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"God Steve, what the hell do i do? sit on my ass and just say nothing? keep her in the dark and cheat on her behind her back?"

Steve rolled his brown orbs, glaring heatedly at the boy who was interrupting his lunch break. "Okay first of all, you are not cheating on El. Secondly, how the heck are you even cheating on El with this Max? You don't even know if she likes you back." Dang it. "Fair point." Mike ground out through clenched teeth.

Taking pity on Mike, Steve set down his Mug of coffee and clapped him on the back. "It's alright, Mike. I think you should just talk to El about this. Let her know that you still love her and care for her, but you're just not in love anymore." Steve said. His hazel brown eyes were darker with age but he was as clean-shaven as he was in high school. Leaning against the comic book shelves stood Robin, her hair dyed turquoise at the tips and she was busy chatting with a customer. She waved casually at Mike. He waved back, smiling internally at how badass she was years ago. And she still was. Just that she was less sarcastic now.

"My relationship with your Sister taught me one thing, to never take for granted the love that someone gives you, because sometimes, that love doesn't last forever. Nancy was amazing, she truly was. And even if she doesn't love me anymore and i don't love her, that doesn't mean i don't care about her. There's a fine line drawn, but once it's clear, you'll have no problem seeing in between." Mike made a face. "So i have to talk to Elle? Just like that? What if she kicks me in the balls?" His face took on a look of panic.

Steve choked on his sip before swallowing it and breaking into a cackle, "Then i'm sorry kid, but you deserve it. Who told you to go ahead and fall in love with someone else anyways? And here i thought you were a gentleman." Mike punched Steve in the shoulder, hard. "Ow! Shit, that hurts, Shithead."

"That's what you get for telling me that i deserve getting my future generation fucked up by a kick to my sack." Mike grumbled. "Oh shit, okay. But next time, try that again and i'll be punching you, Wheeler."

"You won't. And if you try, I'll just make that bruise bigger and call the police on you. I'm sure they would love to know why a grown ass man is punching a minor." Mike spat playfully before leaving the video game store, leaving Steve Harrington alone in the musty store.

Steve's eyes softened, "Yeah i won't." he muttered as he watched Mike hop onto his bike and cycle away. "Was that Mike? He got taller, didn't he?" Robin asked, the tinkling of the bell above the door fading. Steve smiled down at his partner in crime, the girl he was once, almost bizarrely even, in love with. They were better off as friends anyways, she brought him more laughter and joy than anyone he had ever known, and it would be so awkward if she ever knew that he still liked her.


"Just wait till I tell Nancy that her little brother is becoming a player." Robin chuckled.


The trip to the Byers home was colder and longer than Mike had expected. The twists and turns narrower. He peddled on through the cold, his teeth chattering like a skeleton.

When he finally reached the warm and glowing home, Mike settled his bike against the shed.

Leaning against the cool wood, the conflicted raven-haired boy quietly over the words he would tell Elle. He thought them over and over, doubting himself the moment he peaked behind the shed and found a figure sitting on the porch. Alone without a jacket.


"Elle? God, what were you thinking!" Mike nearly yelled as he ran towards her small figure and whipped his puffy blue jacket off, draping it over Elle and zipping it close. "You could catch your death out here! Aren't you afraid of the cold?" Mike asked,softer, after seeing Elle's surprised expression.

The brunette girls eyes softened and she leaned her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry for making you worry. I just really looked forward to seeing you, that's all." Now he felt bad. How could he have shouted at poor Elle when all she had wanted to do was wait for him and jump into his arms? She had always done this with him as a child, and she still did it now, even as she was nearing the age of adulthood.

"I'm sorry, Elle."

"It's okay."

"No it's not. Come on, let's go out and eat something. The diner is still open, we can still grab a burger and a milkshake before your curfew is up." Elle nodded, taking his jacket and sweeping it over Mike's form, before stepping inside the house to get her own. When she did step out again, Mike was sat on his bike, waiting for her on the curb. His eyes were glazed over and his face was entirely blank. He was thinking. And Elle didn't want to disturb him, especially when he looked so cute like that.


"Oh, hey. Come on", Mike patted the spot for her behind him, "Just like old times, remember?" he tried to smile and assure not only her, but himself, that everything was alright. That he wasn't trying to break up with his girlfriend like a total asshole.

What's the use. You're already planning to break up with her today. At least you're not just breaking up with her on the spot then leaving her.

That's right, he would take her out one last time to have a good meal. He would take her out, make her happy and see her smile one last time, then break the news gently, delicately like a egg. Elle was the best thing in his life, teaching him how to care for a girl properly and standing by him. For teaching him lessons he had used to teach her when he was in his lowest of points. They went well together. But after dating one person for such a long time, you start to wonder whether any of the love shared between the both of you, was real or just puppy love.

He would break up with her today...

No he couldn't.

He was doubting himself again. Making himself smaller and contradicting himself.

Maybe he would be alone forever after breaking up with Elle. Lucas would be mad at him for doing that to someone he considered a second sister. Dustin would be pissed off and probably never speak to him again. Will...Max...

They would both hate him. Will, for breaking his sisters heart. Max, for breaking her best friends heart. He would be lonely and the party would be disbanded.

No, stop thinking about the party. Think about yourself. Would you rather live a lie and continue loving Elle just to keep the party together, or break up with her and fall in love with a girl who ignites a fire in you?

Elle and Max. They were both so strong considering their past. Maybe that was what he was attracted to.


Because he was never strong enough. Always too afraid to lose everyone. Despite himself, doubts would crawl all over him, his controlling nature coming out to play more often than not.

Control was something he could never quite gain. And his fears would undoubtedly be the end of him one day.


☮︎✧✞ nicole speaks! ;
i'm single, has never seriously dated anyone ever, and yet i'm writing romantic notions and scenarios as if i know what they're going through. i don't, i just know that it hurts lmao. ;)

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