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Narrator :- after finding a honchkrow and also finding it's and James's old relationship they all were curious to know what happened to honchkrow to get that much damage.  Now let see what is happening with our heroes and team rocket.

Opening :-


( New opening 😁created by me on my YouTube channel )

Now in pokemon center

Hey honchkrow how did you got that much damage??? Asked Ash and others were curious for the answer .
As honchkrow started explaining and meowth started translation .

After James left it . It was sad but that time a Misdreavus found it sad and helped it to be happy both of them where became more than friends and 2 months before both of them evloved into a honchkrow and Mismagius . Then honchkrow got a feeling like James have came back and went towards James's house with mismagius bit then when they reached there they saw a group of people in black dress making pokemons weak and putting them in a cage and one of them noticed us . Translated meowth.

Flash back of honchkrow which is translated by meowth .

Hey look it is a mismagius and a honchkrow and I think they will be a big catch . Said a men and others nodded

come out Rhyperior.  Said one of them .

Come out toxicroak  . Said another one .

Come out golem . Said another one .

You guys stop them and other don't stop your work and I report this to commanders .  Said one guy and others nodded .

Toxicroak use poison jab.  Said a guy .

Golem rock tomb . Said another guy.

Rhyperior use rock blast.  Said another guy. 

The three pokemon used their move and honchkrow used dark pulse and Mismagius used shadow Ball but it was no use and both got hit by other move then a net came and captured mismagius.


Noooo mismagius.  Said honchkrow.

You go and get a help from somewhere and I will fine Don't worry.  Said mismagius and honchkrow nodded. 

End of pokespeach

Honchkrow started going away with full speed .

Hey we need to catch it and we don't have flying pokemon to chase it . Said a guy .

Don't worry we got a mismagius that is only need . Said a guy another's nodded. 

Then honchkrow was flying really fast and finded us all and recognised James and helped him with dark pulse .

Flash back ended .

Everyone was shocked and angry to here this things .

I'm hundred percent sure it is an evil team . Honchkrow does they have any special signs on their dress . Asked ash and Honchkrow and said something which meowth explained.

It is saying that they were having this same R sign on their dress . Said meowth while Honchkrow pointed to James and Jessie's R sign .

Wait !! Other members of team rocket is here ?? Asked James

You guys don't know about that ?? Asked Ash and team rocket nodded .

Honchkrow don't worry we will help you to get mismagius back . James and all of them nodded.

Now honchkrow can you show us the way to James's house.  Asked ash and Honchkrow nodded as it started flying towards James's house and others started following it .

Honchkrow sitted on tree which was near James's house and other reached there then Honchkrow pointed to James house .

My home . Said James.

Wow I this really your house James?? Asked meowth and James nodded.

Now we need to get in and help mismagius . Said serena. 

I think team rocket should go in with Honchkrow through any spooky way . Said ash .

What about you two . Asked meowth .

We both will fight the grunts and distract all of them . Said ash and all others nodded .

Also until we save mismagius we are a team , OKSaid ash and team rocket nodded .

Come sere . Said ash as he and serena went infront of team rocket's other grunt as James and others went to inside through a spooky way which is only know to James.

Hey isn't that the kalos queen with a boy . Asked a grunt.

Hey!!  what are you two doing here ??this is team rocket's place and now if you want to go from here you will need to give your pokemon to us . Said another grunt

Ooh really you think we scary of you all . Said serena

BTW we came here to destroy your base . Said ash .

Ok then we will capture you both . Said a grunt and a siren ring and all the grunts came to ash and serena and send out their pokemon ( it was a group of hoodoom and toxicroak and there was some special grunts with Rhyperior and golem) Then ash and serena sented their all pokemon too .

Now with team rocket .

They reached into the Palace where all the pokemons where captured with the two commander sitting infront of big moniter and watching their grunts battling against ash and serena.

That silly boy is here as well . Asked woman one of the commander and a man nodded another commander .

Wait !! bitch and cassidy , what are you doing here ?? It is out job to catch pokemon from here. Said james .

Wait !! What are you doing here and the name is butch . Said butch  .

Yeah !! Prepare for trouble. Said cassidy .

Wait !! You should be the one who should prepare for trouble.  Said James

You don't even know to say it . Said cassidy.

No you don't know how to say it . said Jessie

As they started their motto fight .


Meowth say your line . Said James

Wait one minute !! As Meowth and honchkrow came after rescuing mismagius.

Wait !! What are you doing ?? Asked butch and cassidy.

We are making your plan floop and starting our plan so we will get the promotion from boss . Said James and Jessie and meowth nodded .

You can't do it and we won't let you do that . Said cassidy as they all prepared for battle

Now with Ash and serena after defeating all the grunt .

Well that was easy . Said ash.

Yeah !! Now let go in and help team rocket.  Said serena and ash as they both returned all their pokemon expect pikachu and his family.

Then they went in and saw team rocket preparing to battle against butch and cassidy.

Oh no It is bitch and cassidy.  Said ash .

It is butch you idiot kid . Said butch .

How dare you to say him an idiot without my permission  , now pikachu use thunderbolt on him.  Said serena in anger and pikachu gived a thunderbolt to butch which didn't make him blast off .

Honchkrow use dark pulse . Said James as mismagius requested jessie to command it and jessie nodded .

Mismagius use shadow BallSaid Jessie and both move hitted cassidy and butch which made them blast off.

Then all of them rescued all of the pokemon and then mismagius and honchkrow came to James and Jessie with a pokeball .

I think they want to come with you two . Said ash and both pokemon nodded and gived the pokeball to jessie and James as they pressed on its button and captured in it .

Thanks for helping twerp and twerpette.  Said the team rocket as they gutted in their balloon and flewed away .

That was quick.  Said serena.

Yeah !! Now let continue our journey . Said ash and serena kissed him and nodded as they went towards carmine city For ash's fifth badge and Serena’s next opening showcase  .


Thanks for reading

Next chapter will come soon

What will happen next??

If you have any suggestions pls comment and let me know for upcoming chapters because I don't have any ideas



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