31. association 🌶

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tw: sexual intercourse

if you tend to read this chapter, a heavy warning is that if you are into dom and sub role, go ahead and read it but if you aren't kindly please skip and either wait or read the next chapter.


➸Undress by timeflies

EVEN with the events that happened today, the day doesn't seem to end. We still have more eight hours left to end today's date and I want to end by fucking putting myself into control that whatever Aristide and I am doing is just because of sex. He needs information and he will get but only if he could survive.

"Capo, anywhere to go?" Adam asks.

I shake my head. We sent Monica to her house by driving to her house and now we are straight off to mine.

"Adam, did you eat? You were all day roaming around with us." I ask on concern.

He chuckles in response. "Yes capo, I did." I sigh in relief and relaxed in my seat. Adam has been devoting his entire life for the Berlusconi family since I was born and I am kind of glad to have at least a partly cent of trust over him.

He parks the car in the slot and I walk out. "Good night, capo."

I hum nodding my head and walking toward the elevator door. I click the top floor and soon wait to reach and teach my pet some exciting things. Things that are intended to make all the fake scenarios surrounding us to fade away and a good proposition of no condemn of love between two parallel worlds. Just like parallax found in lens and mirror we are like that. People may seem we are towards each other through the concept of love but once look closely that was just a stupid assumption of wrong output.

"Bianca, you take your night off and take Vittoria along with you to the nearest restaurant and have a mother-daughter bonding and yeah take Xander with you for protection." I say with calmness soaking my tongue.

She drops her work turning to look at me as if the Dracula advised for a vegetarian meal. Whatever.

"Why?" She inquires testing my patience like putting litmus paper on my acetic mode.

I sigh talking a slow and steady steps and finally reach to her. "Vittoria has been asking me for taking her to any restaurant but due to my overloads of work and other bullshits I am thinking why not take her with you and have your cute little bonding that I didn't have with my mom."

Her eyes widen but she didn't devour into the matter of my privacy for which I respect her for that matter. She bows down and repeatedly thanks me but what I wanted in reality was to make sure in this house only Arsitide and I live.

"Oh and Bianca?" I call back as she replies back with a timid yes. "You have your hotel room booked so don't worry if you're too late to come. I will give you the details through messenger."

"Thank you, capo."

Now all I need to do is to investigate Aristide's footprints to where they reached. Is he near my demons or far away? My eyes scan every holes and corners for his hidden passage but what shocked me was to find him standing backyard wearing white cargo shorts and dark green half sleeve t-shirt. His pearl necklace shines during the sunset mirroring the dark rays of inviting night and slight rays of orange and yellow lines.

He is fucking feeding the pigeons when those bitches need to fly back to their nests.

"Leone." I yell from the top floor which is basically three solid rectangular blocks up yet he somehow hears me and turns back.

His piercing obsidian eyes welcomes me.
My monsters.
My demons.
And my fucking rituals of doom.

"You arrive early today." That's all he need to comment rather than saying something like this- Oh my God. Sorry I mean I was searching your biodata but found nothing. Where did you kept them? Instead I find him feeding the birds.

"Yes, I did." I fold my arms feigning insult but that's true. What type of an FBI officer he is? He still can't find any evidence to pussy block me or more like killing me.

"Come up. I need to talk to you." I say.

He turns back hitching his shoulder slightly, "I am feeding the birds and they seem more important than you, I guess."

Fuck. I need Maddy from Euphoria to teach how to react in this type of situation but unfortunately she is fictional.

"If you don't come back then-"

"Then what?" He retorts back rounding his shoulder blades stiffing his broad back.

I mockingly chuckle. "Good to know then. Stay there while I have a look over your cases that you did."

He stops feeding and quickly turns back running to the staircase of that leads to the elevator. I smirk unfolding my hands and mimics the sound of pigeons. "Go back and sleep, you morons."

My sound definitely have a good wavelength sending direct signals to the birds that flew over the sky. "Why do you always try to dominate me?"

I turn back with an arch brow scanning his peculiar expression. "Isn't that's why I am keeping you sane instead of treating you like I do to every intruders?"

I stand close to him, too close to inhale his spicy cologne and I don't shy away from sniffing around his neck. My tongue automatically calls for a taste of the spice he puts on his body. He still in my hold as I pull him close to me leveling to my height as I pull his hair on the opposite side to lick the column of his neck.

I swirl my tongue tasting salty water indicating the sweat that glisten his body but I am far away from thinking too rationally. I forbid myself from any thought of him being my enemy instead for now I will be treating him like my partner.

I scrape my teeth to a particular slot causing him to hiss in pain but others than that he shivers delightfully as I suck to soothe the swollen area. I pull back to find out solid red holes surrounding his beige skin.

"Why are you doing this?" I squint my eyes as I look at him.


His black eyes flare in anger, "Everything." He seethes. "You are the reason I am caged here. If you think to kill me, then so be it. But if you treat me like some fucking sex toy then do know that this time I will fucking pounce back."

"You will?" I innocently look at him but laugh dryly. "Of course, you will. Okay, so tell me what information you stored against me that you will send to your Chief?"

Only silence is the answer to my question as I outwardly sneer at his fallen face. I tsk snaking my fingers behind his neck to hold the bun he made and pull harshly. "Never pounce until you know what kind of food the animal likes and you know shits I let you have. The house."

I mid pause analyzing his facial expression which he again won by acting nonchalant. "Is the recreation of the real hell and I hope you get the chance to prove me wrong."

Within a fraction my hand lace behind me as he forcefully grips me. "I will find your past, dig a big ass hole and extract them. Hide all you want to, cause once I find them out, you will be in real Hell."

I smirk giggling. I purr near his lips, "Aww. I am fucking love this shit. Do tell me what are the other positions you like to have with me."

His mouth confronts disgust as he quickly release me. "You are such a monster."

My smile wipe off hearing the word I despise the most.


"You are nothing but a monster I gave birth to."

I close my eyes and open them after taking a good amount of breath and turn back with a cold face.

"Careful Leone. You don't want history to open the real facade and opt to kill the poison that already got settled."

He eliminates the space between us and mutters. "That's why you killed your own mother."

I smirk at him, "I did and I loved each moment watching those hyenas rip apart her limbs and have their meals."

"You disgust me." He spits.

I tip toe kissing his jawline, "And I love being the gutter you so adamantly fall for." His tiny hair straightens behind his back causing my uptight ego to launch it's brand.

"Are you even a human?" I roll my eyes at his inconsistent words that have no fucking meaning in my dictionary. I am born in a family that never once admired the beauty of humanity. All they want is il potere. A tight fist to rule the fucking world and I just happen to pop out of my mother's can during the reign.

[ translation: power ]

I twist my arm towards the opposite direction in order to free myself from his clutches and slam him against the white wall. I snicker looking at him yet the calm face he portrays make my blood boil. My arms securely round his neck.

"You aren't even competent to me to talk about the word called humanity. In every world their resides both dark and light, good and bad. Gods and Devils. Don't make yourself fall into the most fake fathom of understanding that you come from the pure background."

His cold eyes turn too deadly like those lights that I found shining only to get stolen in the mist of halls of corruption. He drags his face in front of me and mocks, "I guess even those are lies coming out from someone who did everything in her power just to gain sympathy from her pathetic past."

I turn my head slightly towards right, my tongue poking to the walls inside my mouth as I eye the guy who appears too good to be devil. "We all have past, that's nothing new but while you grab to the term of saying without knowing that's when the term comes called ineptitude. I guess those cases your name has its aloofness is just a plain and simple display of someone who didn't do anything except standing behind his minions and grabbing their bonus points just to be good in his statistics."

His nose flares in a sense of controlling his emotions. "I don't take others place. I straddle mine to reach where I am."

I act around searching for something taking him by confusion. "What are you doing?"

I look at him pouting slightly, "I couldn't find the ladder that you have to straddle for."

He growls, the first break from his facial expressions and I love doing that shit. "You are a fucking piece of shit." He later smirks at me with another form of layer I try hard to depict whether it's a mock issue or he turns out to be mentally retarded. He now purrs near my ear giving rise to those giddy feelings fluttering in my tummy. "Now I would like to watch you break into pieces, la faucheuse."

[french translation : Reaper]

He pulls back laughing at me, mocking me. His pupils dilate in full amusements as he observes my grasping capability over my fury. His side corner lips tucked upwards as he finds what he has been searching for, Il mio ego. I snarl at him forcefully dragging him to that particular room where he first went to. His laugh prickle my skin like extra oils of pickle streaming down my skin conjuring itself over my area. "Oh now you will be fucking me. I am so frightened to do so."

I open the door and threw him aside causing him to stumble over the carpet and fall face first in the bed. I make a crack sound on either side of my neck as I move left and right smirking at him. The red lights dim welcoming the right server to provide its purpose. His eyes scan his surroundings and understanding fills his mind as he quickly turns to look at me with a mix of sheer fear and curiosity. Sometimes, he even forgets that he shows his emotions during those time when he is under certain pressure like now.

"What happen now? Afraid of me? You are quick enough to act like a certain little bitch."

His nose flare in pure rage. He turns his body completely towards me and growls. "I am not afraid of you." He stands up trying to intimidate me but unfortunately he is not able to do so.

I again push him but slantingly so that he somehow forms a slight curve. I quickly pull the lower drawer and bring out the cuffs as they dangle each other while my eyes roam around his curved body where his hipbone pokes out of his skin. I snatch his hands over his head and lock his wrists.

"What are you doing?"

I look down at his eyes where the open portals of emotions shut down as he stares at me blankly. I bend a little and whisper, "Trying to make you bark, cagna."

"And you think you will be able to do so?" I smile at him, the smile made of pure dark excitement residing in my veins to look at him breaking down.

"I am going to enjoy making you beg and I will love every amount of dark magic carving your mind to make you submit to me."

He glares at me, "I will never ever submit to you. You are a monster."

I shrug, "That I am and no one can side cut it but what's the use of being a hero if you always appear to be below the monsters like us." I laugh pulling myself back. The shrill pitch shake the wall of the dark room spreading out dark veins of power all around the room.

"You will bend. I will make sure of that and this is shall start from now onward."

He pouts, "And you think you can. Try those methods that are inside your brain but won't make me. Let's see who wins this round?"

A hard slap slash across his face. I choke his face pulling face towards me. "I will do it, either by hook or by crook but I will break you. Every limbs broken and delivered to other countries but unlike the Goddess whose parts are being worshiped, yours will be in the gutter."

"You are so wrong about me being your pet, Caterina. I will always fight against you. It's just the beginning and many more to come. You act like an obedient pet I will just be the opposite one for you."

I look at him for a second and again slap him on other face with one hand while the other squeeze his throat. I tsk shaking my head. "We will see after I am done with you."

"You can't force me."

"Am I?" My eyes wide out as I look at him.

"Yes, you are." He grits out.

My eyes squint in confusion. "Are you telling me-"

"Yes, you are forcing me." My mouth tightens and jaws hardens as I glare at him.

"I am forcing you? Are you sure its that matter that you are being concerned about or you are trying to distract me?"

He thinks for a while cause even though I am not forcing on him and doing anything mildly sexual he is pointing at something that is completely out of my league.

"Tell me Aristide, do I look like I am forcing you? You can have your safeword and walk out from here. The chances are predictable if you think that I am forcing you."

He has the chance to say the word and walk out from here so I stay put. My every intentions of doing anything taste bitter in my tongue but he didn't, not even after ten minutes as we stay exactly in the same position.

My anger now flare to its peak. I compress his mouth forming pucker lips. "Don't you dare use the term if you are unfamiliar of where to use it." His eyes holds shame and regret as he too gets to know about the position we are in. I didn't do anything physically so using the term is just like going to prison and coming out after two months cause misusing it is just like curtailing the face of actual crime.

"Je m'excuse." He apologies.

[ french translation: I am sorry]

I hum in approval and with that retreat back to my earlier steps.

I take the collar and the leash connected to it and wrap it around his neck and the leash's loop is adjoined to the nail attached to the top of the wall. I move back in order to release the cuffs so now he is the pet dog I imagined of.

I crouch down to his eyes level. "How does it feel to live like this? Bark for food. Bark for bath. Bark for everything you want to have."

He snarls at me trying to be terrorize me but we both know who is the master here. I open the wardrobe to pull out a black flogger and look over my shoulder at Aristide who searches for the hidden gem I am keeping him from so I turn to look at him with a sneer on my face.

"Aren't you too excited for this dom-sub play?"

"With how many men did you with?" He asks me instead and I somehow felt its jealously but knowing the terms and conditions we are set in, I left it aside.

"Who said it's the only men I was with?" I seductively mutter letting out a slight moan at the explicit display of my first threesome with women.

His wide eyes captures mine as he tries to examine the lie I uttered. "I am not lying. I am telling you the truth." He gulps and again looks down the object I carried.

"What will you do with this?"

"First thing first, use the safeword and everything will end and if you don't the night shall continue with me performing the delicate task and you taking it. So that the next time you don't identify it as a force sexual intercourse. Are we clear?" The R-word taste bitter to me, pushing me to the scene where I found my best friend.

"Oui." He timidly answers.

[ french translation: yes]

"So, do you know what's the use of this one?" I lift the flogger up in the air and drop it down with a little force creating a swoosh sound. He shakes his head letting me answer my question. "It's for- Wait let me show it you instead." I hold its tails on my other hand and command him. "Raise you arse in the air and sit near the edges of the bed."

His twitching ears that always does this tiny act talks about his excitement and I can't wait to deliver it to him. He turns back and wiggles his butt to me. Even though we are fully clothed it still appears we are naked, those tingling sensation never appear to me during earlier courses as it does now. But first, I need to test the pain he can endure and pleasure he can exhale.

So, I lift my flogger and soft strike at the area top of his butt near the spine. My stiff position definitely give out enough force to make him gasp but not enough to please him. "Rate it out of ten. If you can endure more than that then tell me."

"One." I raise my brows at his say but didn't say anything. I expand my legs but didn't let go my upper position and with that again I strike him but with a little bit of more force.

"And now?"

"Three." I want to chuckle but can't not when I am with a fucking sex toy that will give pleasure but insurance to heavy injury and that I am not offering right now.

With my arms tightened I pressurized the area and again made a strike.

"Eight." I raise my brows but didn't comment.

"Will you be able to take a final hit to see if you can even score out or do you want to limit yourself up to here?"

His chest heaves up and down, his whole body in utter dampness but what satisfied me the most is the slight wetness in his white pants carrying the outline of grey filter.

"I will keep that in mind of how much you are curious about yourself to know your such limitations." His breath hitch making me smile.

With one last hit he yelps and nods. "Ten." He stutters while telling me. I keep aside the flogger and pull down his white pants along with the boxer and shred his shirt to reveal my vision. The swollen area submits me the idea of how much pain he can accepts. I bring an ointment and apply it on the surface.

"Do you want to have more of the pain?" He quickly shakes his head causing me to laugh.

I drag his face towards me by pulling his hair and rubbing the scalp in an affectionate manner. I pat his back and whisper, "You did it so well." His chest rise up and down and he smiles closing his eyes but I want to degrade him more. "But you are such a bitch coming in your pants while I whip you. You are such a naughty pet I ever got." His breath seem to pause and his muscles tense. "Do you want to come again for me?"

"Do you want me to?"

I try to hide my tiny smile but couldn't, he is learning. "I would love to watch how your body tense and then shudders right after you come from Heaven and meet me in Hell."

"Then make me." The leash being a restraint didn't give me any further stretch to pull him so I made him flip and straddle his lap.

"Do you want to guide me?"

"I want to give it a try."

I nod my head and ask him. "What do you want me to do?"

"Handle me, tackle me, fuck me. I don't care as long as it's you who will be giving me the ultimate score." My lips extend to a full blown grin as I look at his lust-filled gaze over me.

I am loving this submissive shit.

My fingers trace his inner thighs that contract by touch but I didn't stop my moves nor my eyes which captures his every movements. "Look at me. Don't fucking close your eyes or else the next whip will be on your fucking cock."

His eyes opens as he looks at me with little amount of fear and full excitement. Finally, my fingers touch his bulbous wet head that automatically jerks as if waving at it's regular customer. I wiggle my fingers while with my other hand massage his scalp watching how his eyes roll by enormous amount of rightful pressure to his abundant pleasure.

I pump his head now fully holding his girth and lubricating his cock with his own semen forming a white layer like corrosion. Just when his eyes start to close, I pinch it's tip causing him to open with a slight jerky manner.

"What was that for?"

I shrug rolling his boneless muscle between my fingers and then pumping the entire base pressurizing the button to make him release his cum. My eyes then rake over the collarbone and after a mid pause I lift myself to kiss his showed bone line tracing my teeth across the curve whose shadow forms underneath making another curve forming it into a hyperbola.

My lips envelope his platonic graph and suck the skin biting its cover. Meanwhile, my fingers twist his penis from clockwise to anticlockwise using my nails to form lines over his white slime. Once my teeth scratch the area, his body tenses and with a scream of pleasure he comes. His whole body shakes violently as he whitewashes my palm coating his made juice. His eyes roll to the roof of his eyelids and falls down upon the pillow beneath him.

"It's your turn to please me." I order him.

"How do you want me to?" I shrug unwrapping my clothes from my body and keeping them aside.

"I think it's your turn to find me out." I come near to his ear licking his earlobe and mutter, "After all you want to strip me and this is the best way to find out my monsters."

"Ask me what I like." I tell him. His eyes looks up and down my naked body and somehow that simple or maybe an innocent act kick my stomach into self assurance that I have a body with good texture enough to make him look at me. The slight pride is now on top of the world.

"What do you like?" He mimics my said words.

"I like to see you between my legs." His eyes bulge out by my crude words but that's how I am. A woman without any filter.

He positions himself even if his spot doesn't suits his leash. I crawl towards the headboard and spread my legs. My hairless pussy wide out like the doors of houses welcoming their known guest. His ample eyes finds my suite, he looks up as if asking for my permission and when I grant him he slowly crawls and sits between my legs.

His fingers moves towards the open shelf and touches the buttons targeted to my pleasure point. He opens the folds as if pulling the curtain aside to look at the treasure and like he gets what he is looking for, he bends down kissing my clit and with his tongue he pokes my cunt, the miniature link that connects to my sexual appetite and french kiss it. My head fall against the headboard erupting the pain but that quickly gets numb when he traces his tongue near the region like the surrounding of the horse shoe lake.

He pulls back and just when I was about to scream in agony, he asks me. "Why didn't you put my penis into your mouth?"

I snap my mouth shut and hitch my shoulder. "I always give you bj. Thought why not provide you this time though my hands."

"Next time will you put my one in your mouth?" His innocent looking eyes makes me want to laugh but I continue to compose myself and give him a nod.

"I will but now you do your one." With that he again drops his head and continue to lick and suck me. With a loud scream I come all over his face.

My eyes open but that fall on his rigid mountain that again have gotten hard. I smile mischievously. "Do my orgasm make you feel hard?"

He looks down in shame making me feel like an angry bird. I lift his chin making him face me. "Never be embarrassed in front of me when we are here doing the stuffs that requires consent and advisory guide." He looks at me and gives me a slight nod. "So tell me, does my cum makes you hard?" He again nods but when I raise my brows he mumbles a yes.

"Do you want me to blow you or fuck you?"

He chuckles nervously, "You decide."

But then something strikes me. "Did your sex partner ever asked you about your permission?"

His pupils broaden, "How do you know I have had sex?"

I shrug. "Experience I guess. But answer my question this time."

He shakes his head ever so lightly that I thought of imagining it. "You were never allowed to have it?"

"No." He looks behind me with his nose flaring meaning he is either angry or uncomfortable or maybe both.

"She is the shittiest one I might say but from this time onward you will talk. Discuss with me about your experience of what you like or not."

"Won't you ask me why they never ask?"

"Do you want me to?" He shakes his head at first but then slowly nods his head. I pull him through the collar and tell him to disclose the matter.

"They think just because I am a man I don't need to tell what I like or dislike. They assume that it's only about them that needs the matter of concern." I kiss his jawline and pull back with a stern face and say, "Those are actual force proximity without your concern. From now on, tell me what you like and what you love the most. If you don't like then allow me to stop but don't forcefully bestow upon yourself. Do I make myself clear?"

He nods but replies, "Oui."

In a swift moment I roll us over and now he is beneath me. I near my face to his. "Also I like one more thing while we have our moment."

His curious orbs tells me he wants to know. So I tell him. "Your french language. Sometimes reply me back by your mother tongue. I love hearing the deep ripple of your voice that goes straight to my pussy."

His laugh vibrates the inner core of mine and the pouch that recently finished is now again filled with the new set of cum. "Shall I?" I roll the condom from the first shelf and deliver to the owner.

He nods his head and slowly but surely I hoist myself and flop on his large tent. The size accommodates me as it searches the source of my pleasure and knocks it off. The measure and precision of how good he is making me feel is beyond any other words. The sudden suction of my breast allows me to look down and find him sucking my cup while the other one holds my buttcheeks. I pull his body making him take the sitting position and slightly raise his arse so that my fingers can probe his another hole.

He gasps gazing at me through his dark lashes. The hold he has upon my nipple tightens as he sucks thoroughly. My fingers outlines the area and gets inside it with much difficulty but at last it breaks inside causing him to shudder as he moves to my other one while his hands knead my two globes and his cock rut inside my front hole.

My mouth spurt words unknown to me as I can feel every ache he gives me and the vibration he follows as I finger fuck his arse. "Open your mouth." My chest heaves as he pulls back with innocent face and a pout as if someone has taken his favourite candy but does complies to my command and opens his mouth wide. I hold his mouth and with enough saliva I push the liquid down my tongue as it targets the basket. We both watch how the drops of my saliva falls into his mouth and he gallops them.

"How is it?" I ask knowing that it will taste like coffee that I had during afternoon.

"Filthy." That surprise me. I am taken aback by his such delightful commentaries.

His eyes matches my green palate and we both succumb to the fact that we are nearing to the orgasm. I pull back and choke his throat again causing him to fall down on the pillows and asks, "Will you come?"

He nods. "Any why shall I allow you to do so?" His eyes flare in anger but he didn't say anything so I put a little bit of more pressure and again asks. "Why?"

"Cause I am your fucking pet." My lips stretch to its extent and I chuckle.

"You are mine from now onwards and mind you if anyone eyes what's mine." My breath face his. "I will fucking allow them to meet the palace of death from where I came. Now come."

We both shudder in pleasure as passion blooms between us but that wasn't the indication of me falling in love with him nor him with me. We both know it will be a long due and that will be forever.

i never thought of finishing this chapter with 5000+ words but here we are completing the longest chapter I have written which definitely took three days for me to finish this chapter.

I'll posting the other chapters after I reach to my hometown i.e., on 11th of April. So, bear w me bishes

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