Author's Note

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Hello everyone! 

I know it's been a while since I last updated this book, or posted on my profile. I've been busy, and then I lost motivation to continue writing. I realized that in the process of trying to finish writing draft 1.5 of this book, I had veered off most of my outline points. I thought that this would be fine in the moment, but it ended up disrupting the pacing of my book and my original vision for it.

Long story short, we're at over 90,000 words and Beau and Harper haven't even kissed yet lol. I feel like this draft has just dragged on, and never hit any of the important plot points I wanted it to.

This story definitely has a special place in my heart, and I will definitely want to circle back around and try giving it another go, but for now, I have decided to just end writing it at where it is.

As for writing in general, I would like to continue on with it. I have another fresh book idea plotted and ready to go, and have researched/ done enough prep-work that the draft of that project won't end up like this one.

However, I still don't have that motivation/inspiration back yet. But I think I'm going to try again and see what happens with this new project.

I might post it on here at some point, but I don't want to have yet another unfinished draft on my profile.

leiana52 I want to thank you for reading every update of this book, for cheering me on and for giving great feedback! I'm really sorry I couldn't finish it. You really did help motivate me through writing this draft, and I am extremely thankful for that.

I have many things to learn from this attempt to the next, and I hope to be back soon with a completed draft of my own.

Signing off,


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