19. ๐•ป๐–—๐–”๐–Œ๐–—๐–Š๐–˜๐–˜.

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Arjun ~

Siya who still hadn't let go of my hand was sleeping while I sat next to her. I could see dried up tears on her cheeks under the candles and her flushed face but unlike a few hours earlier, she had peace written all over her face as she slept and it was only my hand in hers which had stopped me from going back to those assholes and put a bullet in their already empty heads but I had a feeling that this woman, my wife, will not like that and so instead of thinking about them, I turned my eyes to look at her as she stirred a bit and shifted closer to me in her sleep, seeking comfort.

The minute my eyes had landed on her in my shirt this evening, I wanted nothing more than to just look at her and keep doing it for the rest of my life. Had it been upon me, I'd never let her wear anything else other than my clothes. The way it clenched to her waist and fell just below her mid-thigh left nothing at all and everything at the same time to my imagination and I couldn't help but smirk at the thought about her reaction if she finds out my utterly unholy thoughts about her, my little fireball.

I leaned back to rest my head on the headboard behind the bed and closed my eyes when I went back to her troubled face in the Queen's Courtyard as she ran over and threw her arms on me, clutching me as if her life depended on it and my heart raced like nobody's business. She was making me feel emotions nobody else ever had. Her every touch, physical or by way of words never failed to rise an unsaid feeling out of me, as if only she could unleash them and even surprising myself, I let her, despite the fact that I had decided not to let anyone affect me anymore.

" You will be the death of me Siya Arjun Singh Rajvanshi. You are delusional if you still think that I have it in me to let you go. I don't think I can breathe without you now, letting you go is out of any thought." I opened my eyes once again to look at her and a smile made it's way to my lips.



The next morning, I woke up to Siya who was trying to take her hand out of mine and when I opened my eyes to find hers, her cheeks had a beautiful shade of red as she bit her lip and I decided to make the most of her embarrassed state.

" Trying to sneak away, are we Siya?" I asked, letting her know that I was up and she immediately looked at me, her eyes widening in the most adorable way.

" Why will I sneak away? Purely out of the goodness of my heart I was trying not to wake you up." She scrunched up her nose and threw me a dirty look, her cheeks still flushed.

" Why does this tell me a different story?" I asked, touching her cheeks with the back of my hand, tracing the hair lock which had made its way to her face before pushing it behind her ear.

" I need to go and get ready. Cockroach will be here to pick me up soon." She said, confusing me for a second before I realised that she was talking about Karan.

" Do you have to go?" The words slipped out before I could stop myself.

" Of course! We have been planning this trip for so long now and before I start with my internal exams, I need this break." She said as I let her hand go and she got up from the bed and I followed.

" Turn around." I asked her and she narrowed her eyes at me.

" What? No." Of course she would refuse.

" Turn around, Little Flower." I couldn't help but mock her.

" Why?" She shot back.

" Because I am asking you to." I could not tell her. I had been meaning to give the necklace to her yesterday and was had reached near the Courtyard for the same purpose when I heard her scream.

" Ranaji....if you think..." Before she could finish her sentence, I kept my hands on both her shoulders and turned her around, taking the necklace out of the pockets, bringing it to her neck and putting it around.

" What?" She asked before looking down and taking it in her fingers, trying to study it and then turned around to look at me.

" What? Why? I don't understand." She eyes went back and forth from the necklace to me.

" I don't need an occasion or a reason to get something for you." I told her but I could see a storm developing inside of her and I waited for her to unleash it, leaning back to the dresser, folding my arms.

Siya ~

" Why would you get me something so expensive when all I do is make your life difficult and troublesome?" This man was beyond my understanding.

" Do you like it?" He did not answer my question but raised one of his own instead.

" I do. But I cannot accept it Ranaji. I don't think I care take care of something so valuable." I told him the truth and reached my neck to take it off but he stopped me, holding my hands in his.

" I know you will." Was all he said before giving me a reassuring nod and was just leaving but I held his hand to stop him.

" Ranaji....thank you for yesterday." I said before my eyes fell back on his bruises and cuts on his hand.

" Sit down here." I asked him before he could say anything and went to get the first aid box again to change his bandages and put some cream.

" Careful now, Little One or I might think that you are starting to care for me." I heard his teasing voice while I was dressing his hand and for once, I could not stop myself from laughing in front of him which made him smile too.

" You have nothing to worry about. I'll be sure to show you that I absolutely don't. Maybe ruin your closet or hide your files here and there or just do something...." I was interrupted when he placed a finger on my lips, stopping me and the ointment tube in my hand dropped on the bed because of the suddenness of his actions and just like always, his touch making me go crazy.

" As much as I enjoy listening to your voice, let me live in the delusion of my thoughts a little longer Siya." He said and for some reason, I found my heart sinking at his words and I averted my eyes from him.

" It's done." I dressed his hand and left him alone with his thoughts as I walked inside the washroom to freshen up. He was making me feel vulnerable just as much as he was showing his vulnerability to me. I shivered at the thought as my fingers found the necklace, playing with it before I took it off for a bath.

I got dressed quickly because I was running really late and put the necklace back. It was a double layered one with a star at the top and a crescent moon at the bottom and it could go with practically every cloth I own and that was my excuse of wearing it if he asks.

The Necklace and Look ~

As I walked out of the room, I found Ranaji talking to Karan bhai and I made my way towards them.

" Let's go?" I asked bhai and he nodded.

" I will drop her off the day after Ranaji." He told my husband who gave him a nod and then turned his head with a smile playing on his lips.

" Try to keep the tigers safe Karan." He mocked me and Cockroach broke into fits of laughter and I glared at the two of them but his eyes were on me and it felt dangerously close to being checked out and that feeling raised heat on my cheeks. He was checking me out!!!

" Good luck finding your files then, Arjun." I did not know what came over me as I called him by his name for the first time but I felt evil to do it in front of bhai. Anything to get back to him.

All his mocking words and gaze turned serious, as if he wanted me to say something to me but couldn't in front of my brother and that gave me the most satisfaction.

I gave him a sarcastic smile and dragged Cockroach away before throwing a random Bye at him, smirking as I heard a very faint groan, indicating that I had won this round as I mentally celebrated.

" Have you been messing with his work Siya?" Cockroach asked me as we sat in the car and he started to drive.

" I try." I replied and he laughed.

" He is totally whipped boy. I have had the opportunity of seeing a person mess up his file and let's just say that the consequences weren't nice. But he let's you off the hook even with his work." He was now talking to himself more than me and I rolled my eyes.

" How is Mahir?" I asked him, changing the topic. Yes, I had named my nephew Mahir because it was such a cute name and totally went with the cutie.

" He does not let us sleep at night." Bhai complained and I laughed. We were just teasing each other when we reached home and my phone blinked with a notification.

" I am right behind you." I told bhai and he gave me a nod, walking inside as I opened the message.

That was not a very nice thing to do, Little one.

Of course it was him but the worst part was, I just read the text in his voice!!

What did I do, Ranaji?

I typed back, smiling.

Back to Ranaji, I see. I am not playing this game with you.

He replied back and my smile turned to a laugh because I could hear the frustration in his voice.

What game? I don't know what you are talking about!

I said, this was damn fun!

You know exactly what I am talking about. You can hide as much as you want right now but you will be coming back home to me the day after. How do you plan on hiding then?

Even his text was affecting me now, just great!

I decided not to reply to him anymore and turned my phone on silent before making my way inside and giving the biggest of hugs to Mumma.

" You did not tell her what happened yesterday right papa?" I asked him as he hugged me tightly.

" I did not want her to panic." He replied and I nodded in thankfulness.

" Are you okay beta?" He asked, lovingly.

" Of course I am Papa." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and a huge smile.

" That's like my daughter." He replied, returning the smile.

After this, I went to meet Mahir who was asleep, Kritik was going with us and so was Hansika bhabhi because I had convinced them and they had agreed!

Mumma had packed some sandwiches for us and I had brought chips and soda from the market nearby and we were ready to leave!

" Let me drive?" I asked Rohit bhai.

" No." He and Cockroach replied and I rolled my eyes, sitting with Hansika bhabhi and Kritik.

" I hate you two." I announced.

" But we love you and ourselves. That is why you are not driving." Cockroach replied and I showed him my tongue.

" Leave those morons Siya. Let's roll these windows down and make some reels." She suggested and I nodded enthusiastically and got ourselves busy. We also took a lot of pictures!

Ranaji had sent two texts after I had stopped replying to him.

Cat caught your tongue now?

Enjoy your trip and keep yourself safe, Little Flower.

I couldn't resist myself from texting back.

You have miserable work days too, Ranaji.

It took us about 9 hours to reach the hotel but even then after having dinner, we asked the hotel to arrange for bonfire and sat together, planning for tomorrow.

" What if tiger comes and eats you Siya bua?" Kritik asked as he jumped from Rohit bhai's lap and hopped on mine.

" The tiger won't eat me Champ. I will throw your Chachu in front of him." I glared at Cockroach and Rohit bhai and Hansika bhabhi laughed.

" I won't be able to make me move from my spot, throwing me is a far fetched thought." He challenged me.

" Stand up." I demanded, making Kritik sit in my chair to drag him.

" Sure." He did what I asked him to.

I then took his arm in mine and started dragging him but he will putting all his pressure too.

" Admit it Chipkali, you lost." I was pulling him but no success but I did not give up.

" I will do no such thing." I replied and finally, he moved ahead to where I was pulling and I jumped in victory.

" You lose, I win. Cockroach is a looser, he is a looser." I teased, dancing around him.

Clearly, he was a sore looser and sulked, claiming that I had cheated.

" Okay guys. It's pretty late. Off to bed now." Bhabhi was the first one to become an adult again but we agreed. All of us were tired as hell.

Cockroach and I were sharing a twin single bed room while Rohit bhai, bhabhi and Kritik were in the suite.

" Which movie Chipkali?" Cockroach asked as we dropped on our respective beds.

" Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban." I replied and he nodded.

It was our thing. We still used to watch Harry Potter secretly together. As for the others, they thought we are plotting against them.

As the credits rolled, we were so tired that we could barely keep our eyes open so we decided to screw switching off the lights and let sleep take over.


The next morning, I woke up to knocking on my door. I found Kritik standing there, looking super enthusiastic and then jumped onto Cockroach to wake him up.

I decided to pick my phone up and saw two missed calls from Ranaji and a message.

Have you reached?

Yes, I did not check my phone yesterday. Sorry ://

I texted back but did not call him because it was a Sunday. He might have been sleeping and then I decided to get ready for the day! It was an early morning safari.

As usual, we all were damn unlucky and only saw deers in the Safari.

" Next time." Bhabhi tried to cheer us up.

" Why does this next time never comes?" I got down from the jeep, sulking.

" I agree." Rohit bhai said, Cockroach and Champ were right behind me.

" But we got so pretty pictures." Bhabhi again tried to make us look at the brighter side and earned a nasty look from Rohit bhai.

" Let's take a trip to Kashmir in a few months." I suggested, huffing as we walked into the hotel.

" I actually agree. We got bad luck with animals, maybe we'll get to see some snow." Rohit bhai dragged me in his arms, resting them on my shoulder with Kritik walking next to me.

" Fine. Kashmir is it next." Cockroach agreed.

" You guys haven't finished one vacation and already started with the planning for next. Unbelievable." Bhabhi taunted us.

" You should know your mental dysfunction by now bhabhi. We are suckers for vacations." Cockroach presented our case and Rohit bhai and I nodded in agreement.

" By the way Siya, Ranaji called last night. Rohit had forgotten to inform you." Bhabhi changed the topic and I nodded.

" I know. I've texted him back." I replied.

" Seems like things are getting better no?" She teased me.

" What better? No." I said, shaking my head.

" You haven't cursed him from yesterday. Seems like a progress to me." Cockroach had joined bhabhi's team and I looked at Rohit bhai desperately for help.

" Leave my sister alone you both. Come on Siya, let's go and have cold drinks." Bhai offered.

" Yes!" I cheered and Kritik joined me as we left Hansika bhabhi and Cockroach behind to sulk.

We may not have seen a tiger but we at least got some much needed time together, of course, all thinks to my planning!

Now my only anticipation was of returning back and dealing with calling Ranaji by his name for the first time in front of Cockroach. Geez!

To unlock the next one, 1000 votes are what I seek on this Chapter. Do let me know if it is too much.

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