Chapter 18 : Agreement.

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In Hastinapura,

An enthralling form appeared, as glistening waters formed a vivacious woman.

"Pranipat Goddess Ganga," greeted Maharishi Vyaas, head bowed reverently.

Bhagirathi smiled, blessing him wholeheartedly, "Āyuṣmān bhāva son," She turned towards the others present in the hall, blessing them as well, before frowning slightly.

She looked at Satyavati, asking gently, "Where is Devavrata?"

"He left towards his room," said Satyavati with a worried look towards the door, "He....he did not seem pleased with the King's wish, jiji."

Ganga sighed, "Worry less, Satyavati. I will speak with him. I believe you should explain the rest of the story."

"There is more?" asked a surprised Ambalika.

"Indeed child," nodded Satyavati, sharing a look with Ganga, "There is more to this story than just King's wish."

Bhishma's Room,


Bhishma looked up in shock at the presence of his mother in the palace of Hastinapura, "Mother?"

Gentle cool fingers cupped his cheek lovingly, as Ganga smiled at his dumbfounded expression, "Son, calm yourself."

"Mother," said Bhishma in a hysterical note in his voice, "Have you heard what Mother Satyavati is saying? How can...H-How can Pitashree ask something like that, from me? What about my vows?"

Ganga controlled her tears at seeing her son break down like this. Her brave son, whose name and reputation preceded him, looked so shaken in front of the circumstances that appeared. Though she had known this would happen, she hadn't told or cautioned her son. She was well aware of his probable  reaction.

" My son, look at me,"

Bhishma looked up at his mother, his chocolate eyes pleading for her to magick away all the problems. Ganga smiled softly as she got reminded of his childhood, before speaking, " I promise your vows would be broken in a manner that won't cause backlash."


"Tell me, Devavrata, what is the reason behind your vows?"

"My first vow spoke of not sitting on the throne of Hastinapura and the other was to never marry. Both were the reasons due to which Mother Satyavati could marry Lord Father."

"Indeed," nodded Ganga with a smile, "The vow of sitting on the throne was because Satyavati's father wanted her descendants to be the King. Am I right?"

Bhishma nodded, wondering where his mother was going with this.

"Then after you, the eldest, that is, Yuddhisthira would become the king. He is Pandu's son, hence Satyavati's descendant," said Ganga, glancing at the thoughtful look of her son.

"Nonetheless, Yuddhisthira isn't ready to become the King yet. Have you taught him the art of running a Kingdom? The politics behind all the words and actions?"

"None yet, mother. He is supposed to learn all this during his tenure as the crown prince."

"Then, Yuddhisthira can learn all this directly from you, once you become the King." said Ganga with a matter-of-fact tone.

"What about the other one?" asked Bhishma, already aware that his mother would make him understand and agree to complete his father's last wish. Not the he ever had a choice in the matter.

"You did not marry because marriage would mean children too, correct?"

"Yes," nodded Bhishma, before muttering under his breath, "Who gets married at this age? And who will marry me but not have children? At least now there is a chance of marriage not happening! I can handle the throne just fine."

He did not tell his mother or let her know that the first thing that appeared in his mind was an image of vivid ocean blue eyes.

Ganga hid her smile, Son, you don't even know that you're already married. No matter, my only surviving son's marriage won't be such a silent affair.

"Then we will have to find someone who can marry you and not want to have children."

"That 'someone' is impossible to find, mother," said Bhishma victoriously, "I may be persuaded to sit on the throne on the condition it passes to Yuddhisthira, but marriage is off the table." His last words were spoken sternly.

Ganga hummed, "What if we find this 'someone'?"

Bhishma shook his head resolutely, "It's impossible mother."

"Well, we will see," said Ganga cheekily, her knowing eyes making Bhishma doubt his own confidence.

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