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"Richie, what are you going to order?" Eddie asked. He had to raise his voice a little and felt uncomfortable at how loud the diner was.

Richie glanced up at Eddie. "Not sure yet. You?" Eddie snorted, "I already figured it out minutes ago." Richie rolled his brown orbs and continued surveying the menu. Sure, he'd been here a couple of times before but it's been years.

"Ready to order, folks?" a bored sounding voice asked. "Beverly! Haha, i forgot that you're a waitress for a moment." Richie chuckled and ignored Beverlys irritated snort. "Well, Waitress Marsh, I would like a chocolate milkshake with whipped cream on top and a double beef cheeseburger with medium sized fries. Oh, and maybe your number for tonight?" Richie said in another terrible english accent, winking at Beverly playfully.

"Beep Beep Richie. I don't do handouts to pubescent teenage boys who wank every three hours." Beverly spoke in a much better english accent than Richies.

"Yeah, i know you want me, Marsh." Richie winked and stuck out his tongue. "Gross. No." Beverly pushed Richie away, laughing and asked Eddie what would his order be.

"I'll have a Vanilla Milkshake with extra whipped cream and a cherry on top, the grilled cheese sandwich meal, and a small fries." Eddie listed and thanked Beverly. "You're welcome, shortstack." Beverly winked and walked away to the back of the counter.

"No fair! she winked at you but she didn't wink back at me? What the fucking hell." Richie sighed and pouted.

"Oh come on, Richie." Eddie scolded. "Don't embarrass yourself in a public area by pouting like some toddler." Richie waved him off.

"Okay Eds. Hey, our foods coming! that was pretty fast." Richie looks at his blank wrist, twisting an imaginary watch around. "It's been fifteen minutes, and did i say you could call me eds, richard?" Eddie lets the last word linger as Richies head snaps up.

The latter hisses like a cat. "Try me, Kaspbrak."

"Okay, let's not have any cat fights. Richie, i believe this is your order. Eddie, here's yours too." Beverly moaned playfully and settled the two plastic grey trays filled with food in front of the two teens. "Yum! Thanks sunshine, you've made your old pa real happy." Richie joked in another british accent (probably worse than the last) and received a slap in return.

Eddie giggled. "Thanks Beverly." Beverly smiles kindly at Eddie and the brunette was struck by how motherly the redhead could look when she smiled. "It's Bev to my friends." She winks and walks off.

When Eddie takes a bite of his burger, he hears a sharp low whistle like the kind in gang movies. "Damm. Eddie, that was a huge ass bite." Richie says in utter amazement. Eddie being himself, swallowed shyly and blushed. "I'm sure it wasn't that huge a bite." he mumbles.

"Aw! Blushing Eddie! Cutest thing i've ever seen! Just for that adorable blush i'll let this slide." Richie laughs and tucks into his own meal.

The pair laugh and joke the night away. Their meals half-forgotten as they tease and just let loose, Richie teasing and provoking Eddie and Eddie,never failing to yap back like a Chihuahua.

Beverly couldn't help but glance over their table several times while wiping away stains on the counter. The way those two looked at each other, it was like nothing else mattered than Richie and Eddie.

Maybe Richie didn't like Eddie. And maybe Eddie didn't like Richie. But she could feel it in her heart that somehow, Richie and Eddie wanted more than friendship. Whether they were going to admit it or not.

And of course, she was concocting a plan to get the two a little closer.

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