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A/N: A fair warning: drugs mentioned.ย 

Unable to taste anything or feel any emotion is what any person could call being dead inside. Especially when you were once apart of the living and now having dreams of the marrow. As the wind blows. Through the spirits of the dead. We intertwined hands knowing that it could one day happen. Shivers down our spines and the breath of the living continues to flow through the living dead. Though the living could never let go of the fallen, we hear them calling. Through the torn we mourn, that we never get to say goodbye.ย 

Sitting there having every memory of that one fateful night, she sat there. Through the eyes of the dead she saw. She saw the promise of life, but no purpose. She knew it was Devil's night, the same night she died on. She was Top Dollar's right hand woman besides Grange being his left hand man.ย 

Through her scars she held a grunge against those men. But what a better checkmate then to make friends with your enemies. She sat there with her hands on her lap. She waited at the long table of the meeting place. Top Dollar's meeting room, just above a club that played down stairs. She watched Myca, Top Dollar's so called 'fine lady' light something on fire in a chalice. She sat on the table not caring to use a chair. Myca was no fine lady, to Silva's surprise she was a witch. The worst thing in Silvia's mind was how can you date a girl like that? She knew Myca and Top Dollar had the same father but not the same mother. To that extent, was the worst part.

"You are very restless." Myca called out into the darkness. From the shadows he emerged. A man with long, thick, silky, brown hair, bangs straighten from each side of his pale face.

"Just wish I was a little hungry again. That's all." His husky voice spoke as he sat down at the head of the table.ย 

"Be careful of what you ask for." Myca warned.

"Yeah, you may get it. I know." Top Dollar chuckled. Myca switched positions with sitting, and lied on her side, showing off of her bit exposed clothing. She inched close to his face and gentle dragged her nose on both sides of his and then looked to his forehead. Myca then traced his eyebrows gently with her thumb.

"There are energies aligning against you." They then both looked at each other.ย 

"Seeing is believing, isn't it?" A low chuckle rumbled from his throat as Silvia watched the two. She had no emotion for any of them. Top Dollar and his gang would torment her. Calling her life a lie and there was no purpose. Top Dollar had respect for her, he saw potential to light this city on fire. It was quite strange for him to see she had somehow. . . lived through thirty hours of pain, all at once. Pain that a man could never take. He well knew that men could endure pain, but women, they were a different story. They could take ten times the packed punch full of suffering and live through it.ย 

Myca turned away from him and took a pinch of the powdered drug and sprinkled it into the chalice. It ignited into a bright flame before it extinguished and became smoke. The burning eyeball was no longer lit. Top Dollar stuck his face real close to the smoky chalice and took a deep inhale. He then placed his smallest finger in the powdered drug that was on a silver platter, in front of him, into his mouth.ย 

"Yummy." He commented before opening the corner of his mouth and blowing out the smoke. Suddenly, two men entered the room. One being T-Bird and the other, Grange. Grange was a tall, 6 ft, dark skin, man. Meanwhile, T-Bird was a scrawny 5 ft 8 man with an ugly attitude.ย 

"Gideon's pawn shop just burned down to the foundation." Grange spoke with a serous tone, but informative.ย 

"Nobody cleared this little event with me." Top Dollar raised both of his eyebrows, and had a disappointed expectation sound, linking into his voice.ย 

"I didn't have nothing to do with that." T-Bird added in.ย 

"I'm sure you must be awful disappointed." Top Dollar continued to listen.

"One of my crew got himself perished." T-Bird stood right next to Grange.ย 

"Who might that be?" Top Dollar already knew who would be the first to go out of the bunch.

"Tin - Tin. Somebody stuck his blades in all his major organs in alphabetical order." A small, but unnoticeable smirk tugged at Silvia's lips, just before she went back to a neutral face.

"Ladies, and Gentlemen, I think we ought to have an introspective moment of silence. . . For poor old Tin Tin." Top Dollar had an extensive mocking voice just for Tin - Tin. Top Dollar leaned his face close to the platter and started snorting the powdered drug, before he leaned his face back up.

"You're working for me tomorrow night, right?" Top Dollar asks T-Bird, meanwhile Myca goes behind Top Dollar and starts leaning on him with her elbows.ย 

"Whatever you say. I can do." T-Bird took a puff of his joint. The gang leader was very pleased to hear that sort of answer.ย 

"Good. That's very reassuring." No one ever dared to talk back or say no to him. The last guy that disrespected him got both of his eyeballs torn out. He always keeps a body part of those who disrespect him. He already had a tiny collection already. Containing, ears, eyes, fingers with all of the rings on it, and a tongue.

Silvia was lucky to be treated respectful. She followed all of the rules, and never talked back. The only thing she despised Top Dollar for, was in the beginning. She hated the way he told her lies. Tormented her in the mind and made her broken. She didn't crawl out of her own grave but was revived in the hospital when she died. She later found out that she was suppose to stay alive for a reason. Her crow, an un-ordinary one, guided her the way. Her crow was white as snow, and was blind. But how she saw from the air was sound.ย 

"I still ain't heard the story on why Gideon's burned down.ย Is that a natural catastrophe or act of God or something?" Top Dollar still didn't know the reasons how Gideon's burned down. But he vowed to find the truth.

"Call it my need to know." And with that, Top Dollar dismissed everyone from the table. Silvia then got up and started going home.ย 

Back at Gideon's

Andy continued to walk away from Gideon's that was now completely engulfed by flames. The fire would never extinguish in Andy's chest. Every second he continued would be more painful than the last. But he tried to ignore some of these feelings as it was slightly distracting him.ย 

"Police! Don't move!" Sergeantย Albrecht got out of his car and pointed his handgun at him. Andy continued to walk closer to Albrecht.

"I said, "don't move!" " The Officer repeated. He watched as Andy's eyes looked more dangerous than any other person he has ever faced.ย 

"I thought the police always said "freeze!" " Andy replied with a smartass answer. But it was better than being a dumbass.

"l am the police and I say don't move, snow white.ย You move, you're dead."ย Albrecht slowly moved to the right, trying to have Andy in range just in case.ย 

"And I say I'm dead and I move." Andy adjusted the guitar strap, and placed up his hands, having a devilish smirk tug on his lips, as he continued to stride forward.

"Not one more step. I'm serious."ย Albrecht cocked the gun and his grip got tighter on the handle of the gun.

"Then shoot, if you will, Officer Albrecht." Andy bows his head in front of the gun.

"What are you, nuts? Walking into a gun?" Andy then leans his head back up, and takes two steps back.

"You high?" The Officer questions.ย 

"You don't remember me?" Andy raised an eyebrow.ย 

"What are you talking about?" Albrecht knitted his eyebrows, he didn't recall remembering anyone with Gothic makeup on and going around setting stores on fire.ย 

"How about Silvia? Do you remember Silvia Webster?" Apart of him didn't want to say her name out loud, with a continuous heavy burden that was ripping apart his heart.ย 

"Silvia? Silvia Webster?!" Albrecht question, having a hint of curiosity lacing in his voice. He knew something Andy did not know.ย 

"Yes, the girl who passed on in the hospital. . ." Andy didn't want to say anything further than he had to.

"Silva Webster ain't dead, my friend. Now,ย I want you to move over to the curb. Real nice and easy." Andy did as the Officer said. He slowly moved to the curb.

"Move it!" Albrechtย  shouted. Andy rolled his eyes and sat on the curb. His heart raced, butterflies continued tickle his gut.ย 

"What do you mean she is alive? Please, you have to tell me!" Andy stood up, but to only get the gun pointed at him once again.ย 

"Sit. Back. Down." He made each word clear. Andy adjusted the guitar strap once again and sat back down.

"We're gonna wait here for backup. It's gettin' too friggin' weird for me. . ." The Officer trailed off.

"Please. . . If you know where she is you have to tell me." Andy was almost at the point of begging, his heart yearned to see her again.

Don't get side tracked, Andy. We still have to take down each and everyone of them, tonight. You only have one shot.

Officer Albrecht looked at Andy, as the guilt of knowing that she was alive, was eating at him. Sweat started to bead on his forehead as it was eating at him peice by peice. The moment was getting intense whether he would tell him or not. Andy already bit the inside of his own lip, drawing blood, he couldn't even taste anything.ย 

"Alright. Alright. I don't know what business you have with Miss Webster, but the guilt is eating away at me." Andy sat there patiently waiting for the Officer to tell him everything he knew.ย 

"She kept calling her boyfriends name when she was being rolled in the hospital. She cried and cried for a man named, Andy. She experienced thirty hours of pain. She never recovered. Silvia died that night. Police were suppose to come pick up the body for evidence that night, but when we got there she was gone." Andy was stunned, he just couldn't believe it.ย 

"Where did she go?" Andy trailed his eyes from the street and back to the dark skinned Officer.

"God if I know. . . But people have seen her around here. . ." The Officer trailed off again.ย 

"Your trailing off again." Andy reminded him.

"Anyways. . . That's all I can tell you.ย I refuse to tell you anything more on the ground it may tend to incriminate me." Andy suddenly rolled his eyes. A cop saying that line sounds like they are a criminal themselves. . . How funny.

"Oh, it gets better." Andy chuckled. He knew the Cops would be here soon so he had to make this quick.ย 

"What get's better?"ย 

"Do you know someone named T-Bird? He had a friend who shouldn't have played with knives. Like the coat?" Andy motioned to the long leather coat he was now wearing. He couldn't just walk away without taking a souvenir from him. After all he was brought back from the dead, why not bring aย souvenir when he goes back?

"You're the guy that murdered Tin Tin." Realisation suddenly came to the Officer. The Officer suddenly looked over to Gideon's shop, who now had thugs stealing some of the remains of what was going to be left.

"He was already dead. He died a year ago- the moment he touched her.ย They're all dead. They just don't know it yet." Andy said the last few sentences in a hushed voice.ย Albrecht suddenly looked to the side and back at Andy. He had to make a choice whether to take Andy in or stop a brunch of theft.

"Hey! Get away from there!" He shouted to the thugs. Andy took that chance and disappeared into the night. Like a vanishing act. The Officer looked back to where Andy was suppose to be and he was amazed to see him vanish like that.ย 

You need to find Sarah. . . Not to mention Funboy is next on your list.ย 

Thank you so much for reading! I am so sorry if this was a bit of a slower chapter! I do hope you have enjoyed it so far! I worked really hard to do another update. I am really excited to write the next part where he goes after Funboy! I am also very happy to see you all reading, voting, and commenting! I absolutelyย love your reactions!!! I am super surprisedย at myself that this book so far is a little bit over 8700+ words! Also I am super happy to see 66 reads and 31 votes!! I have never had a book that got so much love when it was new! You all have my thanks!! More will be updated soon! Thanks for reading!

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