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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on july 24th, 2021 @ 7:42am

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ONCE PRACTICE WAS FINISHED AND Hideaki headed to the clubroom, everyone headed out to go home. It was dark out and Hideaki could see some stars twinkling.

Suddenly, the black haired male jumped when Hinata let out a big yell, and ran over to Yachi. "Yachi! Yachi, are you gonna be our manager?" Hinata asked in excitement.

"Uh, um..." She spoke, shocked by the sudden appearance of Hinata.

"You will, right?" Hinata beamed, wanting Yachi to join.

Hideaki sighed at Hinata and pulled him back. "Calm down. Give her a chance to respond." He scolded as Hinata pouted but nodded at his senior.

"Hey, first-year girl, hey!" The voices from Nishinoya and Tanaka spoke up, gaining their attention. Hideaki saw the two smile in seriousness at Yachi.

"You'd better join Karasuno's Volleyball Club." Nishinoya announced with a grin.

"When you're around, Kiyoko talks a lot." Tanaka added, smiling as well.

Hideaki sweat dropped at the two, as Daichi came over and hit the duo on their heads. "What kind of way to recruit is that, idiot?" Daichi hissed as Sugawara just stood there calmly.

"I'm sorry, they're all so stupid." Sugawara apologized to the first-year female, who quickly shakes her head.

"No, not at all! Um, I'm flattered." Yachi said as she rubbed her head. Everyone looked at her. "I've never really chosen to do anything before or had someone need me for anything. Even in drama club, I've only been an extra. Like Townsperson B or a tree." She explained as Hideaki blinked in confusion.

"A tree?"

"So, because I was Townsperson B, and because I had no knowledge or experience with volleyball, I was really happy that Shimizu-senpai was so enthusiastic about getting me to join. But I don't think I'll be of muchโ€”" Yachi began but was interrupted by Tanaka.

"I totally get how you feel. If Kiyoko came up to me and said... I'm going to steal money from you, so follow me... I'd still follow her." Tanaka stated with a serious expression as Sugawara sighed in exhaustion, with Nishinoya and Hinata smiling.

"You're so manly, Ryu!"

Yachi sighed, smiling at everyone. "That's not quite what I was trying to say." She mumbled as Hideaki walked up to her side.

"We get what you're trying to say. Or at least, the ones who don't share a brain cell do. It's best to ignore Tanaka and Noya when they do this. It's what I do." Hideaki reassured her as he looked down at her.

She blinked at him, looking as if she was in a daze as she continued to look up at him. Hideaki blinked, wondering why she was looking at him so much. He suddenly jumped when she turned red and started to stutter.

"H-H-Hot!" She squeaked. "He's a senpai, right? Are all of the upperclassman this good-looking?" She thinks to herself.

"Uh... Are you all right?" Hideaki asked as she tensed.

"Y-Y-Yes!" She stuttered, which only made Hideaki more concerned for her.

"Looks like Tanaka's saying something again." Asahi chuckles, as he and Daichi walked by Tanaka.

"Oh, that reminds me." Hinata suddenly said, remembering something which gained everyone's attention as he dug around in his bag. He soon took out his phone and showed Tanaka and Nishinoya what was on the screen.

"Damn, Nekoma's so awesome!" Nishinoya announced, sounding annoyed but also determined. Hideaki guessed that Kenma had texted Hinata.

"I'm getting fired up!" Tanaka exclaimed as Hideaki just sighed at his teammates.

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Hideaki sighed, feeling exhausted from his classes. He didn't do much in class, it was the same boring lesson. It was just the teacher telling them to study for the exams. Which he knew wouldn't be a problem for him.

Soon, the bell rung, Hideaki got up and headed to the gymnasium. He greeted everyone, as Ukai told them to get some practice in before Ouginishi arrived.

Once everyone arrived, they all did their serves. "Hinata and Tsukishima!" Ukai called over the two. To which they nodded and jogged over to see what the coach wanted. Hideaki didn't pay attention as he continued to practice his serves.

"Ouginishi will arrive at 4:30!"


Everyone started setting up for the practice match, Tadahiro was helping out by bringing the trolley of volleyballs. As he was helping, he couldn't help but overhear Yachi's conversation with Hinata and Kageyama. "Sorry, that was an inane question." She apologized.

"Inane question?" Hinata and Kageyama repeated in confusion.

"A foolish question, or a comment said to abase oneself after asking such a question." Hideaki said, as the two tensed at his voice when they heard him explain the word Yachi had used.

"We just went over it the other day!" Tsukishima added, hissing at the duo.

"Thank you for having us!"

Hideaki blinked and looked over to see Ouginishi at their gym doors. "Gather 'round!" Daichi called out.


Everyone jogged over to greet Ouginishi. As they lined up, Hideaki felt the stares on him from the opposing school making him raise an eyebrow and stare them down, noticing some blushes on their faces.

"Move back a bit, Hinata."

"Oh, right."


Everyone listened to their captain as Karasuno and Ouginishi, bowed to each other. "Let's play!" They shouted in unison. Once they greeted each other, they headed to the court to do some last minute warm ups.

Hideaki waited for Tanaka to go for a spike as Kageyama sets to him, Tanaka runs forward and slams down the ball.

"Nice kill!" Kageyama praised. It was Hideaki's turn as he held the volleyball in his hand.

"Ready?" Hideaki called out to Kageyama who nodded at him. The hawk-eyed male grinned as he threw the ball up. He runs forward once the ball gets closer to Kageyama.

Hideaki then jumped up. Kageyama tossed the ball for him and Hideaki slammed it down.

"Nice kill!" Kageyama said.

Hideaki chuckled. "Nice set, Tobio." He told him. Kageyama just smiled at him.

"We're gonna start soon, so get changed!" Daichi called out to them.

"Right!" Everyone replied as they headed over to the chairs.

On the chairs were their jerseys, Hideaki grabbed his black and orange jersey that had the number 0 on it.

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Yachi couldn't help but watch as the boys came over to take their jerseys that were placed on the chairs, she was expecting them to head off to the clubroom to get changed, but she was wrong as she jumped when she saw Hinata take off his shirt.

Yachi turned red as she covered her eyes. But of course, she couldn't help but stare at one of them. She couldn't help but notice Hideaki's abs and how he wiped away the sweat from his forehead.

"He's so hot!" She thought, turning red like a tomato.

Sugawara glanced over and laughs when he saw Hinata. "Hinata, that's backwards." He chuckled as Hinata seemed to be having difficulty putting on his shirt over his head as Tanaka and Hideaki stood by with amusement, well more like Tanaka was amused and Hideaki had a deadpan look.

"Like Jamila." Tanaka commented as Hideaki sighed.

Hideaki rolled his eyes but had a small smile on his lips. He pulled his jersey over his head and onto his body. He was unaware that not only Yachi was watching him with a blush on her face, but so did the guys from the opposing team also watched with red faces.

"Sorry, you'll have to get used to this." Kiyoko apologized, walking over to Yachi who tried her best to avoid looking at all the boy's shirtless bodies.

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Once Hinata and the others finally got their jerseys on, Hideaki waited for Daichi to tell them to head to the court.

"Asahi, that string in your hair is awesome!" Nishinoya exclaimed, which caught Tadahiro's attention as he looked over to see Asahi had a hairband in this time.

"String? It's a hairband. Well, I guess I feel confident if you say that, Nishinoya." Asahi told Nishinoya with a sheepish look, as Daichi and Tanaka headed over, with Daichi smacking Asahi's back.

"Straighten up!" Daichi ordered.

"Trying to change your image, Asahi?" Tanaka asked as Hideaki noticed he wasn't wearing his shirt.

"No, the other day..." Asahi trailed off as he explained that Kiyoko told him to not have his hair braid so tight or else, he would go bald. "That's why..." Asahi finished, and Hideaki controlled his snicker that he held in, but Nishinoya saw no harm on laughing so he did.

"I need to be careful, too." Hideaki heard Tanaka mumble.

"There are bald guys that are popular with the girls, too!" Yamaguchi reassured. Hideaki snorted to himself as Tanaka got all agitated.

"I'm not bald!" Tanaka exclaimed, as Yamaguchi flinched back. Hinata was yelling his lungs to get fired up, with Kageyama looking hard not to kill their teammate, Tsukishima was standing next to Yamaguchi, fixing his shirt, as Hideaki walked up to stand next to Daichi with a small amused expression.

"Aren't you going to get into uniform, Tanaka-san?" Tsukishima asked, as Tanaka seemed to also get irked by the tall male.

"I'm about to!" He hissed.


"Gather 'round!" Daichi announced, gaining everyone's attention as they followed him to crowd around Ukai.

"This is our first match with another team since the Inter-High prelims. You haven't forgotten your frustrations from that day, have you?" Ukai questioned as Hideaki thought back to their defeat. He frowned at the memory until his teammates snapped him out of his thoughts.


Ukai smirked at them. "All right, go out there and thrash until your heart's content!" He announced. "Right!" Everyone shouted, as Daichi soon gestured for everyone to get in a circle. They followed his lead as he placed his fist in the middle of the circle they formed, his team copying him.

"Karasuno, fight!"


Once they did their team cheer, they headed onto the court. Hideaki noticed his teammates aura was calm but held determination to win this practice match with the opposing school.


The first that was serving was Kageyama as he did his expert jump which he "learned" from Oikawa. Hideaki was still confused about that part, but didn't question it.

Hideaki watched as the ball goes over to the other side of the court and Kageyama got them a point. "Yeah!" He announced, as his team cheered for him.

"Nice serve, Kageyama!"


"One more!"

Hideaki once again watched as the ball went into the air, Hideaki saw Tsukishima run to the net to block the spiker from the opposing team.

"Cover! Cover!"

"Number 8! Number 8!"

The guy from the other side jumps up, but he was surprised at how tall Tsukishima was when he jumped. The guy still got the ball over Tsukishima, but just barely as Nishinoya dived down to save it on time.

"Nice, Nishinoya!"



Kageyama sets the volleyball over to Hideaki who jumped up and spiked the ball down with a powerful hit, making them gain another point. "All right!" Everyone shouted. Tsukishima just watched from afar, not comfortable with cheering.

The game goes on as Hinata jumps up to block the incoming spike, the ball gets past him, but Daichi quickly receives the ball back into the air.

"Nice receive, Daichi!" Nishinoya praised the captain.

"Left!" Hideaki shouted out, calling for a toss, making Kageyama glance at him and nod in agreement. Hideaki kept an eye on the ball, he was close to the net as he jumped up. The ball touched Kageyama's hands as he tossed to his senior. The second Hideaki saw the ball in front of his hand, he slammed it down powerfully.

Karasuno gained a point, making them all cheer. "All right!" They announced as Daichi pats Hideaki on the back and then crouched down so Nishinoya could ruffle his hair.

Hideaki glanced at the score to see where they were at.





Hideaki grinned to himself. The ball goes back into the air, Hideaki glanced towards Hinata who charges forward and jumps as high as he can, with Kageyama setting to him as the duo show off their freak quick. Karasuno scored another point as the opposing team stared at the duo, mostly Hinata, with wide eyes.

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The practice match ended, as everyone bowed to each other. "Thank you very much!" They bowed as the bid their goodbyes to Ouginishi and watch them leave. Once they were gone, Ukai told them to start cleaning the court.

Hideaki yawned, feeling exhausted. He was helping Kageyama pack away the chairs as he gave him one to carry, they passed by Hinata and Yachi who seemed to be getting along.

"Amazing! That was amazing! I was just watching, but it was like... like..." Yachi excitedly announced as she tried to find the words.

"Did it all well up like whoosh?" Hinata asked with a happy and bright smile.

"Yeah, it did!"

"Then be our manager!"

"Huh? Um, uh..."

"Do it, Yachi!"

Hideaki yawned a bit, as he stacked chairs with the help of Kageyama. "But on an amazing team like this, I'm just Townsperson B, with no knowledge of sports. I'm just going to get in the wayโ€”" Yachi said with a frown, but was interrupted by Hinata.

"Come to think of it, I played Townsperson B, too." Hinata announced, making Yachi raise her eyebrows at him, and jump back a little.

"Huh?" Yachi commented.

"I got scolded because I tried to stand out more than the main character." Hinata stated and Hideaki couldn't help but snort, as he could see Hinata doing just that.

Kageyama stared behind Hinata with a teasing smirk. "Townsperson B?" He questioned as he gave out an audible snort, Hinata got irritated by Kageyama.

"Hey, don't make fun of me, you jerk!" Hinata hissed as Hideaki sweat dropped at him.

"Why doesn't it surprise me that you would, totally try and stand out more, than the actual main character?" Hideaki mumbled to himself.

"Townsperson B had a cool side that only Townsperson B has!"

"I see."

"Then what kind of role did you play, Kageyama?"

"The moon."

Hideaki coughed a little to hide his laugh.

"Is that even needed?"

"Damn, that's cool!"

"I've only played a horse before."

"A horse?"

Hideaki sighed at his team as they talked about what roles they played in school plays and such. Hinata then looks over to him and bounced over, as he jumped up and down in excitement while holding Hideaki's arm to stable himself when he came back from jumping up.

"What role did you play, Izuki-san?" Hinata beamed in interest as everyone else stared at him in curiosity.

"Uh, well, the first role I played was..." Hideaki began, thinking back. "...the hero." He finished, making the others stare at him with wide eyes.

"The hero?"

"So you were the character who saved everyone?"

"If you want to put it that way, yes."

"Makes sense."

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Saturday soon came as Hideaki was at his boyfriend's house along with Iwaizumi, the three of them decided to study together.

Well, Hideaki and Iwaizumi were studying. Oikawa was being annoying, as usual.

"Aki-chan! Pay attention to me!" Oikawa complained.

"Shut it, Tลru. I'm trying to study so I can go to Tokyo with my team." Hideaki informed, shoving the brunette off of him.

"Tokyo? What are you going there for?" Oikawa questioned.

"To get stronger so we can kick your flat ass in the Spring High, obviously, Loserkawa."

"So mean, Aki-chan!"

"Besides, don't you have your own exams to study for, Tลru?" Hideaki asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"He does, but you know how Shittykawa is." Iwaizumi replied before Oikawa had the chance to.

"Iwa-chan!" Oikawa exclaimed.

"Shut up, Shittykawa, stop bothering Hideaki and I and study like you're supposed to."

"But it's so boring!"

Hideaki rubbed his temples, trying to get rid of the headache he had.

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School came back on all over again, but this time, it sped through, making Hideaki relieved. It got dark out, as everyone did their usual practice, once that was over with, everyone headed into the clubroom.

Tsukishima was busy tutoring Hinata and Kageyama for their upcoming exams. With Ennoshita standing in between Nishinoya and Tanaka with a plastic ruler in hand to whack them if they get distracted.

"Harold, he lies below but can not open fire... Nathan Magee always sits patiently, seeing clearly around." Nishinoya and Tanaka spoke, making Hideaki smirk in amusement.

Sugawara was standing beside him with a small smile in amusement as well. Yamaguchi was behind Kageyama and Hinata leaning over them to make sure they were concentrating with Tsukishima leaning against the chairs that the duo were using to write on their sheets of papers.

"Knowing careless security titillates very criminal minds... "Keiken," ex-experience." Tanaka and Nishinoya spoke, reading from their books they had to learn from.

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It was soon the day of the exams, Hideaki wasn't nervous as he made sure to keep up with all of his classes. When the teacher gave out the exams, they only had two hours to complete the work.

"I knew I should've drank coffee..." Hideaki thought as he sighed. Once everything was settled, everyone waited for the teacher.

The teacher gave them the go, everyone focused on their exams. Hideaki looked down at the sheet in front of him and did his best to answer them all.

Two hours passed as the bell suddenly ran off, and everyone in Hideaki's class sighed in relief as they stretch and put down their pens.

"We're done!"

"How'd you think you did?"

"Glad that's over..." Hideaki thinks to himself, sinking into his chair.

"All right. Please pass your exams forward."

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Everyone was in the gymnasium, Daichi informed everyone that Yachi will be joining the team. "It's hot..." Hinata complained as he put on his black jersey and everyone did the same.

"It's just for a little while. Come on, you too, Tsukishima." Sugawara spoke as he called for Tsukishima to come along.

"Come here! Line up!" Sugawara added, gesturing for Tsukishima to hurry up.

"So, we've finished our exams, and starting today, Yachi will be officially joining us as our manager." Daichi spoke as Hideaki saw Yachi was standing beside him with a nervous look, Kiyoko walked over, handing Yachi a black jacket for her to wear.

"Here." She said softly.

Yachi blinked as she held up the Karasuno High School Volleyball Club jacket that everyone else was wearing. Daichi glances at her before smiling and turning to face his team.

"Ready, and..."

Everyone turned around and gestured to the back of their jackets, including Hideaki. He wasn't there when he welcomed the first-years, but he was there to welcome Yachi. Kageyama looked unsure of how to do it. Tsukishima was the only one who didn't bother with the pose.

"Welcome to the Karasuno High School Volleyball Club!"

Yachi widened her eyes at them, and for a second, Hideaki thought she was gonna cry. "It's a pleasure to work with you!" She replied, bowing at them.

Daichi smiled gently before looking back at the team. "All right, the Tokyo away games are coming up. All that's left is..." Daichi trailed off, as he told them that they were waiting for everyone's exam results to see who gets to go or not.

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A/N: Another chapter is done! Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 3305 words.

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