━━ scrapyardclan

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❝ CARRIONSTAR ❞ ━━ a large, short—haired, long—limbed black tom—cat with scarred ears, and orange eyes.
            ➜ has 7 lives remaining.
            ➜ mentor to orchidpaw.

❝ FIDGETFLICK ❞ ━━ a small, spotted orange she—cat with pale green eyes and a long tail.

❝ BLACKSPOTS ❞ ━━ a large, rounded white tom—cat with large black spots, and orange eyes.

❝ PIKEPAW ❞ ━━ a grey tabby tom—cat with black paws and orange eyes.

❝ BRIGHTEAR ❞ ━━ a large, long—haired white tom—cat with ginger ears, and orange eyes.
            ➜ father to petalpaw, orchidpaw, dandelionpaw
            ➜ mates with cloudwatcher.

❝ RUBBLEHAZE ❞ ━━ a stocky and aged smokey black she—cat with clouding yellow eyes.

❝ FLICKERFLOWER ❞ ━━ a light grey tabby she—cat with white paws, and amber eyes.

❝ MAGGOTSLIP ❞ ━━ a foggy grey—brown tom—cat with white paws, and a scarred face, and green eyes.
            ➜ close friend with orchidpaw.
            ➜ was made a warrior a moon ago.

❝ DUSKFIRE ❞ ━━ a mottled orange she—cat with green eyes.
            ➜ mentor to petalpaw.

❝ SNIPBURROW ❞ ━━ a messy furred grey tabby she—cat with a brown tabby tail, and yellow eyes.

❝ TIMBERPETAL ❞ ━━ a reddish—brown tom—cat with tan paws and brown eyes.
            ➜ mentor to dandelionpaw.

❝ MUDNEEDLE ❞ ━━ a small ginger tabby she—cat with white paws, and brown eyes.

❝ WEEDSCRATCH ❞ ━━ a large, long—haired light brown and white tom—cat with yellow eyes.
            ➜ half-brother to orchidpaw, petalpaw and dandelionpaw.
            ➜ son to cloudwatcher + a deceased tom.
            ➜ very close with orchidpaw.

❝ ORCHIDPAW ❞ ━━ a long—haired white she—cat with yellow—green eyes.
            ➜ littermate to petalpaw and dandelionpaw.
            ➜ half sibling to weedscratch
            ➜ daughter to brightest and cloudwatcher.

❝ PETALPAW ❞ ━━ a long—haired white tom—cat with coloured eyes.
            ➜ littermate to orchidpaw and dandelionpaw.
            ➜ half sibling to weedscratch
            ➜ son to brightear and cloudwatcher.

❝ DANDELIONPAW ❞ ━━ a long—haired white she—cat with blue eyes.
            ➜ littermate to petalpaw and orchidpaw.
            ➜ half sibling to weedscratch
            ➜ daughter to brightear and cloudwatcher.

currently none.

currently none.

❝ CLOUDWATCHER ❞ ━━ a long—haired white she—cat with yellow eyes, and a twisted hind leg.
            ➜ mother to weedscratch.
            ➜ mother to petalpaw, orchidpaw, dandelionpaw
            ➜ mates with brightear.

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