interrupting?" Rebekah said softly as she joined to the situation along with her lover, Emil.



Amelia and Klaus answered simultaneously before sending a glare to one another.

Rebekah sighed and turned to look at her honorable brother. "Dearest Elijah, you've only ever wished happiness for me."

"I'm right here as well, thank you for noticing," Amelia mumbled to herself in humor.

"Emil and I are in love," Rebekah looked between the twins and held the hand of the spoken man, "Please let me turn him."

"Absolutely not!" Amelia protested and took a few steps closer, looking at her sister as if Emil is not standing right in front of her.

Klaus laughed, and Elijah stopped his smile before speaking. "Rebekah, the governor has graciously agreed to hide a lot of our indiscretions," He stopped to look between his twin and his brother, "It would not do to turn his only son into one of us."

"Please. For me." Rebekah begged and turned to her sister, who turned softer.

"Sister," She cupped her cheek, "There is no beauty and joy in what we are."

"Says the one who seems to enjoy the most of the benefits in immortality." Rebekah pouted and scoffed.

"Perhaps because it was forced on me. I did not ask to be what I am, none of us did."

"It's not gonna happen, sister." Klaus intervened and got up to walk closer to the pair. "If we turn every man dropped your knickers for, then human beings would cease to exist and we'de have no bloody food."

"Niklaus!" Amelia scolded at his disrespectful words.

"How dare you, sir?" Emil spoke boldly and took a step closer to him, "You would do well to-"

In instant, Klaus' hand gripped the human's neck tightly and firmly, dragging the boy to another corridor as he chokes.

"Niklaus, brother." Elijah tried to stop him as he held his shoulder, yet it didn't succeed.

"Niklaus!" Rebekah asked and Amelia mimicked her, Elijah too.

When Amelia read her brother's mind and imagined what he's planning to do, she sped to him and screamed at his ear, "Niklaus, don't!"

But the screams of the boy who he dropped from the second floor before he landed and died overcame her voice. Rebekah's scream of agony pierced both Amelia and Elijah's heart with sadness and they held her tightly as she sobbed in their arms, all whilst Niklaus walks away without looking back.

Amelia's eyes burned holes in his back, and her heartbeat raced so hard that her head felt dizzy. She took a step backward and tried to balance herself and to regulate her breaths.

"Lia?" Elijah's call sounded distant as her vision became blurry and her spine shivered.

It wasn't her lover and she had no reason to mourn him, but it was that moment she knew that her chances to ever love has died.

"It wasn't the last time Rebekah suffered a loss of a lover because of Niklaus. Through the years, he killed every man she ever fancied in the belief that there are no men in the world who would be worthy enough to the love that Rebekah and I would give." Amelia stood up and turned her back on them at the second she felt her eyes filling with tears, and she crossed her arms.

The Salvatores, and Damon in particular, were speechless.

A buzz sound from Stefan's phone heard and he sighed in relief at the excuse he found for leaving the two alone. "Jenna texted me. I gotta go. I'm sorry."

Damon and Amelia didn't move nor said anything until he left the house. When he did, Amelia turned around and exposed a fragile, sad, and angry expression. Her lower lip trembled and her fist clenched whilst a tear leaked from her eyes and slowly ran down her cheek.

"You fool!" Her voice was loud and filled with despair, "Ever since you heard I am alive you tormented me for something I did for your own good. I had to fake my death to save your life, and you.."

She tried to speak but her rapid heartbeat and breaths prevented her from doing so. "You.. You despised me, and you were-"

She choked at her own words and her vision became blurred from the tears that streamed upon her cheeks.

Damon stood up and walked towards her, his eyes filled with sadness and concern. "Hey, hey, calm down."

He pulled her into a warm embrace and she buried her face in his chest, sobbing and letting out all the pain she captivated about this subject all these years.

"Shh.. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." He whispered as he stroke her hair and he kissed her head lightly. "I don't despise you. I never did, and never will."

After she had to leave Damon back in 1864, she was devastated and depressed, but she knew it was for the best. Even if it's not fair, at the end of the day, Klaus did that from a pure and caring reason, and family comes before all, right?

It's what they vowed. Always and forever. At any cost. Right?

But when she stood there next to the warm fireplace, in the arms of the man she loved, she knew one thing for sure.

She knew that she has no fucking idea who to be loyal to from now on.



I actually planned it to be a chapter that completely focusing on the original chapter (1x19) where Elijah tells Elena about Klaus and about their past, but I really wanted Amelia to finally reveal in front of Damon the reason she left him, and also for her to stop being afraid to show some feelings!

The next chapter going to be pretty much at the same style with the flashbacks and hopefully a little longer.

Question that interests me - who's your favorite from the Mikaelson brothers?


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