𝟬𝟭. paradise ✔︎

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𝗟𝗜𝗙𝗘 around the château, is a two way street. It can either be hectic, or it can be chill, there's no in the middle.

JohnB walks out of the bathroom, that early morning after the first party of the summer had taken place at the boneyard.
He found himself follow his normal routine, which never really changed since his dad went missing.

Walking past the spare room, which JJ normally steals, as he looks in to find a blonde girl underneath the boy, catching JJs attention.

"Dude! Come on, man, get out of here!" he exclaims before throwing a plastic cup at the door while JohnB shuts it, before continuing pacing into the main section of the château.

Seeing Kiara and Aven smushed together on the sofa bed, watching a video on their phones as their tired eyes glaze at the screen.

"Morning Kie, Aven" JohnB calls waving his hand as a signal to signal the greeting.

"Morning" they both reply, their voices deeper than usual with their morning voice hogging their vocal chords.

JohnBs hand reaches for the door before he's being pushed back by a force, opening his eyes and blinking a few times to see the blonde girl in front of him.

Her denim short that clutched to her thighs and her bikini top that held everything together.

She smiles at JohnB quickly before looking around the sofa near the other girls, who ignore her frustrated presence.

"Morning to you too, Layla" JohnB chuckles leaning against the frame of wood watching the frazzled girl look around in every pile of rubbish and clothes.

"Morning, Johnny" she replies while not making eye contact as he watched her let out a sigh before looking up at the smirking boy in front of her.

"Yes?" he replies cooly.

"Have you seen my shirt?" the girl asks, making JohnB stifle a laugh.

"How'd you lose your shirt, Layla?" he questions while watching the frantic girl search.

"Wouldn't you like to know, perv" she laughs looking up at him with a light smile before heading towards JJs room.

"Oh, I wouldn't-" JohnB goes to explain but Layla opens the door and walks in, letting the girl and JJ snatch themselves up to look at her.

Ignoring the two on the bed and searching around the room for her top, making the girl in bed next to JJ cover herself up with a blanket.

"Rosie?" jj speaks up sighing, "Do you mind?" he asks, as the girl tumbles across the room.

"Give, me-" Layla says before looking on the bed and lifting up pillows and blankets to look for her shirt, "-A second" she finishes her sentence before jumping on the bed, lying on her stomach horizontally and letting her feet hang one end while her head is on the other.

Her green eyes bore under the bed before noticing a lilac covered shirt stick out, she reaches for it and grabs it

"Ah, hah!" she signals before jumping up and holding it proudly, before noticing the look on the girls face.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" she apologises before sticking out her hand for the blonde touron, "I'm Layla"

The touron just smiles in return clutching the blanket closer to her chest.

While the awkward moment occurs in the bedroom, the door of the château opens again.

Jackson's figure highlights the corridor, before his head sticks into JJs room.

"Layla, let's go" he says signalling his head towards the door.
She grasps at her shirt, before following the boy but stopping to ruffle JJs hair.

"Have fun, lover boy" she winks with a whisper before JJ watches Jackson pull her out the door frame and towards JohnB who was sat on the counter watching everything with a smirk and some cereal.

The blonde Maybank boy let's out a sigh and shuts the door before attempting to continue the fun he was having before all the interruptions, although he was definitely more in the mood before Jackson showed up.

"We're going" Jackson says, fist bumping JohnB on the way out.

"Oh Aven, I'll be home for lunch" Layla calls out shoving her shirt on and grabbing a water bottle from the kitchen.

She opened the fridge to see it empty again making her turn to face a guilty JohnB, "And remind me to grab some food at some point"

She shuts the fridge, walking over to the mirror to shove her messy blonde locks into a ponytail, before a grip on her waist starts pulling her gently.

"Let's go" Jackson whispers placing a gentle kiss to the back of her neck and leaving a trail from her collarbone to behind her ear.

"Okay, okay" she giggles, grasping at his hand and walking towards the door, giving JohnB a quick peck on the cheek before leaving, "Don't get into to much trouble, I love you"

"Love you too, Layla" JohnB replies making the girl smile, her hand grabbing her water bottle before giggling at her boyfriend that was pulling her out the door.

Jackson was part of the middle class, his parents working their way up to the kooks, of course dating Layla had the benefits of helping out the family.

We liked him, he was a nice guy, a little shady at times but we trust him.
Well, apart from JJ and Aven.
They think he's bad news, but Layla's convinced she likes him.

JohnB places down his cereal and hops from the counter grabbing a beer, and popping the cap before walking outside seeing Pope led on the chair, half asleep.

"Hey" JohnB calls the boy, who mutters a response back before stretching an arm to do the original pogue handshake before the Routledge boy takes a sip of his beer, stepping into the outside world while feeling the humid air crash against his body as he lays in the hammock swinging back and forth in the gentle breeze.


The two twins laugh while running around in the garden.
It was later that day and there was mention of a storm to approach later that evening.

As they both sit on the grass laughing at the collection of photos they had taken of each other, Aven gently slips the favourites into her scrapbook that she loved dearly.

"I like this one" Layla says, holding up a photo of herself, posing making Aven roll her eyes.

"It's definitely the best in the collection, meaning-" Layla begins before flipping through the pages of photos that Aven had taken over the years, before landing on the front page and placing it down in the centre of the empty page, "-that it should be at the front"

"What?" Aven furrowed her brows looking at her sister, "I want people to look at the book, putting your face first will make them close it" she says smirking gently and turning the page

"We're twins" Layla answers

"Fraternal" Aven winks before looking at the page which was filled with images of their parents wedding day, Layla looks down to see her mothers smile.

Before looking back up at Aven, who was running her fingers delicately over the photos their mother used to collect.

She was the reason Aven was into photography, she grew up collecting photos and making scrapbooks with her mother.

While Layla and their father would go out on little adventures using their imaginations to guide their way.

"I'm thirsty" Layla interrupts the moment looking at her sister whose eyes flicker up towards hers and smiling.


Walking into the kitchen the twins heard the music playing from the small radio which was located by the windowsill.

The music playing some oldies ballroom classic, making the girls look in to see the maid cleaning the counters while humming to the tune.

Martha was a lovely women.
65 years old, she had been cleaning their uncles house for over 30 years, always stuck by his side no matter how hard he tried pushing her away.

She practically raised the girls from 10 years old, and told them to run for their dreams and not let their uncle drag them down with him.

She was gorgeous in her younger years, still is but she had an accident when she was around 38 lost vision in one of her eyes, made it harder to clean but she still went on.

She never told anyone how she lost her vision, just blamed it on old age.

The two girls looked at each other their faces filling with mischief as they placed their items gently on the patio before grasping at each other's hands and ballroom dancing around the kitchen.

Hearing a light warm chuckle they look up as martha switches off the music.

"Martha, why'd you turn it off?" Aven sighs releasing her sisters hands.

"Yeah, it was a banger" Layla adds, her british accent soaking through her words as the elderly women chuckled.

"If it isn't my two favourite children" Martha says, placing down the the cloth she was cleaning with and looking at the two girls.

They look at each other with a confused facial expression.

"Was that sarcasm, martha?" Layla asked dragging her sentence.

"I think we've just been insulted" Aven explains.

"Well, I never" Layla gasps, "Martha has sarcasm?" she says looking at her sister with a mocking glance.

"Tea?" Martha asks the girls ignoring their giggles that flooded the room, and turning towards the kettle.

"Please" Layla responds as her and Aven take seats at the breakfast bar, Martha had been originally cleaning while they watch her pour the tea.

"How have you been, Martha?" Aven asks the women, who laughs lightly.

"The same as always" Martha responds turning around with two teacups and a small bowl of cookies to share between the girls,
"My answer will never change, Aven-Lilly. Just like it hasn't for the past 6 years" the kind women smiles.

"And yet each time I correct you" Aven sighs dramatically before picking up a cookie, "It's just Aven, Martha"

"You ever thought of going by Lilly?" Martha asks the girl as Layla begins sipping her tea.

"Not really" she responds, "no one calls me that, just Aven"

Martha nods before turning to the blonde, "Well that young boy calls Layla-Rose, Rosie. does he not call you Lilly?" she asks and Aven smirks chucking a mischievous glance at her twin sister.

"Nah" she responds before turning her chair so she can move closer to Martha before lowering her voice,
"He's got a thing for blondie, over there"

Layla rolls her eyes at the comment while Martha just smiles warmly.

"JJ, does not have a thing for me" Layla interrupts, Aven opens her mouth but Layla beats her to it, "he does not"

Aven holds her hands in surrender, before turning to Martha, who is sipping her own tea before placing her tea cup down,
"Ah, young love" the maid sighs making Layla roll her eyes and standing off the chair to walk back into the sunshine outside.

Aven laughs and high-fives Martha before standing up and calling for her sister, leaving Martha to watch the two run off.

Aven apologising in giggles and laughter as Layla blushed a deep crimson.
The crimson that covered her skin.

Time flies, she remembers helping them form into young teenagers, helping them on first dates, helping Aven be more confident with coming out.

Martha and Layla were the first people she told, and then the pogues.

Ofcourse, the twins had their birth mother who had unfortunately passed, but to Martha those twins were her children, and she'd do anything to protect them.

Even if it meant taking her last breath to ensure their safety.


Running towards the shoreline, their feet hit the sand when moving throughout the storm.
the rain smacking them hard and the wind pushing their bodies in different directions.

Clinging onto their surfboards while charging towards the water.

"It's a double overhead out there, bro" JohnB. says watching the waves crash round violently

"Double overhead ?" Pope repeats, before watching the waves tumble and jump in the storm.

"Those aren't surfable waves, bro" he admits looking at JohnB.

JohnB laughs, opening his mouth to let his words fall out but getting cut off by a feminine voice in the background.

"Says who" the voice speaks up, the boys turn around to see the twins stood with their boards tucked gently under their arms, their hair in two neat plaits and their long shirts that fell just below their thighs.

They start walking towards the boys before smirking at them, their skin pure without a trace of makeup attached so they could easily make out the small features of freckles and scars that danced along their face.

Eventually the girls led the boys towards the waves, running and laughing throughout the bad weather, and ignoring the signs that pointed to not venture into the abuse of the waves.

Loving the moment they were all in together and adventuring the outside.


2175 words: edited.

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