━━━ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚒𝚡

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chapter six:

⤵︎ ⤹
( an original chapter )



WARNINGS ━━━━ swearing, child abuse, child neglect, experiments, labs, no consent, blood, violence, death, gore, graphic descriptions of death, Stan Edgar, vought


"YOU SURE you wanna do this?" He asked though it was clear in his tone that he didn't care much about what she thought.

Valerie leaned her head slightly to the left with a sarcastic gaze. "First of all, when has doubt ever stopped you? And secondly, he was asking way too many fucking questions."

As if this pissed off the hero even more, she kicked the door open, fed up of waiting for her former manager to answer. The door fell down to the ground in one piece, creating an incredibly loud crash! to reverberate throughout the family home.

At the sudden intrusion, said man came in entered the room in a hurry, shocked to see two of the most well known supes stood in his house, not looking too happy may he add.

While Ben bludgeoned the man's skull in Valerie stood to the side with her arms crossed in an unapologetic stance. His wife and kids were already tied up and there was no way in hell were they ever getting out of there so she didn't have to worry about them.

The sound of bones crushing and blood squelching echoed throughout the once pristine room. Family photos were covered in splattered blood and brain matter.
It was a harrowing sight. The noble supe leaning over an innocent man and killing him so violently without a care in the world. His mask was removed as crimson coated it and seeped deep into the fabric while his hair was all out of place due to the frantic movements. Man, killing people sure was hard work.


"WHEN THE world renowned female American heroine Electress was just a mere child, she became the golden girl of her hometown. A symbol of hope and prosperity for us all." The deep narrator's voice read his presumably scripted lines. The screen showed several pictures of said woman participating in pageants, winning the pageants, speaking in front of different crowds, and helping out in all kinds of charity work. The documentary displayed her as an all ━━ time American sweetheart, though they knew that it was most likely just a ruse. A trick to make people see what they want to see and feel safe when, in reality, they should be scared. They should be afraid.

The man in plaid felt a tap on his shoulder. He was afraid it'd either be MM ready to tear him a new one for still watching these 'peice of crap videos' or Butcher, also waiting to tear him a new one. However, he was delighted to see that it was their groups only female member ( besides Annie, though Butcher still didn't really count her in ).

She signed something, but of course, he didn't understand as he wasn't the one to learn sign language, that was Frenchie. Kimiko pulled out her phone and started to type quickly. She then showed her phone to him.

'Who is she?' It read.

Hughie looked up to his female friend in amusement. Yes, he was glad that he was finally able to tell someone about her who didn't already know or didn't care. The man beckoned for kimiko to sit next to him as he turned the laptop to sit in between the pair.

"Oh uh, that's Electress. She was a hero back in the 80s with her group, Payback."

Immediately, Kimiko's eyes widened. Her expression then changed to a dark one. 'Good or bad?'

Hughie just shrugged. He didn't have a definitive answer for this. And supposed he never really would. It's not like he'd be able to meet a dead woman.


"MUM, WHO are all these people?" She had asked. Confused as to who all the random men and women were who were crowding in her bedroom?

"They're here for you, honey. They say you on stage. Isn't that great?" Anya reassured her daughter. At that, the men and woman in the room all gave the young girl a small, short smile.

"What do they want from me?"

Anya's smile fell. "Why don't you ask them that?" The mother gestured to the smartly dressed individuals. They looked much like FBI agents or something of the sort. They all looked rather serious and freaked her out. But before another word could be said, a tall man walked in the room. He looked around, gesturing for everyone else to leave. Once they all did, he closed the door with a soft click!

"Who are you?" Valerie questioned the unnamed man. He was dressed in a fancy looking suit that had almost no creases in it all. He looked smart, although the brunette supposed that professional was more the word for it.

"We're here because we believe you have potential." The man replied in a natural tone with a stone cold face.

Valerie's face screwed up. "Potential for what, exactly?"

"A little project we like to call compound V."


"NO! NO, let me go! I didn't agree to this, please!"

The mysterious people from earlier had lied. They didn't see potential in her. They just wanted to inject some dodgy looking blue shit into her veins. And why wasn't her mum stopping them? Why was she just standing there with the man she now knew to be named Stan Edgar. Why was she not doing anything?

The scientists grip on both her arms was tight as they practically dragged her down the long and colourless hall.

By now, they were nearly round the corner when the young brunette spared a glance towards her mother. A cold gaze was set on her face while a small snarl was pulled upon her ruby red lips. She didn't care. Anya was ruining her daughter's life, and she didn't care.

"Let me go you sick fucks! Let me go!"

The slam of a door could be heard that echoed throughout the otherwise dead silent building while a mother and a monster of a man stood side by side. "Don't worry, you made the right choice." He reassured in his usual tone.


"I CAN'T do it." Valerie huffed as she glared at the man opposite her. This had been going on for hours now. They were in a small boxed room, which was nothing but white. There was a big glass window that separated them from the scientists who stood outside with notepads in their hands and a pen to write down anything that happened ( if anything happened at all ).

"Yes, you can." The scientist, Dr. Murray, replied as he was the one observing the girl that day.

The brunette looked up before peering to the other scientists separated by the glass. Sighing, Valerie complied with their request. The lab was a lonely place, but if she just did what they said, then life would be a lot easier.

The girl tried once more and watched as purple electricity fused from between her fingertips. It started off small and slow before it began to rapidly build up and grow. The scientists all gaped as they watched. Then, a bright light flashed, and nobody could see a thing until it faded.

What was left was a sight they sure wouldn't forget. Dr. Murray's insides were splattered and smeared on the outside. Blood coated every single area of the room, while brain matter dripped down from the ceiling along with the crimson red substance. It looked as though it was a sight out of a horror film.

Valerie stared, stunned, before looking to the people beyond the room who looked just as speechless.

Nothing else was said.


"NOW, WHERE would you say your relationship hit its biggest problem?"

"Oh, that's an easy question. I would probably say when my own mother sold me out to a huge company that pumped me full of unknown drugs just so she could make a buck of me.

As of recently, Valerie's powers had been acting up due to her mood. She wasn't the same as she had been when they first brought her in ( and they wondered why? Note the sarcasm ).

So, Vought suggested therapy to her mother, who had taken it after the promise that it would improve her daughter's performance. Better performance meant more money. More money meant more pleasures.

So, here they were now, sitting in a room which looked like a poor excuse for an office while a stranger sat opposite them with a kind smile and a notepad and pen. I mean, they didn't want, say, a narcissist for a hero, after all.

Anya glared at Valerie at the response she gave. "I did that for your own good." She muttered between a small smile, still trying to keep up her innocent mother act. "I did that so you could live this life." While saying that, the woman gestured around the room they were in. "So you could be successful and not a failure like your father."

Aghast, Valerie turned to her mother. How could she say that? "He died. What do you want him to do, crawl out his grave, and go get a job!?"

"Now, I didn't mean it like that." Anya defended with wary eyes. Even though she was her mother, there was nothing stopping the girl from electrocuting her right now as a result of her anger.

"Then how did you mean it, Anya?" The way the brunette spat her name made her heart sink ever so slightly. But it turns out it wasn't enough to feel any remorse for what she'd done. And that's what mattered. That's what she wanted.

The therapist peered between the two angry women with careful eyes. It was getting rather heated, and it was her job to diffuse it. "Okay, why don't we just ━━".

"━━ Shut it!" Both women snapped. They really were alike, after all.

The poor woman shut her mouth at that, not wanting to be literally fried alive by Valerie herself.

"You wanna talk? Let's talk! Let's talk about how you tricked me, lied to me and deceived me, and got me pumped full of dangerous drugs just so you could live out your dreams through me!"

Anya was shocked. "Now, that's now what happened." She denied while pointing a finger to her with wide eyes.

"Then what did happen? Please, enlighten us all." Valerie yelled, motioning to all three of them and the vought workers that were most likely watching through the one ━━ way glass window.

"I did it so you could live a great life. When you become famous, everyone's gonna want a piece of you."

"Well, what about what I want?"

Anya's eyebrows furrowed deep in confusion. As though the concept of what her daughter wanted was a foreign concept to her. But, she supposed it was really.

"What if I wanted to be something or anything else!? You wouldn't know because you didn't ask. You just did what you thought would be best for you. All of this," she gestured to the room and even the vought scientist and workers outside. "Is for you! It's never been for me. Never. Now, I'm going to go to that stupid fucking pageant and I'm going to win for me! You can go fuck yourself. You hear me? And so can the rest of you!"

Valerie stood up from her chair, which in turn created a horrible squeak against the wooden tiled floor and threw open the door and slammed it with a great force that, if made them all flinch from the impact. 


"KEEP HER down." One of the scientists muttered. He was roughly in around his mid forties with black hair that had begun to grey in some areas. The glasses he was wearing were beginning to slip down the bridge of his nose, to which he had to keep pushing them up. In the end, he just took them off and slammed them down on the metal table next to them with a clatter.

The younger scientist next to him looked rather hesitant to comply with his demand but did it anyway, not wanting to end up like Dr. Murray, or that therapist who was named Mindy. Or perhaps even that other just subject, Harry. It'd been awful what happened to them. Just awful. All because of the young woman thrashing underneath him.

He eventually managed to get her down and binded the brunette with thick leather straps that reminded him of an asylum. Man, this was all so messed up! What had he gotten himself into?

It was a big night tonight. Well, in
Anya's eyes, at least. The pageants were always a big deal to her, and she'd pushed her desire to win onto her daughter.

So, what else to do other than make the girls' powers stronger? Surely, that would make her win?

Yeah, they found out the next day from them that it probably one of Anya's greatest ideas, considering a girl literally died on stage. How magical.

Nevertheless, it had worked. Valerie's powers had gotten stronger, so why did it matter? As she continued to grow and get used to her powers, they didn't need to use it anymore. And if they did? Someone else would be sure to wind up dead.


ODI SPEAKS ! ━━━━ NOW, MOST of this chapter wouldn't even be here without the lovely -ginnjensen, and they're amazing ideas so ty once more ! They have a ton of the boys fics and much more that you should definitely read because they're literally amazing guys !!

Also, I hope everybody enjoyed this chapter ( please correct any mistakes if there is any like something to do with the time, etc ) 


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