✜ㅤ──ㅤ﹙𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟏﹚

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The whirling of bike wheels, the horns of cars, the chirping of birds along with the noise of students were what was heard at Seoul National University. It was a new year, a new semester, which means: a new beginning, new faces, and new rules, everything was new; except for two things- Kim Taehyung and his principles. They were the same yesterday, and today and would remain the same until the end.

Kim Taehyung: a free bird in the cage of the Kim family. He was a person who lived up to his choices. He never liked to be told what to do and what to not. He did whatever his heart thinks was right. He was a charming and handsome male with an equally great heart. He was the best for those who were good to him and vice versa.

He had everything he could ever think of. Being the only son of Kim Namjoon, the business tycoon of Seoul; surely gave him a free license to everything and everyone. He had money, cars, houses, etcetera. He could buy a living human if he wanted. What else would he ever need? Right? Wrong. He had everything he wanted but needed.

He needed his father's love, care, support, and guidance. He needed his father to fill up or at least try to fill up the hollow spot of his life which happened after the expiration of his mother when he was born. He needed his father to assure him that everything would be fine and that he was there for him. Unfortunately, he never got that. His father did not look at him properly after he was born.

Namjoon was not there for Taehyung's first walk, word, achievement; nothing. He was never there for his son. In fact, he till today did not bother to do anything as well. He, surely, took up his expenses and everything else. But nothing more or less than that. However, he was always there to taunt and scold whenever Taehyung did anything wrong and had any fault.

Taehyung was someone who could not tolerate injustice and always spoke against it, even ending up with many fights and disputes. Thus, these things always infuriated Namjoon, leading him to scold and taunt Taehyung, severely. Sometimes, even grounded Taehyung and much more.

But, oh well! Was Taehyung up for such things and tolerating all these silently? Hell, Nah! He was the blood of Namjoon after all. He was equally stubborn and defensive as his father was. He never listened to him or fulfilled any punishments given to him. He replied to each thing. He heard from one ear and threw it out from the other one.

Luckily, Taehyung had his guardian angel- Min Yoongi, his maternal uncle and the only one who was there for him from childhood to till this date, who fulfilled the place of his parents. Yoongi was there for him always, in his every up and down, his laughs and cries, his failure and achievement; Yoongi was part of everything in his life.

Yoongi understood and knew Taehyung like no one else did. He treated his nephew as if he was his son, in fact, more than that. He always prioritized Taehyung first and over everything. He would even die or kill if it was for Taehyung. And why would not he? After all, Taehyung was the only reason that kept him living after he lost his only family, his sister. Taehyung was the only keepsake of his sister, he would give up the world for him if needed.

Enough of the background story, let us get back to our current scenario- at college. As soon as Taehyung entered the college hallways, he could see crowds of old students and freshers, and he could swear every girl and boy was gawking at him.

One, he was looking extremely hot with a bandana over his head as if he was a model walking through the ramp, well, he was no less of one.

The second would be because as much as hot and stunning he was looking, he was having a scary look as well, as if someone just hit the last straw of his patience. His eyes were bloodshot red, and even with the bandana on his hairs were disheveled, his nose flaring due to anger, and not to mention his veins- those seemed they would burst out any moment.

Everyone wondered what made the young male so mad, there might be only three reasons behind it: hearing anything negative about his mom or uncle, injustice towards innocent people, and lastly someone saying or doing shits to his soulmate.

Kim Taehyung was well known for having a hot-headed personality and anger issues, normally he was a man of great patience. However, if someone even dared to look at his soulmate with wrong intentions or such, he would not even hesitate to behead that human.

Oh, did I say his soulmate? Well, then let me introduce the person to you. Park Jimin, the one and only platonic soulmate of Kim Taehyung, his other half, his best-est friend of all time, his Jiminie Pabo!

Jimin was a pink-haired male with a small height and soft-chubby features, he was an angel in human form. And that was what always bothered the blond, as Jimin was too sweet and good for his good. Anyone could take advantage of him. However, the pink-haired male could be very sweet but if it was about Taehyung, he would become the most dangerous one.

It was Jimin who approached the other first to be his friend, even though Taehyung was persistent to push away the older, he was unable to do so when the other was nothing but a sweetheart and extremely patient regarding him. Once Jimin was being bullied and oh boy! Taehyung could not tolerate that injustice and not only the injustice they were bullying his soulmate and as he said that day, "This boy here is MY SOULMATE, if anyone- I repeat, if anyone dares to think about troubling him ever again, they will see the worst of me," and those bullies ended up in the hospital for the rest of the month.

Since then, Taehyung's alter ego was Jimin and vice versa. They were two bodies but one soul. Anyone could mistake them as lovers, but no, they were not lovers but not any less of that. You do not need to necessarily be lovers to love someone unconditionally and sometimes there is so much love in friendship and most people do not understand that.

[A/N - Irony, your author is the most anti-friend human with no beliefs in friendship anymore. Yet look at her, writing about friendship as if she conquered the best of friends of the world in her life.]

Thus back to the story, judging the information we could conclude that it had to do something with the pinkette that made the blond so much angry. Soon it was confirmed when Jimin was seen running behind the raged male and calling out his name, "TaeTae! Stop! Don't do anything stupid!"

Taehyung halted in his steps and looked behind at the short male and let out some profanities under his breath as he saw the other male panting terribly. Soon Jimin caught up with the blond and uttered, "Y-you a-alien, why didn't you stop before, huh? Want me to die because of you?" The male huffed out, making Taehyung glare at him.

"Talk about dying in front of me again, and you will see the worst of me!" Taehyung warned in his deep voice.

"Or else what? You were not even stopping after my several calls!" Jimin pouted while complaining.

Taehyung rolled his eyes before speaking, "You don't show me that face of yours! You would get a lesson too for not informing about that fucker troubling you by trying to be touchy with you. But first, let me deal with that dickhead!" The blond was indeed very angry at his soulmate.

How dare he not inform him about all these? Taehyung strongly disliked it when Jimin hid stuff from him like that and the older always got scolded for it, yet he never behaved. What was his fault? He just did not want to bother his TaeTae with such things when he already had so much to handle, especially his dad.

"Uff! No bad words, please? You know I don't like it, right?" Jimin tried to lure the younger with his famous puppy eyes.

"As if I like it when you hide things," the blond scoffed.

"Sorry, nah! I would not do it ag- -" Jimin could not complete his sentence as he was pushed forward, luckily Taehyung caught him on time.

They looked at the person who was the cause of it and Taehyung's blood boiled in anger when he realized who that was, he was about to go toward them but Jimin stopped him. However, it seemed like the other male was too eager to get beaten by Taehyung.

"Uff, you pink candy! You can surely fall into the arms of that 'soulmate' of yours, but if we ask the same then we are being perverts, huh? Just say you like his dick more than ours, you wh- -"

The male was shut up by a hard punch on his jaw. He looked up while tasting the metallic taste of the blood that came out from his then burst lips. The very first view he saw was Taehyung having bloody red eyes with an extremely angry look on his face.

"You bloody son of a bitch! How fucking dare you?!" With that, Taehyung grabbed the male's collar and started to punch him without any mercy. "How fucking dare you to call him nasty names? Top of that, you fucking even dared to touch him without his consent?! I will kill you, you motherfucker!"

Taehyung was indeed on the verge of killing the male while Jimin on the other hand was finding it hard to control his fast breathing. He always hated fights and yelling. He had many past traumas regarding that. He would always get overwhelmed with such things. The pink-haired male tried his best to calm himself down and control his soulmate.

Jimin tightly hugged Taehyung from behind and uttered in a small voice, "T-tigie, please, stop. Let go. Please, for your Chimmy." As the blond heard the older's almost inaudible voice, he immediately let go of the boy and turned back to hold his Chimmy, who might be having a possible panic attack.

Just then the principal, who was informed about the ruckus by the injured male's friends, arrived at the scene, and seeing the almost bloody scenario pushed him off the edge. The principal went to Taehyung whose entire focus was on his soulmate who was having breathing problems and a panic attack at that moment.

"KIM TAEHYUNG AND LEE SEOJUN! IN MY OFFICE, RIGHT NOW!" The principal ordered, but Taehyung could care less. His soulmate needed him the most at that moment.

"Chim, darling. See, your Tigie is here, just look at me, babe. Try to follow my lead, please, sweetie." Taehyung was having a mental breakdown as well, but he kept his calm. He cursed himself as he was very much aware of the other's medical condition. The principal was getting pissed seeing the blond ignoring him. Thus, he pulled the blond away from Jimin, who was jerked away due to the sudden pull.

And that was it! It crossed Taehyung's last strand of patience and he did something he should not have. He pushed the principal hard and warned the other, "Nothing is more important than my soulmate to me at the moment! Not even you, you old man!" With that, Taehyung ran towards Jimin and picked up the unconscious male in bridal style, immediately leaving toward the infirmity. Not caring about the principal who turned red due to anger and ordered his peon.


Assalamu Alaikum, everyone, so finally I am back with the first chapter. The first chapter might seem a bit a boring and no, it is not VMin centered book, I just wanted to portray the soulmate bond of theirs and to show how much important Jimin is and will be for Taehyung throughout the story.

Anyways, do support, vote and comment if you liked the chapter. Wait for the next chapter till then stay safe and healthy. Take care. Have a nice day/night ahead. Allah Hafeez.

- Wölfin.

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