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Beverly: Eddie, meet me at the back of the school!
Beverly: In ten minutes!
Beverly: Ack- hurry!❤️

Eddie🍝: Okay, ill be there as fast as possible!❤️

Eddie quickly pulled on a lilac sweater as it looked chilly outside and a pair of fitted sweatpants. "Mommy, i'm skipping breakfast today!" Eddie yelled as he hopped down the stairs. Sonia walked over to the bottom of the stairs with a yellow lunchbox in one hand and socks in the other.

"I thought you might say that, Eddie. Here's your breakfast in your lunchbox and i've put money in your wallet for drinks and dinner tonight. Oh, and here are your socks!" Sonia said quickly, reaching over to hug Eddie on the last step. Eddie blinked in surprise and nodded his head. "Okay mommy. Where will you be tonight?"

Sonia blushed red and adverted her eyes. "Oh just a talk with Mr Keene. A little chat. You like him, don't you, Eddie Bear?" Sonia alex with a hint of desperation in her voice. Eddie didn't say anything and grabbed his stuff and his bag, pulling on his footwear and leaving for the bus.

"You like him, don't you, Eddie Bear?" haunted Eddie on the bus ride all the way till school. His mommy wasn't serious right? Did she know that what she was doing was wrong? Fuck, did Greta know?

Eddie hopped off the bus steps and quickly ran, with his large backpack, smaller but just as spacious on the inside as his old one. The brunette ran past students towards the back of the school, struggling with climbing over the trashcans and settling onto the stone wall.

"Eddie! woah are you okay?" Eddie looked up into the searing blue orbs of Beverly Marsh. Said girl was trying to steady Eddie and was silently panicking. "Eds, are you okay? do you want me to call Richie?" Eddie waved her off and shook his head. "Don't! He doesn't need to worry."

"So why did you text me to come meet you here?" Eddie huffed, taking in deep gulps of air, trying to keep a smile on his face. Beverly smiled back and then gave him a mean little smirk. "I think someone got asked to the prom..." the mischievous girl said in a sing-song voice. The young Kaspbrak blushed and rolled his eyes.


"Oh come on! Tell me! Spill the motherfucking tea, Kaspbrak!" Bev laughed.

"Well, Richie came to my house and met my mommy. He said he had homework to pass to me, which was just a fucking coverup, and then i led him to my room and he toke out his "homework" and i opened it and it was a cheesy ass poem. Then i asked him if he was serious and he said yes and i hugged him."

Beverly giggled, the giggles erupting into loud guffaws. Peels of laughter exploded from Eddie as well and the two laughed like clowns.

"Hey bitches! Get your ass off the wall and get to class, motherfuckers." Eddie and Beverly turned around and met the angry eyes of Greta Keene. Oh no, Eddie thought. But Bev on the other hand, was as calm as a cucumber. "Make up your mind Greta, are we bitches or are we motherfuckers? pick one."

Greta sneered and the pair quickly hopped off the wall and landed on top of some trashcans. Beverly helped down Eddie and glared meanly at Greta.

"Eddie. You and i are going to have to talk soon." Greta said, her eyes were squinted at Eddie and her teeth were bared like a dogs. She was probably trying to scare them, but Eddie wasn't sure. "Whatever Greta. Leave him alone." Beverly spat at Greta, shoving Eddie inside the school and together, the pair walked off to their first class.

But Greta's words still horrified Eddie. What was the blonde going to do to him?


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