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𝐓𝐖: 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐕𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐁𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝, 𝐫@𝐩𝟑

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𝐒pencer was awoken by the sound of his phone buzzing on his night stand. He slapped his hand aimlessly around the nightstand, only stopping when he felt is phone buzzing the palm of his hand.

"Hello...?" He asked groggily as he accepted the call and put his phone up to his ear. "Hey kid, we gotta case Hotch wants us at the bureau in 20." Morgan said on the other end of the line. "Okay..." Spencer said while sitting up and trying to rub the sleep out his eyes.

*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Exactly twenty minutes later Spencer showed up at the BAU and went into the roundtable room. He took the only available seat left; which was next to Morgan. "Alright folks this one's a doozy!" Said a brightly dressed Penelope Garcia as she set down her overly decorated laptop. The electronic screen turned on and a slideshow appeared on the screen showing four people who where evidently the victims.

"Four victims all murdered in Manhattan New York. All brunettes with brown eyes, and 5'8. Each victim was stabbed in the back with the knife still inside their backs but the stab wound wasn't the cause of death, the cause of death was infact strychnine poisoning. They were also raped. Each victim had face paint on their faces spilt down the middle one side was painted like an angel with a half of a halo and the other side was painted like a Devil with a horn. The ME found large amounts of strychnine in their system..." Said Garcia while changing the slide to show all four victims with face paint on their faces exactly how Garcia had described it, the face paint itself was neat and very precise, the Unsub took his time...

"People who are exposed to high doses of strychnine only have approximately 30 or so minutes to live if not less..." Spencer started. "Within the first 15 to 30 minutes of exposure respiratory failure will occur. Another result is also brain death..." Spencer said seemingly in one breath not bothering to take his eyes of the case file.

"Strychnine is also relatively easy to access, I mean they use it in rat poison, which you can find at your local Wal-Mart or hardware shop..." Prentiss pointed out.

"Prentiss is right it's also not uncommon for there to be rats in New York, and the Unsub only left a couple of days between each killing he's moving fast so we have to as well, wheels up in 30." Hotch said while getting out of he seat and walking out the roundtable room.

Everone else filled out the room along with Hotch, Garcia was right this one is a 'doozy' as she put it.

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𝐀laine was awoken by the buzzing of her cell door. "Get up!" A security guard yell gruffly, as the door opened. "Mm.." Alaine groaned in pain silently, hoping that the guard didn't hear her or take as sign of disrespect. She moved to get up but evidently she wasn't fast enough, because not even a second later the guard yanked her off the 'bed' and pulled her up by the hair just to shove her back to the ground again...

He crouched down to were she was and yelled in her ear."I said get up maggot!" Alaine could feel some of his saliva sprinkle across the side of her face. She scrambled to get up not wanting to get hit again, she still felt sore from yesterdays fight, she won, albeit not without some injuries for herself as well...

She stood up back straight staring dead ahead and put her arms forward for the guard to put on a pair of handcuffs all too tightly. He roughly grabbed her arm and pushed her forward. "Come on, move faster!" He ordered harshly. 

Once they got to their destination — which was the mes hall — he uncuffed her. Alaine then got in the breakfast line with all the other inmates. "What dull tasteless, crap do I have the pleasure of trying today Gladdis...?"  Alaine asked, the sarcasm in her voice prominently. "Oatmeal." The female server answered dryly. 

"Lovely..." Alaine said as she looked down at the dull oatmeal it looked as if someone had sucked all the color out of it taking the taste along with it. She walked out of the breakfast line and went and sat down by her table in the corner. "Hey Demean!" One of the inmates yelled trying and failing to grasp her attention. "Demean!" The inmate yelled again.

"What!" Alaine said finally dropping her plastic spork on her tray. "Heard about that fight last night! What happened? I know you won but, why'd you to get into it?" The inmate asked. 

"Go away Suzane..." Alaine replied while rolling her eyes and resisting the urge to scoff. "Come on, what happened, tell mama the story!" Suzane pleaded. "Suzane...you're I don't like it when people beg...scram!" Alaine said finally meeting Suzane's gaze. "Ahhh, can never really get anywhere with you...just thought I'd give it a shot..." Suzane said while finally walking away.

God did Alaine hate it when the other inmates tried to ask her about the fights she'd got in at times they'd even place bets on her when she did knowing she'd one. Everybody had one of two feeling about Alaine, {A. They either had a deep respect and fear of her,} or {B. They hated her out of spite and jealousy because she had earned all that fear and respect.} But regardless of the way they felt they all knew to never get on the bad side of Alaine Eleggra Demean.

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𝐒pencer and Hotch walked into the NYPD to see a woman — about average height whom Spencer assumed was Hispanic — arguing with the police detective. "I'm telling you if anyone can help you all with this case it's her! She knows what she's doing-" The woman said angrily. Spencer could hear a light Spanish accent, confirming that she was indeed Hispanic."She's a criminal," The captain argued back. "And I will not have her jeopardize my investigation! That's final!" The captain finished. The woman was fuming but she knew that arguing wouldn't get her anywhere so instead she just pushed past the captain and stormed out the building.

The captain finally turned around and saw Spencer and Hotch standing in the middle of the precinct. He sighed and walked over to them. "Hi, I'm captain Michaels you're all with the..." He paused for a second trying to remember the name of where they were from. "Behavioral Analysis Unit?" He asked finally calling to mind the name of their unit. "Yes, I'm SSA Aaron Hotchner, and this is Dr. Spencer Reid." Hotch said introducing the both of them while shaking the captains hands.

"Uh, if you don't mind me asking...who was that woman you were arguing with? She looked quite familiar...." Spencer asked while trying to recall where he'd seen her before he knew he'd seen her face he just needed to remember where... "Oh, her?" Captain Michaels asked rhetorically. "That was Diggsy Fous, she uhh...thought she had an idea about a another more insignificant case...a girl got mugger, she wanted to try and help find the guy but, uh...it was nothin'." The captain lied. 

He was nervous, and bad at hiding it whatever that woman was here about wasn't just about some mugging otherwise she wouldn't have argued so strongly or even at all...Spencer gave Hotch a look silently asking if had picked up on that as well. Hotch then gave him a look that said he picked up on the captains nervous fib as well, and he wasn't buyin' it.

"Over the phone you said you had an area for us to set up?" Hotch asked trying to get down to business as soon as possible. "Oh, yeah over here, come on follow me!" Captain Michaels said while walking over to a small conference room with a white board. 

Spencer walked over to the whiteboard which also had pintacks on the thin metal ledge of the board, he began placing pictures of the victims on the board where they lived, and then drew a line indicating where their bodies were found. Hotch took out his phone to call Garcia. "Hello welcome to the Goddess of cyberspace what can I do ya' for?" Garcia asked excitedly. "Garcia I need you to look into the victims and see if any of the m knew each other." Hotch answered. 

"Okay comin' right up!" She replied you could hear her typing at lighting speed on the end of the other line. "Uhhhh...so far nooo...none of the victims overlaped they all had separate schedules, hobbies, and beliefs..." She replied drawing out the word 'no' as she did so. "Okay thank you Garcia." Hotch said. "No problemo sir!" Garcia replied while tapping the end call button. But Hotch still wasn't done talking to Garcia he just didn't wanna ask out loud with the police captain in the room. 

After he was done texting Garcia Hotch quickly pocketed his phone. That name was very familiar to him he just couldn't place where he had heard it. He did however know that whatever she was talking about with the captain had to deal with their current case. He also knew that Captain Michaels knew more than he was letting on, he knew that captain wouldn't tell him but maybe this Diggsy Fous will...

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𝐃iggsy Fous was beyond mad she was furious Captain Michaels knew that she could help them solve this case. She knew it better than anyone! She worked on it herself, and he still wouldn't do it, why? Because of his stupid ego! Well he could shove his stupid ego up his- 

Diggsy's thought was interrupted by the sound of a knocking on her door. She stomped towards the door and swung it open. "What!?" She asked impatiently. Two people were standing outside her door. The first was a brunette woman with curly hair and bangs, to the woman's left a was a taller dark skinned man with an athletic build. 

The woman with bangs looked over to the dark skinned man with a raised brow and parted lips as if she wanted to say something, but just looked back at me. "Hi I'm Agent Emily Prentiss and this Agent Derek Morgan we're with the FBI..." The woman — who Diggsy had just learned name was Emily — showed pulled out her badge. 

Diggsy just gave an exasperated sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose. "What is this about?" She asked impatiently. "You were at the NYPD talking to Captain Michaels today, do mind telling us what that was about...?" Agent Prentiss asked. Diggsy opened her mouth and was going to protest and lie about, but then decided against it, if she couldn't get Captain Michaels to help maybe the FBI could...

"Yeah...yeah I was, how 'bout you come inside..." Diggsy said. Emily looked over to Derek warily after noticing Diggsy's  demeanor change. None the less they both went inside. "Sorry I came off as rude at first I had a stressful start of the day," Diggsy started. 

"I was talking to Captain Michaels today because I have a lead on the serial killer that's on the loose, I mean that is what you guys are doing in New York right?" Diggsy asked while walking into the living room of her apartment. "Yes that's correct Ms. Fous..."  Derek answered. "Ugh please, just call me Diggsy, being called 'Ms. Fous' just makes me feel old..." Diggsy replied.

"I used to work with the CIA an old friend of mine had a case similar to this, same M.O., same weapon everything except the victimology." Diggsy started off. " But for some reason the files are redacted, and unfortunately I can't access the digital files..." Diggsy explained quickly. "So why were you arguing with the captain this morning?" Emily asked still not getting the point. 

"I was trying to get him to allow my friend to consult on the case but he won't do it!" Diggsy explained angrily. "What was the name of the case?" Prentiss asked. "I think it was uhhh...the fourth case she'd solved that year it was uhh...july!" Diggsy said. "July, 1st 2004 or something like that." Diggsy said hoping she remembered the dates correctly. "Okay thank you for your time Ms- uh, sorry Diggsy..." Derek said while standing up and heading towards the door.

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"𝐃id you guys find anything?" Hotch asked as Emily and Derek walked into the conference room were they had been working for the past couple of hours. "Yeah, so as it turns out Diggsy used to work for the CIA, she had a friend who also worked for the CIA that worked on a case with the same M.O., and weapon, the only thing that's different is the victimology." Derek explained to Hotch.

 "She tried to get into the physical case files but they're redacted and she can't get into the digital ones...maybe we can ask Garcia to see if she can hack into the digital ones see if she can find something..." Emily suggested. Hotch nodded at the suggestion and took out his phone to call Garcia. "Hello my lovelies, you've reached your friendly neighborhood Oracle, how may I be of service?" Asked a cheerful Penelope Garcia. "Garcia can you hack into the CIA database for a case file?" Hotch asked. "Have I ever let you down sir?!" Garcia asked cheerfully feigning offense. "What was the case number?" Garcia asked on the other end of the phone. "Try 04-01-07-00..." Emily said while crossing her arms and leaning forward so Garcia could hear her better.

"Uhhh...looks like there's a lotta red tape on this one...the digital file doesn't say much...just that the Unsub was caught after eight weeks of searching...he his body count was a total of..." Garcia paused for a second and fast typing could be heard over the phone. "Wowza..." She started. "He killed a total of Forty-two people...in eight weeks, God how could someone do something like that..." Garcia said with a Shaky voice. 

"Baby girl can you see if the file says who the Unsub was?" Derek asked while walking to the phone. More typing could be heard on the other end of the phone. "Uhhmm, no, no it does not..." Garcia replied. Hotch sighed at hearing Garcia's response. "Garcia who's filed the case report?" Spencer asked finally saying something for the first time since he'd entered the conference room."Reid what're you thinking?" Hotch asked addressing Reid's question. "It's likely that the person who filled the report was also the same person who took the lead on the case..." Reid answered. "So it's likely they know who the Unsub is and would be able to give us more information..." Rossi said finishing Reid's thought.

"Uhh, lets see the person who filled the report was..." Garcia paused for a second. "Alaine Eleggra Demean." Garcia replied. At hearing this Rossi furrowed his eyebrows he'd heard that name, in fact he knew exactly who that was. "Garcia can you find out were Demean is currently?" JJ asked while putting her hands on her hips. "The Manhattan Detention Complex..." Rossi answered before Garcia. 

"Yes, yes that's right...she was convicted for the murder of eight people 2 of them CIA agents, and 6 of them a civilian...how did you know that...?" Asked a puzzled Penelope Garcia. "Because I gave her a Psych Evaluation...four years ago..." Rossi answered. Everyone stayed silent for a moment. "Garcia who were the victims?" JJ asked finally breaking the silence. "Uhhh, the victims were...Sylvester Stone, Duncan Moore, Jenna Hagen, Carl Dungan, Rachel Pittman, Layla Wilson, Sarah Rover, and the eighth was an Elliott Fous..." Garcia answered. "Fous..." Spencer mumbled. "Garcia can you check and see if by any chance there was any relation between Elliott Fous and Diggsy Fous?" Spencer asked while biting half of his lip. 

"Uhhh, yes, yes there was, Elliott Fous was Diggsy Fous's twin brother..." Garcia replied. "Huh...when we went over there to talk to Diggsy she referred to Demean as a friend, even wanted her to consult on the case, why do that if someone murdered your brother unless you think they're innocent..." Emily said. "Alright we've been at this for a while, everybody go to the hotel and get some rest, but in the morning Reid and Rossi I want you both to go and talk to Demean see what she knows, she might be more cooperative if she sees a familiar face." Hotch commanded while looking at Reid and Rossi. 

They both gave Hotch a nod of confirmation, whilst everyone else filed out the room. As Spencer walked out of the room he thought about the task that was to come, something felt off about this case...different, like a box that was locked and only one person had the key, and that person was Alaine Eleggra Demean...

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A/N: When Emily said: "Try 04-01-07-00..." When the team was looking for the case number the original reasoning was like...{idk im writing the A/N like a month aftr i wrote this chapter and i had to change it lol} But the new reasoning was the case number 04-01-07-00 means the 4th case solved on the 1st day of the 7th month of the year 2000, so thats how she the case number

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