New Year Resolution

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Just in case nobody has ever told you this: I'm so incredible proud of you for existing. I know so well that It can get overwhelming sometimes always trying to keep up with everything. Trying to heal and still balance all the different parts of yourself. So remember to rest. Because you deserve it. You have done all the best you could. Don't forget: One step at the time.

It's not easy but don't compare yourself with someone else. We are all different and individuell. We all have different stories to tell. We all don't look the same. We all have our different ways to express. We all have different goals we want to achieve. Because of this reason ist not worth it to self doubt just because you think someone has it easier, more talent or is simply better than you.

Think about all the bad and the good moments that made you the person that you are today.  You have learned so much about the people around you and especially about yourself. Never forget all the dreams that you are still trying to chase. One day they will all come true.

It's okay to be vulnerable and feel many emotions. Feel them all and let them take up space. They are what make us humans.

Someone out there is probably admiring you for your strength, believe me. And even if you don't feel like it, you belong. No one should take your love for granted.

You were never too much and have always been good enough. Stop chasing people that don't give you the value that you actually deserve. Look around and find that people care about your well-being.

I see the little bright flicker in your beautiful eyes that tells me that you are capable of so much more than you believe. All the tears that you have cried are already gone. Smile more, it's good for you health. Get enough sleep to have the energy for a new day. Listen to your intuition and body. They know what you need. 

I will not lie and tell you that the dark days will magically disappear. It takes time and a lot of patience to overcome them. Rain will come and rain will go, so does the sun. The rainbow of life is what they create together. In case all you did was survive the last year: Congrats to a new chapter in your life. You made it this far and that is so inspiring. My greatest wish for you for this year is to feel the happiness that you deserve.  I know that it's out there just waiting for you.

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