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So after ages, I'M BACK WITH THE LAST EPISODE OF PUKAAR. And thank you so much guys for your support, and I know my writers block ruined everything but I just couldn't wirte anymore...sorry and to make it up to you I'll give you insha'Allah Epilogue+ Bonus Chapter, but only if you want.

Shivaay's Pov

"Anika" I called her

"Yes Shivaay" I heard her soft voice

"Pack your stuff, we're going back" as soon as I said that I felt her smile vanishing and her face turning pale

"I won't" she said in a low voice

"Why babe?" I asked her, raising a eyebrow

"You know why, Shiv" she replied looking everywhere but not at me

"We have to, Dadi had a heartattack" I said trying to surpress my tears

Yes, she did some wrong things in her life but it won't change the fact she brought me up when my own mother didn't had time for me. It's true, she did some horrible things to the girl i love but i can't ignore that love she gave me from so many years.

I love my wife and my child but I could still die for my Dadi.


"Only for you" she replied with a weak smile

Hum se mat poocho
Kiya hal e dil tha
Kiya hal e dil hai

Taking the next flight we flew back to India, hoping for a new start, a good one.

As we entered the Mansion, i felt her stumbling and I knew it's not something easy for her, to be honest I'm thankful to her she even agreed to come with me back.

I intertwined our hands and gave her a assuring smile.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Mom shouted

"I came to visit Dadi" i replied rolling my eyes

"Well, you left, you're a no one to us" she replied while glaring at us

"If it's like this then you're also a no one to me and i don't need to obey you cause you left me in my childhood for your own desires" i snapped at her

"Shiv, i don't feel so well" ani whispered

"Would you excuse us now?" I gave her a cold smile and took Anika to our room

When we entered our room, i felt every damn memory coming back. I never had good memories but Anika, she made my life better.

"You rest and then we'll go meet Dadi" i said to her

Taking steps to leave, i felt a her hand on my wrist. When i looked back, I saw a scared Anika sitting infront of me.

"Don't leave me" her voice cracked

And as she said, I didn't.


"Doctor how's Dadi?"

"Sorry, Mr. Oberi but her condition isn't well. We tried our best, next 24 hours are critical. Keep praying"

I sat down with a thud, I couldn't afford loosing my Dadi. She did some wrong things but i can swear on my life, she's a kind person.

"Shiv" i heard her calling me but i had no power anymore

A tear dropped down my cheeks, and I felt her pulling me in a hug. I looked at her. Why is she crying? My Dadi did so much wrong to her and here she is, consoling me.

"A..an..anika?" I sat down infront of her, on my knees.

"Shivaay?" She replied

"That's all happening cause of you" I whispered

She looked at me with a face, I couldn't describe, then she suddenly turned pale.

"Please Anika, forgive Dadi. I know she did wrong to you but only you can save her... please forgive her. I beg you Anika" i sobbed

I held her, and looked into her eyes.

"I promise I'll do everything but please forgive her... she's the last things I have in the name of mother. You love me, right? Please" i begged her

She pulled her hands back, and I looked at her in disbelief.

I waited and waited but, no words left from her lips.

"I...i can't"

Those two words, broke my heart. And those two words changed me.

"I..i can't forgive Dadi, but I can surely forgive Mrs. Oberoi" she replied looking at me

I felt my heart breaking, shattering with each passing minute. Why am I so unlucky?

"You seriously think I have grugdes in my heart for Dadi? You're wrong." she said and cupped my face, sitting down to the same level as me

"I know, you worship your Dadi. When she means the world to you how can she mean nothing to me, love? She did wrong things but I still respect her cause she's lives in your heart. Every thing or person who's close to your heart, is aslo close to mine" she replied, connecting our forheads

"I love you"

"As if I don't know" she chuckled and I rolled my eyes

After two minutes of silence

"I love you too"

"As if I don't know" on which she rolled her eyes

"I forgive Dadi" she muttered and my heard skipped a beat

I was about to say something when..

"Please God, give me my Dadi back. I can't live without her.

"Mr. Oberoi, your Dadi woke up"

I looked at Anika, which had a small smile on her face. And the next thing i know was i hugged her tightly.

"Sometimes we just need to call our beloved ones" she whispered into my ears


"Anika" Dadi said

"Yes, Dadi"

"Come, sit with me" and so she did.

"Forgive me, my daughter. I love you, I really do and i don't know why i became so selfish. Forgive your Dadi for a last time" a tear slipped down her eyes, which my love wiped away.

"iI forgive you Dadi, for everything but only if I get those delicious cookies made by you"

Dadi smiled and nooded, and I realized she was right

- Sometimes you just need to call your beloved ones.


See you soon, in the Epilogue.

Till then, take care

Amna ✨

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