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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to an extra scene! These are just scenes that I'll be writing at the end of each season (maybe). Enjoy the chapter!

edited on april 16th, 2021 @ 10:52pm

โ•โ•โ•โ• โˆ˜โ—ฆแต’ ๐“…“ แต’โ—ฆโˆ˜ โ•โ•โ•โ•


HIDEAKI AND OIKAWA WERE CURRENTLY outside the stadium where Seirin was playing at. Hideaki was wearing a white shirt with a red jacket over it, faded blue jeans, and white sneakers. While Oikawa was wearing a blue jacket, black jeans, and gray sneakers.

"I just realized Aki-chan. I know nothing about basketball." Oikawa said, looking at Hideaki.

"Of course you don't. Volleyball is on your mind 24/7. This is your first time watching a sport that isn't volleyball." Hideaki reminded him as Oikawa just huffed in reply.

They walked inside the stadium as Oikawa followed Hideaki to the locker room where Seirin was. He opened the door. "Guess who's here?" Hideaki said as he entered.

"Nii-san!" Shun exclaimed, getting up from the bench to hug his brother. "You came."

"Of course I did. I wouldn't miss my brother's game." Hideaki stated as he pulled away. "Shun, everyone, this is Oikawa Tลru. My boyfriend."

"Nice to finally meet you, Shun-chan." Oikawa said, throwing up a peace sign.

"You as well." Shun replied. "Oh, wanna look through my pun book? I got really interesting ones."

"They're not even that good..." His team muttered.

"Hmm? Aki-chan, you didn't tell me your younger brother is a pun master." Oikawa said. "Let me see, Shun-chan."

"Absolutely not!" Hideaki exclaimed, hitting the back of Oikawa's head. "Argh! I knew I would regret this! I should've brought Hajime along!"

"That's mean, Aki-chan! I'm trying to get along with my future brother-in-law!"

"Who said I was gonna get married to you?!"

Hideaki then spotted a player he didn't recognize. The brunette noticed this and stood up. "I don't believe we met. Kiyoshi Teppei." He introduced himself.

"Izuki Hideaki. I'm Shun's older brother." Hideaki said.

"Brother? Do you play basketball as well?" Kiyoshi asked.

At this, Oikawa chuckled. "Aki-chan playing basketball? Please, the first thing he would do is spike the ball." He teased.

"I dare you to say that again, Tลru! I'll make it so you'll never play again, you piece of trash!" Hideaki yelled. "And to answer your question Kiyoshi, no I don't play. I'm a volleyball player."

"I just realized something. You remind me of Kise. It kinda pisses me off." Kagami commented.

"Eh? Now that you mention it... He has the looks." Hyuga muttered.

Oikawa blinked. "I don't know who this Kise-chan is, but I already hate him." He said.

Hideaki scoffed. "If anything, you and him would get along great. You're both self-centered and have fangirls following you around everywhere." He stated.

"So rude!"

They finally left the locker room so that Seirin could finish getting ready for their game. As Hideaki and Oikawa were finding their seats, Hideaki heard someone call out to them.


"Oh, Takao. It's been awhile." Hideaki greeted as he walked up to the male who was with his team.

"It has. The last time we saw each other was during the Inter-High." Takao said.

"Tลru, this is Takao Kazunari. He has the same ability as I do. But he uses it for basketball. Takao, this is Oikawa Tลru, my boyfriend." Hideaki stated.

"Same ability as Aki-chan, huh?" Oikawa questioned.

"It's different in basketball, Tลru." Hideaki informed.

"I knew that!"

"Sure you did..."

The game began as Hideaki noticed that Kagami immediately went into the Zone, overpowering Rakuzan using Meteor Jam. Seirin was doing great until Rakuzan began to fight back.

A couple of quarters later, they finally almost reached the end, with Rakuzan ahead. Hideaki noticed that every player on Seirin were at their limits and were losing their spirits. That is, until he heard someone from the balcony shout.

"You can do it, Kuroko! Don't give up!"

"Ogiwara-kun..." Kuroko muttered, seeing his friend's smiling face.

Hideaki looked down at the court. "I believe in you, Seirin!" He shouted, getting Seirin's attention.

"Nii-san..." Shun muttered, looking at his older brother in shock.

Where Touou was sitting, Aomine scoffed. "Sheesh... I can't bear to watch." He muttered, standing up.

"Dammit, Tetsu! Kagami! You guys won against us, didn't you?" Aomine shouted. "If you can't even defeat Rakuzan, I'll go after your heads!"

"Aomine..." Kagami said, shocked.

"Dai-chan..." Momoi said.

"Let me say the same goes for us! Go and win, Seirin!" Kise yelled from where he was with Kaijo.

"Go, and defeat Akashi... and Rakuzan!" Midorima shouted.

"You're not going to join in?" Himuro asked the purple haired giant.

"There's no way I would." Murasakibara replied.

The audience started cheering "Seirin!" over and over again.

They finally ended up getting their spirit back as they all turned to face Rakuzan. "It is not fun if it doesn't turn out this way." Akashi stated.

All of Seirin ended up going into the true Zone as the score moved from 96 to 98. They all lined up, waiting for Hyuga to take his shot. He shot the ball into the air.

The ball missed the basket. "Rebound!" Hyuga shouted. Kiyoshi grabbed the ball as time was running out. He ended up passing the ball to Kuroko who caught it.

"Let's go!"

Kuroko aimed to shoot but Akashi was right on him. "Akashi!" Hayama shouted.

"This is the end, Kuroko!" Akashi exclaimed.

"No, not yet." Kuroko responded as he looked up at his former captain. "I'm the shadow."

Kuroko shot the ball up in the air as Kagami dunked the ball into the basket, making the final score 106-105. The referee blew the whistle.

"Time's up! Seirin High..." The referee started to say as confetti appeared. "...wins the Winter Cup!"

All of the bench players and Riko rushed onto the court. Kagami and Kuroko screamed in excitement. "We did it!" They cheered as they piled up onto Kagami.

All of the Winter Cup teams, excluding Yosen and Touou all lined together as Hyuga held the trophy for Seirin and everyone else was behind them.

โ•โ•โ•โ• โˆ˜โ—ฆแต’ ๐“…“ แต’โ—ฆโˆ˜ โ•โ•โ•โ•

Hideaki and Oikawa met up with Seirin after the game. "Good job out there, Shun. I'm proud of you." Hideaki said as he slapped his younger brother on the back.

"Thanks, Nii-san." Shun replied.

"Now, what do you say we head to Maji Burger, hmm? We need to celebrate." Hideaki suggested.

Seirin, Hideaki, and Oikawa were at Maji Burger. Oikawa was next to Hideaki. "So, Nii-san, when are you and Oikawa leaving?" Shun asked.

"We're staying the night in Tokyo and going back to Miyagi in the morning." Hideaki replied. "Sorry I couldn't stay for long, Shun. Tลru and I both have to prepare for the Spring Inter-High."

"That's right, volleyball season is different from ours." Hyuga commented.

"Perhaps I'll make a trip down to Miyagi for one of your matches, Nii-san." Hideaki said. "You'll keep me posted, right?"

"You already know I will."

"I just realize, I know nothing about you, Oikawa. Except for the fact that you're childhood friends with my Nii-san." Shun began.

"That's right." Hyuga agreed. "Do you guys play on the same team?"

"No." Oikawa responded. "I'm the captain and setter for Aoba Johsai."

Shun widened his eyes. "Aoba Johsai? Nii-san, isn't thatโ€”" He started to say.

"The team that defeated Karasuno in the Inter-High? Yes." Hideaki interrupted.

"Wow. I don't think I would be able to handle dating someone from an opposing team." Kiyoshi stated.

"We don't let volleyball ruin our relationship." Hideaki explained. "It's a rule we made when we started dating. Whatever happens on the court, stays on the court."

"Does your team know?" Shun asked.

"No. They don't, and I'm not planning on telling them. They hate Tลru's guts." Hideaki responded.


"You know it's true, Tลru."

"I'm curious, Oikawa-kun." Riko began as both Hideaki and Oikawa looked at her. "When did you injure yourself?"

"Eh? How did youโ€”" Oikawa began.

"Riko has a Scan ability that allows her to see an individual's stats." Hideaki interrupted, then turned to Riko.

"This dumbass overworked himself into a brace. Thankfully, he didn't risk his volleyball career." Hideaki explained.

"So you're also injured like Teppei is then." Riko said. "But you can still play."

"That's right, Shun mentioned that a player from the opposing team injured you last year." Hideaki stated. "Basketball really is brutal."

After they ate, Shun's teammates headed home since they needed to rest after their game. Oikawa went back to the hotel. Hideaki and Shun were staring up at the night sky.

"You're still blaming yourself, are you? For your team's lost?"

"If anyone can read me like an open book, it's you." Hideaki chuckled. "You weren't there, Shun. No matter what we did, it still wasn't enough."

Hideaki clenched his fist. "It wasn't enough to stop Tลru, and you know if we get stronger, Seijoh will get stronger as well. Especially after their lost against Shiratorizawa."

"Sounds like you're doubting your team, Nii-san."

"I'm notโ€”"

"You are." Shun argued. "I may not know what your team is like personally, but from what you've told me they seem like a strong team with talented players. They'll overcome this."

"It's justโ€”" Hideaki began. "All of the third-years... Me, Daichi, Suga, Asahi, and even Kiyoko. We came back to the team with a new goal to go to spring nationals. I don't want our decision to stay on the team to be pointless."

"Are you sure it's just that?" Shun questioned. "Or is there more to the story?"

"I'm scared, Shun." Hideaki admitted. "Tลru, Hajime, and I... The three of us want the same thing. We want to go to nationals. Unfortunately, only one can stand on that court, and I'm afraid that'll be my downfall."

"You're afraid that you'll let your feelings get in the way of your team's goal?" Shun asked.

Hideaki nodded. "Tลru has been dreaming of beating Ushijima since Kitagawa, Shun. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I just took that away from him?" He questioned. "I'm Karasuno's ace. They're depending on me to get points. I can't have a mindset like that."

"You told us that whatever happens between you and Oikawa on the court, it stays on the court. That's how you manage to date each other." Shun said. "If Karasuno does end up making it to nationals, then they do. I'm sure Oikawa wouldn't hate you for that."

"Who knew you can give great love advice, Shun. Perhaps if you stop scaring off girls with your horrible puns you might get a girlfriend."


Hideaki chuckled. "I'll see you when you visit Miyagi, Shun." He said, hugging his brother.

"Yeah, good luck with the Spring High."

Hideaki finally arrived back at the hotel that him and Oikawa were staying at for the night. He stared at his boyfriend who was sleeping soundly. He sighed to himself.

"If it comes down to my feelings or making sure my team goes to nationals, I'm choosing my team. I'll make sure we go to nationals."

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A/N: Extra scene is finally done! I'll start to write season two soon! Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1898 words.

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