c i n q u e║f i v e

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"The Italian Mafia. You're a part of it!" I state, now without a doubt about it.

He does not answer. He scoffs and closes the door behind him and leaves me alone in this big room with nothing to do except to think about my journey to here.

And who the flying fuck is Annabella and why did she look exactly like me.

I'm dominated by fear and confusion, therefore I can't control the tears from dropping.

Fuck! I have a hatred for fear. It's so exasperating not to know where I am and what is going to happen to me.

I've always had control over my life. My entire life has been decided by me, from moving out of South Africa to the United States because I was sick of my parents, to flying off to Italy when I turned eighteen.

Everything has been handed out to me like a piece of cake, all things were effortlessly given to me. And now I have nothing to be given.

Apparently, I lost my freedom, I lost my fucking my friends and my family.

My family. Will I ever see them again?

Panic starts to take over my every cell. As my knees begin to feel weaker and my palms sweaty, I let go of my embrace and lie down on the enormous mattress.

The exhaustion finally hits me and I fall asleep with the hope that when I wake up everything is going to be over and I will be in my ocean view apartment.


All my hopes crash down as my eyes open and see again the dark themes bedroom. I deeply sigh, for the first time in a long time, because I'm tired of fighting against myself.

I let the anxiety take control of my whole body and my chest begins to hurt.

I need water.

I slowly climb out of the bed and start walking towards the shut door.

"I never harm innocents, Luciana" I hear his voice whispering.

I interrupt my steps astonished at his words. A sense of relief fills me as I hear that very useful information.

"You don't have a choice, brother" another voice, rather feminine counters back.

"I did some research on her." he pauses for a couple of seconds, then proceeds to say: "I can't kill her!" He never raises his voice. Always keeping it plans but with a certain authority in it that I haven't heard in a while.

My ears are now well attentive to his words. I lean toward the door and tilt my head so that my ear makes contact with the wooden door.

He did investigation on me and came to the conclusion that he can't kill me. Good for me, isn't it? If he can't kill me, I might as well have to kill him.

I still have a gutting feeling about this.

"Well, Marcello. You are a dead man"


"Not on my watch, sister"

"This could get you kill-" she begins to say, her voice wobbly and low, but Marcello was quick to shush her up.

"Don't worry, Luciana. Nothing will happen. You know I have my ways." He assures her. "She'll stay"


I'm inside this room wondering what I should do. And I'm confused by what I just heard, mindlessly I open the door, as the fear drains out of my system due to the very important piece of information I have just collected.

If he can't kill me, he must need me alive.

I can use it to my advantage.

Just when I was about to open my mouth to speak my words, they startle and Marcello's gaze carefully travels down to the glass table with files and papers scattered on it and begins to quickly pile them up.

To my amusement, it is already night-time, the sun light was almost dull and the sky was filled my tiny little stars.

"What are you talking about?" I confusingly ask, squinting my eyes a little.

The woman, that seems to be about my age and I presume is his sister, had drops of tears on her chick bones, and a very sad look.

Everybody here has to be extremely attractive and this pair of siblings are no different. Though, it is not the proper time to think about pleasure, that Marcello man is a piece of... Let's just say that he's feeding my darkest sexual thoughts.

Something about the way he moves, how his muscles flex whenever he motions, how his dead eyes are piercing through me in this exact moment, makes my womanhood throb in an ineffable manner.

No one gives me an answer to my question. The woman, Luciana, glances back and forth between me and Marcello, meanwhile, shifts his eyes to the table. He's plainly staring at the papers.

"Are you going to fucking talk or do I have to jot it down on you idiot's faces?!"

"Do not talk to me like that." the woman wipes the tears off her face and hisses as she swiftly stands up from her seat.

Oh wow.

"Hey, sit down, girl!" I laugh, and Marcello, shifts his eyes to the papers. "No need to be a cranky bitch."

Ever since I overheard that conversation, a big burden has been lifted off my back. I feel as if there is nothing else to fear.

Marcello's eyes widen as the words leave my mouth and without getting a chance to protest, I find him practically jogging my way.

His large hand cling to my neck and pins me to the closest wall behind me, grasping my throat. He looks down at me and I look up at him, with a devilish look, "Come cazzo l'hai appena chiamata?" he huffs the words out. {what the fuck did you just call her}

Fuck, those hazel eyes that caught my attention the first moment I left that room got me hypnotized. This relatively vulnerable position turns me on, making a poor moan escape my mouth.

"Sorry, love, but I don't tend to repeat myself," I state using a throaty voice, looking at both of them.

He tightens his grip a little more, which causes my head to lift. A provocative smile forms on my lips.

He doesn't seem to like that at all.

"Luciana, leave!" he demands, his ringing voice piercing my eardrums.

I look at the woman, who still had the doleful yet wild-eyed expression drawn on her face. She was ready to attack at any point.

"Adesso!" he now speaks louder and very roughly, his eyes never leaving mine. {Now}

I firstly flinch to his voice but grin when she starts to grab her purse from the sofa, then without drifting her eyes from mine, she walks over to the large wooden door of the entrance.

Before opening it, she mumbles: "I wish he blows your brains up" then proceeds to shut the door behind her.

This man still has me pinned to a fucking wall while his large hands full of protruding veins and cold rings on some fingers, hugs my neck.

"Why the fuck do you smile?" he spits out. His face is extremely close to mine, to the point that as he talks, our lips could touch.

"Why wouldn't I?" I counter back, ogling him, and smiling enticingly.

He humiliated himself when he said that he cannot kill me and he's sister practically said that he's a dead man.

He needs me alive, so why fear while I can have fun with the situation? There seems to be no way out so why make it a bad thing. I have no respect for this man.

I have only to turn every bad element of life into a desirable reality. That's exactly what I intend to do.

"Because if you continue, I'll have no choice but to punish you" he speaks lowly, leaning down to my ear.

I stand on my the tip of my toes and smirk, instead, " I'd love to see that..." I say in a low seductive voice against his ear.

Magically, his grip softens a bit.

"Now if you excuse me, I was going to get some water."

My feet stamp down on the floor furthermore and I free myself from his touch. As I walk heading to the kitchen, I feel victorious.

Speechless. I left him speechless.

I see this is going to be entertaining.

a u t h o r ' s  n o t e

Of course, the necklace had to make an appearance.

Ly xx

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