~ Chapter Eighty Six ~

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A/n: Credit goes to UnfortunateUmbrella for some of the dialogue in this chapter. She's written a few scenes of her own for this story and I really appreciate her support and her allowing me to use some of her work and her character Victoria. Hope you like it, girl! :)

"What do you think? Veil or no veil?" Sloane asked, moving the long piece of sheer white fabric near her head as she stared at the mirror. "I like without the veil," Dusk suggested. The gravity girl slightly nodded, and neatly folded up the fabric. While Sloane went back to hemming her wedding dress, Dusk looked around the room, noticing that neither Allison nor Dahlia were there to help her. Victoria was hard at work on the outfits, assuring her friend everything was under control, despite the raven's attempts to help.

"I'm surprised Dahlia's not in here," Dusk spoke up. Sloane looked up for a moment before going back to her needlework. "You know, Lia hasn't always been so cold," She explained. Dusk's eyebrows quirked up. She tried to kill me twice! I would say she's always been cold. "What do you mean by that?" Dusk inquired. The fifth Sparrow briefly explained Dahlia used to be social and a part of the team. How she used to be outgoing and friendly toward most of them. "Then, one day... there was an accident,"

Accident? Was it something similar that happened to our Ben? Even from far away, the phoenix could see her future sister-in-law was getting uncomfortable by the topic. "I just hope she's not alone when this place gets blinked out of existence," Sloane sighed. Kind of like how I don't want Victoria to be alone. The two women switched from the depressing topic to the decorating, and the bride curiously asked how it was coming along.

"It's coming along great. We did have a problem with the disco lights, but we got it all solved," Dusk answered. Sloane smiled at the thought of the night, claiming she wondered if it would be like all those fairytale weddings. "It's gonna be so nice to have another sister," Dusk smiled. Sloane nodded, holding an inviting arm out to the raven. With a smile, the raven walked over to her, and they embraced.

"I don't mean to interrupt this cute conversation, but I need to speak with Sloane in private," a knock came from the door, along with the sound of Ben's voice. "Fine. Slo, anything I can do for you?" Dusk asked, looking over her shoulder. "Nope, I'm okay!" She answered. As the sounds of Ben and the bride's conversation faded away from her field of hearing, Dusk walked back to the tailors to find Victoria.

The tiny bell above the door rang as she opened it, seeing the redhead at one of the mannequins with a few pins in-between her lips, humming to herself. "There you are!" Dusk said with relief as she shut the door. "Yeah, I've had to listen to your brothers and that bastard sing, obviously a bit tipsy... no wait, far from tipsy. It gets old after a while, you know?" Victoria said with a look of obviousness. Dusk nodded in reply, curious to see how her dress was coming along.

"Anyway, I'm almost done, whatcha think?" the redhead asked, gesturing towards the mannequin. Dusk walked forward a bit, scanning the dress from top to bottom.

The more she looked at it, the more Victoria got nervous. Did she not like it? Was something wrong with the dress? The skirt? The color scheme? "I love it!" the phoenix exclaimed, putting her hands on her chest. It perfectly represented Dusk's power, and she couldn't wait to wear it later that night. "And you better! I spent ages on this, and I ain't doing it again. Not with the wedding in a few hours!" Victoria sighed as she attempted to cover her relief. But Dusk was quick to notice it, chuckling under her breath.

"So, where's yours?" she asked, looking around for another dress. "What do you mean?" Victoria questioned, looking at her like she didn't know what she said. "Where's your dress for the wedding?" the raven elaborated. The redhead just shook her head, muttering no a few times. "I'm not going to that wedding," she crossed her arms in front of her. "Why not? You're part of the family, and we'd like you to be there,"

"If I go, I'm stuck with ice shit and the bastard!" Victoria nearly screamed. Dusk slightly backed away at the outburst but assured her that it would be fun. But her best friend continued to protest against going. "Please?" 


"Pretty please?" 

"Your insane!" 

"Please, Vic!"

"Vete a la mierda, fenix!"

"Do not use Spanish on me! You are going!"

"I'm not doing this! You can't make me!"

Several attempts at persuasion later, Dusk finally managed to convince her to attend. But Victoria was still salty about the situation she'd soon find herself in. "You are SO lucky your my best friend or I'd kill you right now," the redhead vowed. "Come on, this isn't so bad! Just keep your arms straight," Victoria complied as the raven marked down the measurements.

The sounds of the guys screaming at the top of their lungs poured into the room, despite the doors still being closed. "Let me tell you, Diego cannot sing for shit," Victoria giggled. "I know right?" Dusk bit her lower lip trying not to laugh. "Alright, just about done. Speaking of the wedding, did you happen to find anything for Pennycrumbs to wear?"

"Oh yes, I did!" Victoria pointed towards the counter where the sewing machine rested. Setting down her notebook, Dusk walked to the counter, finding the cutest little tuxedo that was just the right size for the pup. "Aww! He's gonna look so adorable!" Dusk gushed. "Speaking of which... Penny! Where are you, boy?" Victoria called out.

The little dog popped out from a few bundles of fabric and rushed towards his new owner, begging to let him sit on her lap. The redhead picked him up and giggled as he licked her chin, Dusk gently petting his back. "I wish Dad would've let us have a dog. But he always said, they were too messy to handle,"

Victoria looked up, her eyes squinting the moment she saw Reginald for the first time. "That guy's an old douche," she commented. "Seriously though, if he's wanting to gamble lives in oblivion, why doesn't he participate?" Dusk shrugged, claiming that everything was like an experiment to their father. No doubt he'd be sitting in the corner taking notes while death and destruction happened around him.

"Never mind him. Let's get back to work on your dress,"


Luther: Every now and then I fall apart,
And I need you now tonight,
I fucking need you more than ever!

"Doesn't he have the voice of an angel?" Klaus slurred, looking to the rest of the guys as they watched the performance. "Can't believe Luther's the first one of us to get hitched," Diego shook his head in surprise. Viktor spoke up, claiming he once saw him marrying his action figures when they were kids. Klaus laughed along at his brother's statement, while Diego complained that this wasn't how a bachelor party was supposed to go.

"The world's running a little short on strippers and tea cakes right now," Klaus commented. "You know, I'm surprised you didn't invite Daddy dearest to come and join us," Five glanced over at the junkie. Klaus tried to push the point that he wasn't as bad as their other father, but the guys just rolled their eyes, hoping he would let go of the matter.'

When Luther finished singing, he collapsed on the couch, feeling his heart pound from all the dancing and singing. Just as he reached for another drink, Klaus stood up and held out his glass. "Here's to us! We've had a hell of a run!" All of them stood up and clinked their glass before finishing off the last of the liquor in their glasses. "Alright, so who's gonna go next?" Klaus asked. "That'd be me 'cause I have finally come to a decision," Five said as he grabbed a CD from the casing.

"What's it gonna be, maestro?" Klaus questioned. "It's gonna be a duet, my friend!" Five answered. The moment he slipped the disc into the player, the time traveler and Klaus took the tiny stage and started singing. As the song continued, Diego, Luther, and Viktor eventually got in on the fun and started singing along, Diego even busted some moves to make the moment even more entertaining.

As he continued singing next to his brothers, Five could see someone watching from the top of the balcony. It was Victoria and Dusk, but neither stayed long, especially not Victoria. Towards the end, Klaus noticed Five was no longer singing and seemed rather in a daze. As they went to grab another drink, the junkie pulled him to the side, wondering what was bothering him.

"What is it, little dude?" Klaus whispered. "It's nothing, don't worry about it," Five shrugged. Klaus attempted to put a hand on his shoulder, but Five quickly removed it. "Five, I may be an idiot at times, but I know a down look when I see one. Now, what's going on?" Five slightly looked around, noticing the rest of the guys were too busy picking the next song. 

"Meet me upstairs in about an hour, and bring Dusk with you," he whispered.

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