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Eddie noticed him in science. His hair was extra messy and his glasses were askew on his charming face. He wore a neat black button down shirt and slacks.

He also wore the same sneakers as Eddie. Worn out and Converse. The same fire engine red.

It was hot and it was July. Eddie was dissecting his frog, his brown eyes concentrated, when he heard a sequel from beside him. Curious, he looked up.

The blonde girl next to him had frog blood splattered on her white tank top and jean jacket. The blood was dark and was smeared on her heavily made-up face. Eddie ducked his head down, trying to smother his laughter.

Except for one.

"Holy shit, Rachel what the fuck? You were just supposed to cut out the heart, not his damm intestines! Jesus, how are you so bad at bio?" The boy next to her ranted and rolled his eyes.

Behind him, a group of boys were snickering and looking meanly at Rachel.

Rachel stared back at the raven haired boy with surprise. "Baby..." "Baby? since when were we calling each other baby?" The boy cut in. His brown eyes narrowed and filled with slight annoyance.

Eddie glanced up again and just in time to watch as Rachel ran from the room. Crying and sobbing whilst the class carried on, like nothing happened. Mr Robert sighed and continued tapping away on his computer, ignoring the mutters and whispers. The boy who was her partner however, was staring straight at Eddie. His eyes stone cold sober.

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