19. cold

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All mine 𝖻𝗒 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗓𝖺

I TIE THE ROPE OF MY satin dress as I open the glass door where the nature welcomes me by silently blowing breeze cooling my heated body.

Aristide's passion is now my hunger to swallow him whole. The lust in his eyes still shudders me, the black turns into obsidian bursting my ovaries right there and then.

"What are you doing to me, Aristide?" I sigh as droplets of water drop on my face. I smile looking up where several droplets of rain showers bursting out from dark clouds.

My once cold heart now thumps out loud. I place my hand on the left side of my chest and try to soothe the ache I feel.

I shake my head. "No, I can't fall for any one, not even myself." I slide down leaning against the closed door, hugging my knees close to my chest.

The way he held me when I broke down and soothe me like any person wouldn't, it was sight for me to behold.

I have been always tossed like a fucking toy for anyone to use. I clutch my hair tightly screaming out loud that got blend with the powerful sound of thunder.

"I am ashamed to give birth to a girl who always cry and seeks for love."

I grimace when my dead mother proclaims her wishes that echoed in my ears.

"Shut up." I grumble but the jumble words slowly placed down and several lines soon followed.

"You're better off dead."

"Who can love this human who only cries?"

"I wish I could give a son not a fucking daughter who always cry like a pussy."

"Shut up. Just shut up." I yell as I slam my hands over my ears, crying.


"What a crybaby." Her evil laughter vibrates in my ears.

"I. Am. Not. A. Fucking. Crybaby. Do you understand?" I grit out the words like venom laced around my larynx.

"I am not a crybaby." I scream, nightmares like these are usual appearances to my life. Panic attacks are common in my case and now it's not about the panic attack but the illusion that will harden my composure.

"Then prove it."

"How?" I whimper.

"By killing the only person who gives you solace."

After a mini session of panic mode and disillusion chats with myself, I emptied the bottle of medicine my therapist told me to take.

Black eye bags hang beneath my eyes like a form of punch I couldn't prevent. I put foundation on them like a crime is being well hidden from the world.

Just when I am about to put lipstick, a tickling sensation appears inside my nostrils and I can't stop before sneezing out loud.

"Shit." Staying outside for two hours is what get you in this position. I just hope I don't get pneumonia.

The door is being knocked and I quickly walk to welcome the unknown guest which is none other than but Aristide.

"What do you want?" My voice reflex coldness in them, like my skin, even after being bathed with warm water.

But he doesn't mind like he knew I will turn into a bitch after heat.

"I forgot to tell you that my mother is now fully recovered. The last few examinations are left like check up for her BP and all but I would like to thank you that for the first time only for you I have now my mother alive."

He kicks the wall forcefully but not with actions but words. The exterior boundary is slowly dissipating and I am afraid I will be his puppet and he will be my master.

Before answering him I again sneeze "Shit. Well your welcome." I tear out a tissue paper from the box and blow my nose, throwing the wet paper in the bin.

"Did you get cold?" I glare at his silly question.

"No, my nose wants to pee that's why." Idiota.

He chuckles as if he took vaccine which immunes my actions and words. As he walks out, he turns his head over his shoulder and says, "I will ask Bianca to give you Tylenol medicine."

Before he could listen to my snarky remarks he walks out, well he fucking did.

I glare at the spot he was earlier and later sighed. Suddenly the sound of my phone blaring Selena Gomez' s song Good for you distracts me. I pick up the call and look at the caller id which flashed Dr Russo. I swip the answer button.

"Hello, Dr. Russo." I solemnly greet her through my native tongue.

"Hello Caterina. Well the reports arrived of Adelina's postmortem. We need to talk face to face." She force out the last words, clearly stating that I can't fax out the papers.

I sigh rubbing my forehead with my forefinger. "Sure. I will be there within an hour."

"Okay, come soon." I end the call and blow out air.

I quickly rush down greeting Bianca who gives me the breakfast. Xavier too has come down along with Aristide.

"Come and sit beside me." I tell him.

"Why? Are the other seat reserved?" I roll my eyes at his obnoxious question.

"No idiota. I tagged your name beside me." I roll my eyes patting the area which is right beside me.

He slowly walks behind the alotted seat I arranged for him but he quickly takes a round and sit on the third chair at the left side.

"I guess I am just a sexual pleasure to you so why give me a slot close to you. Don't tell me you are getting those notions of me being your future lover." He mocks at me.

I smile and for the first time, I did when he insulted me. I nod my head.

"Yeah right. It's not like we will be having more than that bed making lust shit. So why bother act as a civilized person." I lace my fingers propping my elbows on the table. "So, my pet, let's act the way the title holds. Bend and lick my feet." A sinister smile carve my lips.

His eyes broaden at my words but I kept my calm. I fake gasp, "Oh my God. Can't do that?" I bend a little and whisper, "Better keep your mouth shut then." I smile sweetly and put down the meal straightening my back and having my breakfast ignoring the eyes around me.

"What are you thinking, Caterina?" I jerk a little turning around to see Dr. Russo standing behind me.

I smile at her and bow a little. "Nothing. Just trying to recognize human's mind. Do you know human beings have thirty four thousand emotions said by Robert Pluchik yet there are still so many we are unable to recognize."

Just like today.

She smiles at me. "Yeah and none of them you possess. Kinda bragging in front of me huh." I shake my head smiling.

"No, it's not that. It's jus-"

"About the new added member in your house." I shrug back.

She sighs patting my shoulder and walking away. Soon she again stands behind me but now with a blue file. I take a deep breath preparing to listen the worst scenario.

"Well as we both know she was ra-"

"Forced sexual intercourse. I hate that word." I interrupt her making her nod her head.

"Sure. So, as we both know that she was forcefully had sexual intercourse, we found five semen from her body. They were distinguish along with severe marks alotted around her body. She had broken rib injury and I also found." She pauses saying the lines.

I quickly pick up the cigarette and light up it's butt smoking the dead body. She puts a couple of distance as I smile turning to look at her. "Sorry, didn't have the intention to turn you into a passive smoker."

She sigh and finally says, "She was given Viagra." I chuckle darkly nodding my head, as I turn back to look at her.

"About the marks?"

"They were done few weeks earlier after we examine the colour and I guess she was already beaten and then had that forced sexual intercourse. Also." I glare at her making her squirm.

"She was pregnant." I halt the smoke that beg for release and when I finally did, my mouth gasp like beggars for fresh air. Leaves attached to branches offer me air which soothe my burning ache.

"Do you know who is that person?" I shake my head sighing as I turn back and sit on her chair.

"Her vaginal wall is brutally wounded meaning they did use her for several hours. A-"

I make her halt by raising my hand in air. Why it's always us put in front of every damn fucking situation? Revenge, use the man's daughter. Angry, use the woman, Lust, use a female child. Every damn time we are to face these situations. I pray to Goddess Kali to again arrive on the impure land and purify it by staining blood of all those fuckers.

I kiss my teeth standing up. I throw the cigarette underneath my heels and step over it, crushing the boneless cancer object.

"Thanks for offering me about the information. Do give me the reports of the semen. That's all, thank you." I quickly walk out from the room, silently wiping any unshed tears.

But as I silently walk out, there and then I made another commitment cause promises are easily broken like glass vase. The vase may appear pretty like white lies but when broke down, all it's true identity appears.

This is a commitment I make for myself. I will hunt the five fuckers down but now I need to have the proper location from where that Ivanov shit called me.

I manage to pull out my phone and dial Carlos number. He picks up within five seconds and answers, "Hello."

"I need you to have a thorough check up on the CCTV surveillance within this past three weeks. Give me the report sharp at 7pm. Also have a thorough check up with your phone. No delay." I cut the call and then dial Xavier's number.

"Give me the report of the location at 12pm in my shop." I cut the call and head toward my jewellery shop.

I look aside and smile at the sudden thunder that booms in the middle of the day. "How beautiful just like my heart."

I am going to hunt like the name the God gave me, like the reaper.

well,  i am having my full enjoyment watching you all squirming in your seat with full anticipation of what's going to happen.
also, if you want to read chapters ahead, do go to my inkitt account (@ BeSmittenByMe) where chapters are being posted faster there due to you being an abstract reader not clicking on the star button.

~it's rant time~

btw, I am very ashamed by the procedure my country hold situations on the basis of caste system. My friend is of General, so she must get 90% above and my other is SC, so she must get above 65%. WTF!!! And I can't get my caste certificate 'Cause what my father has is irrelevant in the state we live in. Why is there no equality? And because of such issues I am not getting any fucking admissions. Great! And my father wants me to take admission so that I do not waste my year *cue to emotional blackmailing*

also, as I said earlier, updates will be only on monday, thank you.

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