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TWO YEARS WAS A LONG TIME. Sidney Prescott could attest to that. Two years ago her life changed.

One of her best-friends died, and the other one was not who she originally thought she was.

But that wasn't even the worst part, her boyfriend and her best-friends boyfriend, were also not who she thought they were.

Therapy had been her greatest friend โ€” besides Randy. She had severe PTSD at first, but with a lot of work, she was able to calm her triggers and with time they got better.

Though she still struggled with reoccurring nightmares, it was always the same one over and over again.

Standing in the Macher's kitchen, she would relive the nightmare of her bestfriends and boyfriend tormenting her, threatening her and even sometimes she would end up dead in some of the nightmares.

It was so real to her, that she would wake up in a cold sweat. Checking her surroundings, to make sure she was safe.

But she knew it would be a long while, till she was ever really safe.

Two years, basically twentyโ€”four months and counting, but there was still no trace of Rose, Billy or Stu.

It was like they were ghost, one minute they were terrorizing Woodsboro and the next, gone.

Not a single trace left to find them.

Sidney knew she just had to move on with her life and hope for the best, so she graduated high school and got accepted to college that was out of state.

She wanted a new life, a better life for herself.

Going into her new life, with a new persona, a new style. She wanted the old fragile Sidney gone. And the strong and confident one take its place.


Randy Meeks, the geek that survived. He knew Billy was a suspect from the start.

Being around the guy day by day, he picked up on the little things nobody else did.

But sometimes it wasn't always enough, especially in this case.

Because he was blinded by beauty.

Sure he may have been in love with Sidney, but that didn't mean he didn't have eyes.

Rose was actually his first school crush, to him she was the prettiest girl in the world.

But he knew he'd never have a chance with her, so their were no hard feelings, because he always had Sidney.

Whether or not she had a boyfriend. He always held out hope for the girl.

Going into the Macher house for the party, changed his life.

Though some would think it was for the worst, it was actually for the better in his opinion.

Living through the massacre, made Randy toughen up.

He may have still been a horror movie geek, but at least he was now a geek that had a backstory, one that made the ladies crazy.

After physical therapy, Randy now had what he called a "love scar". He felt more empowered, more manlier with the scar.

So after he finished high school, he headed off to college with a changed persona like Sidney, except he accepted everything with open arms and never backed down.


Windsor College in Ohio, is where both Sidney and Randy attended.

They were both surprised when they saw each other on campus, but like old times they fell back in to the rhythm with their friendship.

Because while Sidney and Randy both attended Woodsboro high at the same time after the massacre they spent time apart.

Randy hung out with his other friends and Sidney became a bit of a loner.

But now things had changed, they were both in a new place, a new atmosphere. So they decided to give their friendship a go.


Sidney got a roommate, who was also studying psychology as her major.

Hallie Mcdaniel, was the roommates name. She was a very stylish and upbeat girl.

At times Sidney would be reminded of Tatum when she hung out with Hallie. She knew they would've been great friends, because they had similar personalities.

One of the greatest things that came with Hallie being her roommate was that she volunteered to be her own therapist, since she had moved, she had to let go her own therapist.

So Hallie was her go to, if she had panic attacks or even if she felt uncomfortable.


Also while attending college, Sidney had met Derek Feldman, who was now her boyfriend.

He was studying to become a doctor.

They met in the cafeteria as they were both reaching for the last vanilla pudding. And ever since then they were each other "better half's" they brought out the best in each other.

Even if, Sidney wanted to take things slow at first. Derek respected her wishes.

And when she was finally ready, she welcomed him with open arms.


Mickey Altieri, he was in Randy's film class. They bonded over their fascinations with horror movies.

But Mickey was smart, he made sure nobody knew his actual last name. He didn't want them taking his sister away, when he had finally found her.

So he was a double agent, every time he hung out with Randy and his friends, he would always report to Rose, on how everything was going.

He knew what Rose and her friends were planning and he didn't tuck tail and run.

No, he wanted to join. Growing up, he always felt this darkness around him, so when he found out his sister was a sociopathic murder, everything made since in his life.


Rose Nightwood, but from birth she was known as Rose Altieri. She had went off the grid for 2 years along with Stu Macher and Billy Loomis.

Those three were trouble in the making, with all those different personalities anyone would think, they were a sinking ship.

But in actuality, they were death's door in the making.

Rose not caring about anything or anyone made things run like a finely tuned machine.

Billy being smart, thinking everything out, he was the more rational of the group.

And Stu he was loyal, no matter what. Now a days, you needed people like that.

So with all three of them combined together, they were a force to be reckoned with.


Coming up on the second year of fleeing, Rose became pregnant with child.

Billy's of course, though for a moment they thought it could've been Stu, but they came to the conclusion it was Billy's after checking the dates.

Rose was a live in the moment kind of person, so she never thought she would have a child this soon, but thinking things through she decided to keep the baby.

Maybe it would make her a decent person, she didn't know.

She didn't have a reason to actually keep it, but she did. Billy had no qualms with Rose keeping the child, he had imagined himself as a father before.

Not at this early age, but something about the whole thing was domestic.

Sure, growing up over the years he always liked Rose. So now that she was having his kid, everything felt like it was put in place.

Though he knew Rose was never one to commit to a relationship, he knew that for the child she was carrying they would always have ties to each other.


It was an early morning when Sidney Prescott was woken up by the sound of her ringing telephone.

Answering the phone, she knew it was a prank call because the caller decided to taunt her with the same modified voice that Billy, Stu and Rose used.

Confronting the caller she read his name aloud to him, cause his incoming call showed his caller ID.

Seeing it was a dead end the prankster hung up and Sidney got out of bed.

Hallie who was getting ready for the day, asked if they needed to change their number again, but Sidney brushed it off telling her it was because of the new Stab movie that was based on Gale Weathers books about the massacre.

As everything was alright, Hallie turned on the tv only for Sidney to see the crime scene at the movie theater.

Some how a reporter got inside the theater, and announced on live television that 2 people had been stabbed, and on air they showed the message written on the screen in big bloody letter.

At the sight, Sidney felt physically ill.

She saw the message and it was quite clear who it came from.

She knew they were back.

Rose, Billy and Stu were back and more determined than ever.

Hello everyone, I'm back again with a sequel. hopefully it doesn't suck because we all know that Randy says they do, but what does he know.


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