✜ㅤ──ㅤ﹙𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟏﹚

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Slow music and loud clapping were heard in the background, as Colonel Park announced the great deeds of the youngest military officer among them and congratulated him for completing his two years of military service smoothly and with tremendous success.

"Now, I would like to call that skillful officer on stage, who never failed to make us proud with his amazing physical and mental skills— Officer Kim Taehyung," the Colonel announced as everyone clapped for the young officer.

The young officer was not only talented but also very handsome; his visuals and physique were something anyone could die for: sharp yet bambi almond eyes, his sharp jawline, and a Roman nose, his boxy smile, and the moles on his face made him even more attractive to others. He did not have much of a well-built body with abs but still had a strong and healthy one. He was wearing a white shirt with a black suit and pants. His shining black hair added more to his charms.

He was very polite and kind-hearted too. Each of the peers, juniors, and seniors admired him and the juniors often looked up to him. He was a great inspiration for the young generation. He was a bubbly and outgoing person. He would easily make friends and even enemies could not resist his friendly attitude and personality.

As Taehyung reached the stage, everyone started to cheer for him. The black-haired could not help but smile at their actions. He cleared his throat and took the mic before starting his speech, "I really can't believe that I am saying this but I really enjoyed my time here. I still remember that awful day when I decided to come for training even when I didn't want to and I was crying my eyes out like a kid. But I came to this place which now became the sweetest memory of my life.

"I am really grateful for my seniors who tolerated my childish nature but still guided me to become the man I am today. Special thanks to my friends with whom even the scariest nights became the funniest. I learned a lot from everyone and I hope I made everyone a tad bit satisfied with my work. Once again thank you so much, everyone. This is officer Kim Taehyung signing off." With that, he bowed and everyone cheered, clapped, and at the same time felt emotional as it was the other's last night with them.


Slow rhythms and chattering of different groups on each table were heard in the background as table number five's members were spending the last few hours with their soon-to-be ex-member. Yes, the table was occupied by Taehyung and his batch mates and other senior juniors. They were eating, drinking, bickering, and gossiping about their lives, whereas the young soldier was just listening to their talks, speaking, or laughing once or twice in between.

"Dude, Tae, you are going to leave tomorrow morning. Now at least, tell us about your secret lover." One of his batchmates, Park Bogum, with jet black hair, almost pleaded; making Taehyung lowly chuckle at his request.

"Yes, Taehyung-ssi, you always say you have your heart already locked for someone and reject all our proposals. So, now tell us who is that lucky person?" One of the young female soldiers, Lalisa Manoban, with short brown hair, asked.

Taehyung was about to deny their request but soon each of the members started to pester him and he gave up while saying, "Okay, fine! But for that, I have to start everything from the beginning. Think about it. Do you have enough patience to know about it all?" He asked with a teasing smile, thinking they would back away. But he was proved wrong the very moment they all cheered and said they were willing to pull off a nighter and get scolded in the morning for being late if that was needed. But they were not going to let go of the golden chance to know about Kim Taehyung's love story.

Taehyung sighed before speaking again, "Alright, let's go to September 1st, 1995, Lifecare Hospital, Seoul." With that being said, Taehyung went down memory lane.

... 1st September 1995.

A man in his mid-twenties, Jeon Joshua, was being comforted by his best friend, Kim Dawoon and his wife, Kim Yashi; in front of the emergency ward of the hospital. Inside was the wife of Joshua, Jeon Sanya, who was nine months pregnant and going through labor pain. The man was being impatient and worried for his wife and unborn baby. His friends were trying their best to calm the male but the said male was not having it. His heartbeat increased with each scream of his wife who was feeling nothing but pain.

"Josh-ah, calm down. Sanya is a strong woman, she would be alright. Even our little bun would be fine. Please, control yourself. They both will be fine, hmm?" Dawoon tried his best to calm the panicking male.

Away from them was standing a little boy of three years with a bunny plushie in his hand, watching his mom and dad calming his neighbor uncle, with his big bambi almond eyes. He went towards his mom and nudged her dress while asking, "Mwommy, why Jwoshua unkie cwying?" The three-year-old boy asked with his big curious eyes, not liking the fact his favorite uncle was crying.

The lady looked at her side only to see his son's eyes getting teary while looking at Joshua. She immediately knelt to the boy's level and held his small hands while asking, "TaeBear, why are you crying, sweetie? Is something wrong? Tell mommy, sweetie."

"Jwoshua unkie cwying. Bwhy? Awnd bwhat hwappened to Swanywa auntie?" The little one asked.

"Oh baby, don't worry, Josh uncle is fine, just worried for Sanya auntie, she is in pain to bring our bunbun to us, that's why bubba. You don't cry, you are mommy's strong boy, hm?" Yashi wiped his tears which his precious eyes shredded and explained the situation.

Taehyung pouted an angry pout and uttered, "I don wike thish bwunbwun. He ish gwiving pwain tu unkie auntie." With that, he crossed his arms and Yashi's eyes widened.

"Aish, no. Bub, don't say that! He is a blessing to Jeon uncle and aunt, you know. And for us as well. He is an angel for us. And we should not say something like that. When he would come, you would get a friend to play with and love, and care for. You always wanted one friend, right?" Yashi asked to which the boy nodded.

"So, you would always love him and care for him. You would protect and always be there with him. No matter what. You would do that, right? You would become a great friend for him, right?" Yashi explained to her son who was then having a determined look on his face.

"Ywesh, mwommy TaeTae bwill always pwotect and wuv bwunbwun. TaeTae bwill bwecwom the best fwend fol bwunbwun. TaeTae pwomish!" The three-year-old promised his mother with a proud smile.

Yashi smiled fondly at him and ruffled his hair, "Yes! That's like my son!" Right then, they heard a loud cry of a baby from the ward. Without wasting anymore everyone went towards the ward and soon saw a nurse came out with a beautiful baby boy in her arms.

The nurse gave the baby to Joshua, who cried out of happiness and asked about his wife and was relieved when learned the mother of the baby was alright. Soon everyone went inside the ward, witnessing a tired Sanya who had a weak smile on her face and made grabby hands for her newborn angel.

Joshua took the baby towards her and showed their bun to her while saying, "See, Sanya, our bun looks so small and adorable."

Sanya smiled with tears in her eyes and cried out, "Yes, our bun looks like an angel." Hearing her, Joshua could not help but kiss her forehead lovingly and then did the same with his little bun.

"Thank you, my love. Thank you so much for bringing such a wonderful gift into my life." Joshua was very happy. No one could describe how delightful he was. Soon, the Kim couple went toward them and asked for the baby. They also praised the newborn's cute and small features.

However, the younger figure present there felt extremely left out and irritated, he wanted to see and meet his new friend as well, or else how would they bond? Thus, he just yelled out in a whiny voice, "TaeTae bwanna mweet lwil bwunbwun as bwell!"

However, for the newborn's sensitive ears it was too much noise and the baby started to cry out loud, making little Taehyung's eyes wide and everyone else panicking. Yashi and Dawoon started to rebuke the three-year-old as they handed over the crying baby to its mother.

"Kim Taehyung, what type of behavior is this? See, you made the baby cry," Dawoon sternly said, making Taehyung's head down and eyes glossy.

As Dawoon continued scolding Taehyung, the baby started to cry even louder, making everyone look at it. Taehyung, who had tears in his almond eyes, also curiously looked at the baby. As the older stopped scolding, the baby also stopped crying. It seemed the baby could not bear the three-year-old getting scolded and his tears.

Everyone was quite shocked, Taehyung got a little courage and slowly went toward the baby, his eyes still glistening with tears. As he went toward the baby, it stared at him with big eyes which Taehyung found very fascinating. The little boy just kept staring at the baby, observing his face while the only word that came out of his lips was, "Angwel!"

The baby seemed to like the name and started to move his eyes, forehead, and mouth in different ways, indicating it was happy. And seeing the baby being happy Taehyung also got happy as he giggled. "Lwil bwunbwun lwike thish nwam? Angwel?" And the baby again showed those expressions, making the three-year-old giggle yet again.

Taehyung again called out the name and softly booped the baby's nose, who immediately caught or tried to catch the older's hands, more like just happened to touch the little boy's bunny plushie that the other was holding.

"Chu lwike mishter bwunny? Owkie, TaeTae bwill give chu thish, TaeTae dwon sharl his twoys, but chu ish TaeTae's lwil angwel. Sho TaeTae bwill gwif chu thish." With that, Taehyung handed his favorite plushie to his angel who became even more favourite to him from that day.

The couples who were silent the entire time and were shocked at the little ones' interaction could not help but feel immense happiness to witness them interacting so cutely. As Taehyung was handing the plushie to the baby, Dawoon held his hand, preventing him from doing so. "Don't give the baby that, it might have dirt on it. What if the baby gets infected, huh?" Dawoon opposed, thinking about the well-being of the baby.

But oh boy! Did it make the baby angry? It again let out a loud cry, deafening their ears, making Dawoon immediately leave Taehyung's hand and look at the baby with scared eyes, "Okay, lil bun, okay. I will not say anything to your friend. I am sorry. Please, don't cry."

Seeing the older Kim being a scaredy-cat in front of an infant, everyone laughed while Sanya said, "Be careful, Dawoon Oppa, don't always scold our TaeTae, because it seems like TaeTae got a new savior for himself." And everyone yet again laughed, while the two babies completely ignored them and were getting bonded within themselves.

"Okay, whatever, don't mock me, y'all! So what name did you think of for the baby?" Dawoon asked while the Jeon couple looked at each other before saying the name they decided beforehand.

"Jeongguk! Jeon Jeongguk!" They announced and soon cheers were heard in the ward.

Taehyung also heard the name and turned to the baby, "Owkie, angwel, chu gotch chur nwam but chu wud stwil be TaeTae's lwil angwel. Oopsh! TaeTae nwot shay hish nwam. Hewo, Gwukkie angwel, me ish K-Kim Taeh-hyung. Chu can call me TaeTae ash bwell!" The little one struggled a bit but still was successful in introducing himself to his new friend, who was again looking at him with its cute little eyes.

And it was just the beginning of a hell of a friendship, my dear. Since that day began the miseries of both Kim and Jeon's households. As years passed the miseries for the couples, especially for the fathers, just increased.

Jeons would never be able to say a single thing to Jeongguk because he had his universal weapon named, Kim Taehyung or should we say Jeongguk's TaeTae Hyungie. Taehyung would always protect the younger from getting scolded or punished.

While the same thing would happen in Kim's household as well, the difference was that Jeongguk would not only save his Hyungie from getting scolded but also would give Dawoon a good hearing. Dawoon, the great strict CEO, would always get scared of that angry human bunny. Nevertheless, both the families loved and adored the males to the moon and beyond.


Assalamu Alaikum, and there you go another story. Hope you all enjoy it. And do vote and comment down your thoughts regarding this. Next part would be out soon. Till then stay safe and healthy. Take care. Have a nice/day night ahead. Allah Hafeez.

- Wolfin.

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