~ Chapter Three ~

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The next morning, Dusk began packing her suitcase and took an early bus across town to get to the mansion. As the bus continued moving, she looked out the window at the dreariness. The sky was crying for Reginald Hargreeves that day. And Dusk braced herself as she got closer to her destination. The last time she saw her siblings all together was the night before Five disappeared. Ever since, the Academy had never been the same, but it only got worse after Ben's death.

She could remember walking down the hall near their bedrooms, hearing the sounds of Diego and Luther arguing about that fateful mission. Allison and Vanya sitting in their rooms crying, and Klaus just staring out the window into the courtyard, almost as if he was in a daze. A longing and sad daze.

She was pulled out of her flashbacks when the bus came to a halt in front of the Academy. Dusk grabbed her bag and got out. As she walked through the doors, her eyes crossed over every corner of the room, noticing everything had remained exactly the same. Not a piece of furniture had been rearranged. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Grace sitting on the sofa, staring into the fireplace. "Mom?" She called out. Grace didn't flinch. Dusk called out to her again but stopped when she heard footsteps approach her. "Ms. Dusk, welcome home,"

She looked over to see Pogo, The chimpanzee looking at her. A smile crept across her face as she went to embrace him. "It's nice to see you again, Pogo," She whispered. The two of them talked for a while as they waited for the others to arrive. Diego barely spoke to her when he walked in, and Luther went straight upstairs. "How's that fiancรฉ of yours doing?" Pogo asked. The mention of him made Dusk's heart sink inside her. "We're no longer getting married. We split up last night,"

Pogo's face slightly fell, and he patted her shoulder comfortingly. "I am terribly sorry," he said. Dusk nodded before dragging her suitcase towards her old room. The air felt thick and dusty, and she let out a cough as she got herself situated. "Heyyy Dusky," A familiar voice called from the doorway. She looked up to see Klaus watching her like how he used to whenever she played her piano. She walked towards him, wrapping her arms around his shoulder blades. "It's nice to see you again, Klaus," she muffled into his long jacket.

"Nice to see you too, songbird," That was one of his numerous nicknames for her and it always stuck to her like glue. The two talked for a while, mostly about his struggles with rehab and her break-up. The two of them continued to sympathize for a while before he got up and walked out. Klaus walked down the hallway towards Reginald's office, the one room in the house they couldn't set one foot in. Even as teenagers, they couldn't stand on the other end of the desk as Reginald gave them a new mission.ย 

He immediately went to the desk and began searching through the drawers, hoping to find any money Reginald may have left behind. Where's the cash, Dad? Where's the cash? "Klaus, what are you doing in here?" He looked up to see his sister Allison entered the office as well. He stood up and embraced her, and from the look on her face, she could smell the alcohol on his clothes.

"Just out of rehab?" She asked. "No, no, I'm done with all that. I just came down here to prove to myself that the old man was really gone," he lied. Allison rolled her eyes as Klaus continued to ramble on and on about their dead father. "Thank Christ he's not our real father so we wouldn't inherit those cold dead eyes!" He joked, sitting down in the leather chair. "Get out of his chair!" A booming voice said. Klaus quickly stood up and saw Luther, dressed in an overcoat that hid his shredded torso.

"Save the lecture. I was already leaving," Klaus said, stuffing his hand into his pockets. Luther placed a firm hand on Klaus's shoulder, stopping him in his tracks. "Drop it," he said. Reluctantly, Klaus emptied his pockets, a few of Reginald's valuables fell onto the floor. Luther let go of him, and Klaus walked out of the room, pulling out a black and gold box that he had kept hidden underneath his coat.


The moment Dusk finished unpacking, she walked to her keyboard and sat down on the small bench. The night before, she had envisioned a musical beat in her head. That beat eventually became a piece that talked about her heartbreak. Her songs were usually about happy things, but she couldn't think of anything joyful to play. Just as she was about to work on her new song, Luther called her from downstairs. She suppressed a sigh, following her siblings down the steps and into the living room.

"What is it?" Dusk asked as she took a seat next to Vanya. "He's talking about the plans for the funeral," Vanya whispered as Luther began to speak. "So, I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words, just at Dad's favorite spot," He suggested. "Dad had a favorite spot?" Dusk spoke up. "Under the oak tree.ย We used to sit out there all the time. None of you ever did that?" The other siblings shook their heads, and Luther let out an exasperated sigh.

"Will there be refreshments? Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner," Klaus asked. Dusk and Vanya suppressed a giggle as Klaus lit a cigarette and sat down. "What? No. And put that out. Dad didn't allow smoking in here," Luther answered, pointing to his cigarette. "Is that my skirt?" Allison pointed out when Klaus stood up again. "Yeah, this. I found it in your room. It's a little dated, I know, but it's very breathey on the bits!" Klaus explained. Dusk held back another fit of laughter. Klaus had become quite the joker in the family, and he never failed to make her laugh.

"Stop it! We need to discuss important things!" Luther sighed once again. "Luther, there's nothing to discuss, okay?" Dusk sighed, beginning to grow tired of this conversation, and walked upstairs before anyone could stop her. Back downstairs, Luther talked about how the last time he talked to their dad, he sounded paranoid. He looked over at Klaus, about to ask him for a favor. "Klaus,ย I know you don't like to do it, but I need you to talk to Dad,"

"Luther,ย I can't just call Dad in the afterlife and be like, "Dad, could you just... stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call?' I'm not in the right frame of mind," Klaus shook his head as he took a sip from his glass of alcohol. "Well, sober up. This is important!" Luther called out to him as he also walked out of the room. The rest of the siblings eventually left, not caring to listen to Luther anymore.

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