~ Chapter Thirty Six ~

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"So, Luther's here?" Dusk asked as they entered a sketchy boxing ring, seeing two fighters going at it. "Yes, he should be here," Five nodded. The raven couldn't see that well over all the people eagerly watching the fight, but as she, Five, and Vanya crouched below the bars, she could see Luther in the ring. 

He seemed to be doing great, looking like he was about to win the fight, but then he suddenly came to a stop, giving his opponent the chance to get some punches in. To the sibling's surprise, Luther didn't fight back. It was like his entire body completely shut down. As her masculine brother continued to get his ass handed to him, Dusk grimaced as she watched him get pummeled. "Hit me again," She heard him say. "Oh my god, Luther!" the raven gasped. "Why isn't he fighting back?" Five questioned.

"I'm thinking the same thing, Five. This isn't like him," Dusk commented. "Hit me again!" Luther shouted as he picked himself off the floor. "Luther, are you crazy?! Just hit him, for god's sake!" Dusk shouted. The man once again punched him, giving Luther a busted lip that slowly started bleeding. "Hit me. I want to feel pain! Give me everything you got!" Luther shouted. "Just hit him!" Five & Vanya shouted.

But once again, Luther stood perfectly still, begging to be hit. His opponent complied, uppercutting Luther, making him fly through the air and land on the ground flat on his back. The small crowd inside the boxing ring started shouting all at once. Some were angry, while others were filled with glee at Luther's defeat. The three Hargreeves siblings stared at their unconscious brother, all equally stunned.



"No more back door! No more back door!" The protesters outside of the Stadler's restaurant shouted as the Dallas police stood in front of them, batons in hand, as they prepared to put them under arrest. Klaus saw everything going on from a distance, and was in disbelief by the chaos. He couldn't see Allison anywhere, worried for her and Ray's safety. Above all the chanting from outside, he could hear the voices of people inside the restaurant shouting, "Get out! Get out!"

"I hope she's okay in there," Klaus muttered, looking over to Ben. "I don't know. This could get ugly very fast," Ben shook his head. Just as Ben said those words, the restaurant doors opened, and screams came from inside as the police handcuffed and dragged people out. "Disperse, or you will be arrested!" An officer shouted through his bullhorn as tear gas was deployed, making the people in the crowd outside start to cough as they inhaled the smoke.

"Ray!" Klaus heard Allison's familiar voice shout out as he continued to be dragged away and was soon lying on the ground, a cop towering over him and almost beating him to a pulp. Allison tried to get to him but was held back by someone as her husband continued to be beaten. "Get off her!" A black man shouted, tackling the man who held Allison back. Without hesitation, Allison grabbed the officer's arm right as he was about to land another blow and whispered those four little words she hadn't spoken in years.

"I heard a rumor that you walked away,"

Instantly, the cop dropped his baton and began walking away, leaving Ray stunned by what he just saw. "Ray, are you hurt? Are you okay?" Allison asked, bending down to help him up, but he just laid there, his eyes still widened with surprise. "Wh-what did you say to him?" Ray sputtered. Allison was surprised. She never even thought of her new husband catching a glimpse of her using her power. All she wanted to do at that moment was save his life.

"I-I told him to leave you alone!" She tried to explain. "There ain't no way in hell a white cop is just going to walk away because a black lady tells him to," Ray shook his head in disbelief. "Ray, we don't have time for this! We need to go now!" Allison pleaded, tugging on his arm, desperate for them to escape the smoke cloud that was coming for them. "Who are you?" Ray quivered with fear, pulling away from her as he backed away and ran off as she continued to call out his name.

Klaus spotted Allison, pushing his way through the nearby crowd, and grabbed her hand, making her turn around in shock. "Allison, come on. We have to go!" He pleaded. "No! Ray! RAY!" She shouted as Klaus continued to pull on her arm. Eventually, she caved in, and she and the junkie ran off, heading back towards Allison's house. Klaus slammed and locked the door behind them, shutting the curtains in case people had followed them.

Allison was speechless, still processing what had just happened in her mind. "Alli? Are you okay?" Klaus questioned, walking towards her. "No, just leave me alone!" Allison quivered, fighting away her tears. With a pang in his heart, he left the room, unaware of what she had just been through with her husband.


"Is he gonna be okay?" Dusk asked as she leaned up against the corner of Luther's brick-walled bedroom as Vanya placed a towel right next to his unconscious body as he laid in the bed. "Eh, he'll be fine. The monkey's been through worse, remember?" Five shrugged. "I guess so," Dusk nodded. She looked up at the clock, her eyes widening when she saw it was almost 11:30 PM. "I'm gonna head out," she sighed, grabbing her jacket. "Dusk, don't forget about Doomsday. We need you," Five called out to her.

"Don't worry! I'm not going to forget!" Dusk shouted back, the door slamming shut behind her. As she got back in her car, she saw the bright neon lights of Jonathan's Bar. She brought it to a stop as a car parked on the side of the road. As Dusk continued to drive, she caught glimpse of a woman with familiar red hair walking down the street. "Hey, Victoria!" Dusk shouted as she rolled the window. The redhead turned around to the side of the road, seeing the raven smiling and waving at her.

"Hey, Dusk! You heading home?" she asked. "Mhmm! Had a crazy long day today," Dusk briefly explained. "Get some sleep, girl! Hope I'll see you around the bar more!" Victoria said as the raven rolled her window up and continued driving down the road, heading back to the house.

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