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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on june 4th, 2022 @ 4:37am

โ•โ•โ•โ• โˆ˜โ—ฆแต’ ๐“…“ แต’โ—ฆโˆ˜ โ•โ•โ•โ•


HIDEAKI ARRIVED AT THE MEETING place wearing a dark blue hoodie with a black wind breaker over it. He spotted Daichi, Asahi, and Sugawara. The three stared at one another before looking up at the banner.

'Happy New Year'

"Wait, sorry..." The three turned to the sound of Kiyoko's voice. "Did I get the time wrong?"

"No, not at all."

"Happy New Year."

The three bowed to Kiyoko. "Happy New Year." She bowed back.

The five third-years began walking up the steps. "It's our frist time doing a shrine visit for the first of the year together. This is literally the first! So wait. What was last year's, then? Just a random shrine visit?" Sugawara questioned as no one responded.

"Hey, come on, already!" Sugawara shouted in irritation.

"No! You need to calm down, Suga!" Daichi told him before addressing Asahi. "And you should at least react a little. You're barely even breathing."

Soon enough, they reached the shrine as Hideaki stood next to Asahi with his eyes closed and his palms pressed together.

"I'm gonna go pick a fortune." Sugawara informed.

"Me, too. I can't remember the last time I did." Daichi said, following Sugawara. Hideaki and Kiyoko eventually followed suit. "What about you, Asahi?"

"I'd get pretty depressed if I picked a bad one..." Asahi responded.

"You'll be fine. You're over-thinking it." Sugawara reassured him.

Later, Asahi was looking at his fortune as Sugawara, Daichi, and Hideaki bursted out laughing.


"That's some skill."

"If you got "great curse," it'd actually be funnier or even lucky, but you got a plain, boring 'curse.'" Sugawara pointed out.

"It's like one of those morning news fortunes." Kiyoko stated.

"Shut up! What the hell did you three get, then?!" Asahi shouted in irritation.

"Future blessing." Daichi, Hideaki, and Sugawara all replied in unison.

"That's way more plain and boring!" Asahi argued.

The group then began descending down the steps after their visit. "Come to think of it, when you go to a shrine, you're supposed to be thankful for everyday things, rather than ask the gods for things." Daichi spoke.

"Huh? But I asked for so many things..." Asahi admitted. "Like, concerning our matches, and even my future. I even asked for good health for the old dog next door. The gods probably think I'm super annoying now."

"The gods aren't that unforgiving." Daichi told him.

"I mean, I don't blame you for at least asking for us to win." Sugawara stated.

Kiyoko suddenly stopped in her tracks. "It's not like asking the gods to help will win our matches." She informed, making the three men have deadpanned looks.

"Uh, Shimizu..." Daichi trailed off.

"Right now? Did you really have to bring that up right now?"

"Don't worry. Even if the gods don't help us, we'll be fine." Kiyoko reassured them.


Kiyoko then smiled at their reactions.

โ•โ•โ•โ• โˆ˜โ—ฆแต’ ๐“…“ แต’โ—ฆโˆ˜ โ•โ•โ•โ•

Hideaki was currently on the bus heading towards Tokyo. Hinata, Nishinoya, and Tanaka had their faces pressed onto the windows.

"That's the actual..."


"It's huge!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Hey! We're going to be dropping off our luggage at the inn, then we're going to be lightly warming up at the gym that Nekomata-sensei arranged. Listen up, I'm sure you know this, but don't you dare cause a ruckus at the inn." Daichi told the chaotic trio, giving a deadly look.


"All right. We're almost there. Great job enduring the trip."


The bus came to a complete stop as everyone got off. "Seriously?" Tanaka questioned, looking up at a tall building. "This is the inn?! Holy crap!"

Ennoshita then pointed over towards where they were actually staying in.

"Sweet! We're totally gonna see a house ghost here!" Tanaka exclaimed, who had stars in his eyes, along with Hinata and Nishinoya.

"Let's go explore!"


Daichi gave him one of his looks, causing the three to stop in their tracks and look towards him.


โ•โ•โ•โ• โˆ˜โ—ฆแต’ ๐“…“ แต’โ—ฆโˆ˜ โ•โ•โ•โ•

"Bring it!"

Everyone was currently warming up in the gym.

"Is it just me, or is there less oxygen here?" Hideaki asked.

"Um, we're not in the mountains, so..." Ennoshita trailed off.

"Make sure you're breathing, Hideaki!"

"Looks like all the nervous ones are already getting antsy." Ukai commented.

"I thought that Hinata-kun had gotten used to keeping his nerves in check, but I guess they can't help it, since it's their first national tournament." Takeda pointed out.

"But this is exactly why I treated Tattsun to some beer. There's no reason to worry." Ukai said.

Soon enough, everyone was back at the inn. "There's something I want you guys to see." Ukai announced.

"Are we going to be analyzing our opponents for the first match?" Daichi questioned.

"No, not right now." Ukai replied. "What we're going to be watching is Takinoue's Electric Shop's very own 'I'm Awesome Video.'"

"This is a collection of your very best plays." Ukai continued explaining as each Karasuno member appeared on the tablet's screen. "We have some from all of you."

"Holy crap!"

"I wanna see!"

The first clip was of Nishinoya receiving the ball during the finals against Shiratorizawa.

"Oh, man! That's cool!"

"Th-This song... Th-This is much higher quality than I was expecting... Do they actually get their own theme songs?"

"Tattsun even checked with their family and friends ahead of time." Ukai explained.

"I thought we were going to be analyzing our opponents right up until game time, but..." Takeda trailed off.

"There's no point if we aren't able to give our all." Ukai interrupted. "I'm gonna have you boys engrave your best selves into your brains with these videos and music. Being able to think back on this is incredible important."

"Well, I'm gonna go have a meeting with Sensei and Coach. Make sure you keep an eye on the troublemakers, Ennoshita." Daichi said.

"Got it." Ennoshita stated.

"What the heck? Why aren't you asking me, the vice captain?" Sugawara complained.

"You're just going to encourage them, so no." Daichi responded.


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"You're studying here, too, Suga-san?" Kinoshita asked.

"Yeah, I always study right about this time." Sugawara responded.

"You're so calm. That's so cool!" Kinoshita exclaimed.

"Or rather, I'm studying so that I can stay calm." Sugawara corrected. "It's basically like a routine."

Sugawara then glanced over towards Hideaki. "Hideaki, how many times are you going to watch our "I'm Awesome Video"?" He questioned.

"I mean, these are all just so cool. I mean, these are all my teammates? Anyone who saw this would be like, 'Holy crap! Karasuno's the best!'" Hideaki exclaimed.

"Playing right into Ukai-san's hands, I see..." Sugawara thought.

Nishinoya and Tanaka were pacing back and forth, getting Narita's attention. "What's up with you two?" He asked.

"I mean... Kiyoko-san is enjoying her bath right now!" Tanaka exclaimed.

"How can we stay calm at a time like this?!" Nishinoya added on.

Tanaka grabbed onto his head. "If I let my guard down, my fantasies are going to overwrite all the images in my head from the "I'm Awesome Video"!" He exclaimed.

"Me, too!" Nishinoya said.

"I'm pretty sure you two could keep both of those things in your minds without a problem." Narita commented.

โ•โ•โ•โ• โˆ˜โ—ฆแต’ ๐“…“ แต’โ—ฆโˆ˜ โ•โ•โ•โ•

It was finally the next day as Karasuno was inside the stadium for the first day of Nationals. The four third-years were currently watching Tanaka with Kanoka.

"And Tanaka's turned to stone." Asahi commented.

"I thought it was weird for Tanaka to be able to speak to a girl so casually." Sugawara pointed out. "It appears that he just now realized that she's a girl."

"Well, that's rude." Daichi said.


Daichi, Sugawara, Asahi, and Hideaki all looked over to see Kuroo and Nekoma. "Did you finally see the real Skytree?" Kuroo asked. "You country bumpkin crows."

Kuroo walks over towards Daichi. "Oh, dear me. Are you actually nervous, Sawamura-san?" He taunted.

"Pretty sure talking too much is a sign of nervousness, Kuroo-san." Daichi spat back.

"Thank you for waiting. We will now begin the opening ceremonies for the National High School Volleyball Tournament, otherwise known as the Spring Tournament."

The drums soon started pounding. "The championship flags are now entering. And the 47 representative schools from across Japan are now entering, as well. Hokkaido's first representative, boys, Ohya Tech." The man on the intercom spoke. "Hokkaido's second representative, boys, Morikawa High School."

Hinata was looking around nervously. "You need to go to the bathroom again?" Kageyama asked.


Karasuno then began walking out. "Miyagi Prefecture's representative..." The man paused as Daichi walked out, holding the sign.

"Boys, Karasuno High School."

"Girls, Niiyama Girls' High School."

"Fukushima Prefecture's representative... Boys, Furukata High School. Girls, Iwaki Girls' High School."

"It's starting."

"The battle on the orange court!"

Hideaki sighs and looks up at the ceiling of the stadium.

"We finally made it to nationals. I just wish I could share this view with Tลru and Hajime..."


A/N: And nationals has finally begun! Thanks for reading!

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