𝖎. hogwarts just got hotter

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𝖍𝖔𝖌𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖘 𝖏𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖌𝖔𝖙 𝖍𝖔𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗

⎯⎯ 🏰✨🐍

𝕸ISS MCGONAGALL PLEASE, please, please tell me who's coming."

"No, no, no, Miss Blue. It's not my call to make, and you as a student cannot be entrusted with such knowledge."

Minerva McGonagall slowly walked through the Hogwarts halls, checking every classroom on the way, with a bouncing Juniper beside her.

Now thirteen, nearly fourteen, Juniper obviously did not look like she had the night she was sorted into Gryffindor. Her hair was shorter, cut just below her shoulders and styled with two sections pulled to the back by golden butterfly pins rather than her signature braids. She was considerably taller, now matching about average height for her age, and her facial features had slightly slimmed down. A few acne marks were speckled across her face as well, but what everyone would notice were the girl's eyes.

Her eyes weren't a crystal blue like the ones she read about in books, nor were they emerald green like the ones she heard about in songs. They were a deep brown. Many would think, how can something so plain undergo so much change? They sparkled just a little more this year, the streaks of honey alluring even the most oblivious of people. Her eyes would catch the breath of anyone who stared into them, thanks to the looks of her late father.

"Who could I possibly tell, Minnie? They're all on the train here, it's not like a letter could get to anyone before they've arrived."

She stopped at the door to the Professor's classroom, not entering because of the stern look she was given.

"We've talked about this, Juniper. You must start calling me Professor," McGonagall said before sorting through a stack of papers lying on her desk.

"Sorry," Juniper mumbled, "But since I have given you a valid reason to tell me who our guests will be, I believe you should do exactly that." She held a small smirk as if she truly believed she had outsmarted the all wise and knowing, Professor McGonagall.

"And I believe you should get going now, Miss Blue. You've also seemed to have forgotten how to dress properly."

She looked down at her appearance—which consisted of cherry red joggers, a Weird Sisters t-shirt, and teddy bear slippers—and nearly laughed. It was strange, even for Juniper, to see students without robes, or at least a pair of jeans, roaming the Hogwarts halls.

"Well played. I guess I will see you later then, Professor," She held a small smile on her face as she turned around and began walking to her room.

Over the summer, Juniper preferred to say by the house elf quarters. This became a tradition for her after discovering a few weeks into her first year how much she was homesick for Marlo and the other elves.

"Miss Juneberry!"

Juniper jumped at the high-pitched voice that called one of her many nicknames and turned around to see Marlo standing beside a dolly that held her trunks.

"Merlin, Marlo," She sighed in relief while holding her hand upon her chest, "You scared the living hell out of me."

"Miss Juneberry, we must get you settled as quickly as possible! We don't have much time!" Marlo yelled, grabbing Juniper's wrist and attempting to pull her towards the cart, but due to the small size of the house elf it seemed nearly impossible.

"Marlo, we have hours until the feast begins," Juniper complained as she dragged her feet behind the house elf.

"And we're losing time, Miss Juneberry," And with the snap of Marlo's fingers the two ended up inside an empty dormitory within the Gryffindor Tower.

❀ ❀ ❀

"Why are you carrying flags?" Juniper, now properly dressed in her school robes, asked Hagrid as they neared the front of the building.

The half-giant smiled at the girl that was nearly three times smaller than himself and replied, "If I told ya it'd ruin yer ole Uncle Dumbledore's surprise, now wouldn't it?"

Juniper had grown close to the Gatekeeper over the years, especially once he began teaching one of her favorite subjects, Care of Magical Creatures. Ever since the previous year the two would gossip for hours over tea and discuss the many things that interested them both such as dragons, acromantulas, and the works of Newt Scamander. "Hagrid," The girl whined in an attempt to persuade the teacher that was most likely to accidentally spill any Hogwarts gossip.

"You best be gettin' back behind those walls before they get here. I can't have you gettin' hurt, Little Berry," Hagrid sat on the closest bench to wait for the new "guests" while Juniper stood in front of him, still unable to block the sun from the half-giant's eyes due to their height difference.

"How did you know juniper plants have berries?"

"I paid some attention in Herbology, unlike yerself," Her cheeks became a light rose color. She was embarrassed to admit, even to Hagrid, that she almost failed Herbology every year along with a few other classes. "Now get inside before Dumbledore has my head, or worse, McGonagall."

"Fine," She exaggeratedly huffed, "I guess I'll go sit over there, behind the wall, all alone as I stay quiet and wait."

She sighed and slowly walked towards the school, shaking her feet almost as if it was a sad dance with every step she took, but—instead of giving her the answers she wanted—Hagrid laughed heartily from the bench.

It wasn't long after she situated herself on the partial brick wall close to the entrance door when she heard the loud voices of her classmates.


Juniper's head rapidly turned towards the direction of the voice as she got up to stand on the ledge, which she was previously sitting, in order to get a better look into the crowd.

"Juno, Juno, Juno!"

Then she saw it. The figure in green robes with brown hair slightly darker than hers pushing and shoving through the crowd to reach the front.

"Daphne!" Juniper jumped down from the ledge to tackle her best friend in a bear hug.

The rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin houses had been known ever since the school had been built, but Juniper Blue and Daphne Greengrass have gone against the stereotype since second year. Their friendship began over their mutual hatred for their Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at the time, Gilderoy Lockheart, and the many detentions they served together in his classroom.

"You would not believe what Lennon did on the train!" Daphne unnecessarily shouted over the crowd of students, which resulted in many of them giving looks of annoyance towards the girls.

"Lennon! my baby!" Juniper shouted with laughter just as loud as her friend had.

"Your "baby" took a massive shit on the train! And they made me clean it up! It's not my fault Lennon can't hold it for a few hours!" Juniper could only laugh as words refused to form in her brain due to the amount of joy Daphne's embarrassment and anger—and, of course, her cat, Lennon—brought her. "I swear to the Lord I'm not bringing that rat next year. Hell, I may even send him home tomo-"

"Clear the runway!" Hagrid's gruff voice interrupted the Slytherin, and every other conversation, bringing everyone's attention to the object flying above.

The students stopped walking and stared in awe at the flying horses pulling a carriage towards Hagrid's landing station. People murmured words of astonishment while they began to move their feet once again, only to be stopped by another eye-catching event. A large, medieval style ship rose from the Great Lake and their eyes of the Hogwarts students were wide in awe for the second time.

"Don't these people know what magic is? We've only been witches our whole lives," Daphne sarcastically said out of annoyance as she began pushing through students just as she had earlier.

"Well it's not everyday we have visitors I guess," Juniper replied, pushing students as well who couldn't seem to get the hint from Daphne that the girls were on the move.

"You know sometimes I wish you were a Slytherin because when I tell you I want to throw old toenail clippings at Pansy Parkinson every time she opens that hideous mouth of hers I am not joking in the least bit," The Slytherin ranted as the two girls trudged up the stairs leading towards the Great Hall.

"Sorry Daphs, I quite enjoy Gryffindor. The company is immaculate if I do say so myself," Juniper said a tad more posh than usual with a small smile adorning her face.

"Excusez moi!" Daphne gasped, "I think my company alone is more immaculate than all Gryffindor's combined and you, Miss Blue, have just offended me."

"Oh no! How ever will I get over such tragedy?" The Gryffindor gasped and giggled walking through the Great Hall entrance.

"Go cry to one of your twinnies I assume. What's his name again? Is it Gerald? No, no, that's not it. Oh yeah. It's George." Daphne mocked the now blushing Gryffindor before they parted ways to their respective tables.

Juniper found Ginny Weasley sitting by Neville and a few other Gryffindors in her year and decided to sit next to the Weasley and chat about their summer activities.

As usual, the first years were sorted into their houses before the feast could begin. Gryffindor gained some new members, as it did every year, but that was the least of Juniper's focus due to the loud screaming of her name coming from the mashed potatoes in the kitchen below.

"Now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement," Dumbledore's calm voice boomed throughout the Great Hall, catching everyone's attention, "This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well. You see Hogwarts has been chosen-"

His speech was interrupted, however, by Filch hysterically running through the Great Hall only to whisper something to the Headmaster and leave, making Juniper quietly laugh at the man.

"So, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The Triwizard tournament," Dumbledore continued, "Now for those of you who do not know, the Triwizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests." Juniper's, along with most students in the room, eyes widened at the idea of competing in said tournament.

No wonder Uncle Dumbledore kept this from her.

"From each school a single contestant is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if chosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint hearted, but more of that later. For now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress, Madam Maxime."

Girls dressed baby blue gracefully fluttered through the door and danced down the aisle, butterflies flying through the air along with them. If you were to look among the crowd it would look as if many of the Hogwarts students had fallen in love.

"Bloody Hell."

"Ron, that is completely boyish." Juniper overheard Hermione and Ron quietly bicker, but she couldn't care less about it. Ron was right, the girls were beautiful.

But there was one boy who paid no attention to the gorgeous girls.

Draco Malfoy sat at the Slytherin table with his eyes situated on a girl at the table across from his, taking in the changes that had taken place over the summer months, like he had done every year since he was eleven. He noticed her hair first, and how it was drastically shorter and a tint lighter than the year before—possibly from the sun, he thought. It was also styled down rather than braided. He noticed how her red and gold tie was messily tied around her neck as it normally had been since their first year.

And lastly, he noticed how she had begun to wear a light watermelon shade of lipgloss since the end of the last school year. He noticed everything, and would never tell, nor be caught by anyone.

He himself had little change over the summer. He had always been rather tall for his age, but this year his growth seemed to have slowed down and allowed the other boys in his year to catch up. It looked as if nothing at all had happened to his hair, except it was slightly messier than normal. The only way people could tell that some time had passed was if they looked at his facial features that had somewhat matured. Some would say they even made him more attractive.

"Blimey, that's one big woman," Seamus could be heard from across the hall, which drew the people who weren't previously paying any attention towards the literal giant woman processing down the aisle.

"And now our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master, Igor Karkaroff," Dumbledore spoke again.

This time, instead of graceful women, burly boys stomped through the doors carrying staffs and occasionally banging them against the stone floors, creating sparks. Just as the Beauxbatons girls, the boys from Durmstrang were very alluring. Why can't Hogwarts have any attractive people? Juniper thought, placing her head on her hands and sighing as she took in the performance.

She felt a nudge at her side and looked at Ginny who gaped at the Great Hall entrance. "Blimey it's him, Viktor Krum," She heard Ron, along with many others throughout the Hall, whisper. And sure enough the famous Viktor Krum had entered the building. Juniper had never been much into quidditch, therefore the champion didn't interest her, and—in her opinion—he looked similar to a forty year old man.

The students from the various schools sat amongst the Hogwarts crowd of students and the feast began, Juniper being the first to dig into the massive bowl of mashed potatoes.

"Why must our stomachs be so small when food is so good?" She groaned, scooping the last serving of potatoes from her third plate of the delicious food into her mouth.

Hermione scoffed at the girl sitting across from her. "Would you stop eating? And you," She swatted Ron's shoulder, "We have guests."

"We also have dessert, so I guess I do need to-"

"Your attention please! I would like to say a few words," Dumbledore interrupted Juniper.

"Does he ever stop talking? Bloody hell," She rolled her eyes, not paying attention to the glares she was receiving from a few students.

"Eternal glory, that is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard tournament. But to do this, that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks. For this reason the ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. To explain all this we have the head of the department of international magic cooperation Mr. Bartimus Crouch."

Mr. Crouch, who no one had noticed before, began to walk towards Dumbledore's golden podium when thunder cracked above the crowd and rain began to pour down. "I curled my hair this morning for nothing!" Juniper angrily yelled as screams filled the hall. Peace was restored, however, when a grimy man stood at the side entrance and casted a spell towards the ceiling, ending the storm.

People whispered about the strange man, Alastor Moody. Juniper wasn't ignorant of who the man was, therefore she focused her attention on her now wet, straight hair with a sad expression.

"After much deliberation," Crouch began speaking, still failing to catch the upset girl's attention, "The Ministry has concluded that for their own safety no student under the age of seventeen shall be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwizard tournament. This decision is final."

The crowd went wild once more, but this time with anger. "That's rubbish! You don't know what you're doing!" The Weasley twins screamed, alerting Juniper and taking her out of her moping state.

"Silence!" Dumbledore yelled.

He casts his hand over the lavishly decorated box unveiling a stone cup that produced blue flames.

"The Goblet of Fire. Anyone wishing to submit themselves for the tournament merely write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on thursday night. Do not do so lightly, if chosen there's no turning back. As from this moment the Triwizard Tournament has begun," Dumbledore concluded.

Students began speaking once again as the feast neared it's close.

"I have an interesting feeling about this year," Juniper stated to any Gryffindor around her that would listen.

Hermione laughed across from her, "Like that hasn't been said in every muggle movie ever."


𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊

LOL i finally got bored enough to
go through and edit this
— sorry it took so long babes :(
anyways i just cleaned my room
and i feel like y'all should know that
(yes junie does have like 100 nicknames,
that's important btw)

mal bitches 🌟

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