๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฐ๏ผŒmysterious salvatores

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๐–ฟ๐–บ๐—†๐—‚๐—…๐—’ ๐—๐—‚๐–พ๐—Œ ๐–พ๐—‰๐—‚๐—Œ๐—ˆ๐–ฝ๐–พ | ๐Ÿฃ๐—‘๐Ÿข๐Ÿฆ

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๐—ง๐—›๐—˜ smell of hot butter pancakes rushed through her nose like a strong breeze filling her mouth with water. She sat on the middle barstool watching as Stefan flipped the final pancake onto a plate with two others already on it. She watched as if studying the man whose eyes remained downcast going about the meal. They weren't in awkward silence but they weren't in comfortable silence either. Clarke had spoken to him the morning after the game. She remember what her father had said about them not being on ok terms which told her that something had happened between the two brothers.

Not wanting to get in his business Clarke casually mentioned that she had met Damon. She remembered his body tense and eyes sharpen as if the name brought nothing but concern. He had asked her in a concern tone, although he tried to cover it up, how and if he said or did anything.

She had felt confused by the question but nonetheless answered giving the short answer of no and saying he saved her from a man at the bar and that was that. She had decided against mentioning how she had seen him at school when he drove up to drop off Caroline Forbes. When he had asked how she found out she had cleverly lied saying her father's loose lips set the secret free. Stefan seemed to buy into this and simply nodded but not before adding a "be careful" which only confused her more.

That had been two days ago. She didn't feel uncomfortable around Stefan but simply felt a bit uneasy. He had lied about having any other family and had a secret brother that no one decided to mention to her. Not that she had any right or anything but still. It was an odd secret to keep. And she didn't understand all the concern around the man. Although she'd only had the one interaction with him he seemed genuine and sweet. But perhaps that was an act. Seeing him with Caroline, who was clearly a few years his junior, made her feel uneasy. After he'd fenced off the guy who was trying to make a move on her she'd have thought he was against older men dating teenagers. I guess not.

As the plate was dished in front of her, Clarke gave a right side grin at the stack of three pancakes each layered with a thin layer of butter. She shook her head.

"Yeah I think I'm going to weigh twice as much by the end of winter if this keeps up!" She jokingly said taking her first bite of the delicious food. Stefan dished up his own plate, still standing behind the counter, grabbing his knife and fork as a grin that met his eyes came out. He gave a dry laugh.

"Well we can't have that happen... I must stop my cooking at once!" He evilly spoke popping his fork full of pancake into his mouth. Stefan's smile widen at her shocked turned face.

"How dare you make such a threat!" She exclaimed thrusting her butter knife around in a waving motion in his direction. His cooking had become one of her favourite things. Something she looked forward too. He was a prodigy and everything he made never failed to fulfil her tastebuds.

"I didn't realise you'd grown attached to my cooking skills." He cheekily grinned knowing full well her love of his cooking.

"You have a gift Stefan Salvatore that I intend to take full advantage of!" She said placing her fork in her mouth filling it with the taste of sweetness. He gave a small laugh as he cut another piece off his pancake. This allowed a light hearted and comfortable aura to enter the room allowing them too now fall into a comfortable silence. It was odd how a few short statements followed by laughter can make a room go from odd to nice.

Footsteps echoed behind her and she turned to see her father in his full Mystic Falls police department uniform giving her a wide grin.

"Morning kiddo!" Her father's energetic voice expressed as he walked up placing a small loving kiss on the side of her head. Swallowing her last bite, she smiled.

"Morning dad." It was then that she noticed a fancy new golden coloured circle pin on his uniform, a sign of his new position on the force. "Look who looks smart with his new pin!" She jokily said poking at the pin. Her father rolled his eyes giving her a playfully glare.

"Yeah well Sheriff Forbes insisted I start "looking the part" but I don't know... I mean not much has changed except for the fact I now get to boss the other guys around." He smiled grabbing Clarkes fork and turning it sideways to allow himself to quickly nip a piece of the tasty food. As he swallowed he looked at her with a look of guilt.

"Which reminds me... tonight we're attending the founders party." Seeing the look she gave him, Zach put the fork down taking her hand, a guilty expression playing at his face. "I know I know, you don't want to go, believe me I don't either but sheriff Forbes insisted I attend. Few of the higher ups in our town want to talk to me." Clarke noticed he shuttered at the thought. If there was one thing Zach Salvatore hated, it was talking to people like that. Although her and her father were apart of the Founding families they certainly didn't act the part. Clarke almost didn't see those people as humans. It was odd but the way they spoke and the way they dressed made her feel as though she were speaking to someone not of her kind, like a higher being.

She didn't mind parties. She didn't got to many of any at all but if she did she always stayed by Bellamy. But Bellamy wouldn't be there and the only people she would know there would be her father and a few adults and schoolmates she hardly ever spoke too.

Giving a reluctant smile that didn't reach her eyes, she gave her father's hand a quick but firm squeeze.

"It's alright dad... could be fun?" She proposed but she knew either of them believed it.

"Well if it helps I'll be going." Stefan spoke up making both father and daughter turn in his direction. In her train of thought she had almost forgotten he was here. Clarkes brows dipped in confusion. She supposed he would be invited given he was a Salvatore.

"Elena invited me... I'm going as her date." Well that answered that question. His revelation did help sightly, adding just one other person to her very small list of safe people for tonight. But two was better than none. Her father took a seat on the stool right of Clarke and she noticed his eyes shift to ones of seriousness.

"Honey you know how I got that call late last night saying I needed to come in?" Zach asked earning himself a nod from her. After the celebrations, Clarke had grown tried and decided to call it a night hugging Bellamy a final time to wish her luck before calling her father to pick her up. About half way home he'd had gotten a call that something had happened and he was needed.

"Well... something happened at your school." Her heart immediately dropped to her stomach at his words. Her eyes widen slightly and body tensed with nervousness. She hadn't looked at her phone seen last night. As soon as her father had dropped her home she'd immediately gone for a shower and went to bed feeling exhausted from the days events. What if someone was hurt? What if something happened to Bells or Stefan?

Her father seemed to have sensed this as he again took her hand in a gently embrace.

"Don't worry baby, Bells and the other kids are ok." He reassure her causing her body to detent sightly. However her father was called to the scene meaning something bad had happened.

"The coach... William Tanner I think that's his name... was attacked by... an animal." He spoke. Clarkes eyes widen at the news snooker by what she heard. Shocked enough to not notice the look her father shared with Stefan.

"Oh my god... i-is he ok?" She hesitantly asked. She felt her father's grip on her hand unconscious tighten.

"He didn't make it." Was all he said. She didn't feel sad but more so shocked at the sudden death of a man she had seen alive not thirteen hours ago. An animal attack? What an odd way to die.

"So I want you to be really careful. We have yet to actually catch this thing so until then i need you to be extra careful and be on alert alright. Last thing I want is for you or any other kid getting attacked" Her father spoke, eye brows raised, looking her dead in her eyes, his hand again giving a tight squeeze. She gave him a curt nod eyes sparking in understanding. His lips spread into a smile that met his eyes as his hand came up to smooth her thin brunette locks and leaned forward delivering a loving kiss to her forehead.

Her mind wondered to the animal attack. In her short existence here in Mystic Falls, rarely had there ever been reports of an animal attack. In the span of a few weeks two have already occurred. She knew that there small homely town was known for its odd and infrequent animal attacks. Only ever happening in huge bunches in short amounts of time. It was an odd thing and one of the many mysteries Mystic Falls had to offer. Hence the name Mystic, she thought. But how did the word Falls come into play? She only hoped it wouldn't have anything to do with her.


School had come and went and by late afternoon Clarke stood within the four walls of her bedroom looking down at two dresses that laid on the white sheets of her double bed. Playing with her necklace with the tips of her fingers, her eyes flickered to the left to look at a square neck floral shirred mid rise collarless dress. It was a sweet dress and one that was old coming from her mother. Another gift her father had given her just this year for her fifteenth birthday. Her eyes then moved to the right where a fairly new blue satin asymmetrical hem cami dress dress sat. Both were beautiful which made it a difficult decision.

A small gentle knock at her door broke her thought train allowing her to let go of her necklace and turn away from the dresses. Walking over her hand reached out for the metal door handle opening it with confidence knowing full well she'd look up into her father's welcoming eyes. However she stopped short when she met eyes that were not her father's, but ones she didn't expect.


She wasn't sure if her tone sounded more surprised or concern but however she sounded it was met with one of his smirk smiles. His eyes had a look in them that she wasn't sure how to take. She wasn't sure what it meant. Looking at them was almost like looking at a fractured mirror. You didn't know which shad to look into and every shad told a different tale.

"You don't look surprised to see me." Well that answered that question. "Thought you would have been... but then again Zach probably told you I was Stefan's brother after you possibly mentioned our run in and than my brother probably caught wind of our meeting most likely you mentioned it to him and then he warned you about me."

Was she an open book and he was the reader. He read the situation like he had wrote it himself. It was eerie but Clarke didn't find herself scare but more impressed. He was good. But then again maybe this is what happened with every person Damon met and Stefan knew them.

"You scarily got that right." She found herself saying. She was met with more smirk than smile.

"I have a talent." Damon said which oddly enough got a good laugh out of her. It was odd. He had a scary and intimidating mean to him but up close and having a conversation he was witty and funny. Almost like a door slamming in her face she realised he was stood at her door. He had come to her meaning he probably wanted something.

"Did you need something." She asked sightly cringing at how blunt she sounded. The tone, however it may have sounded didn't at all failure the man demeanour. He simply shrugged his shoulders and carelessly strolled right passed her, into the middle of her bedroom.

"Well I thought since you now know about me I thought we might get more... acquainted with one another." He spoke, in a tone that sounded as if his sentence had a double meaning to it that only he knew and that didn't sit right with her.

Damon's eyes gazed around the walls of her bedroom looking at the first wooden dark walls littered with posters and sorts. Damon walked over to the set of wooden draws that sat against the back wall close to the door and began fiddling with the frames that held a few photographs of her younger years.

A question suddenly came to mind upon realising Damon's words.

"When we met... did you know who I was?" She asked curious to know if that was the reason he'd stepped in. Did he only come to her aid because of their connection that she knew nothing about? Would he have left her to the mercy of that man at the bar if they weren't related?

She couldn't see his face but she sensed a chance in his stance as his hand paused for a moment, as if thinking the question over in his head, before they resumed.

"I had a suspicion... I saw a photo of you in Zach's office on his desk... you looked a lot younger tho... you were wearing this little red plaid dress." He explained turning back around looking at her. Yes, the small wooden 4 by 4 frame that sat just off to the side on her Fathers desk. It was one taken on her first day of prep school. The little red plaid dress Damon was referring to was one that at the time was her favourite. One of the deputies her father worked with at the time had a daughter a few years older than Clarke and was giving away all her old stuff. Among them was a cute short sleeve red plaid dress. It appeared to the oldest out of all the clothes with the red sightly worn out. It was love at first sight for five year old Clarke and the deputy thought it so cute that he let Zach have it for free seeing how happy the little dress made the little girl.

It was one she wore constantly and it often took heavy bribery of chocolate milkshakes and him agreeing to play dolls with her for the girl to take it off so it could be washed. So of course on her first day ever of big girl school, she wore that dress. Zach had asked one of the moms present if she could snap a quick picture of him and his girl. She smiled as the image of that photo came to mind. Her fathers soft loving smile and her wide gabby grin.

Damon's body leaned up against the sturdy draws as he looked down at the girl whose height stood just under his chest. From how he guessed who she was from a picture which was taken ten years prior she will never know, but she decided against asking. That seemed to be a common thing she did around both brothers. She also noticed how both spoke the same way. Like they knew more about their words than she did. Like they spoke in riddles only they could understand. Like some sentences had hidden meanings.

Damon's eyes caught sight of the two dresses that laid out of the bed behind her. He grinned, this time more smile than smirk.

"Ahh so that's what all that pacing was for... someone's trying to pick out her outfit for tonight." He teased giving a knowing look that made her almost roll her eyes. Instead she exasperatedly sighed.

"Yes... I wish I was guy... you guys have it so easy you literally have one option, a suit, and like three colours to pick from... black, black and black." She listed on her fingers. Damon gave a breathy chuckle walking over and seating on her bed, kicking his legs up as he leaned against her white fluffy pillows.

"Hey there is also navy." He pointed out causing her to roll her eyes.

"You could always wear a suit, girls don't just have to wear dresses you know, it's the new age." Damon suggested picking up the small stuffed bear she had gotten for ber third birthday and lightly playing with its arms.ย  She shrugged half heartedly looking down at the dresses.

"I guess... don't have a suit tho." She sheepishly spoke.

"Well one day we'll have to change that won't we." He said smiling, with no smirk in sight. She smiled at that. He was nice and she oddly felt comfortable around him. However, Stefan had known him longer and knew him better while she'd had two interactions with him counting this one. So if Stefan said there was something to wrong about then there probably was something to worry about. But whatever it was right now she couldn't see it. She wasn't sure if this was an act but she didn't want to know.

Sitting up with the bear still in his arms, Damon spoke.

"But since we only have the two dresses here I think the one with the flowers I remember your mother wearing it and it always looked beautiful on her." He absentmindedly spoke. Clarke felt a smile spread on her lips from the mention of her late mother. She never got tired of hearing people compare her to her. Just one more way round remind close to her. She nodded then her brows dipped in confusion.

"Wait, did you know my mother?"

There was a pause. Then a vague answer.

"I met her... when I was younger."

She only gave a small nod. Again not asking questions. She thought it was best that questions remained not asked.


"It's like I'm staring into the past" was what her father had said upon seeing her in that white dress covered in flowers and her hair straightened sitting gently on her shoulders. She gave a loving smile at the way her father's eyes beamed and his lips spread all the more. She loved the way her father looked whenever she dresses or acted like her mother. And Damon was right, it did look really good on her. By late afternoon Clarke found herself walking up those white stone steps up towards the front entrance of the Lockwood estate.

There, she and her father were greeted by an enthusiastic Mrs Lockwood along with her husband Mayor Lockwood who was less enthusiastic than his wife about the event. Mrs Lockwood was the kind of person who was just born to throw parties and lead events. The woman was all smiles but deep down Clarke saw a double meaning behind those too bright eyes and too wide smiles.

Upon stepping into the main hall they were greeted by a dressed up Sheriff Forbes who seemed to have traded in her sheriffs uniform for a skin tight navy dress. It was odd seeing the sheriff look so formal and not looking at all like the commanding and tough solider they all knew the sheriff was.

She had remained by her fathers side as he spoke to the older woman. She smiled every now and then when something was said and when the sheriff compliment her dress she gave a small thank you. As dusk became nightfall she was still stood by her fathers side as they, or more so her father, spoke to a variety of people, most coming up to congratulate the man for his promotion, with many joking it was long over due. On this Clarke could agree. Her fathers arm had at some point wrapped itself around her shoulders and she had a feeling the gesture was more for his sake than hers.

Her fathers arm had left her shoulders when they came upon Jenna Sommers. Her father was friends with Jenna's older sister Miranda as they went to high school together. She was a few years her father's junior and the aunt to the Gilbert siblings living full time with them now being their guardian. She was a nice woman and one her father felt comfortable around given he had removed himself from her comfort. Wanting to walk around on her own and seeing her father speaking to Jenna she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek telling him she'll meet up with him later before walking her way through the house.

She came to a room that looked to be filled with artefacts and items from members of the founding families. The room had fewer people in it than the main room so she decided to explore. She wasn't much into the things they showed here, mostly because it was the same old stuff she'd seen before. She did however notice something new. It was a set of two sliver band rings. The card in front of them read

๐‘ถ๐‘ต ๐‘ณ๐‘ถ๐‘จ๐‘ต ๐‘ญ๐‘น๐‘ถ๐‘ด
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These must be the Gilbert parent's wedding rings. She thought it odd they displayed them like so but it was most likely done in a way to honour them. Her thoughts briefly flickered to Jeremy. She knew he wouldn't be here. He use to attend with his parents back when they were small children but in the last two years the boys appearances at Founding events have been scare to none. She felt herself bite the inside of cheeks and images flooded her mind. She could still see his sad eyes. The way he cried that day. The way he went from emotional to emotionless in a blink of an eye.ย 

"Ah look who it is, I was looking for you, starting to think you finally convinced Zach to free you from tonight." Stefan teased now standing adjacent to her. She turned and gave him a flat look before noticing the brunette on his arm.

"Nope evil dad still made me come." Clarke grumbled in a joking manner earning a laugh from the couple. Elena's eyes swept over Clarkes appearance and she gave a gentle smile.

"You look gorgeous Clarke." Elena compliment. Although she loved the compliments it didn't mean she didn't feel a light pink come to her cheeks whenever she got one.

"Thank you." She shyly spoke giving a smile that met her eyes.

"We have we were about to go dancing... you want to come to the floor with us." Elena offered gesturing to the exit which led outside to where there were a series of people dancing the night away. She shook her head.

"No thanks but you guys have fun." She smiled as she watched the couple walk off. She spent the next while simply looking around the room looking at all the different things each family had loaned for the display. Some old, some new. Upon looking at what appeared to be the first ever town registry for a founding family party, two names caught her attention.

Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore

Written in fine hand it read the names of her two cousins. She frowned when she found the date. 1864. That was odd. Two brothers who lived well over 145 years ago had the same names as her present day cousins. Perhaps it was a coincidence. Damon and Stefan's parents names them after their ancestors. It's been done before. She was named after her mother's mother great grandma Clarke. But still even though she tried to let it go something about the names didn't sit right with her.

On the other side of the house, Zach Salvatore sat nursing a glass of fine scotch, courtesy of the Mayor Lockwood's executive taste.

"So how's parent life treating you?" Zach asked looking to the young woman who sat at his side. Jenna groaned taking a long slip of the red wine in her glass.

"I have no idea how people do it. I mean you'd think toddlers would be much harder than teenagers but nooo... I think teenagers are worst! I mean Elena's been talking to me and I think we're on a good path... but Jeremy." She gave a long sigh. Zach understood her pains. It was hard. Raising children on your own. He understood that better than anyone. Although the circumstances were quite different than his it was still a struggle. Having to look after two kids who'd experienced something no child should ever have too. Losing one parent is bad enough but losing both in one foul swoop. He shook his head.

"Does it help if I tell you it doesn't get any easier." He smirked taking a slip of his own drink. Jenna gave him taking an even longer slip of wine.

"Look I've had my fair share of struggles with Clarkie trust me... but all you can do is be there and eventually he'll come too you." He advised not hundred percent sure if what he spoke was true. He knew of the Gilbert boys troubles. His acts of rebellion which started a few months before the death of his parents. The only difference was they got worst after that.

"Yeah well I'll have to take your word for it." She mumbled. Before the man could reply a figure suddenly came into frame placing himself by the bar, his elbow propped up on the opposite side of Jenna.

"Zach Salvatore as I live and breath!" Logan Fell addressed, a wide smile clearly fake plastered on his face. Zach, who was facing the bar, closed his eyes for a second enterally groaning at the sight of the Fell man.

"Logan Fell I heard you were back in town." He attempted to sound semi happy and could only hold half a smile.

"Yeah what can I say I missed the old place." Logan grinned then turned his attention to the blonde woman who was currently staring him down.

"Don't shoot! Only need a refill." Logan joked gesturing to the bartender who somehow knew his drink and processed to make another.

"Shooting implies caring." Jenna shoot back not looking at him.

"Feigned indifference. I like it." Fell smirked.

"So Salvatore I hear congrats are in order, you finally got that promotion." Logan said taking his new drink and placing it to his lips. Zachs lips thinned out and he gave a curt nod.

"I did."

"Only took what ten years." Logan quipped eyes locked onto Zach. Zach took everything Logan said with a huge grain of salt and shrugged him off.

"Well after years of the sheriff asking I finally decided to give in.... besides I've been told I'm really good at putting assholes in their places." Zach stated eyes dead set on Logan before taking another slip of his drink. Jenna bite her lip to stop a laugh as Logan slightly stiffened.

"I saw your kid around here... she's a beautiful thing isn't she... I also saw that dress." Zach stiffened at the mention of his daughter. Logan noticed and smirked. "Now when was the last time I saw that thing... oh that's right... it was Alycias wasn't it." Zach grip tighten on his glass.

"Man I can still picture her in that dress... dancing around the floor like none was watching." Zach only wished he'd brought his gun. He wanted so desperately to put a bullet right between those smug eyes.

"Oh well." Logan looked down in sadness that was obviously fake looking glad he'd gotten to the man. He downed his drink placing in on the bar and stepping back.

"Well I'll see you around Salvatore." He smirked at the woman. "Jenna." He said in a sight seductive voice before strutting away.

"Man I hate that guy." Zach grumbled downing the rest of his drink. Logan Fell was a boy who had been in Jenna's grade and had always been a pain to Zach. He was annoying, stuck up and always had a way of pissing off just about anyone he came into contact with. It was no secret that once upon a time Logan had a massive crush on Alyica. But Alyica never returned such feelings for she only ever had eyes for Zach Salvatore. And Logan hated him for it.

"Me too." Jenna sighed finishing off her own drink.

"You deserve some kind of prize for ever dating the guy." Zach joked earning a chuckle from Jenna.

"And you deserve a prize for not shooting him."

He grumbled.

"I would have if I had my gun."


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โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค authors note!!

โฅ ok but like stefan and elena acting like clarkes parents will forever own my heart โ€“ if your a core elena hater this book is not for you - I have a love hate relationship for elena but in this book i've decided to use my love side for elena

โฅ am I the only one who is actually in love with all my Zach and Clarke scenes like I love all of the mother mentions I'm making and Zach is the best single dada and none is ever changing my mind

โฅ and how did we like Damon and Clarke interaction. I'm not sure what type of relationship to give them yet but I know it's gonna be bittersweet

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