08. hunger

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Escort by chase atlantic

author's note:

I am trying ok, I am trying hard to accommodate a different room for my readers and I hope my writing style is different, different in a good way.

HUNGER thrives inside me as I take my target and swivel the wheel pushing forward the gear shift. "Fucker." I yell. I know my men and women are coming for me but damn I am loving the rush of adrenaline flowing inside my body like gigabyte pixels.

I eye the black car that increases its speed trying to reach my pace but I won't let this fucker be the pain in my butt. Whenever the car tries to take a side to overtake my car, I block the path and thanks to Umbria who provides the smooth pathway to increase our speed.

Gunshots fire in my direction making me groan in agony. Thankfully, the car is made bulletproof, or else the thunder of bullets may have taken a good toll. I open the glove compartment taking out a small green bomb that I always keep if any emergency arrives like this. I open the cap through my teeth and throw it at them.

The car explodes like firecrackers in the sky. When I was a kid I would look up and find those different sparks of crackers at night. When I asked my mom to give me those, she punished me by making me witness the actual fire blowing right in front of our house. I was sad not because the house got blown off but because of the trees that had to be victims of my mother's plan. No chirping of birds was heard after that and my fear and anxiety increased day by day.

My only gift from my mother was her eyes, the purple-eyed beauty that could grasp anyone and she did, slept with several men just to make my dead father jealous and at night she would come home with her body filled with new marks. At first, I was sad that she got those pain but later I realized that they were marks of bruises but evidence of her colorful night.

She presented me to several other customers she met just to break my hymen but in this matter, God was by my side and for the first time I believed in God who saved me from being forced by those filthy monsters. My skin didn't glow like how my mother did, my body was free from any marks, and then she started to paint with her famous spike belt making me memorize her emotional torture.

All I requested from the heavenly body to give me two beautiful parents who can protect me instead all I got were leftovers. The pain soon turned into numbness as I stayed put while she decorated my body. I didn't even need to have any chemicals to free myself from the pain. Like a statue that even after being thrown down expresses no emotion I too had the same circumstances.

I sigh thinking about my past like a haunted theater has drawn to those memories. I can't even focus on the given situation. My hands start shaking as I grip the steering wheel. I tighten my hold and taking a deep breath start my journey. I push the gear shift forward escaping from the crime scene.

My mind rushes to think about the probability of getting them to know about my new location. I take a deep breath and pass by the rows of trees when suddenly a car stands in front of me making me step my foot on the brake. "What the fuck!" I glare at the car when suddenly two more cars surround me.

I groaned. "You got to be kidding me."

I put the gear shift reversed banging the trunk of my car to the bonnet of my enemy's. A call appeared on my front screen making me swipe the accept button. "What fuckers?" I spit looking at the screen.

"Where are you?"

"Well, servicing my enemies thirst." I press the accelerator pushing the car behind me crashing it into the other one.

"Caterina, we are coming. Give us ten minutes."

"Ten minutes? Good, I am in the middle of three cars and after ten minutes come and deposit my rotten body." I groan ducking my head down when they try to shatter the back glass.

"Fuck, Caterina. We are near okay. Near too near."

"Near Carlos, stop these shits of putting hope in me. Fuck I didn't even fuck my pet and my pussy turned into a spider's web. If I don't get a di-"

"Gosh, Caterina shut up." I finally managed to pull rifles from the backseat.

Even the front car is rushing towards me. I glare at the approaching light. "If I die tonight, I shall die bringing those pussies along with me," I smirk pressing the sunroof button and the window above me slide down.

I again shift the gear forward pulling my car from the injured vehicle. I take another bomb, wait did I tell you all its size is around a tomato shape? No, right? Well yes, we create bombs that are easy to handle and carry. One last bomb and this goes to none other than the front car. I tore the cap and threw it at the car. Another blast, another victim(s).

I turn back smiling at them, I stand on my seat pulling the rifles along with me and a few cartridges. "Fine, I am going to lose £3millions just to save my pussy." I sigh.

"Fuckers, bring it on." I laugh at them firing the bullets like harmless colors used in the Holi festival, instead, the only color that will be splashed here is red.

Bullet shells fell like hailstorm, I bend down when they too started to fire at me, I scan the total numbers of them that were around eight. Two, I shot down while others are left to drown in death.

"Hades, get ready to bring nine coffins here, I too will be included there," I grumble shooting my targets with good velocity.

"I am kind of proud of the use of kinetic energy here," I smirk when two went down and more four to go, but there comes a sudden bullet shooting me. I groan in pain as I look down at my right forearm.

And fuck another one on my hand simultaneously making the grip of the rifle loosen. I bend down when the third shot appeared. I quickly reload the cartridges ignoring the voices coming from the screen.

I slowly pull down the window of the passenger seat and target the hidden gems behind the bush and shoot them.

The pain slowly starts to cause unbarring tremors making me whimper. I close the glass windows and took the earlier position. I lower my head, made a proper target and hit them. My state of staying conscious is like a battle I suddenly have to do against mine. I slap myself targeting a weak one and shooting at his knees.

Suddenly, rows of cars follow behind, the sound is familiar. Then I sit down, dodging the pain, and closed the roof. Using my left hand, I clutch the wheel and move towards the fire I crafted.

The heat is like hell for me as I pass by the orange-yellowish flames. The collision I once created is now eating me up like the lava monster in Moana. But the question is like Maui will someone save me from being prey to the devil?

I pull down the glass window due to the lack of oxygen inside and close my eyes when the smoke becomes too much to bear, slumping my head down on the steering wheel as soon as I pass by the flame.

Thanks for reading!

Actions are the only the one which spice up the level of taste in mafia series. The stain of blood is unbearable to certain others while it's a regular course to the underworld. I am so fucking glad to announce that this is going to be more fun.

Writing the notes of this chapter was tough cause I had to imagine lots of visions to put the effects. Therefore request to all my lovely people do vote and comment. It helps us as an author to rise up, bring more unique thoughts.

Well I won't say more even after telling this if you don't do the only thing we beg for you, it's okay it's not like history won't repeat the same shit to you.

Do know Karma is a fucking bitch, once bitten never heals.

Same shit again: do follow me on Instagram and wattpad for sneak peaks and notifications respectively.

Do follow me on Pinterest to get access to the made aesthetics I created for you all.

Next update will be on Friday.
Time is not allotted. I can post it anytime :)

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