โฝ ยณยณ โพ "๐–ญ๐–พ๐—‘๐—"

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Also, "Deadchi" jokes will not be tolerated. They're not funny. Enjoy the chapter!

edited on october 6th, 2021 @ 2:42am

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IT WAS OBVIOUS THAT JOHZENJI was more focused and no longer pulling anything reckless like in the first set. Hideaki watched as Kageyama and Tsukishima jumped up to block a spike. But the spike was a feint.

"A feint!" Nishinoya exclaimed, as Daichi dived down to save it but was unsuccessful.

"Yahoo!" Johzenji cheered as Hideaki sighed and looked at the scoreboard.





Hideaki looked back at the game as he saw Tsukishima spike down the ball, but it got saved. He sees Johzenji's setter jump up to spike, as Kageyama also jumped up to block, however the setter instead changed position in mid-air and tossed the ball to someone else. Hideaki held back a snicker at Kageyama's expression.

Terushima spiked the ball and got a point. "Back attack!" Yamaguchi exclaimed.

"A break point, huh?" Sugawara mumbled as Hideaki ran a hand through his hair.

"Those guys are seriously annoying me with their tricks." He mumbled.

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Hideaki watched as Tanaka spiked down the volleyball, but the ball got saved by their Number 7, in which Terushima quickly sets the ball up.

"It's up! Last hit!"

Hideaki watched with narrowed eyes, focusing on the ball. He smirked in pride when Tsukishima jumped up and blocked the ball, making Karasuno get a point when the volleyball hit the court.

"Shut out!"

Hideaki chuckled at Hinata and Yamaguchi who cheered for the block as Tsukishima glanced at Ukai. "If you can stop it, I have no complaints!" Ukai reassures him as the tall blonde nodded. Tadahiro gave Tsukishima a thumbs up as he was up to serve.

"Tsukishima, nice serve!"

Hideaki watched the game continue when Tsukishima served, Daichi managed to receive the ball as Hinata raced off. "Nice receive!" Tanaka complimented. Hideaki widened his eyes when he saw that Johzenji's blockers weren't crowding Hinata like they were before.

Hinata spikes down the ball, in which someone receives it, but the ball almost touched the court when it bounced off the libero's arms, Terushima was quick to react when he kicked the ball back up, and Hideaki watched as their Number 7 jumped up and slammed down the ball, getting a point.

Hideaki narrowed his eyes a little. "Don't tell me they're getting used to the fast attacks already?" He thought as he saw Karasuno had 20 points with Johzenji catching up with 18 points. He looked over to see Hinata whisper something in Kageyama's ear.

Soon the game continued when Johzenji served the volleyball into the air. "Got it!" Nishinoya called out as he received the ball, in which Kageyama tossed it up to Hinata. Hideaki was a little surprised on how Hinata zoned in on an open spot as he slammed it down and got Karasuno a point.

A few more plays later, Karasuno was at 23 points and Johzenji at 19, Hideaki watched as Hinata and Kageyama do their attack again, but this time Terushima was there to touch the ball, and sent it back up. Hideaki watched as Johzenji's Number 9 spikes down the ball and it bounces off Tanaka's arm and got a point for Johzenji.

"All right!"

Hideaki tapped his fingertips on his chin. "So their aim is to touch the ball before we can hit it into an open space we cannot reach." He thought, sighing a little.

The game continues as Hideaki watches Hinata and Kageyama do their quick attack. "Bring it!" Terushima challenged. Hideaki smirked when he saw Hinata tap the ball lightly over the net and got Karasuno a point. He sees Daichi give a thumbs up in his direction.

Hideaki couldn't help but laugh and point to Johzenji.

"You see that? That's how Karasuno gets shit done!"

He knew his teammates were sweat dropping at Hideaki's sudden outburst.

"We're at match point!" Hideaki noted.

The game went on as Hideaki kept his eyes trained on the ball. However, he was surprised when Johzenji did another synchronized attack.

"Be careful! It's different from before!" Ukai warned.

Daichi jumped up to block Terushima, but the Johzenji captain spiked down the ball as no one had time to receive it as it touched the court. Everyone stared at the referee with the flag to see if Johzenji had gotten a point.


The referee raised the red flag, signaling that the ball was out, and Karasuno won the match.

"All right!"

Soon they all lined up and stared at Johzenji who looked as though they still wanted to be on the court.


"Thank you very much!"

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They exit the gym to rest since the other team would be arriving. As they exited the gym, they see Yachi rushing up to them. "You guys did it!" She cheered, as Tanaka jumped up for a double high five.

"Yay!" He announced.

Nishinoya copied him. "Yay!" He exclaimed as Yachi nervously held her hands up.

"Y-Yay!" She stuttered.

Ennoshita was quick to grab the two second-years from pouncing onto Yachi for their high fives. "It's impossible for her to jump for two high-fives at the same time." He scolded.


The three second-years all took turns on giving Yachi their high fives, as Hideaki chuckled and took a look around. He smiled when Aone walked over, Hinata jumped at the sudden sight of him when he rolled out the volleyball trolley.

"I'm going to stop you tomorrow."

Hideaki was a little taken aback by Aone suddenly speaking before he turned away and walked off. "And I'm going to get through!" Hinata declared back at him, as Aone stopped and glanced at Hinata, who smiles up at him. Aone grunted in reply with a small nod and went back to walking away.

Hinata suddenly raised his hands up and yells in happiness. "Shut up!" Kageyama shouted at Hinata to be quiet.

"Was he waiting here to tell Hinata that?" Yamaguchi mumbled.

They suddenly heard a whistle go off, making them look curiously at the courts to see their opponent. "The game on Court B's done?" Hinata questioned as they walked over to see who they would be up against.

"If so, the winner is our next opponent."

Hideaki didn't bother to go and see who the team will be as he decided to walk around for a bit. He suddenly stopped walking when yellow uniforms caught his eye as he saw Terushima walking away with his team. Hideaki frowned a little before deciding to chase after Johzenji.

He was finally able to catch up to them as he saw Terushima heading into the bathroom. He really only needed to talk to him, so he headed inside the bathroom. When he entered, he saw that Terushima was just looking into the mirror until he saw the black haired male and flinched a little before letting out a sigh.

"If you came here to make fun of me or somethingโ€”"

"I just wanted to say, you played extremely well." Hideaki interrupted, sending him a small smile as Terushima was taken aback and smiled back at him.

"You serious?" He questioned as Hideaki nodded.

"Actually, your team reminded me of why I love playing volleyball." He admitted.

Terushima chuckled to himself. "You're one amazing player, Izuki. I can see why you're the ace." He complimented.

"Why thank you. I try my best." Hideaki smiled at him.

The two of them headed out of the bathroom. "Anyways, I should get going." Hideaki said as Terushima nodded in agreement.

"Good luck on your next match!" He beamed as Hideaki sent him a nod before jogging off to catch up with his teammates.

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They had arrived back at their school gym once the day was over as they surrounded Ukai and Takeda. "Thank you for all the hard work on Day 1!" Takeda stated.

"Thank you!" Everyone shouted back in reply as they were all sitting down. Hideaki was between Asahi and Sugawara.

"Wakutani Minami, our next opponent, is not like any previous opponent. They have third-years like us. They're a highly polished team. Their defense and tenacity are close to Nekoma's. Don't lose your temper just because you can't get your attack in. Especially you guys, you psyched-up simpletons." Ukai stated as he looked towards Kageyama, Hinata, Nishinoya, and Tanaka.

Daichi smiled. "It will be all right. We've got their backs." The captain reassured them making Nishinoya, Tanaka and Nishinoya beam at his comment. Kageyama stayed silent.

"W-We're counting on you guys!" Hinata, Tanaka, and Nishinoya said in unison.

Daichi then stood up. "All right, we're going to make it through tomorrow, too." He claimed as he held his hand out, his team getting up and getting into a circle with their hands stretched out in the middle.

"Karasuno, fight!"


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The next day, they were back at Sendai City gym on the court, warming up. However, Hideaki was more focused on the cheering coming from the stands.

"Hurray, hurray... Ta-ke-ru!" The male shouted as the whole family started to cheer.

"Hurray, hurray, Takeru! Hurray, hurray, WakaNan!"

Everyone stared up at the family. "There's more today than yesterday?" Sugawara commented. "A younger brother?"

"Why do you look so jealous?" Tsukishima asked Hinata who did indeed look jealous.

"Actually, I'm kinda jealous as well. Shun doesn't come to watch me play." Hideaki mumbled as he had a gloomy aura around him. "God knows how many times I've made a trip to Tokyo to watch his basketball games, and he can't even make the trip to Miyagi to come watch mine."

Daichi clapped his hands to get their attention. "Come on, concentrate." He stated as everyone nodded. Hideaki continued to do his stretching.


Hideaki looked over and watched Daichi and the captain of the opponent team walk over, as they shook hands. "Let's have a good game." The two spoke. As they were doing their own stuff to warm up, Hideaki jumped when he heard yelling from the stands.

"Ryu! Ryu!"

Hideaki looked over to see Tanaka's older sister. Nishinoya of course, was the first one to react. "Nee-san!" He exclaimed.

"I came to cheer you on!" Saeko announced as Hideaki saw Tanaka pale a little at his sister. He chuckled in amusement.


Both teams lined up as the game started and they bowed. "Let's play!" Both teams announced, as they get into position.

"Bring it!" Hinata challenged.

The ball gets served as Daichi received it and sends it up. Kageyama and Hinata do their quick attack right off the bat, as Karasuno gained the first point.

"Right on!"

"All right!"

"Hinata, nice kill!"

Hideaki was expecting their opponents to be scared after the attack, however the captain just smiled. "All right, we'll cut the next one quick!" He stated as his teammates nodded in agreement.



Hideaki blinked in confusion. "They aren't surprised by Hinata's fast attack?" He thought as they get back into position to play. Kageyama was soon serving as Hideaki concentrated on both the ball and the opposing team.

"Hinata, a powerhouse school may be watching you closely, you know?"

Hideaki looked over at Daichi who was giving a pep talk to Hinata, the hawk-eyed male smirked, realizing what his friend was doing as he glanced at his junior.

"They've probably been doing research on you..." Hideaki spoke in a whisper, where only Hinata and Daichi could hear him.

Hinata kept silent, before having a happy look on his face. Excited as Tanaka had a dead inside look in the back with Daichi smiling as Hideaki stood beside Hinata with a lazy smirk on his face.

"Man, he's totally upstaging us!" Daichi added as Hideaki sweat dropped when he saw Hinata moving his body around in a circular motion.

"But I'm going to surpass yesterday's self." He stated as Tanaka then stood beside Hinata and gave a scary look to the opposing team.

"Hey, if you guys are just watching Hinata, I'm gonna peck yer eyes out."

Hideaki held back a laugh as he just coughed instead to hold his laughs.

Soon the game continued.

"Kageyama, nice serve!"

Kageyama did his jump serve, and just when Hideaki thought they might get a point, the captain of the other team appeared over at the ball and saved it, Hideaki watched as the players charged forward, as Hinata, Daichi, and Tanaka were getting ready to block.

However, Hideaki saw that their Number 2 was coming from behind, making Tanaka stop his jump in time and ran over to try and block him as Daichi and Hinata took the other guys in case he was wrong.

Tanaka turned out to be correct, but he didn't get the ball on time and only felt the ball graze his fingertips but it was still out. Hideaki clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"They're pretty fast... But that doesn't matter, I just have to be faster." He thought.

"Don't react to each and everything the spikers do! Go after the ball!" Kageyama scolded Hinata, who looked annoyed.

"I-I know that, in my head!" Hinata hissed out as Hideaki sighed at his two juniors.

"But whether or not the body moves is different. I know how that feels." Tanaka spoke from the back, as Hideaki deadpan at his teammates but didn't say anything. They went on with the game as the ball gets received.

"Nice receive!" Nishinoya praised as Kageyama and Hinata do their quick attack, but Number 4 from the opposing team saves it.

"It's up! Cover!" He called out.

Tanaka stood beside Daichi and Hinata as they get ready to block. "We're gonna stop this! Ready, and..." Daichi counted down as they jumped up. However, Hideaki saw that the spiker aimed for Hinata's fingertips as he slammed it down and the ball was sent flying into the stands where someone quickly caught it.

"Blocked out?" Tanaka mumbled, as everyone was a little shocked to see what happened.

"All right!" The opposing team cheered for their point. The game continued as the ball went back and forth.

Hideaki glanced at the scoreboard.





Hideaki sighed and wiped away his sweat as he went back to focusing on the game. Nishinoya saves the ball when it got served as Hinata rushes in quickly and successfully did his quick attack and Karasuno got a point.


Soon, it was Tanaka serving. "Tanaka, nice serve!" Daichi encouraged him.

"Yeah! Leave it to me!"

"You're seeing it, you're seeing it! You're sure to pick up the next one! Piece of cake, piece of cake!" Hideaki heard the captain of the opposing team reassure his own teammates, making Hinata a little annoyed.

"Half of that is just trying to get you riled up. Don't get provoked." Daichi said to Hinata, making him blink, but he calmed down. Hideaki saw how Daichi and the captain of the opposing team both had a challenging look on their faces as they went back to their positions.

The ball gets served by Tanaka as Hideaki made sure to keep an eye on it. He saw how the ball gets spiked down and Tanaka receives it as Hinata runs forward, but he ended up being a decoy.

"I knew it. Their middle blocker is on Hinata. And the other two are dealing with our other spikers. However, if you're going to stop our ace with incredible vision..." Daichi thought.

Hideaki's eyes turned into a lighter gray as he ran over and powerfully slammed through the blocks and got Karasuno a point.

"You need to bring an iron wall!" Daichi finished his thought.

Daichi and Hideaki fist bump each other, but Tanaka snickered when the duo held their hands in slight pain, Nishinoya and Hinata just smiled at them.

"Hideaki-san!" Nishinoya cheered.

"Nice kill!" Hinata added.


The game continues with both teams at 17 points. Tsukishima was in the game now, blocking beside Tanaka. Karasuno gained another point from Hideaki who slammed down the volleyball.

"All right!"

Soon the ball gets served as Tsukishima, Kageyama, and Tanaka all saw the incoming spike, so the three of them jumped up and successfully blocked the spike, getting Karasuno an easy point.

"What?" Their number 2 exclaimed in annoyance. Both Tanaka and Tsukishima had a teasing smirk on their faces with Kageyama staring blankly ahead.

Karasuno was now at 19 points. "All right! This is our chance! Let's get some momentum!" Daichi announced.

"Right!" His team shouted in agreement as Hideaki stretched his arms.

"Tenacious WakaNan! Our best is yet to come!"


Hideaki raised an eyebrow at the opposing team but shrugged it off.

The game resumes as the ball goes back and forth, Tanaka managed to save one. "Hideaki!" Daichi shouted as the ball got sent to the hawk-eyed ace who spikes it through, but the Wakutani was able to dig it back up.

"Don't let it end, don't let it end! Let's make sure to get this one!"


Hideaki thought the long rally was exhausting, but he wasn't going to give up. As Tanaka, Kageyama, and Tsukishima jump up to block a spike from the opposing captain. It was a block out again, with Daichi running over and saving it, as Nishinoya came in as well and quickly dug the ball back up as well.

Daichi came running back to the court at full speed to save the ball, however Hideaki widened his eyes when Tanaka didn't see Daichi as he was in his way when Tanaka was going to save the ball.

"Tanaka, look outโ€”" Hideaki called out but he was too late.


The volleyball rolls over the net and onto the court where Karasuno gets the point, but no one was cheering as they all stared at Daichi with widened eyes and fear.

Daichi laid on the ground as him and Tanaka collided, with Tanaka holding onto his shoulder, but he didn't seem all that injured.


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A/N: Another chapter is done! Thanks for reading!

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