21. brothel

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numb by carlie hanson

I OPEN THE DOOR of Aristide's room barging inside without notice. Aristide jerks turning to look at me.

Obsidian clashing with violet.
How chaotic.

My heels click on the floor as I approached toward him. My face don't give out any expression.

As soon as we got to know about Maxim's sister location we were ecstatic but soon our smile fade away when we got to know about her hidden location, brothel.

My fingers curl into fist thinking about how dirty and disgusting Ivanov can be. We finally made up the decision to take her away from the brothel by the next bidding taking place tonight.

"Get ready within fifteen minutes. We will be going out." I order him. I wave my fingers allowing maids to enter his room and placing the selected dress I chose for him. I turn back to walk out but halt my steps by his question.

"Why? From when did I turn out from being your sex slave to your personal assistant?" I chuckle returning back to the earlier position I was.

"I need your face because Ivanov have met us but not you." He fold his arms looking at me.

"I just have a question regarding about my disappearance act. How come no news channel spread my name like a wildfire?"

I smirk closing the space we have. I unbutton the first two buttons and say, "If you you want to know then come with me."

He looks at me quizzically. "Where will we go?"

"To the brothel." His eyes widen.

"Wh-" I put my hand over his lips closing his mouth.

"Sh. We will have our tea and coffee inside our cars. Till then you get ready, okay my leone?" I kiss his cheek and walk out rolling my eyes seeing the jealous maids.

Horny hyenas.

I press the ear pod where on the other hand Carlos picks up my call. "Yes, capo."

"You guard the whorehouse, right?"

"Si, capo." I nod my head ending the call. I look beside me as Aristide glances at me with full curiosity.

I crack a small smile by how instensly he was looking at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I whisper as we moved to the given location.

He lowers himself a little and mutters, "Why aren't you wearing any gown like that woman?" So, he did notice.

I shrug, "You will be going inside where the auction will be held with her and I will go with Christian to get the woman we need."

"Why do you need that woman?" I place my phone after opening his palm.

"The PDF file will give you every information you need for." He looks down analysing the sources offered to him. While he scans the file, I do my survey. I inspect his reaction, the slight clench of his jaws, furrow brows and widen pupils are all followed by miniature movements.

"I am glad you took me with you. I too need to meet that guy who tossed his own child like a sack of potatoes."

I release a breath snatching my phone from him and looking outside the dark sky.

"Your welcome, my pet." I peek over my shoulder eyeing his tense jaws as he looks on the other side.

Soon our route ends and we land to our destination. My heels first touch down the hilly earth dragging my body as I lift myself showcasing partial upliftment of what will be happening.

Blood war.

That's what we came for. Just when I am about to go where Xavier is, a hand catch hold of my wrist and I turn back to look at the person.

"Where are you going?" Aristide asks me.

I release my wrist from his grasp and reply to his question, "We will be attacking and you both will take the girl and walk towards Carlos's car. Monica knows his location, she will guide you there." His eyes furrow and he quickly shakes his head.

"I will be going with you." My eyes widen slightly but I quickly hide my emotion.

"No." I sternly confirm.


"Don't tempt me, pet." I kiss my teeth glaring at him.

He stands with his broad chest making his black suit more admirable and sexier.

"I will." I fold my arms and asked him, "Why?"

He crouches down a little and whispers huskily, "Cause I am your pet. Do you know wherever the master goes the pet follows? I am just doing that fucking job."

For the first time my heart hammers loudly. No, I shake my head trying to look into the matter.

"Then you must know, I play dirty." I purr turning around as I order Christian to exchange his dress with Aristide.

Soon Aristide is beside me and Christian is with Monica. She bends a little toward right to look at me with raised brows while I shrug back.

I look at Aristide who is looking at me. "Come and did Christian gave you guns?"

"Yes, he did." I nod my head and we reached inside  masking our face and getting blend with the guards who took us as their partner.

The auction will start sharp at 8pm and now it was 7:50pm and our time to put into action. During the journey, we talked about the situations and how it will get handled.

I tighten the hold of the cap over my head and turned sideways to execute the pathway.

Third floor, first row, fifth room.

That's what the blueprint told us. I pause my steps and to look around, "Aristide, you stand outside and inform me if someone comes in this way."

"How?" I sigh rubbing my temple.

"Knock five times and disappear in the crowd." His eyes widen.

"Are you crazy? How can I leave you like that?" I sigh looking at him with firm eyes.

"Do as I told you, my pet. Don't make me angry." I enter inside closing the door slightly.

There she is, sobbing while the make-up artist frustratingly pulls her hair.

"Shut up, you cagna. Sit straight." The woman speaks.

She looks angrily and mumbles "Chiudi il becco, sgualdrina." I smile, even though she is weak, she has a sharp tongue but we should also know that not everywhere the method will release you, sometimes it will bind you and that only happened in this case.

The woman gets angry and is about to slap her when I cough halting their movements. My dress is of men guard so they did take me as one of the guard.

The woman sigh in relief, "Thank God you came. This girl is irritating the shit out of me." When she raise her hand again to slap her, I hold her  twisting it from behind making her scream in pain.

I smirk looking at the girl and wink at her. The woman screams, "What are you doing? Wh- Wait w-who are y-you?"

I am pleased by her assumption, too good for her to die painfully. I whistle lowly, "Non sono affari tuoi, vecchia strega."

I punch her neck hard making her shout loudly and then silent. I lift my gun from the hidden pocket and point at her forehead. I look over my shoulder asking the fragile girl, "Are you okay to watch the scene?"

"It will give me pleasure." I smile clicking the safety open and fired, the sound of the gunshell falling on the cement floor echoes in the silent room.

"Get ready and act like the sacrificial lamb you are. My people will save you by being the highest bidder."

"W-why are y-you helping m-me?" I chuckle coldly.

"When did I ever say that the service will be free?"

Aristide knocks at the door five times and I quickly hide the corpse. I turn back and give her a firm nod. She immediately opens the door.

"Oh, look the bitch itself opened the door. Guess you are excited more than us, hm?" One of the men out of the group asks her.

"C-Can we g-go?" She asks.

"Sure. Let's go, Peter."

"What's with this guys naming Peter when they aren't even Spiderman." I mutter lowly.

I slide out of the dressing table and opened the door slowly. " Thank the fuck God, you are alive." I squeal back frantically breathing.

I glare at Aristide and beat his chest. "Never scared me like that, you moron." He roll his eyes.

"Did you forget your rules, my pet?" I stroll toward him making him take a few steps back.

"Are we still in that role?"

I shrug, "You took the ticket to stand beside me so yeah."

"Fine then sorry."

I tip toe and seductively whisper, "Only if you get ten spankings from me tonight." I pull back smirking observing his flushed face.

It suits him.

"What are you two doing here?" We turn back to look at the guard who squints his eyes at us.

Aristide speaks, "Nothing. It's just that something caught my eyes and s- I mean he helped me to remove it."

Wow, impressive. I lower my eyes as I don't want to get caught.

"Why are you wearing cap?" Fanculo.

"For fashion." Aristide answers. If he keeps on answering mine, then I may definitely get caught.

"Why? Can't he speak?"

"He is mute." Did he prepare any script which my fellow director couldn't proceed?

"Really?" The sound of the guard's footsteps approach as he comes nearer.I keep my cool from outside while inside turn into a boiled egg. Just when he is few centimeter away, my hand quickly moves back to pull my gun from the holster ready to attack but then someone calls the guard and he walks out not before glancing at us.

A huge breath was release and I sigh. "Grazie." Aristide's face quickly snap at me and he chuckles awkwardly, "Didn't know that you will be thanking me one day."

I glare at him and immediately fix my cap. "Whatever."

"By the way where are we going? You told her about other people saving her so?" I smirk looking at him over my shoulder.

"We are going to get the person who brought her here and for that-"

"There shall be war."

I lift my thumb in the air and we both got blend in the crowd but before that I talk to Christian alerting him and the given situation. All we did now is to wait, wait for the girl too get rescued by our made rescue team and for the person who brought her here so that we can gather that Ivanov's last location.

Even though we sent our men, we can't be fully assure about the Ivanov' to not play a mind trick game.

Fifteen minutes and the auction started. The situation women are shown like showpieces hanging in front of the doorway makes me mad. We aren't dogs, the God and Goddess did make men and women but the diversion was created by us and look where we stand.

Every actions are pivoted against women. Tell me how many stories have you read where the male character doesn't include woman in his twisted plot? I clutched Aristide's hand, trying to calm down my anger as I witness how the guard was harshly dragging the half naked woman.

The most anticipated moment arrived as soon as Molly, the girl whom we are going to rescue. Her legs were unsteady, she tripped every now and then but was held tightly from falling down.

The way the guard swipes his tongue across her cheek make my anger reach to its peak. A warm hand hold my hand and somehow the gesture calm my soul.

I releas a breath and silently thank him. "Now we will start the auction of this one from one million euro."

I sneer, "Son of a dick."

Boards are raised for Molly, but somehow the final straw landed on our behalf and we got her by paying twenty three million euros.

"Get to work. Send Carlos back and put her in a safe cabin. We will deal with him." I mutter silently.

"Didn't you say he doesn't speak?" The earlier guard speaks from behind startling us.

I watch Molly being  sent to Monica who later gave to Carlos as he quietly took her.

He clicks his finger in front of me, "Hey. I am talking to you. Didn't your friend said that you can't speak?"

I roll my eyes and turned to search for the person as described by Molly, tall, broad and wears black suit with silver rings.

I turn back to look around from the scene but the guard catch hold of my cap and pulls back harshly. "Hey I am ta-"

His eyes widen as he find out my gender. I smile pulling down the glasses from my nose. "It's good to know we are going to know each other without any introduction." As I speak Italian he quickly pulls out the gun aiming at me.

I jump back a little. "Woo, you frightened me with your firecracker." Blades secure tightly beside my hips are forcing me to pull and slit his throat.

He yells, "You bitch."

I shrug nonchalantly, "That I am." As he is about to fire, I pull a random guard who got the bullets instead of me and then all the hell broke.

I push the dead body at the guard silently cursing for the blood staining my beautiful face. I remove the safety firing at the fall guard. Oops.

"Leone, do know this, fight dirty. No legal procedures will save you from this dungeon. No civilized sense of nonsense should sprout from your brain."

He wave his two fingers in a form of salute and turns back. Our body clash against each other as our arm extend firmly shooting around in circle.

"If the magazine ends pull a new one from your vest right pocket." I tell him.

I kick the side table forming a wooden barrier hiding us from the shower of bullets. A quick scan around the room and finally land on my target. I smirk clicking a new magazine and act like I am aiming my target and pulling the trigger.

"Target found." I mutter snapping Aristide's face to look at the black coat man.

"We are coming." I roll my eyes firing at my right while Aristide fire his left. We bend and shuffle closer to our target who is being covered by his minions.

My hands are tucked under Aristide's armpit while his are over my shoulder blades as we fire our targets. Suddenly, I kiss his neck causing him to pause as he shivers involuntarily. I chuckle.

"God damn woman, we are fighting."

"More like shooting." I grumble back. I front kick detaching ourself hitting the man through my elbows as I pull his firearm.

Hm. I like it.

I remove the ammunition from the magazine, lifting the bolt handle and pulling the bolt as cartridge gets released from its hidden chamber firing it's own owner.

Like how a master can't tame his snake it's how the gun is. I tsk lifting the firearm in the air lightly and through the barrel, I hit my front enemy splashing blood on already blooded floor.

As we do our course work, Aristide is somewhat front and I lie back. As I am busy discarding my side of obstacles, I forgot to turn back when someone points his gun behind me.

Finally, I will die.

"Say goodbye, bitch."

I chuckle, "Why? You are doing what I always thought will happen to me."

"To die?" I sneer looking at the person behind me.


But my prayer gets unnoticed when another gun is pointing behind him.

"Not under my notice." And within a simple, innocent click the man died revealing the black beauty, Monica.

"Are you stupid?" I shrug aimlessly firing any person I seem threatened.

"Black woman still alive? Thought the population died." We both turn to look a man who is fair enough with a greasy smile. I internally gag. I side track as Monica slowly strides toward the man smiling.

"Yeah. We are still alive. We like different taste but I see that you didn't get any different sites instead the same stuff as always."

Double meaning. I shake my head blowing heads after heads.

"Fucking bi-"

"Bye." Her sweet tone is more sugary to diabetes people and with one single strike, she fires his male anatomy.

I cringe finally near to my target. I tap his shoulder and as soon as he turns back, I punch his face.

He staggers behind, I turn to look at Aristide who stood like a soldier guiding his master and I internally smile. A guard shall always be a guard no matter what situation it is.

I turn to look front as he takes his posture shaking his head to clear any blurry views.

"Where did you buy Molly?" He laughs lightly.

"Why? Why should I tell you?" He mocks at me.

"Maxim's location." I say.

He laughs mockingly, "As if I will tell you."

I match his mockery, "Then waste our time." I lunge at him but running against the wall, half pivoting and punching his left side cheek. He cursed kicking me. I hiss as he tugs my hair blowing punches straight on my face.

I fucking curse banging my head against his throwing him back. I quickly kneel pivoting my right leg hitting straight his legs as he fell .

I sit above him pulling his hair roughly, clutch his jaws firmly and ask, "Where is his last location?"

"F- fuck you."

"Oh. I have my own parcel already delivered." His hands suddenly pull my face down as I roll forward. We both look at each other, my fingers hold the blades and when we both again lunge upon each other, this time, he presses his gun at my lower abdomen while I around his neck.

"Kill me but I won't say a shit to you." I roll my eyes.

"Good puppet Maxim has but guess what? What did you get losing your twenty years servicing that man who in return didn't give anything back?"

His grip loosen as I felt the pressure light. "Guess all he did was to sell his sister for money. Just think about it, a person who can't be loyal to his own blood. How can you expect him to be loyal with you?"

I smirk at his lost state. I wait and wait for the opportunity to rise and when it did, I internally smirk.

"He was earlier in Berlin." Gotcha. He is in a dazed state but when he gets to know about his revelation. I quickly twist his wrist allowing the gun to fall while I smoothly cut straight his neck.

"Thanks for the generosity showered upon me." I mumble breaking his nose through my pointed boots seizing my deal with my perfect target. I look around, everything I ever wanted and didn't is now both together fighting on my behalf.

I  run down pulling Aristide along with me as we rush to the exit. Monica follows us. She quickly goes to Christian's car and they head off.

"Finally." I mumble stretching my sore limbs. The sound of gunshot echoes the dead nature but as I am rolled over, someone else gets in place of me.

"Aristide." I mumble immediately snatching his gun and shooting the half dead corpse.

He slides down slowly closing his eyelids and that night I got to know about a new emotion, pain.

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