12. tasty

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Author's note:

Before reading the chapter ahead do remember no hate is thrown to any countries here. Its just the harsh inflict put by two powerful mafia kingdom shown here so don't be angry if you belong from the rivalry side.

And Merry Christmas to everyone.


I SCREAM in pain when she stabs me with her new weapon, a dagger. I crawl away from the wicked lady who stays root on her spot with a sinister smile plaster on her face.

Students learn lessons in a school building and I need to learn lessons with this psychopathic creature. She may have dressed in a white satin gown, a sign of a fallen angel but we all know even Lucifer was considered as the devil with black wings.

"How dare you talk back during the dinner we had earlier?" I look front so that she can't see the sight of distaste I planted on my face. Every time the same show, the same episodes of melodrama and violence.

Everything turns against me whenever I feel like a portion of my life is good. I didn't talk back, I just pinpoint out that I hate eating eggplant cause it leads to allergy but no, she didn't think like that instead she dumped all the loads of the meal inside my stomach.

My throat aches every time I make some sound or scream. I can't even talk back due to the immense pain I am bearing right at the moment.

She drags me through my hair and again starts to decorate like those wall painters, staining the white wall with my blood.

The aftercare is alright and I thank Dr. Russo for bringing back my voice, the only person who witnessed crimes holding right in front of her eyes. She couldn't say nor do anything except put ointment behind my back.

The cool gel only calm the burning ache physically but mentally and emotionally I wrecked inside. I turn into a monster, a fucking demon-possessing a blank soul and now I wish for death to come and take me.

I am tired.

Too tired.

Will someone come and save me?

Or shall I die waiting for the key holder?

My eyes open quickly, not interested to get inside another theater of my nightmare. Sweat glistens my body but the numbness stays there. No, I didn't shout, cause I know no one will listen to my pain after all an orphan, a murderer, a monster is always considered as negative waves of impact to ones life.

No such therapist could pull out the knots within my brain, so I let the tied knots stay there and welcom the other pains and slaps.

I sigh rubbing my face and look beside the table where a small clock is kept.

4:15 am

I lift my body and walk toward the bathroom to freshen up and wait for another day to either stay alive or kill me.

Aristide still didn't come face to face for a week after witnessing the kind of interrogation we had. He still blames me to be the holder of such hindrance crime as if the government itself does all the good work. I chuckle dryly remembering a case where the government took part in letting the terrorist attack so that they could grab money from the other countries as a sign of sympathy.

Pathetic isn't it?

In a human, both good and bad resides yet just because the person belongs from a good family there is no such hallmark to his work that he will always do good actions. I step down the last stair and greet Vittoria who is playing downstairs with her dolls.

"Hey, baby." I coo at her as she giggles jumping up and down to kiss me. I smile lowering my head so that it is easy for her to kiss my cheek.

"Good morning, capo." I acknowledge the rest and head toward the kitchen. I find Bianca wearing oven mitts and pulling out a tray filled with cupcakes but what kind of surprised me the most is a stupid guy galloping cupcakes like they are juices, squishing the ends of the soft textures as creams bedaub his plump lips.

Bianca smiles at me when she finds me standing at the entrance whereas Aristide is busy stealing another piece of cupcake.

The way he wipes off the cream from his upper lip does the most untouchable kinky thoughts I ever have. He again takes another cupcake but now I have enough. I stride toward him, holding his upper arm I make him turn back so that he can face me and it's the exact second when he puts half of the cake in his mouth. I hold his shoulder blades and tip-toe to cover up the short distance we have and eat the other half of his cupcake making him stunned.

The vanilla taste is amazing but not how he taste, the wet lips of his sre tastier than the cake inside my mouth. I swirl my tongue across his lips wetting the area more. I smirk pulling myself back and look behind his back to find Bianca with her jaw drop. I wink at her and then glance at him.

A small portion of the cream is smudged at his left cheek so I again raise my toes to lick the surface clean. I purred near his ear. "I like the taste you offered." I step back sliding my finger on his lower lip and taste it again.

"Next time don't pull this type of stunt to provoke me, I may not but for sure you will be flustered like how you are now." The tint of blush surface on his cheek causing me to smirk.

"I-I did n-not."

I snort at his reply. "Sure you didn't." I retreat and move to my office room to look over the new consignment we were offered.

"We found the location of the tracker and it's near to a barren warehouse to the northwest area. We need to take action quickly or else we will lose our target." I nod my head listening to what Carlos is saying.

"Andrea, do follow them and give me the thorough updates. Do inform me when the area will be clear, I shall arrive there and personally meet the Ivanov family." I intertwine my fingers resting them on my lap.

The earpiece did provide my orders to the man who was there and he quickly responded with yes. I pull the telephone and press several digits and wait for the caller to pick up my call and thankfully she does.

"What, bitch?"

"Woah, okay I know I look like a female dog but that doesn't mean you need to speak the truth." I grin.

The other side of the person sighs. "How are you?"

I shrug, "Talking to you means I am alive."

"Never say that. You don't know how glad I am to hear your voice."

I giggle. "Never knew I will hear from a female those feelings."

She groans. "Shut up. I hate you."

"Add infinity from my side." She giggles.

"Now, why is the call?"

I sigh knowing that the time has come. "They  have arrived."

A loud gasp is heard from the other side. "Ivanov came?"

I nod my head. "Yes, they arrived but don't worry I will deal with them."

"Caterina, you do know the entire plot was set by me to take revenge from them cause they killed my parents and now they are targeting you? No, I won't le-"

"Don't wor-"

"No, you listen to me Caterina, I once lost my loved ones and now as I am coming back I shall turn all the wrong deed to right."

"I am going to give a counterattack to them." I sigh playing with the foldback bulldog clip.

"What happened?" Concern lace her voice and I smile a little.

"Nothing, they just attacked me and I am alive." I laugh coldly.

"Again?" She shouts making my ear get several vibrating sensations.


"I am coming and that's final."

I try to protest but she seems persistent. "I will come and that's final Caterina." She cuts the call and I sigh.

The door slowly opened revealing Adora. "Hi."

She smiles weakly. "Hello. I am so sorry I couldn't meet you in hospital."

I wave my uninjured hand in the air. "It's okay, Adora. Tell me do you need anything?"

She shakes her head and slowly discloses a tray trolley walker where my meals were present. "Why did you bring them here?"

She pushes the trolley and walks beside me. "I know you haven't eaten anything Caterina and I am afraid your gastroenteritis will cause a problem. Now eat."

I groan closing the file and placing my glasses on the file sheets. I open my mouth and wait. "Fill me up, mom." I drag the word mom making her playfully glare at me. She pulls a chair and sits beside me.

She opens a lid and places the rice then opens another one where chicken breasts in creamy sage and lime sauce are present. She scoops a small amount and puts it on the plate. She mixes the rice with the chicken while my mouth waters  when the spoon approaches me and once I put the food inside, the taste of mushroom and mashed potatoes that I fail to notice earlier blend my mouth so well.

I moan and can only moan. The second best thing in my life bro.

"How is your arm?" My mouth is filled with the food so I quickly chew and digest them in my hungry stomach.

"Better and by next week the sling will be removed." She nods her head and soon the silence and my moans were the witnesses to the warm afternoon.

Alessia, the leader of her female troop stood in front of me and with one last turn unlocked the door. We soon spread around examining any evidence to defeat them but found none. We could only grasp guns and rifles.

I sit down on the couch folding my legs and spreading my uninjured arm on the back pillows and we waited, I mean took time to plant bombs and now we sit down waiting for those men to arrive.

After an hour, the sound of wheels screeching and a sound of a low whistle allow us to know they have arrived.

The door opens and there they are, my golds and diamonds. I wave at them when they are in a state of shock. When one of them tries to flee they are captured from behind. I pat the empty seat. "Sit, we need to talk humans."

"Talk?" One of them screams. "We don't need to talk. If you hadn't interfered in the matters between that Isabel and Maxim then we wouldn't have intruded but you, my dear puppet of Reaper did the opposite and now you shall pay." With that, he quickly withdraws a gun and pulls the trigger only for the bullets not to release.

He looks down at the gun and again pulls the trigger but when none happened he throws the object at me. I can only chuckle. "I know you miss me but that doesn't mean you have to be so harsh." I pout at him.

He snarls at me forgetting that he along with the others are now backhanded by my troop. It's now my turn to pull the gun from my holster and shoot one of them silencing the whole crowd.

I smile at them. "Next time open your mouth when you are allowed to and do you think I will intervene just because someone else did? No, it was my grudge."

Flashes appear in front of my eyes when the Ivanov family tried to make a deal with my mother to sell my virginity. Like fuck they can do anything they want to.

I crouch down to the speaker's level and whispere, "What will you do when you are being thrown into a prison filled with hyenas? I was there right in front of those creatures and while they took enjoyment, I trained my feet to kick them. I am leaving you so that you pay a visit to your master and beg for freedom cause I won't satiate myself until I gulp down all of their blood." With that, I pull his tongue out and shoot.

Echoes of vile screams are produced yet my mind is stained of those nights, I was underneath them, squirming in displeasure while my mother got the paid money. Scenes were distasteful but to me, it was a  conjuring night, devil-like Annabella appeared and mocked at me with her button eyes.

I straighten my back as Alessia drags the body and we walk out. I pause my track. "Do you know what you have to do?"

Alessia replies, "Yes, capo." I nod my head and we all go back to where we are assigned to. Them to dig a carve behind the person's back while the others are kept in eye movement to burn the house and I, to take a nap.

author's note:

writing such parts may be a little bit too much, but that's how the growth of the characters are. i am so thankful to those readers who are so good and help me.

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