1. ๐“ข๐–Ž๐”‚๐–†.

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Okay...since so many of you want me to publish this chapter right now, here it is. The rest of them will only be out next year though. So much for accidentally hitting the publish button last night๐Ÿ˜‚

Siya ~

" Bhabhi why do I have to be the one to go with you to the market? I mean I have just come home today after my last exam. All I want to do is sleep and then maybe finish Sense and Sensibility." I whined to Hansika bhabhi as she had barged in my room.

" Tomorrow is Tanaya's baby shower and I can't do everything on my own Siya. Mom has gone with dad to the Palace for some work and will not be back before dinner!" She exclaimed, dragging me out of the bed.

" Why has mumma gone to the Palace? It's dad's office." I asked her, raising a brow.

" Princess Jahanavi loves her and her babysitter was off duty today so Rani ma saa requested mom to help her out with the little princess." Bhabhi clarified and I nodded my head in understanding. Princess Jahanavi is the younger prince, Samarth Rajvanshi's daughter.

" Where are my brothers and my baby?" I asked her another question.

" I will answer all your questions on our way. Right now, just get changed and come with me. We need to pick Tanaya's outfit for tomorrow and then buy some sweets." She handed me some clothes and pushed me to the washroom.

" This is such a pretty kurti bhabhi....why am I wearing it to the market?" I asked her as I stepped out.

" Because for a change, wearing Indian will be fun for you. Now let's go!" She said as we walked out from my room and she picked up the car keys.

Siya's Look ~

" Now will you tell me where is everyone?" I asked as I sat next to the driver's seat and she started to drive.

" Your brothers have gone to Udaipur for work, Tanaya is at her parent's because we sent her to rest or else she'd have herself work for the function and your troublemaker nephew is with his grandparents in the palace, keeping the little princess company." Bhabhi elaborated and I nodded my head. So this was why the whole house was empty when I got here.

Papa has worked at the Palace as the former King's secretary and now is the chief of security operations for Rana Arjun Singh Rajvanshi but he is retiring in a few months. It's such an irony that all his life, he has worked at the Palace and not once have I stepped into the place before for a majority of time, I live in Jaipur. I have lived in Jaipur for more than eight years now. Earlier, in boarding school and now college.

" Here we are....let's go." She parked the car and we got down and started to walk towards the main market. Honestly, this city has been foreign to me. I have no friends here and I barely go out anywhere once I am home.

Finishing whatever work bhabhi had didn't take much time thankfully.

" I want panipuri." I announced as a stall came to sight.

" Then let's get some panipuri." She grinned as we walked to the stall.

" Bhaiya, 2 plates of it. For me, make it extremely spicy." I asked the vendor.

" I need a mix, sweet and spicy." Bhabhi gave her preference as he handed over the plates to us.

" I love it." I said after finishing off my first plate and we both asked for second ones.

" Here, taste mine." Bhabhi made put her panipuri in my mouth and boy, it was tasty.

" This is like the best thing ever!" I said and made her eat mine.

" And this one is so spicy Siya!" She asked for water and I laughed as we paid for it and moved ahead.

As we were walking, there was a bit of commotion on the streets with people getting off the main road and standing to the sideway. Someone from the Royal family must be passing by soon. Yes, this was a regular happening everywhere in Rajasthan. Whenever someone from the Royal Family is passing by, people would automatically make way without being asked. In a way, the family was respected a lot.

" Bhabhi look at those jhumkis!" My eyes fell on the roadside stall of jewellery at the footpath and I rushed to the woman selling them. I am a sucker for oxidised earrings and no matter how many a pair of them I own, they'd never be enough.

" Look at you getting all excited about things you already have in abundance." She mocked me and I rolled my eyes and started to pick up the ones I loved the most.

" I only have a few hobbies bhabhi. Collecting these beauties is one of them! See, let me try." I removed the ones I was already wearing and started to put on various others to select.

" I am getting these three." I announced.

" Three? Take one and let's go. You don't need three." Hansika bhabhi schooled me.

" I need three! Please bhabz. Let me have then?" I gave her all the adorableness in the puppy eyes that I could muster.

" You're worse than Kritik in Hamleys." She sighed but paid for the earrings nonetheless.

" I love you and besides, we can share them you know. Tanaya bhabhi, you and I." I happily kept all the pairs in my bag.

" Yeah as if that ever happens." She made fun of me but I was too excited to care.

In all my happiness, I somehow got my leg tangled with something on the footpath and totally lost my balance and fell on the road from where a black car was coming towards me. My eyes widened but before I could even act to get away, the brakes screeched a quarter of an inch away from where I had fallen and I let go of the breath that I was unconsciously holding.

" Oh my God....Siya!" Bhabhi rushed to me and helped me stand up.

" Are you okay? Tell me where are you hurt!" She was panicking as she assessed me from top to bottom.

" I...I am okay bhabhi." I somehow managed to speak, trying to come out of the trauma.

" Ma'am are you okay? Do you need to be taken to the hospital?" The driver who had got down from the car asked.

" No..I am fine. I don't need a doctor." I replied politely. He wasn't at fault in anyway. It was my mistake.

" Siya?" I heard papa's voice and I found him getting down from one of the cars as he rushed towards me.

" Papa?" I asked, confused and that's when I realised that this was a contingent of cars of the Royal Family and papa was with them.

" Beta, are you okay?" He, just like bhabhi started to assess me for any injuries.

" I am okay papa." I tried to reassure him and he then pulled me to his chest and I closed my eyes to gather my breath.

" Come on. I am taking you to get checked." He said, pulling away and I shook my head in a rigorous no.

" I promise I am okay papa. I don't need a doctor." I said once again. I really didn't want to go to a doctor!

But before he could say anything further, the backdoor of the car from which I was almost hit by opened and everyone and everything around fell silent because Rana Arjun Singh Rajvanshi, the King had just walked out and every eye around was now on him.

" Ranaji I am sorry for the delay. All of you please proceed towards the Palace. I'll take care of my daughter here and get back just as soon." Papa turned towards the man who was commanding attention from everyone around him and once I looked, couldn't make myself look away while I was still pressed to papa's side.

The photographs do not do this man any justice. This was the very first time I was seeing him and I had nearly forgotten about my near-death situation.

" It's okay Mr. Dhar. I will see you back at the Palace. Keep a car with you." That was all he said and then his eyes travelled up to me, looking into mine and as soon as they did, I dropped my gaze to my feet for some goddamn reason, after which, he once again got back into his car and we stepped aside, letting the cars pass.

I, for one was still trying to recover from what had just happened.

The credit for the initial plot totally goes to Niyati @vjam_123
Thank you so much girl. I hope I do justice to your ideaโค๏ธโค๏ธ

So guys, this is the first chapter. Did you all like it? Please drop your comments and help me improve. Thank youย  for reading this.


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