๐•ฎ๐–๐–†๐–•๐–™๐–Š๐–— 14

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The door swings open to reveal Beau, who is dressed in a wrinkled grey T-shirt and regular blue jeans, his feet bare against the pale carpet. "Oh Harper, I-I wasn't expecting you," he says awkwardly, running his hands through his messy sand-colored curls.

I frown when his jade eyes don't flick up to mine, as he shifts from foot to foot stiffly.

"May I come in...?" I ask, a hesitant smile on my lips when he finally meets my eyes with a shocked expression.

"I... sure, come on in." he relents as I walk past him and into the small room, which looks identical to mine, except for a large wooden cello, which sits propped up against the wall to my right.

"Oh, you play the cello? I thought it was a recording!" I blurt out in awe, stepping forward to run my finger along the metal strings. I glance over to Beau who stands awkwardly behind me, trying to look anywhere but at me.

"Yes, I do play. But it's merely a hobby I do when I have time."

"Can you play me something?" I breathe, picking up the bow and feeling the smoothness of the wood in my hands, before remembering the purpose of my visit. "No..." I say, setting the bow back down and fully turning towards Beau.

"Beau," I say, rubbing my hands together nervously as Beau gives me a puzzled expression. I open my mouth to say my apology, but no words come out as my mind mercilessly decides to blank in that moment.

I groan and scrub a hand down my face as Beau grows more and more confused. Goddamnit, I've never been good at this apologizing-shit.

I take another breath and attempt to get a grip on myself, before forcing myself to look into Beau's eyes again.

"I'm really sorry that I slapped you the other night, when you were just concerned for my safety and trying to help me. I just..." I trail off as my throat closes up, but Beau waits patiently for me to finish. "I have a really hard time letting people help me." I finish, feeling a slight weight lift off my chest.

"Ever since I met you, I've treated you horribly. I've yelled at you, insulted you, called you terrible names... I've been an awful human being... and an even worse partner. I'm so sorry Beau, I'll do my best to treat you better, and work on my attitude. I really hope that we can develop a mutual relationship, and maybe one day be friends... if you could ever forgive me, that is."

Beau stares at me in shock for a few seconds, before he nods his head in relief. "Yes, I would like that very much. And of course I will accept your apology. After what happened on the balcony... I felt like I hadn't been giving you the appropriate space, so I had hoped that you would seek me out when you were ready." A gentle smile curves on his lips as he gazes into my eyes reassuredly. "Thank God you did decide to seek me out. I was worried that you wouldn't want to see me ever again, and don't let it go to your head, but I think I would prefer you a lot more over Agent Smith as my mission partner."

I can't help the laugh that bursts from my lips, internally relieved that at least someone wants me to be mission leader. "You have no idea how good that is to hear. And speaking of which, how is the mission going? What was the new development that pulled you away the other day?"

Beau's eyes light up, as he takes a step back and sits on the edge of his bed. "Oh, that day one of our scouts had learned about a covert meeting between two spy groups of the Serpent's Circle. The last few days we had been preparing to stake out the meeting so we could figure out where the Circle was going to meet next.

"Last night, actually, Agent Smith and I led an undercover mission to see what the meeting was about, and apparently the next official Serpent's Circle meeting is going to occur next Monday during a fundraiser ball the Lourve will be hosting-" Beau pauses and leans forward conspiratorially towards me. "Hopefully, that will be the day after you're cleared to go back into the field."

They chose a ball of all places? Seriously? I inwardly groan, but nod my head to Beau. "Alright, any idea how Harks is planning to 'evaluate' me?"

Beau shrugs. "I'm not entirely sure, but I believe he's going to do some kind of combat test, and also somehow test your mental progress. I have no idea how he's going to do that last part though."

I run a hand through my hair warily as I try to think of what Harks might do, but nothing comes to mind. "And what is our plan for me passing this 'evaluation?'"

Beau taps his chin thoughtfully. "Well, obviously we can spar together to prepare you for the combat test, though I've heard that you've already been doing that with Agent Parks and Tauren, so I have full faith in your capability. We'll also continue doing our morning runs... oh how has Rene been preparing you for the mental evaluation?"

I twist a strand of hair around my finger as I lean against the wall beside the cello. "She's mostly just been asking me how I've been feeling, if I've had any panic attacks, and giving me advice on how to keep my emotions in check and stuff like that."

Beau nods and reaches over to grab the cello and the bow from beside me, lightly plucking a few of its strings. "And did you tell her about your attack on the balcony?"

When I remain silent for a few seconds, Beau's jade eyes flick to mine, narrowing when I cringe. "Harper! You didn't tell her?"

"Look, it's hard for me to talk about that shit." I snap irritatedly, before slapping a hand against my mouth. "I'm sorry, I still need to work on that-" I start, but Beau doubles over laughing.

"Oh, it's good to see that some things never change." Beau snorts, before his face turns serious once again. "But seriously, you need to tell Rene that stuff. How is she supposed to help you if she doesn't know the whole story?"

I groan and run my fingers through my hair, absently beginning to braid the strands as Beau sets his cello and bow to the side.

"As I said before, I have a problem voluntarily telling people that stuff. And those attacks literally only happen when you're around... well two of them at least." I say, as Beau suddenly straightens and gives me a distressed look.

"When I'm around? Do you know why I might cause them?"

I can't help but flinch as I fight the image of his face flashing in my mind, my hands clenching into fists as I inhale a sharp breath.

Beau gives me a sympathetic look. "Right... it's hard to talk about."

I nod as I force myself to relax and unclench my fists.

"Well, how can I help you through it?" Beau asks after a few seconds, surprising me.

"Hmm, I'm not sure-" I cut off, remembering my conversation with Rene the other day, and when she asked me what had made me uncomfortable when I had the attack in the sparing room. I look back at Beau and give him a cutting stare. "I'm choosing to confide in you right now, so trust me when I say that if you make me regret it in the slightest, it will never happen again... got it?" I warn, crossing my arms as I prepare myself to withdraw my walls ever so slightly.

Beau holds his hands up in a show of surrender, "I really want to help you Harper, I want you to be able to trust me."

I can't help but scoff uncomfortably, walking across the room towards the sliding glass door, looking out at the setting sun. I stand in silence for a second, struggling to decide whether I really want to expose this to Beau. It's merely what you told Rene the other day, a part of me argues. You don't have to tell Beau anything about him, or anything you don't want to for that matter.

But the other side of my brain disagrees. How could he ever understand what you've gone through? What if he mocks you for it later? What if he uses it to his advantage to take you down? You still don't know him very well Harper.

"Harper, you don't have to tell me if it's really bothering you," Beau says softly from the other side of the room, slicing through my troubled thoughts.

I glance up into his jade eyes, analyzing his earnest expression until I determine it's sincere. With a sigh, I tilt my head against the wall behind me, closing my eyes as I grit my teeth.

"When I had my panic attack Sunday in the sparring room, it was your closeness to me in that moment that triggered it," I confess, fighting an overwhelming feeling of uncertainty. "It made me feel... a certain way," I mutter, clenching my jaw even harder and not daring to open my eyes. "Reminded me of a certain person."

I hear a rustle come from the center of the room, along with what sounds like Beau rubbing a hand across his face. "Alright, and how do you suppose we could change that reaction?"

I finally open my eyes and turn to Beau, drumming my fingers against my arm in thought. "Well, I suppose we could work on our relationship or something... until I'm comfortable being around you."

Beau nods, agreeing with my idea. "Okay, and perhaps when we're training together in combat, we can gradually work on the closeness thing as well? That way if you're put into close contact with me or another person, it won't be as... triggering?"

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," I admit, rubbing my hands up and down my arms, comforted by the plan we are forming. "There is another thing, I tend to freeze up whenever a gun is pointed at me, which has certainly been a bit... problematic."

Beau's widen slightly in realization. "Wait, is that why you froze that one night in the alleyway? I was going to ask you about it, but you were so defensive at the time, I didn't want to anger you."

I roll my eyes, "Yeah yeah, I get it, I was a jerk. And yes, that's why I froze."

"Alright, well I guess we can build up your tolerance to it when we're sparing as well... but Harper, I hope you realize how dangerous it was to put yourself in a position like that when you knew you could possibly be harmed," Beau says, crossing his arms in disappointment.

"It's fine," I say, attempting to wave away his concern. "I can handle myself, thank you very much."

Beau gets to his feet and walks over to me, as we both look out over the glowing city at dusk. "Of course you can," Beau agrees after a second, before turning back to me, his jade eyes burning into mine. "But that doesn't excuse your self-sacrificing behavior. Don't you see how jumping back into action after noticing these complications can be detrimental to yourself? I understand that whatever happened in your past has caused you a great deal of pain, but you can't keep pushing forward at the expense of yourself."

"Oh don't say that you understand," I mutter, trying desperately to tamp down the rage boiling within my gut. I'm sure you didn't have to go through losing the love of your life.

Beau sees the rage and grief in the depths of my eyes, his own jade ones softening immediately. "I-you know what I mean. Of course I wouldn't understand, but you do understand what I'm trying to say... right?"

I rip a hand through my hair frustratedly, as my eyes turn back to the city beyond the balcony. "Yes, yes I do."

"Good," Beau says as he glances at his watch, eyeing me out of the corner of his eye with an evil smirk. "Also, I would just like to make it clear that you owe me dinner after this whole deal."

I whirl towards him and cross my arms, lifting a single eyebrow. "I'm sorry what?"

Beau's grin deeps as he also turns to face me head-on. "You heard me. I believe you broke our deal, and haven't been the 'kindest to me' since we made it."

"I... come on!" I huff, although I know I've already lost the battle. "I've already apologized!"

Beau chuckles and walks away from me and towards his room door, opening it and gesturing for me to follow. "Indeed, and I am extremely grateful that you did. But as I'm sure you've heard, the way to a man's heart is through is the stomach. Consider it... a peace offering."

I uncross my arms and quickly walk after him towards the door. "Okay fine, but you really want to go now?"

"Now? Who said we were going now? I need to get my beauty sleep after this whole ordeal of you bullying me." Beau teases, making me roll my eyes in feigned annoyance.

"Alright then Mr. Beauty-sleep, see you tomorrow for our morning run?"

Beau nods, making his sand-colored curls bounce back and forth."Oui, now kindly get out of my room."

I give him a half-hearted wave as I walk to my room. "Adieu."

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