44. blunt

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EVERY STORY starts with two basic necessities, a hero and a villain. To make the hero, the villain needs to sacrifice and to make the villain, he himself needs to kill the humane society residing in his book of humanity.

As I search for Maxim's next flaw, I find out a certain interesting lines of his location that Xavier had to break their personal vehicle that is being followed by one of my men for a month.

I write a code to Monica ordering her for two invitation cards for the banquet hall, it's the most important one for Russian mafia as it allows them to meet not only their country people but the Italians too and Maxim will be a fool not to step in.

I swirl my chair only to get stopped by the foot of the man I am living with. I angle my head up to meet the black eyes. " You're disturbing me."

He arches an eyebrow and places a tray filled with breakfast. "I just came here to give you the meal."

I open my mouth waiting for him to feed me. But when not even one food is entered in my mouth, I peer up to see him looking at the board of pictures and their related information.

"Muro Di Ricordi." I glance at the big picture in the middle of the small collected images.

"Yeah. It's the building where Maxim will arrive as he always does in the past fifteen years." I say.

He sits beside me and starts to feed me along with the question bank pouring out from his mouth. "How do you know?"

I look sullen. "It was the place where he met Ade. We were invited by one of the related Russian mafia as we have been trading goods with them for the first three years after my father's demise, Ade too wanted to come with me because even to her it was a big deal. S-"

"Why was it a big deal to her?" He cuts me. I side glance at him then sigh.

"She was a servant working underneath us. Our friendship was always held under the table. She used to bring me sweets when I was given bitter foods, sat under the table near me and massage my foot when she knows my ankle got hurt. She did everything she could to save our friendship."

"What did you do then?"

I weave the pen among my finger gaps. "Gave her shelter, a room near to mine, provided better foods than those soggy rice and watery curry, education, good clothes rather than torn ones. I gave her basic set and she built the entire building of friendship." I get lost in the scenes that gets replayed by the numerous times she laughed just to make me crack my broken shelf. She did everything to mend the friendship while I only did it to know what a true friend is.

"What happen then? How did she come under the eyes of the guy?"

I glare at the photo of Maxim pasted on the board. "Maxim had his sudden invitation. After my father rejected to give fifteen cent to Ivanovs, Maxim took the case seriously and started killing the small buyers and middlemen. As I was in charge of the entire system to run, I finally debugged the case and removed several holds we shared in the past. This let Maxim turned utterly furious, so, during that party he chose to prey me but as always a better friend, Ade, appeared and distracted him."

I laugh so suddenly that Aristide jumps back slightly. "What a coward friend she got that she herself had to appear between Maxim and I to save me. That distraction let him have obsession over Ade. He wanted her, no, he needed her. The plus factor was that she being my friend spiced up the level of his ultra motive. At that time, she was having a secret relationship with someone but was afraid to share it to me thinking I will break it off. Whatever, so, I had to keep her safe and keeping her safe means going underground for a while. I did my best to provide everything to her only for her to get kidnapped and raped by his men and killing the baby she planted in her womb."

I didn't know my fingers were shaking until Aristide places his hand upon mine and squeezes lightly. "You did what you can." He whispers to me looking at me with a new slide.

I laugh mockingly. "Haven't you heard the part where I am an irresponsible person not to give any task related to relationships?" I pull my hand back from his grasp and forcefully type several goto codes.

"At least let me feed you."

"Do-" A sudden crashing sound appears outside the room. We both look at each other, I quickly pull out a gun from the hidden slot and cover Aristide behind my back. 5'10 my foot and he still stands taller to me.

I slowly open the door but find none. I look at him over my shoulder, "I am going to check while you stay back." He pinches my hips causing me to yelp. I massage the area while glaring at him. "What was that for?"

He arches his brows. "I will go and you stay here."

Just when I am about to argue with him, he quickly pecks my lips walking out slowly. "At least take the gun." I grumble as he turns to take the weapon and with a small smile he goes down.

I walk for five minutes as I promised myself if the time extend to ten minutes I will go after him, I wait impatiently waiting for the last three minutes to pass by who joy so that I run after him.

A sudden sound vibrates downstairs. "Fuck the ten minutes." I run down not before grabbing two pens with me. I was already in an attacking position but what shocked me the most is the adorable scene in front of me.

Aristide is holding a stray dog in his arms as it whines. He looks up, "His front limb is broken." My gaze dropped to the given cite. "Let's help him."

"Me?" I force out a laugh. I shake my hand in the air. "You do it."

He looks genuinely upset. "Why? I do remember how you helped me when I got hurt. You can still do it now. At least holding him while I cleanse his wound."

There is a pause for a moment. "Fuck it, I will do it." I tactfully take the dog from his hold and carry him to the ground floor bathroom where every emergency equipment are kept.

The dog whines in pain as I carefully put him down in the bath tub and fill it with warm water. I gently hold his front limb and do all the necessary steps I did to my pets.

After a proper bandaged to his fractured region, Aristide arrives with a big towel and gently rubs the dog's body. His tail from behind wiggles as he leans against Aristide's palm.

I chuckle in disbelief. "What, like seriously, after all I helped this fucker and he is liking you?"

Aristide smirks at him. "Well, I am everyone's favourite." Mine too.

I roll my eyes as I stand up walking away from the bathroom to the kitchen in order to find any food that can be consumed by the dog. I grab a plate and place two chicken breasts and a small bowl of water, keep them aside in the kitchen so that the dog can find them easily.

Aristide comes a little later with the dog limping like I did for few days. His eyes widen as he finds food at the corner and runs more like jumps to the direction to have his meal.

Aristide takes a seat beside me, settling his head on my shoulder. "What's your plan by the way?"

I smirk knowing that he can't see my aggressive face. "So that you go ahead and tell your hidden partner in crime about everything."

He lifts his head and rests his chin on my blades. "No, I won't do that."

"And what makes me get the full conviction that you won't do it?"

His eyes focusses on my lips as I pronounce each syllable. "Its the trust we must require before any relationship is formed."

"Relationship?" I arch an eyebrow. "When did you think we will be going through the path of relationship when few hours before you rejected me?"

"I didn't reject you. I just need time to cut through the part. By the way, you looked delicious while I ate your pussy."

My neck heats but I don't cover up. "You will be given the upper hand when I give you the power to do so not when you want, Aristide."

He barks as he kneels down in front of me and shyly looks up. He keeps his head on my right lap and runs his face. "Well this pet wants love and care. Can you offer that?"

He is doing what I told him to do before and I know what he is trying to do, form a trustworthy sector between two parties. I knead his hair, "You will get."


"Of what?"

"To talk about what I wish for, walk freely to visit my mother, shops or other places where I want to."

I smirk. "You do know that I have kidnapped you, so the lost that are providing is kind of too adamant to me ignoring it."

He sighs, "Then trust." He looks up to me. "This time start with the trust and if you trust me enough then give me what I wish for. The court us yours and you are the judge."

"Kill the dog." I state making him surprised.

I shrug. "You asked for trust. I trust you can do that." I place the gun and hand it over to him to aim the animal who knows nothing behind his back scene.

Aristide looks back and then at me, then at the gun. His fist clenches and opens, he slowly lifts the gun to aim at the dog. He turns back to look at me once more but when I show no emotion, he makes it up to him that I am dead serious about the matter.

He unlocks the safety guard, closes his eyes and pulls the trigger. Everything remains silent, when he opens his eyes he find the dog licking the plate and his hand shaking, he swiftly turns back to glare at me.

"You tested me."

"And I yet don't trust you."

I haven't edited it yet, my eyes are crying so I will edit it tomorrow. However, do enjoy residing it and don't forget to vote and comment.
Also, you can follow me on Instagram: @ besmittenbyme. I do post edit related to books.

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