Political science is boring so...

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Once again, I have arrived with another bundle of shit drawings that I've made.

All of these are basically the rough drawings I drew during my political science lectures because they're SUPER DUPER BORING and I have concentration issues lol

Yuru is a friend of mine btw ☠️

You can see the notes I was jotting down along with drawing. Yes, I'm a multitasker :D


This one's kinda ugly.

My unromantic and extremely single life made me want to draw this. Tch.

Faceless handsome oppa. I didn't draw his features because I was having a bad feeling I was gonna mess it up.


If you love this cartoon, I love you so very fucking much mwah 💜


I'm so sleepy and I have to study cause I have a test tomorrow (political science) 😭😭😭 I HATE THIS SUBJECT.


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