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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on december 5th, 2020 @ 3:23pm

โ•โ•โ•โ• โˆ˜โ—ฆแต’ ๐“…“ แต’โ—ฆโˆ˜ โ•โ•โ•โ•


"CHANCE BALL!" Daichi yells as Hideaki sees the volleyball go into the air. Kageyama tosses it over at Tanaka who lets out a battle cry and spiked it down, getting Karasuno a point.

"All right!" Tanaka cheered.

"Nice kill!" Sugawara praised as Hideaki sighed and looked over at the scoreboard.





"It's still only the first set..." Hideaki mentally noted as he turned his attention to the game once more.

"Tsukishima, one more. Nice serve!" Tanaka encouraged as Tsukishima serves the ball, the ball gets saved by Dateko, as everyone kept it in play.

Hideaki watched as Aone spiked the ball down, Hinata managed to one touch it. "Counter!" Ukai shouted.

"Chance ball." Nishinoya informed as the ball goes to Kageyama as he tosses it up to Hinata.

"Don't underestimate us!" Futakuchi exclaimed but his shout was in vain as Hinata spikes the ball and got Karasuno a point.

It was now set point for Karasuno, making Hideaki grin a little.

Daichi saves the volleyball from a Dateko player. "Give me a toss!" Hinata beamed at Kageyama as he gets ready to set, Hinata jumps up to spike but he was a decoy as Hideaki spiked down the volleyball once more.

Hideaki gets passed Aone who saw the tactic but Hideaki had a powerful spike, so the ball got through and Karasuno got a point.

"All right!" Narita, Sugawara, and Yamaguchi announced. Karasuno had won the first set.


Dateko and Karasuno all leave the court to rest and take a break before the second set. Kiyoko passed out water bottles to the team.

Suddenly, Ukai calls them over so the team surrounded him as he holds up a board.

"So, we're going to start the second set with our second rotation." Ukai informed as Hideaki looked at the whiteboard. Hideaki was at the back with Kageyama and Tsukishima, Tanaka was going to be on the sides with Sugawara and the others, this time.

"The first rotation directly matched up Hinata and no-eyebrows #7, so we'll shift that over two places to start." Ukai explained.

"I see. That means Hinata won't get marked by #7 like he was in the first set." Takeda stated, Hinata had a blank look on his face but didn't say anything.

"But we can't completely avoid that. All we're doing is shifting players around." Ukai said. "While Hinata won't get marked, but the other players will get marked instead."

"We can't let Hinata shoulder all our burden. When Hinata's at his best, we're at our best. I'll do my part as the ace." Hideaki spoke up as everyone looked over to him.

Nishinoya, Tanaka, Sugawara, Asahi, and Daichi all looked at their friend. "Hideaki, you're awesome!" Nishinoya and Tanaka exclaimed happily.

"You've grown, Hideaki." Daichi praised.

"What are you, my relative?" Hideaki dead panned at his teammates.

"Me too! I can't back attack like you, Izuki-san. So, I'll score as many points as I can while I'm front." Hinata assured their ace. "I'll be the best decoy ever!"

"Yeah, I'm counting on you. And you can count on me, too." Hideaki smiles down at his junior.

Hinata beamed. "Yes!" He replied excitedly.

Soon, they started the second set, as it was Hideaki's turn to serve.

"Hideaki, nice serve!" Daichi called out as Hideaki tossed the ball into the air and spiked it. Dateko's libero saves it, but just barely, as the ball was kept in play. The ball gets spiked down by Dateko, letting them get a point.

The ball gets into play again as it was up in the air. "Kageyama!" Daichi shouted. Hinata yells and jumps up to spike, but he was a decoy as Kageyama tosses it over to Hideaki who managed to break through the block and get Karasuno a point.

"All right!" Karasuno announced, Hideaki kept his eyes focused on Aone. "He was lured in for a moment by Hinata's move, but he's already on the left..." Hideaki thinks to himself with sweat coming down his forehead.

The whistle blew as the game continued. The ball gets spiked down as Kageyama jumps up to block the spike but the ball went down by him. However, before the ball could hit the court, Nishinoya sped over and received it.

"Nice, Nishinoya!" Daichi smiled.

"Nice receive!" Kageyama exclaimed as he gets ready to set the ball.

"Open!" Hideaki calls out for a toss as he runs forward, however, when the ball gets set to Hideaki, the ace got blocked by three of Dateko's blockers.

Daichi's turn to serve as he threw the ball and hit it, making Karasuno get a point when the ball touches the court on Dateko's side.

"Nice, Daichi!"

Daichi serves once more but failed and Dateko got a point. But Karasuno soon got the point back when Kageyama tossed the ball to Hideaki and he spiked it down powerfully as the ball hits the court on the other side.

"All right!" Everyone cheered.

"Nice one, Hideaki!" Nishinoya beamed.

Hideaki stared down at his palm, feeling the familiar stinging as he glanced at the scoreboard.





Hinata soon rotates to vanguard. "Bring it." Hinata challenges. The ball gets served and is kept in play as Kamasaki spikes it down as Hinata tried to block him. Tsukishima saved the ball.

"It's up, nice." Hideaki heard Tanaka say.

"Kageyama, cover." Daichi called out to Kageyama who nods.

"Bring it here." Hinata yelled for a toss.

Kamasaki didn't react in time, as Hinata scores them a point when Kageyama tossed to him. "Nice, Hinata, Kageyama." Daichi praised the two first years.

The game continues as Kageyama sets the ball up, Hinata lets out a determined war cry to spike the ball, but he was a decoy as Kageyama had instead set the ball Hideaki's way, he eyed the volleyball and locked his eyes onto it, swinging his arm back as his palm smacks down.

Hideaki sighed and stared calmly at the opposing team who flinched under his gaze.

The game goes on as Hideaki got Karasuno a point. Before Hideaki knew it, Dateko called for a time out. "All right!" Everyone cheered, as they head off to rest themselves and get some water. Hideaki stared at the score and grinned.





"We're ahead, but Dateko won't go down without a fight... but neither will we. We won't lose to them, not this time." Hideaki thought.


It was Hinata's turn to serve. "Hinata, nice serve." Daichi encouraged as Hinata hits the ball, it gets over the net but was saved as the ball was once again in play. Karasuno gains a point when Hideaki spiked down the ball.

Hideaki saw that Asahi was giving a pep talk to Tsukishima, but didn't know what it was about. The whistle blew as he saw Futakuchi do a jump serve, Nishinoya saw where he was aiming and and sped over to receive it, however, it was sloppy.

"Sorry. Kageyama, cover." Nishinoya announced.

"All right." Kageyama assures and gets ready to set the ball.

"Open." Hideaki shouts out.

"Izuki-san!" Kageyama replied as he sets the ball over to the ace.

Hideaki activated his Hawk Eye as he noticed a spot in between Aone and Dateko's captain when they jump up. He aimed there to blast through the block, but Aone sensed it and moves his hand to block the spike. Dateko gets a point and Aone cheers by yelling.

"Izuki-san, one more!" Hinata yelled from the sides.

"Don't worry, don't worry." Sugawara added.

The score was a tie with each team having 17 points. Hideaki was already feeling exhausted as he breathed heavily and wiped his sweat.

Dateko serves the ball as it comes down to Karasuno's side, Daichi successfully saves it. "Daichi, nice receive." Tanaka yells from the sides.

"All right." Kageyama yelled out, Hideaki eyes the ball, as Kageyama tossed to him. The ace jumps up and spikes it down, he didn't fully get blocked but Aone managed to one touch it.

Hideaki saw the ball go to one of Dateko's players as the setter then tosses the ball to Aone who jumps up to spike. Tsukishima and Hideaki jump up to block the incoming attack.

"Karasuno... has a wall too!" Hideaki heard Takeda yell from the sides as Hideaki and Tsukishima block the attack and Karasuno gets a point.

"All right." Everyone cheered.

"Nice block, Tsukishima." Hideaki smiled.

"Thanks." Tsukishima responded.

"Dateko may be a powerhouse school, known for its blocks and iron wall, but that doesn't mean Karasuno can't do the same." Hideaki thought.

The game goes on as the volleyball made it's way to Kageyama, who tosses the ball high up. Hideaki ran forward and jumped up. He swings his arm back and smacked the ball down when Kageyama tossed to him. He got passed the blockers and managed to get Karasuno a point.

"All right!" His teammates cheered for him.

Hideaki panted and looked at Dateko, who stared down at him. He knew that he must've gained their attention throughout the game finally. Hideaki gave the opposing team a smirk.

"Good. I want them to pay attention to me and see me as a threat. I want them to know I'm not the same as last year." Hideaki thinks to himself as he walked away. His aura was intense.

Hinata was moved to the front. "All right." Hinata announces, waiting to hit the ball. It was Tsukishima's turn to serve as he throws the ball up in the air and hits it. Dateko's libero saves it, as Hideaki watched the setter toss the ball up, Tsukishima jumps up to block but the setter tosses it to someone else who spikes it down.

However, Hideaki saved the ball in time. "It's up. Tobio, cover." Hideaki called out.

"Yes." He replied as he gets under the ball to set it.

"Bring it!" Hinata yells as he runs forward and Kageyama tosses it at Hinata, who got Karasuno a point when he did his spike.

The game goes on as Kamasaki spikes the volleyball, Daichi tried to save it but it was too late. "Take that. We're going to stall them!" Kamasaki yelled out. Hideaki looked at the score.





"We can't seem to pull ahead." Hideaki hissed in his mind. Then, he let out a shaky breath. "Keep your head in the game, Hideaki. Karasuno hasn't lost yet." He reassured himself.

Dateko spikes the ball down again, but Hideaki managed to one touch it. "Nice, Izuki-san!" Tanaka yelled as Hideaki saw Nishinoya receive the ball.

"Chance ball." Nishinoya yelled at the team.

"Give me a toss!" Hinata yells out, running forward, Hinata jumps but was a decoy as Kageyama tossed the ball to Hideaki who smacks it down, and got Karasuno a point when Dateko's captain failed to save it properly.

"All right!"

"Nice keep!"

"One more!"

It was one more to match point making Hideaki anxious but also excited. The ball gets served as Nishinoya dives down to save it. "Nice receive, Nishinoya!" Hideaki said, keeping his dark gray orbs on the volleyball in the air.

"Nice receive, Noya!" Tanaka yelled.

Kageyama tosses it up, Hinata was once again being a decoy, as the ball goes to Hideaki who spiked it down, but Kasamaki was fast and went over to help block the attack.

Nishinoya tried to save the ball, but it bounces off his arms and Dateko scores a point. "All right." Dateko cheered. Hideaki looked over to the opposing team to see Aone be vanguard now.

Dateko serves the ball as the volleyball made its way to them. "Nishinoya." Daichi called out as Nishinoya saves it and sends it up.

"Nice receive!" Hideaki praised as Hinata runs forward.

"Bring it!" Hinata called out as Hinata and Kageyama do their famous quick attack.

However, Aone blocked it, but the ball came down and landed onto Dateko's side, making Karasuno get a point, but just barely. It was a match point for them now, which was good.

"All right." Hinata beamed. Nishinoya leaves the court as Tsukishima comes back on, Hinata was back in the rear guard, as it was his turn to serve.

The whistle blew as Hinata serves the ball, however, he hits it out, making Dateko gain a point. "S-Sorry!" Hinata apologized.

"Don't mind. Don't worry about it." Daichi reassured him. Hideaki saw Kageyama coming over to scold or hit Hinata. Hideaki didn't want to get in trouble with the referee like they did during the first round so he held his arm out to Kageyama to stop him.

"Hinata, you lousy airhead!" Kageyama growled.

Hideaki flicked his junior's forehead. "I-Izuki-san!" Kageyama stuttered, rubbing his head.

"Don't make a scene. You'll cause trouble for Daichi." Hideaki warned as Daichi gave a small pep talk to Hinata. Hinata goes off the court to join the others.

"Bring it, one point!" Asahi yelled out challengingly.

โ•โ•โ•โ• โˆ˜โ—ฆแต’ ๐“…“ แต’โ—ฆโˆ˜ โ•โ•โ•โ•

The ball gets served as Nishinoya saved it, as the volleyball makes its way to Kageyama. "Tsukishima." Kageyama said as Tsukishima spikes the ball, Dateko's libero saves it.

Hideaki saw Aone spike down the ball as he quickly ducks down and saves it. "Cover! Cover!" Nishinoya shouted as Kageyama gets under the ball.

"Izuki-san." Kageyama called out to Hideaki who runs forward.

Hideaki gets blocked as the ball came back to Karasuno's side. "Shoot! The rear guard is wide open!" Hideaki panicked as Daichi raced over to save it, but suddenly Nishinoya came out of nowhere and slides down to save it just in time.

The ball goes up once more as Nishinoya managed to save it, making Hideaki sigh in relief. "Cover for me!" He shouted.

"Left! One more!" Hideaki called out for a toss as Kageyama sends the ball his way.

"Izuki-san!" Kageyama shouted out.

However, instead of a spike Aone and Hideaki have a joust instead. The ball goes down to Karasuno's side, making everyone silent and had their eyes wide open when the ball was about to touch the court.

Nishinoya was the closest to the ball, at first he was frozen in place. Then, something within him just snapped and before Hideaki knew it, Nishinoya slid his foot out and saved the ball, his eyes staring down at the ball he just received.

The whole gym yells out in shock at this.

"His foot?!"


"He's incredible!"

"One more!" Sugawara, Hinata, and Nishinoya all shouted in unison.

"Nishinoya, nice follow!" Hideaki praised.

"Kageyama, cover!"


Kageyama gets under the ball, readying himself to toss it. "One more!" Hideaki heard Sugawara call out, making everyone flinch and look over. "One more!" Sugawara repeated.

Kageyama sets the ball high in the air for Hideaki as he charged forward. "Go, Hideaki!" Sugawara shouted from the sidelines.

"Blast through, Hideaki!" Daichi added on.




Hideaki jumped up to hit the ball, it was like an iron wall opening up for Karasuno for the first time. Hideaki smacks down the ball and everyone watched as the volleyball falls onto the net, making Hideaki swear and hold his breath as he wondered which side it was gonna roll onto.

It rolls onto Dateko's side as Hideaki saw Futakuchi and another player run to save it.

They were slow...

...and Karasuno got a point.


Karasuno had just won against Dateko.

Hideaki looks up and had a big victory yell as his team joins him.

"All right!"

"We did it!"

Daichi soon told them to line up as Karasuno had a bright aura around them.


"Thank you very much!" They all said, bowing their heads to their opponents. Karasuno walked to the net to shake hands with Dateko. Hideaki goes over to Futakuchi as he looks as though he was trying hard not to cry. Hideaki sighed at him as he gave his hand a firm shake.

"Hey." Hideaki called out to him, Futakuchi stares at him, wondering what he had to say. "I'm not good at comforting others, but I just wanted to say, that you and your team are talented at what you do. I'm jealous to be quite honest, I can't block well like you and your team." He informed the opposing team, which made Futakuchi and the other Dateko players who heard the red haired male widen their eyes.

Futakuchi then gave him a low smirk. "I'm jealous too. You have the good looks and the great skills." He states with a grin.

"Thanks... I think." Hideaki replied as Futakuchi grips his hand, making Hideaki raise an eyebrow at him as he leans in.

"Say, are you single by any chance?" Futakuchi asked with a grin.

Before Hideaki could reply, Dateko's captain drags Futakuchi away. "W-Wait! I need to know!" Futakuchi whined.

Hideaki chuckled to himself as he followed his team off the court. Hinata eventually followed them after talking with Aone and they headed off the court.

"You did it, Hideaki!" Nishinoya proudly stated.

"Hideaki, you went boom! past Dateko's blockers, and they went like argh! And I was like, ka-blam!" Hinata announced as well, as the two stared in amazement as Hideaki sweat dropped at the two.

"Speak Japanese." Tsukishima dead panned at Hinata.

Hideaki chuckled. "I'm the ace, but you guys are heroes." Hideaki informed as Hinata beam in excitement and even Kageyama looked happy at this praise.

"Heroes!" Hinata repeated in a high voice. Nishinoya smiles widely.

"I like that." Nishinoya added.

They start to head off as Hideaki followed Sugawara, Asahi, and Daichi stop to greet the girls volleyball team up in the audience. Nishinoya and Tanaka went to greet the team as well.

"Sawamura! Sugawara! Azumane! Izuki!" Michimiya greeted as she waved. "Congrats on winning your second match."

"Michimiya! I knew I heard the girls voices behind us." Daichi said.

"You didn't notice them?" Sugawara questioned.

"Aya-senpai." Nishinoya and Tanaka shouted as Hideaki sighed at the two.

"You got your revenge." Michimiya said as the four third years looked at each other.


Daichi, Sugawara, Asahi, and Hideaki raises their fists at the girls team.

"And we're gonna keep on winning."

"I guess they lost their match." Hideaki mentally noted. Soon Karasuno stood together as they looked at the audience who came to them, which wasn't that many, but it was still appreciated that they clapped for them. All of them were in number order.

"Thank you very much." Daichi shouted out, bowing, as his team followed.

"Thank you very much."

Karasuno walked over to their bags to pick them up. Hideaki zipped up his bag and swung it over his shoulder. They were about to head off when they heard the girls squeal, making them freeze as Hideaki sighed, knowing exactly who it was.

"Oikawa!" A girl announced as Karasuno saw Aoba Johsai as they saw Aoba Johsai winning the game. "It's Aoba Johsai's..." Daichi mumbled but paused.

"...first match." Sugawara added as Hideaki saw Tanaka and Nishinoya radiated some dark aura at the sight since the girls seem to love Oikawa.

Hideaki narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend, who was about to serve the volleyball.

"Who will devour the king and the dark horse? Who will devour them all and go to Nationals?" Hideaki heard Oikawa say as he bounces the ball. He then looks forward at his opposing team.

"We will."

โ•โ•โ•โ• โˆ˜โ—ฆแต’ ๐“…“ แต’โ—ฆโˆ˜ โ•โ•โ•โ•

A/N: Another chapter done! Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 3277 words.

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