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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on january 15th, 2022 @ 5:11pm

โ•โ•โ•โ• โˆ˜โ—ฆแต’ ๐“…“ แต’โ—ฆโˆ˜ โ•โ•โ•โ•


SHIRATORIZAWA'S CHEERING SQUAD COULD BE heard as the third set began. Daichi was the first to serve. "Daichi-san, nice serve!" Tanaka called out. Daichi served the ball as Leon crouched down to receive it.


Shirabu tosses the ball to Ushijima who spikes it past Tsukishima and Hideaki, making Shiratorizawa get the first point.

"Don't mind! We're going to keep pushing through!" Daichi said.

"Right!" Nishinoya and Tanaka yelled back.

The game resumed as Shirabu tossed over to Tendou, who spiked past Hinata. Hideaki tried to receive it but failed as Shiratorizawa got another point.

Ushijima spikes the ball that was sent to him as it bounced off of Nishinoya's arms, making him fall from the impact as the ball crashed into one of the blue stands. Shiratorizawa's cheering squad cheered.

Soon enough, Shiratorizawa took the third set with Karasuno only having 18 points. "Damn it..." Tanaka muttered to himself.

Daichi clapped. "Next! We'll get the next one!" He reassured.

"Are you all right, Nishinoya?" Hideaki asked, holding his hand out, but stopped when Nishinoya had a dark look.

"There's no getting around the fact that the bigger you are, the greater your advantage is in volleyball." Nishinoya commented. "And right now, there's no one bigger than him. But that means nothing to a libero. The only one that's equal to him is me."

Both teams went to switch sides. Hideaki felt irritated with himself as he walked past Ushijima.

Hinata and Ushijima stopped in front of each other. "Since you were able to move like that, I thought you'd be good at receiving and blocking, too. You can't fight with height, so what can you possibly do if your technique is clumsy, too?" He stated bluntly.

A lightning bolt went through Hinata as he remembered something Yachi had said. He had a stunned look as Ushijima walked away.

"Hey, stop dawdling!" Kageyama shouted.

"You and Ushiwaka are somehow alike." Hinata commented.

Kageyama then stopped. "Yeah?" He rubbed the back of his head. "Well... I want to eventually be able to hit spikes like that, too."

Hinata was on the ground. "That's not what I meant." He mumbled.

"All right. Have a seat. Rest while you can. I'm sure you're finally getting used to both the finals and Shiratorizawa's cannon. What you're doing is technically not wrong. Don't get confused. I know you're probably tired, but always remember to keep your blocks together. With scattered blocks, you won't just be unable to stop the spike, but you'll get in the way of the receiver, too." Ukai explained. "With both offense and defense, using your numbers to create an advantage will lead to victory. Don't forget that."



Both teams got back onto the court. "Izuki-san." Tsukishima spoke up, grabbing Hideaki's attention.

Goshiki was up to serve. Goshiki threw the ball up as he did his jump serve. "Out!" Tanaka shouted. He turned out to be correct as the ball went out.

"Lucky! Lucky!"

Daichi was up to serve as he threw the ball into the air in which Leon tossed it back up. Shirabu tossed the ball towards Ushijima in which Tsukishima and Hideaki got ready to block.

"If Ushiwaka comes in fast from the right and attacks, if you and I both block, let's tighten up the cross side a little more."

Tsukishima and Hideaki jumped up to block as Nishinoya received the ball. "Nice receive!" Kageyama complimented as he tossed the ball towards Hideaki who spiked it down and gained a point for Karasuno.

"All right!"

Hideaki and Nishinoya slapped their hands together in victory before slapping Tsukishima on the back.

Karasuno was now in the lead by two points. Shiratorizawa scored a point when Tendou spiked the ball and Daichi was late on receiving it.

Hinata jumped up and spiked past Tendou as Yamagata received it. Shirabu tossed over to Goshiki as Hinata and Kageyama jumped up to block him. However, Goshiki hits the outside as he gained a point for Shiratorizawa.

"He went through there?!" Hyuga exclaimed.

"All right. That shot was amazing. It was amazing, but..." Daichi began. "That just means we have to use another method to get a point."

"Yeah!" Tanaka and Hinata shouted in unison.

Karasuno and Shiratorizawa were both tied with 7 points as the game resumed. Karasuno then began a synchronized attack.

"Oh, here it comes. That annoying attack." Kawanishi thinks to himself as he glanced over. "But..."

Kageyama tossed over to Hideaki who ended up being blocked by Kawanishi. The ball landed on the court, getting Shiratorizawa a point.

"Nice kill, Kawanishi!"

"Kawanishi! Kawanishi!"

"That #12 confirmed that Sawamura-san's stance didn't completely go back, and instantly threw out the possibility of an attack on the right." Shun pointed out.

"It wasn't certain that they wouldn't attack on the right, but the chances of them forcefully going toward the right were low." Hyuga added on.

Karasuno ended up getting the point back when Kageyama tossed to Tsukishima, who earned the point.

"Daichi-san, nice serve!" Tanaka encouraged.

Daichi looked over towards Ukai, who nodded at him. Daichi served the ball up in the air in which Leon received it.

Ushijima headed for the ball. "We're going to stop him!" Tsukishima shouted as him and Hideaki jumped up. However, Ushijima ended up getting a point as Tsukishima looked back in irritation.

Hideaki did his jump serve in which it was received. Yamagata received the ball. "Here we go! Ready, and..." Tsukishima shouted as him, Kageyama, and Tanaka jumped up to block. Ushijima spiked the ball as it went high up in the air.

"If the perfect toss goes up to Ushiwaka, and he completely plows one through, there's nothing that we can do. We'll just have to do whatever we can to stop the rest. We'll have the center back's defense go one step back, if we're able to stick two or more blockers on Ushiwaka." Ukai explained.

"The thing that Kinoshita-san did in the Wakunan match!" Hinata exclaimed.

"That's it! Because our blocks with Tsukishima as the center are holding up more than we thought, we should definitely give this a try. It's merely one step... But it's still a step."

Hideaki quickly received the ball. "Don't let it end with Hinata or Tanaka, whose reflexes are fast, picking it up. Get one that's not a miracle." Ukai thinks to himself.

"Daichi!" Hideaki called out as Daichi covered for him.

"Got it!" He reassured, sending the ball over. "Tanaka, get the last!"

"Get back! Get back!"

"Nope!" Tendou said.

Hideaki jumped up and spiked the ball. However, he got blocked by Tendou as the ball crashed to the ground.

"What?!" Tanaka exclaimed in shock.

"He stopped it!"

"Miracle boy, Sa-to-ri!" Tendou exclaimed.

"He was seriously able to stop the spike without knowing where it would go?" Furihata commented in shock.

"Good job stopping that." Leon complimented.

"He had no time to look for a block, standing like that. And spikers frequently end up looking at the spot they're planning to spike." Tendou informed.

"So that's how he was able to determine where the ball would go." Leon thought, looking over towards Tanaka who was irritated with himself. "Which means, their #5 was going to hit where he had planned, regardless of where he was standing."

"I'm sorry!" Tanaka apologized.

"Don't mind!" Daichi reassured him.

"That block was pretty amazing." Tsukishima commented.

"Yes, it was!" Tanaka cried out in agreement.

Ushijima was up to serve as he bounced the ball a few times. Shiratorizawa was in the lead with 10 points.


Ushijima threw the ball up in the air and did his jump serve in which Hideaki tried to receive it, but it went out instead.

"Sorry!" Hideaki said.

"What? Is he Mr. Perfect?" Sugawara asked, having a dark and scary look plastered on his face. "Is Ushiwaka-kun Mr. Friggin' Perfect?!"

Hideaki looked over at the scoreboard.





Ushijima did his jump serve once more in which Daichi dived down to receive it. "Cover!" Tanaka shouted as Kageyama got into setting position before tossing over to Tsukishima in which he scored a point.

Nishinoya then switched out with Hinata as Tsukishima was up to serve. He threw the ball up in the air in which Goshiki tossed it back up.

"Sorry! It's short!" Goshiki apologized.

"Ohira-san!" Shirabu shouted, tossing the ball towards Leon.

Hinata then stepped back a bit, running forward as if he was doing a spike as him and Tanaka jumped up to block. The ball hits the court as the crowd cheered.

"I'm jealous, but..." Hinata spoke up, getting Ushijima's attention. "I never said I wasn't going to fight with height!"

Both teams were now tied with 11 points. "Man, if they had someone like the shrimp in basketball, I definitely would be pissed off." Kagami commented.

"You do. It's Aomine-kun." Kuroko reminded him as Kagami got irritated by the sound of the dark-blue haired male's name.

"That bastard..." He mumbled as the rest of his teammates sweat dropped.

Hinata jumped up as him and Kageyama jumped up to block Leon. However, Hinata ended up crashing face first into the net.

"I'm so sorry!" Hinata apologized.

"Don't mind." Daichi reassured, holding his hand up.

"Think about how fast you're going, you dumbass!" Kageyama scolded.

Nishinoya then walked up. "Shoyo, this is from Ukai-san. The ideal jump is to jump straight up, but for now, he said you can go the sides, too. In return..." He trailed off.

"We'll support both sides." Tanaka and Kageyama finished in unison.

"Yeah." Tanaka added as Hideaki looked at the score.





The game continued as Tanaka barely received the spike that was coming at him. Hinata raced forward as he jumped up to block Tendou.

Kageyama tossed the ball towards Hinata who spiked past Tendou and Goshiki, earning a point for Karasuno.

"All right!"

"Hinata, nice kill!"

Up in the audience was Iwaizumi. "Oh. You're here, too." Iwaizumi said, getting Seirin's attention as Oikawa flinched while Iwaizumi hopped over a seat.

"You said that you weren't going to come because it'd piss you off, no matter who won." Iwaizumi continued.

"No matter which sides wins, I'm gonna be able to see the other team's faces when they lose." Oikawa said.

"You really are a piece of crap." Iwaizumi commented.

"I don't have time to sit around feeling sorry for myself. Besides, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't watch Aki-chan play against Ushiwaka?" Oikawa questioned as Iwaizumi sat down.

"I see that their #10 sure is moving around a lot, like always." Iwaizumi said.

"He's definitely some kind of monster." Oikawa agreed. "However, it sure must be rough having to stick around that monster."

"Oikawa-san. I didn't know you were coming, too."

Iwaizumi and Oikawa glanced over to see Seirin's basketball team looking over at them. "Shun-chan, it's nice to see you again." Oikawa greeted.

"Shun?" Iwaizumi questioned more to himself. "You must be Hideaki's younger brother."

"That's me. You must be Iwaizumi-san, Nii-san's other childhood best friend." Shun said. "It's nice to finally meet you."

"Same to you."


Ushijima spiked the ball in which Daichi received it. "Sorry!" He apologized.

"Tanaka!" Hideaki called out, covering for Daichi.


Tanaka jumped up and spiked the ball past Tendou and Shirabu, earning a point for Karasuno as they were both tied with 18 points.

"Tsukishima, nice serve!"

Both Kageyama and Hinata jumped up to block Leon as Daichi received the spike. "Left!" Tanaka called out as he jumped up and spiked the ball.

"One touch!" Tendou called out.

"Chance ball!" Goshiki shouted, saving the ball.


Tanaka and Hinata jumped up to block Ushijima as he spiked the ball. "One touch!" Hinata shouted.

"Got it!" Hideaki reassured, receiving the ball.

"Don't you dare get worn out!" Kageyama shouted.

"Shut up!" Hinata shouted back as he ran towards the opposite side.

However, Kageyama tosses the ball towards Tanaka. The second-year spikes the ball past Tendou and Shirabu in which Karasuno cheered.

"Tanaka! Great job supporting him!" Ukai yelled.

"It's a senpai's job to always be there and help his precious juniors." Tanaka said.

"A haiku!" Sugawara commented.

"Karasuno got a break!" Hyuga commented, looking over at the scoreboard.

"Hinata, nice one touch!"

Both teams were panting and trying to catch their breaths as they looked at one another in determination.

โ•โ•โ•โ• โˆ˜โ—ฆแต’ ๐“…“ แต’โ—ฆโˆ˜ โ•โ•โ•โ•

A/N: Another chapter is completed! Thanks for reading!

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