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*Sigh !* HERE WE GOOO,

according to this site : https://ampq.org/info-maladie/tdah-trouble-du-deficit-de-lattention-avecsans-hyperactivite/

ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental disorder (approximately 5-8% of children and 4% of adults) that is characterized by persistent difficulty modulating attention that results in inattentive errors, difficulty sustaining attention in a sustained manner, to resist distracting stimuli, to organize, start and finish a task, forgetfulness and a tendency to misplace or lose objects). The fidgeting associated with ADHD involves difficulty controlling movements (hyper-motor), behaviors (impulsivity) and sometimes also emotions (emotional hyper-reactivity). The impacts of ADHD can be found in several spheres of life, including daily, family, social, academic and professional life.

so it's very anoying ! it's something that people struggle, and I know it from experience ! adhd people can be concidering as lazy, dramatic,exaggerating or that they use it as an excuse... and i can't stand that. it's not their fault ! i have no words how can these remaks can disturb people.

Tumblr i saw a lot of meme trying to explain with humor, what it feel like.

site : https://adhd-alien.tumblr.com/

adhd can be pair with autism :

"Can a person be diagnosed with both ADHD and ASD?

More than half of all individuals who have been diagnosed with ASD also have signs of ADHD. In fact, ADHD is the most common coexisting condition in children with ASD. On the flip side, up to a quarter of children with ADHD have low-level signs of ASD, which might include having difficulty with social skills or being very sensitive to clothing textures, for example.

Why do ADHD and ASD coexist so often and what are the similarities between them?

Both ADHD and ASD are neurodevelopmental disorders (brain development has been affected in some way). That means both conditions/disorders affect the central nervous system, which is responsible for movement, language, memory, and social and focusing skills. A number of scientific studies have shown that the two conditions often coexist, but researchers have not yet figured out why they do.

With ADHD or ASD, brain development has been affected in some way. Most importantly, that includes the brain's executive functioning, which is responsible for decision making, impulse control, time management, focus, and organization skills. For many children, social skills are also affected. Both ADHD and ASD are more common in boys.

Although adults can have both ADHD and ASD, the combination is not as common as it is in children. While ASD is considered a lifelong disorder, long-term studies have shown that in one-third to two-thirds of children with ADHD, symptoms last into adulthood."

adhd can be also paired with executive function

site : https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-executive-dysfunction-in-adhd-5213034#:~:text=When%20someone%20has%20ADHD%2C%20they,seen%20in%20people%20with%20autism.

"Can you have ADHD and executive function?When someone has ADHD, they are likely to possess many or all of the symptoms of executive dysfunction. ADHD is a brain condition, and executive dysfunction is a group of symptoms associated with it, but it's possible to have executive dysfunction and not have ADHD. It is also seen in people with autism."

TO CONCLUDE : ADHD is real and even if it's common, it's still a disability and we should not diminish these suffering.

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