15. punishment

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➙insane 𝖻𝗒 ap dhillon

SHE SMILES AT ME. The kind of smile that I already warned you all. I stagger back while she strIde forward. "Hello, my beautiful pet."

I shiver involuntarily by the use of her cold words directed toward me. "What are you doing here? I thought today I shall pay a visit to your room congratulating for your wonderful performance for staying so long but I guess, I might have wished too quickly."

"N-no I-I w-," She places her hand in front of me making me quiet.

"Did you think by cutting off the wire of the surveillance will save you then you are too wrong for that certain assumption my pet." My spine shivers by the tone she used.

"I hope you do know that Vandal-resistant dome means it is harder to interfere with the camera and as it's easier for indoor and outdoor preferences just think my pet will I keep the wires attached to the same board from where your friend did the work?"

"Friend. I don't have any." She laughs throwing her head back.

"Aw my pet-"

"I am not a pet." I kiss my teeth. She arch her brows at me with loud words.

"Woah does my pet raise his voice? " She coos at me but soon her soft note turned into malice.

"I guess from now onward you better need to learn how to civilize yourself and welcome the dominant world given by me."

"You are so wrong, Caterina." Her eyes widen when I told her real name but I didn't pause. "I shall never be submitted by someone who never did anything right. You should be behind the bars for your crimes but here you are breathing like normal humans. Due to certain power, many couldn't give witness against the illegal people where the charge sheet includes murder, drug trafficking, extortion, and money laundering, or maybe others. They fear you do not praise you." My breath heaves as I put a full stop to my sentence.

The moment was silent, way too silent for me to misunderstand the environment. She quietly opens the window which harshly inhales the rough wind blowing outside.

"Multiple murders, assault, sellers, buyers, rape, fencing are tags linked to bad people, right?" She looks at me but I don't reply. "I was never allowed to visualize the world to be in rainbows and Disney princesses. I didn't wait for any prince charming to come and save me cause during those dark days I was the hero to myself. But, let me clear the issue that just because we are tagged as bad ones that don't mean you all are dipped in holy water."

The hint to her hidden world is a sign of a portal that urge me to enter only if I can pass by the electric field where I am the positive charge being repelled by her.

"How is your childhood?" I speak softly. The air blow her hair all around her face yet her eyes glow from the shallow curtain.

"Caged." The venom lace around her tone like snakes wrapping a stick, just like the staff handle by Hermes.

"Why?" I approach slowly, my shoes tap the concrete floor but no sounds were approved. But when I thought of cracking her like a cracker, she uses more powerful antivirus software to protect her.

The once lost child has regained her composure, the lethal weapon she created by breaking her boundaries and taming the real treasure. Swiftly, she pulled her gun aiming at me, and fired.

"Fuck." I groan when I find out she hit close to my ear, at antihelix. I touch the bleeding area glaring at her while she looked at me with her death cold eyes.

She takes a step forward while I back. "History is a boring subject, isn't it? And I think the main reason for me to take science course was that so I recommend you to better stick with information you shall obtain at the end of every month and shall pay back by thrusting your hips grinding my pussy." I blink back at the news.

"You will give information?" I ask in disbelief. She shrugs looking down at the metal object which looks so small yet the impact was harsh like a truck.

Both of them have a similarity, they hit like shit.

"I am too tired to stay alive reading romance books and watching Disney movies. Fictional representation is just a bandage covering the hurt but we all know it's too good to be true."

"So, how was your kill?" I ask remembering that she went for a hunt.

She kisses the barrel of the gun and eye me. "I knew you were listening so I brag a little more and waited for the right time." My eyes squeeze shut.

"Couldn't catch the culprit though." I open my eyes and look at her. "By the way, now that I am here Carlos may have killed and buried the traitor." When her steps pause she comes near to me, eye to eye, the inhale and exhale from both of us painting each other abstractly was kind of an erotica scene yet there was no move into it.

"Do remember this Aristide, one mistake committed by yours is a sin and for that unlike Johnny Depp who performed in Pirates of the Caribbean franchise and was saved multiple times here won't be the same case. You must pay the debt like how Nila did in the Indebted series. She may have paid unnecessary debts committed by her ancestors but here you will pay by your current needs. Not even the author of this life shall pave the way in a different direction. So, think and work."

The brush of her lips against mine is like the crushing of two stones against each other to ignite a fire which I never once had with Aurora, the woman that I once claimed as my lover. Can we too fall out of love?

"Tonight I also got to know something about you." My brows arch upward as I look at her.


"That you can shift from dominant to submissive."

"Why? Wanna test that?" I smirk at her making her lips twitch.

"Play with my cunt, my pet," I tug her hair as I pull her toward me and quickly take the gun from her.

"Easier said than done, cagna." I press the muzzle under her chin lifting her face.

"You think just because I am a masochist I don't perform the act of dominance. Too bad you will get what you requested for." Her smirk widen as she looks at me with a sense of excitement.

"Really? Then I will be glad to break the shell and pull out the character until then be my pet and offer me the job most loyal animals do." The gun is loaded yet the chance to see another day isn't there in her eyes as if she knows anytime she will die.

We normally fear for the unseen scenery thinking that it's better to be dead but when the portrait reveals itself and we reach the edge of the death cliff it's then when we pray for another day, another chance but in her eyes, every chance that she granted earlier broke her into such level that she has no more objection in living a life.

Like Dante McCain, an undead species.

"I thought to take you to hospital but guess your punishment did prevent you." Her purple eyes dilate darkly making me squirm.

"Then how can I request you to take me there?" She moves her upper body toward my direction.

"Beg for me, pet."

I roll the gun twirling her long strand and tugged it harder making her wince a little. "Beg? I never did and it shall be when we have a proper fight and one shall win then the matter concerning the right individual must be sent. You think you can guilt trip me then you are wrong, too wrong for a submissive that you claim me to be to not think he may have the upper hand."

My forefinger is inside the trigger guard which allow me to oscillate the gun to and fro. When she tries to grab the metal, I made a quick jab cut making her fist blow uselessly. She turns around backing her heel slightly lifting off the floor with her toes and tried to hook but I bend my knees shifting my body weight from one leg to the other as I roll causing her to lose one more shot.

Hooking is a stance that needs more power and she lost enough not to notice my upcoming roundhouse kick, I extend my leg and hit her with the top of my foot. She staggers behind pressing her finger underneath her nose where blood coated down.

"Damn I am impressed." She whistles lowly.

"Of course if my opponent is unknown to certain tactics I will be the winner here." She smirks looking at me.

"Then I think now you have the chance to teach me."

"And what shall I teach you, Caterina?" The once where the light shone is now dimmed.

"Whoever told you my real name must pray for its tongue to stay alive cause once I get hold of it, not even Uranus can protect it from me." She is like Lilith, a famous female demon of Jewish Folklore. So evil, so vile.

"You are like Lilith, the female version of a demon." Her laughter echoes the silent room, the wind play along with her tone giving out proper statistics of highs and lows.

"Lilith? The first woman of Adam accept dark over light just to prove her worth. in Zohar Leviticus she was considered as a hot fiery female who first cohabited with man. Just think, Aris if we fight for the rights we are considered as a disgrace and if we keep our mouth shut then a sign of approval. When I was a child, I did the mistake but now I shall redeem the course and pave a new path for myself."

She walks out but soon halt her steps. "Be glad I am not that bitch, Eve who had temptation like a pregnant woman and be ready for tomorrow you will meet your mother in the hospital." With that she walks away, away from my thumping heart, away from the silent chaos she implemented in my mind and heart.

"Is this is your way to punish me, Caterina?" I place my hand on the left side of my chest.

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