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Arjun ~

Her skin was as warm as honey glowing under the merciless lights, her eyes were feline and utterly luminous, as if they had projected their own ray beams and I had to physically stop myself from pushing away hair strands that swayed at the side of her face to fully absorb her in. In all her glory, she looked like a goddess to be devoured. The kind who would bring any King on his knees and to say that I was an exception would be a lie.

" Arjun." Mom called out for me and the moment she gave her hand in mine, I knew this was it. She was mine as much as I was hers and god damn me if I let her walk away.

She squirmed as I let her hand go and looked away just as soon and just like that, the urge for me to look into her eyes returned.

" That is entirely unnecessary mother, I believe you just did." I told her and walked away to get a whiskey. The was wrong with me? She goes to college for god's sake and like a fucking teenager, I couldn't control myself as I saw her run away as I followed.

" Yeah? So what I want suddenly matters?" She pointed out the obvious but it was enough for a pure wave of anger rush within me and it was completely dedicated to myself as I decided to get away from the girl after making sure she does not drive in anger.

" You can take the fucking car and run in through a tree for all I care but there is no way I am getting in. I'd rather walk home." I heard her shout at the driver and my footsteps stalled and I forced myself to turn back to look at the scene.

Before I could stop myself, a chuckle escaped me which made her stop screaming and look at me.

" Ranaji are you sure that you are okay? I mean I was the one almost hit by a car today but it seems like you have lost your brain in the process or it the dementia finally kicking in?" No one has ever talked back to me like that, let alone as much as question anything but she seemed unafraid in unchartedย  territory.

" You should that things happen my way here, little flower and as much as I admire your ability to pretend to be fearless, you'd steer clear of going against me." I warned her, taking two strides towards her.

" Or what? There is nothing you can do to get your way from me so don't mind me if I pay zero heed to your empty threats." She replied, taking two steps back but she let me looking into those eyes of hers.

" You'll find out soon enough if my threats were empty or not Miss Dhar. Now get into the car." I opened the door and waited patiently for her to slide in but she folded her arms instead, gave me a twisted smile and turned back on her feet to start walking away.

I asked the driver to step out and drove behind her like a stalker. Seriously? Chasing after a woman, barely a woman was what I had reduced myself to? It was almost as if I had a split personality where I couldn't stand myself for what I was doing and the second part of me won't let her go even if it hadn't been more than two hours since I have known of her presence.

" Get inside the car, now." I asked her, rolling down the windows when my phone went off.

" Ranaji please stay where you are, the security cars will be right with you." It was one of the security staff who had called me.

" Anyone who tries to follow will be fired." I replied and hung up. I was not a child to be taken care of unlike a woman walking next to the car.

" You should know that you look completely like a psycho stalker villain from one of the Grade C movies who is obsessed with the heroine." She snarked and increased the pace of her steps.

" I have stopped caring about what anyone thinks of me quite long ago, little one. Now come and sit inside the car." I told her the truth which made her stop walking.

" Ranaji, I don't know what is the deal with you and in all honesty, I couldn't care less. Getting married in nowhere near my ten year plan and becoming a queen is nowhere near my hundred year one so forgive me if I don't care what you don't care about. Whatever mid-life crisis you're going through will not be solved by stalking random women." She turned towards me to speak before starting to walk again and I couldn't help but be amused at her words and audacity which surprisingly, it didn't insult me in the least. Perhaps I had underestimated her but not getting what I want wasn't something that I was used to she felt like my need rather than a want so colour me hypothetically impressed with her little outbursts here and there.



Siya ~

The man, the supposed King was following me like I was some possession he was entitled to and this did not sit well with me. I humiliated him in every way I could thing of and yet, not one muscle on his freakishly handsome face tell me that he was getting mad and so, I decided to keep my mouth shut and continued to walk home. That is when my phone rang. Mumma was calling and I disconnected it but no, like a stubborn person, she kept on ringing and I snapped.

" When I don't pick up a call multiple times, it clearly means that I don't want to talk mumma. Geez you guys are difficult." I shouted over the phone.

" This is no way to talk to your mother Siya." It was Papa who was on the other side.

" Then I guess I didn't, did I? Because you were on the other side Papa." I rolled my eyes and hung up on him, switching off my phone. Coming here was the biggest mistake I could have made!

" If you are done throwing a temper tantrum, get in the car and call your father." Ranaji asked me and I just couldn't believe that man!

" I'd rather jump off the cliff." I replied and refused to pay any attention to him after that.

I must have walked for about twenty minutes and was nearly home with him driving next to me when I stepped on a sharp stone and my ankle didn't support me, making me fall down. The fact that I was wearing the fanciest of the heel boots didn't help my case either.

" Will you now please get in? You are clearly hurt." Ranaji emphasised on the please part after I pulled myself up and started to walk again but my knee was scratched a little because of the road.

" I wonder whose fault is that?" I mocked him and that's when I saw the lane to my house and turned. He kept on following me.

" Are you going to keep on stalking me?" I couldn't help myself from asking.

" Just till you get home." He replied trying to be the gentleman that he was clearly not.

" Ranaji I am going to run away or die trying before I willingly step into the wedding alter. Promise." I said, opening the gate of my house.

" There isn't one place on this Earth where you'll be able hide from me little flower. You can go to the end of the fucking universe and I will bring you back." His eyes darkened and voice rouged as if he was making a promise to himself more than to me and it sent a shiver down my spine as I found myself clutching my fingers together to react in the way he wants me to, I will not show that he scares me, not in the least. But the smirk growing on his lips tells me a different story. As if he has already smell my fear and this revelation doesn't sit well with me.

" Are you absolutely sure that you want to marry to women who is about 11 years younger to you and still in college? Don't you have like actresses and women your age dying to get a single date with you?" I asked him because even if he is a Grade A jerk, he has the looks to compensate for the abundant lack of etiquettes in him.

" It is you I want, little...." I cut him off before he could use that to call me again.

" I am not a little flower! I hate flowers and I hate you and I hate this goddamn day!" Okay I lied about the flowers before I ran inside my home, banging the door hard. It can break for all I care!

I left my bag and boots in the hall and rushed up to my room, throwing myself on the bed and buried my head in the pillow and before I knew, tears started to run down my cheeks and I gave in to a groan of frustration, desperately hoping that this was some twisted prank because I for one was sure that this was not a nightmare because nightmares are never ironically beautiful and Rana Arjun Singh Rajvanshi was a not sore on the eyes pain in the ass for me right now.

Running, I guess that's what I was going to have to plan to get away from this chaotic King. But the question was, where would I run and how because when he said that's he'd find me from the end of the Earth, he wasn't kidding for sure.

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, at least 75 comments are required on this one.

I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!

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