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"You realize how much you truly miss someone when something happens, good or bad, and the only person you want to tell is the person who isn't there."

( - Unknown )

Elijah and Amelia sat side by side on the couch in the living room of the Salvatore's boarding house. They started to speak about the things Elijah missed while he was gone, and Amelia gladly told him of what happened in the last few months.

"So Stefan Salvatore's switch is off?" He asked with furrowed brows.

"Not anymore." She shook her head and looked at him whilst leaning her head on her palm as she placed her elbow on the couch's backrest. "He turned it off, then turned it on and now he's just a pain in the ass."

"Don't be judgmental. You were just like that more than once or twice in our life, if my memory does not deceive me." He smirked and amusement.

"Trust me. Once you will see him, you will realize how sweet I was with my emotions off compared to his psychotic state." She rolled her eyes and asserted.

"She's not wrong," Damon approached them from the stairs to the basement with two blood bags in his hands, "He really starts to get on my nerves."

"I haven't thanked you yet for undaggering me and for taking part in our family's reunion." Elijah turned his head and smiled to him just as he threw the blood bags to him, "And for those, too."

"Hey!" Amelia exclaimed and opened her arms, "Another hungry vampire in the room!"

"He was stuck in a coffin for months. You had a blood bag three hours ago. You'll live." Damon uttered indifferently and sat on the couch across them.

"May I ask what is going on between you two or..?"

"Iย think I haven't told you about my daggering story, brother," Amelia hurried to change the subject, her eyes opened wide, "You know, rather exciting to lose your daggering-virginity."

"I was planning to ask you about that as well. What happened?" He complied with her deflecting and waited curiously for her to tell.

"Well, my so-called precious little brother appeared to be a lunatic asshole by breaking the vow we swore for protecting each other at all cost, and kept me for over two months in a dusty box which I wasn't even aware he prepped in advance for me." Amelia told in sarcasm that hid a fury that was evident on her clenched fists and greeted teeth.

"And I assume you were torturing him for doing so ever since you returned to the living." Elijah humored, drawing a chuckle from Damon.

"Of course I did." She crossed her arms and legs, "And I will keep doing so until I will get tired of it. After all, I'm still the one they call 'the vengeful' in the originals family."

"Be careful, Lia. Filling your life with too much rage can make you miserable." Elijah reminded in concern.

"I am not a five years old kid, Elijah." She rolled her eyes and stood up, "I will choose the way I want to live my life wisely, and I refuse to remain silent when Niklaus betrays my trust and hurting me in a way I never thought he would do."

"Which leads us to our common goal," Damon said and got up to pour bourbon in two glasses; one for him and one for Amelia.

"Which is?" Elijah raised his brows and questioned.

"Destroy Klaus." The Salvatore answered casually and offered the female original the glass, which she takes immediately and gulping a sip of it.

Elijah narrowed his eyes as he thought of this statement for a moment, debating with himself. Amelia and Damon exchanged a worried and confused glance.

"You are not going to let Niklaus get away with it this time, right?" Amelia asked her brother in suspicion.

Elijah looked up at her and got up on his feet. He turned his back to Damon and looked at her expressionless.

"I got used for him daggering me and our family, but when he daggered you.." He took a few steps closer to stand next to her, and sighed. "As I promised you earlier, I won't let him hurt you."

He kissed her temple softly and she exhaled with a small smile. "Now, I shall announce to him of my return."

"Make a grand entrance. Kill someone. Annoy him, please." She requested and he snickered.

"Sure." The elder twin whispered and without turning around, spoke to the other man in the room. "Keep her safe until I will come back."

Amelia looked at Damon shyly as her cheeks began to heat up and her lips curved up into a small smile.

"Don't worry about that." Damon ensured her safety by returning her a smile, and with that, the honorable original left the house.

Amelia and Damon stood in front of each other silently, each one wants to say anything, none of them knows what. His ice-blue eyes conversed with her dark brown ones who seemed almost gold in the reflection of the fire from the fireplace.

She cleared her throat and broke the eye contact by looking at the ground. "So.. I guess we can stop 'hiding' from your wacky brother then."

"Yep." He returned shortly.

Again, they stared at each other. The room was so silent you could hear a pin drops and the tension between them almost begged to be broken.

The conversation she had with her sister at the party arose in her head. She told Rebekah that she will be ready to take a step in her relationship with Damon once they'll have the coffins, and now they have it. So why is she not doing anything right now?

"I should go and pack my stuff." She said with a deep breath, "I presume Rebekah and I will move to the mansion along with Elijah."

"Oh," He lifted his brows in surprise and cleared his throat quietly, "You're welcome to stay as long as you want to but, sure, you should stay with your family, now that you finally have them back."

"Yes." She smiled calmly in satisfaction, "Now that I finally have them back."


"You look surprised to see me," Elijah said calmly whilst wiping the blood of the hybrid he just killed off his hands with a white handkerchief.

"How foolish of me. I should have guessed your darling twin sister would undagger you the moment she will lay a hand on the coffins." Klaus deadpanned blankly after looking at his hybrid dead on the ground and his brother 'back from the dead'.

"She is your sister just as much as mine, although it seems like you have forgotten it given your ignorant actions after breaking your curse." Elijah scolded in defense of his sister.

"Not even a minute has passed since you woke up and she is already rushing to incite. How gracious of Amelia." Klaus mumbled bitterly and immediately, Elijah attacked him and threw him in the air to a window.

"Easy. I just finished renovating." Klaus growled before rushing at his brother, who crashed into a table and breaking it.

"You know, you have every right to be mad at me." The hybrid breathed rapidly as the older brother slowly recovered, "But I kept my word, I reunited you with our family."

Once again, Elijah attacks him, and Klaus was knocked against one of the coffins. Quickly, he opened the one next to it and undaggered his younger brother that laid peacefully inside his casket. He rushed at Elijah and held him against the closed coffin by his throat in one hand, holding the dagger up threateningly in the other.

"Don't make me do this to you again, Elijah!" The hybrid shouted furiously through a clenched jaw.

"Come on. Use it. I dare you. You'll have Amelia and Rebekah to deal with." Elijah replied indifferently with a hoarse voice.

Slowly, Klaus lowering the dagger close to his lap in defeat. "Mikael is dead."

After Klaus released his grip on the suited original's throat, he stood up straight and looked at his younger brother with astonishment. "What did you say?"

"Didn't Amelia told you when you two had your catch up chit-chat? She and I killed him. With his own weapon. He's gone, Elijah. Forever."

"Why do our family remain in these coffins?" Elijah gestured with his hand to the coffin beside him, "Finn for over 900 years, Kol for over a century."

"Because of Stefan Salvatore. He holds the one thing keeping me from freeing them." The blue-eyed original told, causing the older one to frown in confusion, "There are things that you do not know about our past, Elijah. Our mother's death. Things I never wanted you to know but I'm ready to tell you now."

"I only ask," He walks towards a small table where placed a small urn, and removed the lid before dipping the dagger inside of it. "That you remember the oath of loyalty you once swore to me."

"What are you doing?" Elijah asked him cautiously as he watched him walking forward to Kol's coffin.

"Always and forever," Klaus whispered as he daggers the temporary-dead original again. "I lost Amelia, that I know for sure. So I need you to stand by my side. Be my brother. Help me destroy Stefan and I promise you our family will be whole again."

Elijah looked deeply into his brother's glossy blue eyes that were filled with tears in the mention of his favorite sister's name. With all the angry mask he put on, he was devastated from within for what he did to her and how things are like with her right now. He never was so distant and in such bad terms with her as now. And it scared him.

Elijah knew he will not help his brother for many reasons; he daggered his twin sister which he cares the most, he betrayed him after the ritual, he is clearly unstable and paranoid so he cannot be trusted, and in general - Klaus deserved to finally get some sort of punishment for everything he has done to them.

His oak-brown pair of eyes followed the hybrid's figure as he turned around to Kol's coffin and closed it with no hesitation.


Shortly after the argument with Elijah, Klaus decided it would be best if he'll leave until the two of them will calm down. Meanwhile, Amelia and Rebekah made their way to their newly made house.

"I thought you are mad at Nik," Rebekah asked in confusion as the two entered through the front door, Amelia carries all their bags.

"I am." She said and took a deep breath of exhaustion, finally allowing herself to lower the bags to the ground and give her muscles some rest.

"And yet you were determined to move into the place he leaves in," Rebekah uttered with furrowed brows as she trails in the big house, scanning it without looking back at her sister.

"That is because of the new guests he is hosting," Amelia smirked to herself as she followed Rebekah to the living room.

"What is that supposed to-" Rebekah starts but stops as soon as she sees her elder brother standing in front of her with a grin of satisfaction. She let out a small gasp and a shaky smile built as the surprise sunk in.

"Elijah!" She exclaimed and ran towards his arms with a bright smile, pulling him as close as she possibly can.

"Rebekah," He grabbed her shoulders and disconnected their hug so he could examine her look, "The 21st-century suits you well."

"I doubt that." She huffed and rolled her eyes before turning to her sister in excitement. "Why did you not tell me that you undaggered him?! That we have the coffins back?! Do Kol and Finn-"

"Unfortunately, they are not. Not yet, at least." Amelia shook her head, informing her that their brothers are still daggered in their coffins.

Rebekah nodded softly and turned to her elder brother. "It's so good to see you again, brother!"

"I missed you too, dear." He stroked her hair with a gentle smile and shifted his gaze to his twin sister who stood behind with a satisfied smile and crossed arms.

"You should go and unpack your stuff in your new room." He told Rebekah who nodded and complied with his suggestion.

Amelia and Elijah looked at her climbing up the long staircase to the second floor before they looked at each other.

"Her smile is priceless, isn't it?" Amelia quietly spoke and took a few steps closer to him.

"Yes, it does." He patted her shoulder and planted a kiss on her forehead. "I'm glad to see you again."

"So do I." She looked up at him and her smile faded, drawing a new expression of sadness and frustration that confused him.

"What is the matter?" He asked her in worry.

She inhaled deeply and sniffed. "Elijah, I am so sorry for everything I have ever done that hurt you. I should have never siding anyone else against you and I.." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes to prevent the tears from leaking, "I learned that only when you lose something do you realize the true value of it."

A sad smile appeared on his lips and he cupped her cheek in comfort. "Amelia, you shouldn't be torturing yourself for out past mistakes. What's done is done and all we can do about it is to learn the lesson of it to make the most of it."

She nodded in agreement. "I love you, brother."

"Me too, my dear." He smiled softly and she chuckled.

"So now that I'm stopping to whine," She took a deep breath and walked past him to the room with the coffins while he follows. "I see your encountering with Niklaus didn't go so well."

He looked to her hand that gestured on the glass fragments and broken table on the ground next to them. "Are you surprised?"

"Honestly, not really." She shrugged and stepped between the coffins, examining the damage that her brothers' fight caused to the house. "Remind me again why aren't we undaggering our brothers already?"

"I have spoken to your boyfriend-"

"He is not my boyfriend." She cut him off instantly.

"Isn't he?" He teased with a smirk and her eyes rolling signed him to proceed with his answer. "We agreed on a dinner tonight with the two of them and the three of us, here in our house. There, we will make the family reunion we have been dreaming about for years now."

"Without Niklaus' knowledge, I presume." She questioned.

"Correct." He confirmed her guess.

"Lovely." She turned to him expressionless. "Then I guess I should go and find myself something proper to wear."

"Make yourself at home." He joked and extended his hand, pointing on the staircase.

She giggled and walked past him to the stairs, up to her new room.


Hours have passed and the sat has set, welcoming the dark night skies who embraced the moon and its shining stars.

The Mikaelson mansion was all set for the dinner that was about to start in the main room. Three waitresses wearing the provocative outfit Klaus compelled them to wear waited around the prepared table and the fireplace that added some light to the room.

When the doorbell rang, Elijah approached the door and opened it, facing the guests. "Niklaus, our guests have arrived."

With a step backward, Elijah allowed the two Salvatores to enter the house and examine the new house.

"Damon. Stefan." The hybrid greeted from aside the table, "Elijah tells me, you seek an audience. Very bold."

"Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilized men, shall we?" He gestures with his hand on the table.

"Men? What an offensive way to ignore the presence of such lovely ladies as us." Amelia entered the room with Rebekah with their arms crossed in confidence.

The four men looked at the two powerful and beautiful women that joined them, with surprise and fascination.

"I think we have a misunderstanding here." Klaus shook his head with a chuckle, "I was informed it is a men's dinner."

"And where's the fun in that?" Rebekah grinned and took her sister's hand in hers, leading her to their seats.

Amelia managed to exchange a short glance with Damon who stared at her back with a smile of admiration and satisfaction. The idea of this dinner just gets better and better.

"I didn't come here to eat, Klaus. Fact, I didn't want to come here at all. But I was told I had to cause you would hear us out." Stefan said and took a few steps closer along with Damon.

"Well, we can sit and eat or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides." One of the waitresses offers the seat in front of Amelia to Klaus, which he takes and sits on with a smirk, "The choice is yours."

"We have not yet started the dinner and already threats of violence. splendid." Amelia muttered and snapped her fingers to one of the servants as a sign for her to pour her some wine.

Damon takes the seat next to Rebekah with a small playful smirk to Amelia, who lowers her eyes to the food plates in front of her in embarrassment and blush rising upon her cheeks.

Elijah takes the seat next to Amelia and Stefan the one next to his brother, and so they all start to drink and eat the varied meal that was served to them in silence.

"You lost your appetite," Klaus says to Stefan with his mouth full of food from the bite he took.

"Eat. I thought we agreed that we would leave the grumpy Stefan at home." Damon sarcastically ordered Stefan.

Slowly, Stefan took the fork and started to put some food on his plate.

"That's the spirit," Klaus stated in satisfaction, then he continued. "Isn't it nice? Six of us dining together? Such a treat."

Amelia rolled her eyes in disgust whilst the hybrid looked at her lover and spoke. "Is this what you had in mind when you pulled the dagger from my brother?"

"Well, I know how he felt about you, so I figured the more, the merrier." He playfully winked at Amelia who shook her head with a chuckle.

"Well, Elijah and I have had our share of quarrels over the century. But we always make it through." Klaus commented and sent a look to his elder brother.

"Can I cut his vocal cords before dessert or..?" Amelia whispered in annoyance to Elijah, knowing they all hear her.

Elijah hushed her and Klaus chuckled. "Funny. Until not so long ago you were the one who admired the sound of my voice the most, weren't you?"

"Well, until not so long ago I was daggered in a coffin, didn't I?" She faked a smile and played with her fork on the barely touched plate.

"Will you ever get over it?" He rolled his eyes and asked impatiently.

"Probably not." She pursed her lips and shrugged her shoulders.

"Enough." Rebekah stopped them before it'll get worst. "You're ruining the meal."

"I agree." Elijah sighed and added.

"No, please, continue. Kind fo interesting to see the complexity between the Mikaelson siblings." Stefan smirked and looked at Elijah. "Did Amelia told you of how kindly she manipulated her brother so he would get his hybrids out of town?"

"I thought you were happy with their leaving," Rebekah asked with a frown on her brows.

"Oh, trust me, I did, but I just can't help but be surprised to see how many lies and scheming you Mikaelsons do against each other." The younger Salvatore turned to the brunette and pointed on her with his fork, "And you are definitely the best of it."

"Stefan." Damon's voice was empathic.

"I beg your pardon?" Amelia's lips opened with a smirk of surprise as she coked a brow.

"You did convince my brother to fool me so I would believe he'll help me go against your brother," He claimed and continued, "But I guess hoes before bros, right?"

"Stefan!" Damon scolds fiercely.

"Say another vulgar word to my sister and the flesh we will eat tonight would be yours." Elijah threatened through greeted teeth, clenching his fists.

"It's alright, brother." Amelia laid her hand on his chest calmly with a smirk and looked at Stefan indifferently. "I cannot change your brother's priorities and, sadly, I cannot change your unpleasant new character."

"This dinner is a mess. I feel nauseous already." Rebekah pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes.

"I can empathize with your feelings, mate." Klaus sided with Stefan, "It appears your brother and my sister preferencing each other over their families."

"Oh, no, it's just that our brothers are assholes," Damon commented. The way his brother and Klaus talked towards and about Amelia irritated him. Although she kept her face calm and pretended to be untroubled, he knew those words hurt her.

"Let's change the subject to a lighter one, shall we?" Elijah suggested, tired of this argument. "Stefan. Where is the lovely Elena tonight?"

"I don't know." Stefan shrugged indifferently.

"Probably best just to keep Elena in the do-not-discuss pile," Damon hinted.

"You're probably right." Klaus murmured and took another bite of his food.

"Yeah," Damon muttered quietly and sent Amelia a concerned look that she responded to with a small nod that reassured she's fine.

"It's just the allure of the Petrova doppelgรคnger, still so strong. What do you say, brother? Should we tell them about Tatia?" Klaus asked him in amusement.

"Now why should we discuss matters long since resolved?" Elijah breathed a snicker and said.

"Yes, please, do not get into this conversation again," Rebekah begged with a roll of her eyes.

"Well, given their shared affection for Katerina-"

"I was compelled to love her. Doesn't count." Damon stopped Klaus, who continued right after.

"I think our guests might be curious to learn about the originator of the Petrova line."

"Here we go." Amelia leaned her elbows on the table and buried her face in her palms.

"When our family first settled here, there was a girl named Tatia. She was an exquisite beauty. Every boy of age desired to be her suitor, even though she'd had a child by another man. And none loved her more than Niklaus." Elijah started to tell.

"I'd say there was one who loved her at least as much." The hybrid replied quietly.

"Wait a minute. So you both loved the same girl?" Stefan asked in amusement.

"Who simply played with their hearts," Amelia added a comment.

"Our mother was a very powerful witch. She sought to end our feud over Tatia and so she took her. Klaus and I would later learn that it was Tatia's blood that we consumed in the wine on the night where our mother performed the spell which turned us into vampires." Elijah continued to tell and stopped for a sip of his wine.

"Tatia wouldn't make a decision between the two of us, so for a time Niklaus and I.. Grew estranged. Harsh words were traded, we even came to blows, didn't we, brother?" He turned to look at the blue-eyed original beside him.

"But in the end, we realized the sacred bond of family." Klaus leaned forward on the table and summed up.

Amelia huffed. "And what do you know about a bond of a family? You separated yours for centuries."

"Lia," Elijah begged from her to stop and she took a deep breath to restrain her anger. "Family above all."

The Mikaelson brothers and their little sister raised their glasses together and clicked them for a toast.

"Family above all." Klaus smirked and lifted his glass to the direction of his elder sister who leaned her back on the chair with her arms crossed a pout on her face.

She looked at his amused expression with narrowed eyes before she inhaled and got up. "I need some air."


After a few minutes outside in the fresh air, Amelia walked back into the house just when Elijah, Damon, and Rebekah walked out of the dining room.

"What happened?" She asked them with a frown.

"Nik thinks we're going with Damon to take the locked coffin and then to hand it to him," Rebekah explained her.

"When we actually do what?" She raised a brow in confusion, but her thoughts completely disappeared when she looked at her two brothers in shock.

The excitement that rushed inside her was about to burst but her younger brother lifted his pointing finger to his lips, signing her to stay silent so Klaus wouldn't hear them.

Her smile widened and she covered her mouth with her hands, jumping on her top toes in happiness. The five presence looked at her adorable reaction in amusement but quickly had to return to their serious state again.

"Let's serve the last dish." Elijah smiled coyly and walked along with Damon back to the dinner table.

"Elijah...why haven't you left?" Klaus asked as he noticed his elder brother and Damon's presence, along with one of the waitresses that carried a tray in her hand. "Where are Amelia and Rebekah?"

"Where are your manners, brother? We forgot dessert." Elijah smirked mischievously and lifted the cover off the tray, exposing two silver daggers.

"What have you done?" Klaus stiffened and whispered in fright.

"What have you done? You see, I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We're doing this on my terms now." Elijah declared and from behind him, Kol Mikaelson walked into the room.

"Kol." Klaus started to back away, horror in his eyes at the sight of his now undaggered brother.

"Long time, brother." Kol grins and says.

The hybrid in the room tried to speed to the tray but just when he was about to grab the silvers, the eldest Mikaelson appeared and grabbed it before him.

"Finn, don't!" Klaus begged before Finn stabs him in the hand and he groans in pain.

When Finn took out the dagger, Klaus jumped at the chance and tried to rush away from the other door of the room, only that there waited for him his two sisters, just like earlier - side by side, arms crossed in confidence.

The blonde sister was the first one to approach him with a dagger in her hand.

"Rebekah!" He called and she stabs him in the stomach.

"This is for our mother." She said and pulls out the dagger. Klaus fell back into Kol's arms, who restrain him when he tried to fight and run.

"May I?" Amelia questioned her sister as she extended her hand to her.

"Enjoy." Rebekah whispered and set the dagger on her sister's palm.

Amelia hummed quietly before she sped towards him and stabbed him on the right side on his chest.

"This is for making jokes about my relationship with Damon."

She stabs him again in the left side of his chest.

"This is for our siblings."

She raises the dagger up and looked deep into his eyes with rage.

"This is for daggering me!" Her shout scared even the other presence in the room, and she shoves the dagger into his chest, barely an inch from his heart.

"You're free to go." Elijah looked at the two Salvatores calmly. "This is family business."

Stefan started to walk away when Damon remained in the room for another minute. He looked at Amelia who breathed heavily and slowly raised her eyes to him as well.

Her deadly expression softened as she took a deep breath and mouthed to him 'Thank you', and he smiles in return.



Family reunion :)

Next chapter is the ball and it's my favorite episode of the show I swear.

Prepare yourself for it.


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