17. ache

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get ready to cry cause I am doing the same shit.


Demon time 𝖻𝗒 𝖺𝖺𝗋𝗒𝖺𝗇 𝗌𝗁𝖺𝗁

"NO." I scream. There she is, one of my best friend for whom I took the initiative to put a war against the Ivanov's, my friend, Adelina. Her dress is torn from all sides, blood drop from the cuts and her face, her face portrays the nightmare she had but what made me shout was a truck hitting her body. I still keep my eyes on the empty spot where she was a few seconds ago.

My body heaves up and down as I slowly turn to look on the other side and finally find her. She has a tranquility on her beautiful face as she put her breathtaking smile and says her last prayers to the Almighty God.

Is this another crime held by Zeus? Another victim Hera has to kill like that? Is this another Leda story? My feet can't hold my weight and I fall down gashing my knees but don't care at that moment. The times I read Greek myths there were million times I cursed the Gods and Goddesses.

Why can't they protect themselves? Is this how the word rape shall be tagged forever like a fucking tail behind us? Why did Hera has to kill those women who were forcefully slept by Zeus? Isn't its his fault? Why? Did she think it was the only way to help the woman to stay in contentment after what her husband did? Can no one be like Lord Krishna who saved Draupadi's respect?

It's a fucking curse as to how woman are treated like a piece of shit. My body shakes as I watch her private areas bleeding, her white dress soaking the blood that got released. I try to muffle my screams so that no one hear but I can't, not when I am at fault. I raise my hand in air and slap the harsh ground repeatedly to distract my emotional pain to physical one.

I quickly stand and rush toward the other side where she is and break through the crowd to get her. I fall down at her side crawling toward her and put her head on my lap. "Adie it's me, your bestie Cat. Wake up, please wake up." My Italian tongue now put into work as I stroke her hair.

"P-please Adie, for me, for yourself and for your family, please wake up Adie." I cannot stop my cries as I blatantly put forward.

"Adie wake up, please." How can I ask a dead person? Can I pull down the chain the Reaper has now wrapped around her soul? No.

So, why do I feel like this?

Is this what we say emotions? If that is, then I am still human, right?

For years I practiced to discard the package of emotions but we all know if we are humans, they are a default set which cannot be removed. All we can do is to suppress them, I too did but now everything overflowed. My emotions, my feelings and the portal that I kept well hidden.

I scream her name but all she does is to sleep peacefully like she has no issues with anything. I cry and cry breaking the rituals bestowed upon me put by my mother.

"Sorry my friend I couldn't protect you from Hel." I kiss her forehead.

"Cap- Caterina." Xavier crouches down lifting me but I can't leave her.

"Leave me Xavier, don't you see I am trying to bring her back?" I put a fight against his strong hold but couldn't.

"Caterina." The only voice which quickly calms my demons, satiates my heart and soul. I turn back and rush to him "Aristide." I need a shoulder to cry, to scream, to laugh but never got anyone. Precautions are held for that I don't have to lose myself but now I don't care of what I look. I clutch his shirt hugging him tightly not bothering if he is still in shock.

As if the weather quickly stand behalf me, it rains. The light pour soon turns into thunder and lightning. People discard the place but I can't not when I continue to scream and sob for another loss. Aristide's warmth supports my brain and heart for which I am thankful for.

The heavily rainfall hide my tears and thunders cover my screams. I cry clutching the thin thread I have now, my fingers tightly curled around his white shirt while he sits there patiently holding me.

"W-will she come b-back?" He lightly kisses the back of my head while his hand soothe my arm.

"I am sorry, Caterina but I would say she won't." My lips quivers as I look at the people from hospital carrying her in stretcher.

"She was r-raped, Aristide. She was fucking raped." I sob looking at Xavier who hurriedly take the decisions for which I am grateful for.

"Justice will be served." He murmurs. I wipe my tears as new ones flowed down.

"I will seek justice." I angrily murmur.

"Take it legally." I laugh coldly.

"Legally? Oh dear it's a start of the end." I turn to look at him with a cruel smile.

"This is a mission ending, a war like Enyo started."

I am back to my closed shell, I didn't talk to anyone. The shock and pain still fresh on my skin but now instead of pain I feel anger.

I forcefully open the door and the people inside the room turn to look at me. "I heard about Adelina and I a-" I lift my hand in front of Carlos making his statement pause.

"You knew." I grit out the words glaring at him.

He looks down in shame, fits him. I jab my fingers at his chest. "For you she died. I am ashamed of being a friend to someone who is not worth of friendship." His eyes fill with tears. "Lift your luggage along with your bitch and move put from my house." I scream.

His eyes quickly find mine. "Cat-"

"Shut up, Carlos. Just shut up. I know what shit will you say that hey Caterina it was supposed to be a surprise. Surprise? My foot." I yell at him making him flinch.

"Get out." I point at the door. Adora rushes towards my side.

"Bella I-" My glare stop her from rambling. I cover up the small distance and smile distastefully.

"Do you know, Adora, when you came in my life since then I faced losses? I think it was you who told Carlos not to say anything about my best friend's arrival, right?"


"Take your luggage and move out from my house." I calmly speak. I turn back looking at others and smile coldly. "And you all will tag behind them. Here, only five people must reside and they will be Bianca and her daughter, Xavier, Aristide and I."

The horn of the trucks clarifies their departure yet no sense of guiltiness soaks me. Bianca gives me a glass of water and make me sit down on the sofa. I look at their stunned face. "What? Do you want to stand here and get killed by me?" The silence soon erupt into hurried walks, few run while others hop.

My phones suddenly rings making me pull out the object. I squint my eyes in confusion when the name of the caller is Carlos. I roll my eyes at his state of talking to me. I swipe the green button and put it beside my ear.

"Speak." My voice is monotone, free from any warmth.

"Well, well, well isn't it the great Caterina bitch?" My eyes widen and I quickly look down the screen but the name still shows Carlos.

"Aw, are you thinking it's a spam? No, not at all Caterina. Well, I did install a software which basically changes my whole outfit to someone whom I am calling. Guess, I had to choose Carlos. But did you like my gift?"

The grip of the glass increase when I get to know its the fucking Russians speaking.

"Did you spoof my call?" I grit out making the person from the other line laugh.

"Oh God. Really Caterina? While serving half of your life providing shelter to the abandoned parents and orphans, you did lose your brain."

"Why the fuck did you call me, Maxim?" I yell at him. The shuffling around me halt and everyone stops turning to look at my red face.

The laugh halts. "What do I want? You know what I want and I must get that anyhow. You thought that placing Adelina in your safe house was worth of then you must also know that my eyes are everywhere. I waited for her to come out and boom I took what I got."

"By raping her?" I kiss my teeth as the sight of another sets of nightmare get stock inside my brain and refuse to go.

"Raping her? No, I didn't rape her. Don't think I am the villain here. I just needed her coorporation but when she refused to do so, I respected that and let her get used by my men." And that broke the dam. Glass breaks and my palm sheds blood.

"Keep a close look around cause Reaper will arrive." I throw my phone across the room breaking the piece of object into million sections.

"They have used identity theft and location cloning software. Damn who provided buy one get one free set?" I roll my eyes at what Xavier said but keep in my mind about their use of getting me. I tightly wrap a white cloth around my wound.

"Give me the updates each time whenever there are slight changes."

"Sure, capo." I nod my head. My heart still beats irregularly, afraid that whenever I will be alone, they will be back.

"I am going to the shooting range so don't disturb me." I say.

"Sure and capo, they are shifted to the house you earlier selected." I nod my head, my legs carry toward the sub arsenal room.

As soon as I open the door, the smell of gunpowder hit my nose. So metallic. My fingers trace the weapons placed in their respected slots.

My fingers halt to a particular type and I quickly lay hold of it, I take the bullets associated with it and walk out from the room only to get inside the shooting range area. I pass by the control room, lighting up the dark hall. I cleanse my hands and then open the cabinet to retrieve the shooting glasses and ear defenders. Later, I press a button to pull down the wall that showcase the shooting targets.

I head toward the middle booth after having secure check ups like ballistic protection, safety controls, proper ventilation and isolation. The range roofs are created from steel joists concrete panels with a flat surface so that any mislead fires shall redirect.

I raise my hand that secure the gun and close an eye aiming at my target. With enough precision, I unlock the safety and fire. The outline of the person's body make me imagine it to be that fucker as I quickly shuffle the gun from my right hand to left striking my goals. The bullets get deposited in the backstop area behind the target while the board has holes in it.

The once small hole soon turns bigger as I repeatedly fire at the chest area, blowing my anger to my imagination.

"Cat, come here and play with us."

I stagger behind by the words that echoes in the empty room. I turn around to look but found no one.

"Cat, catch me." Adelina's sweet voice again rings in the room. I look over my shoulder, turning back as I place my arm straight holding the gun at the direction where the voice came.

"Cat, save me." My head turn around when the voice speak from behind.

"Save me Cat. They are killing me."

"Shut up, It's not r-real." I stutter glaring around. My body shudders as I grimace by the look of the horror movie.

"Caterina." I turn back and found her, dressed in the same white dress with red blotches sat perfectly on the exact spots.

"You killed me Caterina. You killed me."

I shook my head repeatedly, "N-no I didn't. I-I didn't know t-that you w-were coming today." I close my eyes deliberately letting the tears to fall.

"Liar Liar pants on fire." Suddenly she whispers from behind. Her cold breath washes over my ear causing me to shiver. "And for that you must die."

She choke me with her words. The haunted villains have arrived, surrounding me as if I am the thirteenth ghost added to their booklet. Their smiles are cruel, too cruel like Dracula.

"Shut up." I yell.

"It's not real and never will be." They laugh as one by one disappears by leaving gray smoke in the air and the last one is Adelina who stands there with crying face.

"For you I am being raped and I curse you to follow the same path, just like me." And finally she burn into ashes leaving me in pool of sadness. I quickly wipe the tears that flow down and walk to the switchboard and press down the button of exhaust fan to exile the heavy smell.

I turn off the lights and put everything back to their place. I need distraction and I know what to do. I stride toward Aristide's room banging the door.

"Christ who the f-" He mid pause eyeing me up and down.

"What do you need?"

"A good fucking orgasm."

*coughs wildly* be patient cause i am puking while reading the upcoming chapter but for sure you all will be wishing to be in her place. but one question- did you cry while reading this part? cause i did.

don't forget to follow me on wattpad and other social media platforms to grab updates and notifications respectively.

-i am so happy for jhope securing his album by showing how amazing his album is. Do tell me which song is your fav-

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